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2021-01-07 03:52






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1).7 Simple Ways to Break Your Bad Mood

Some days it seems like everything is going wrong. On these days the world looks gray, bleak and barren.

Other days, maybe everything is going right. But you’re still miserable.

You don’t always have to understand why you’re in a bad mood in order to change it. These seven strategies can help.

1. Get outside.

Being in nature can help to lift your mood and even lull your nervous system. For instance, this 2010 studyfound that “forest environments promote lower concentrations of cortisol, lower pulse rate, lower blood pressure, greater parasympathetic nerve activity, and lower sympathetic nerve activity than do city environments.”

So when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, try visiting a park or body of water, suggests Darlene Mininni, Ph.D, MPH, author ofThe Emotional Toolkit. Or bring nature indoors by surrounding yourself with plants and flowers, getting a water fountain for your desk or getting a fish tank.

2. Listen to music.

“Get out your absolute favorite grouchy, wallowy music and relish in tunes that match your mood for as long as it feels good, ” suggestsAshley Eder, LPC, a psychotherapist in Boulder, CO. Then when you start feeling better, adjust your music to fit your brighter feelings, she said.

The opposite can also help. According to Mininni, if you’re upset, try listening to uplifting music. If you’re anxious or worried about something, try listening to soothing music, she said.

This study found that listening to classical music for just 10 minutes minimized participants’ negative moods. Other research found that listening to music lowered blood pressure, heart rate and levels of the stress hormone cortisol. (This study found these effects in 54 nurses who listened to soothing music for 30 minutes.)

Combining calming tunes with slow breathing also might help. Thisresearch found that participants with high blood pressure who listened to 30 minutes of classic, Celtic or Indian music while performing breathing exercises had significantly lower blood pressure than those who didn’t.

3. Embody your bad mood.

“Ask your bad mood how it wants to move and honor its impulses in safe —but sometimes messy — ways like smashing eggs, breaking old dishes, ripping up paper, or punching pillows, ” Eder said.

4. Tune into your murky mood.

“Try getting quiet and asking the cranky part of yourself what it’s upset about, ” said Eder. In other words, instead of fighting with your feelings, figure out what you need.

Let your mood be your messenger, she said. “Sometimes just honoring the impulse to have some alone- time,

因此当你醒来时在床的反边,试着去公园或喝 些水, Darlene Mininnin建议道,或者通过周 围摆放植物和花盆旁,在桌子上放饮水器和鱼 缸从而将自然带到室内。


“拿出你绝对喜欢的不满的、 沉溺的音乐,欣 赏让你感觉很好的音乐”,Ashly Eder(博尔 德的心理治疗师)建议。然后当你开始感觉好 一点,调整到更阳光的音乐。

相反的做法也可以。根据Mininni,如果你心 烦,试着听令人振奋的音乐。如果你很紧张或 者担心某事 ,试着听使人宽慰的音乐。

这个研究发现听古典音乐仅10分钟可以将参 与者的负面情绪降到最低。其它研究表明听音 乐降低血压,心率和压力激素皮质醇水平。 (这个研究从54名护士听舒缓音乐30分钟的 实验中得到。)

将平静的音调和慢的呼吸结合也可以去除坏心 情。这个研究发现高血压参与者听30分钟古 典音乐(凯尔特音乐或者印度音乐)同时做呼 吸运动可以显著降低血压,相比于那些没有做 呼吸运动的人。

3.使你的坏 心情具体化

“问你的坏心情它想怎么动并在安全情况下尊 重它的冲动的—但有时候凌乱的—方法像粉碎 鸡蛋,摔掉旧餐具,撕碎纸或者拳击枕头”, Eder说。


”试着安静下来,问 问你暴躁的那部分它在为 什么烦恼“,Eder说。换句话说,不是与你的 感觉作斗争,而是弄清楚你需要什 么。

让你的心情充当信使,Eder说:“有时候仅仅 是尊重想有一些独自一人的时间、睡更多觉、 为某事寻求帮助或者为关系留出空间的冲动, 它们需要你更多的 平静的去感知。”


感觉对于 自己生活有一定掌控的人比那些感觉 力不从心的人更快乐,Mininni说。如果有一 个特殊的处境困扰你,确定你能掌控的部分, 例如,如果你的同伴病了,更多的了解他的处 境。但是即使最小的事也算数。有时候你唯一 能掌控的是你醒来的时间,它也很重要。


如果你是内向的人,Eder建议 开拓独处时间。 如果你是外向的人,与朋友交谈或者和别人去 任一地方比如咖啡店。两者都有一点?“安排 限时的与一直很滋润的人一起活动,接着是不 间断的停工。”

7.安然度过 你的坏心情

有些天无论你采取什么策略,仍然感觉很差。 如果是这样,“承认它,与它为友,等待。给 你自己权限去让自己舒服,不管它意味着看 gossip girl老的桥段,玩愤怒的小鸟还是小 睡。”Eder说。

记住“有坏的 一天是没问题的,它会过去的”。

2).Can body language affect your confidence?

That Time I Tried To Be Wonder Woman Is it true that standing with your legs apart, hands

on hips, can really change your life?

Katy Waldman, Wonder Woman/Photograph by Andrew Morgan for Slate .

Body language! You are probably aware that it factors into your social, professional, and romantic relationships—even if you’re unsure exactly how. Maybe you’ve devoured articles about how to improve yours in various women’s magazines. Maybe you’ve secretly taken the advice of that body-language expert who’s always on Bill O’Reilly’s show to dissect the hand motions and neck placements of various politicians. Maybe you’ve even saved up to attend a workshop with the Date Whisperer. Or maybe you think it’s a load of bunk —I wouldn’t know unless you told me, with your body.

Of course, nonverbal communication exists. The angle of your shoulders, the tilt of your smile: All of that undoubtedly adds up to an aura, a general impression that beams off you like a radio wave. Often, the physical messages you send elude your conscious control. I know, for instance, that sometimes my body says things like “I just learned five minutes ago that Scotch comes from Scotland, ” even while my mouth is saying, “I, too, find craft distilleries quite interesting.” Surely we all would be happier if we could regulate our corporal “speech” more skillfully. But how much happier? Just how effective are particular poses at getting you what you want?

Back in November, I read about the research of Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy, who proposes that certain physical stances can alter the amounts of testosterone and cortisol in your body. More testosterone means, roughly, more confidence. More cortisol translates into higher stress. Cuddy found that “high power poses” increase testosterone and inhibit cortisol, while “low power poses” do the opposite. She describes the high power poses as positions that open up the torso. Think a cobra rearing and spreading its hood to the sun, or Wonder Woman with her legs apart and her hands on her hips. The wimpy poses force the body in on itself—the arms across the chest, the shoulders forward, the head and chin down—and convey submission. In a series of 2012 experiments, Cuddy discovered that people who assumed high-power poses for a few minutes before a fake job interview were more likely to win over judges watching a videotape of the encounter. Regardless of what they actually said, these candidates radiated presence and personality—and that got them fake hired, whereas people who adopted neutral or low power poses before the interview earned only middling scores from the judges.

Naturally, Cuddy’s findings made us want to conduct our own experiment. The women of Slate brainstormed three situations in which some extra confidence might be a good thing, and I attempted to Wonder Woman the crap out of them. Results below.

The Dating Scene:

A friend and I made plans to meet at 9:00 p.m. at a popular bar in Adams Morgan. I arrived a bit ear

ly, which gave me some time to stand outside the entrance with my fists planted on my hips and my legs spread. I did not, in fact, feel powerful. I felt silly. So I walked around to the side of the bar, where I had a slimmer chance of being observed, and tried again. No discernible testosterone cascades, but after a few minutes a sediment of calm did begin to settle in my chest. I also noticed that I was getting tired from holding the power pose.

When I went inside, a greeter was stationed in the doorway, and perhaps I was more gregarious with him then I might otherwise have been. We bantered, coruscatingly, about whether he planned to ask for my ID (“No, I’m just the greeter”) and whether the upper floor experience merited the steep climb upstairs. When I traipsed up to explore, a second man blocked my ingress.

Man: May I see your ID, please?

Me (calm, clear voice as I prepared to lie): I’m afraid I don’t have it with me. But I was born in December of 1987. I’ve been of legal drinking age for six years.

Me: Um, OK. Here it is.

So, confidence. Not an acceptable alternative to a government-issued form of identification. But is that really so surprising? A few minutes later my friend arrived, and after I refreshed my testosterone levels with a quick Wonder Woman in the bathroom, we moved toward the bar.

Then what? I wish I could report I became a dervish of voluble charm, causing men to fall at my feet as I expertly and self-assuredly broadcast “presence and personality.” But the night swung toward situation-normal: a few fun but meaningless conversations with the patrons nearby, two free drinks, no numbers. Maybe I did a better job overcoming my usual shyness—in the past, I’ve been nervous about chatting up new people—but I attribute that more to my friend’s easy extraversion and, perhaps, the alcohol. So far, I couldn’t conclude that Cuddy’s empowering body language had delivered any real results.

Cu stomerServiceEncounter:

Maybe I just needed to find the right context, to situate my Amazon warrior queen in a more promising matrix of social give-and-take. To the dry cleaners!

“We’ll have this ready for you in three days, ” chirped the youngish lady behind the counter, running her finger over a smudge on my shirt’s sleeve.

“Would it be possible to pick up the cleaning any sooner?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, ” the woman replied politely, “but we’re very busy this week, with the holidays approaching. A lot of people are dropping off their nice clothes.”

“Ah, ” I said. And then: “Could you hold on one moment? I need to make a phone call.”

Of course, I did not need to make a phone call. I needed to go outside, assume the Wonder Woman pose for 90 seconds, and then bend this uncooperative dry cleaning operative to my will.

In her book, The End of Men, Hanna Rosin discusses the delicate predicament of women who want to kick butt in the workplace.

描述道高功姿势率能产生使人奋发的功效,想想饲养的一条眼镜 蛇,扩展它的的风帽对着太阳,或者是一位神 奇女郎两腿分开站立,双手插在腰间。懦弱阻 挡了身体自身的力量--双手抱胸,肩膀向前, 头部低下--表达谦恭。在2012年一系列的实 验中,卡迪发现那些在假求职面试之前,用几分钟采用高功率姿势更有可能赢得二次评审的 机会。不管他们到底说了什么,这些候选人所显露出的风度和个性使他们被雇佣了,然而那 些在面试之前毫不作为或采用低功率姿势只能 得到平平常常的分数。自然地,卡迪的发现使 我们想要实施自己的实验。在斯莱特之女性头 脑风暴的三种情形中,拥有一些额外的信心可能是好事,并且我试 图成为神奇女郎征服它们。结果如下。

约会场景: 一个朋友和我约定九点在亚当斯?摩根有名的 酒吧见面。我来的稍微有点早,因此我两手叉腰,双腿分开地站在 外面。事实上,我并没有感觉强大,我觉得愚蠢,所以我走到了酒吧的 一边,在那儿不怎么会引起别人的注意,我再 次尝试了一下。 没有明显的睾丸激素增加, 但是几分钟之后冷静如沉淀物一般积淀在我的 胸口。我也注意到我正厌倦于保持这种伪装。

当我走进去,一个招待员站在门口,或许我跟 他更合的来,否则我不会这样做。我们开着玩笑,关于他是不是准备跟我要身份证(不,我 只是一个招待员)和关于楼上的体验是否值得 危险的尝试。当我漫步着准备去检验,另一个男人阻挡了我的前进。 男人:我可以看看你的身份证吗? 我(冷静,平和的声音就像我准备撒谎):我恐怕没有随身携带,但是我出生在1987年的12月份,我达到法 定饮酒年龄六年了。


我:嗯 ,好吧,在这儿.

所以,自信的。没有一个可以替代政府所颁发 的身份证明。但是那真的如此令人惊讶吗?几 分钟后我的朋友到了,当我在洗手间里如同一 个神奇女郎快速地刷新了我的睾酮水平之后, 我和朋友走向了酒吧.

然后怎么了?我希望我可以报告我成为苦行僧 的健谈的魅力,让男人们拜倒在我的脚下因我 广为传播的巧妙而自信般的风度和个性。但是夜晚又恢复正常:一些和附近的顾客有趣而无 意义的交谈,两杯免费饮料,数不胜数。或许我很好的克服了我平时的羞怯-- 在过去,我因与陌生人交谈而感到紧张--但是我把此更多地归功于我朋友的大方外向,或许,酒也起了一 定的作用。到目前为止,我还不能证实卡迪的 强大身体语言有什么实质性效果。

客户服务:< br>

王处于更有前途的社会妥协互 让的矩阵之中。致干洗工!

“我们会在三天内为你处理好这些”柜台后年轻 的女士叽叽喳喳地说道,她的手指在我衬衫的 污迹上来回摆弄。

“我能早点来拿干净的衣服吗 ”我问道。

“对不起”这位女士客气地说,“因为假期临 近,很多人都把他们高档的衣服送来 干洗,所以我们这周会很忙。”

“啊,”我说,“你能等一会儿吗,我要去打个 电话。”

/当然,我并不需要打电话,我只是想出去,试 想那位神奇女郎装模作样了90秒, 最终屈服于按照我的意愿来进行这项不合作的干洗。

/一分半钟之后,我大步走回了商店放置我 衬衫 的柜台处,认为这是合法的权利。我声明道“我讨厌成为麻烦,但是这件衬衫今晚必须 洗干净,有什么方法能使它及时地解决。”

她不解地看着我,感觉非常的反感,我继续说 道: “我知道你们通常不提供当天服务,但这真的很紧急.”

/后来,奇迹发生了。这位干洗女工给 了我一个不怀好意的微笑。“如果这真的很紧急,”她说,“今天下午就可以准备好。”

成功! (如果成功是得到你所想要的,很明显 这就是!)

办公室:前面两个场景只是重要部分的前奏:人与人之 间的竞技加上最高的赌注才是最中肯的卡迪实 验。只是想想就使我的手心冒汗,我准备向我的老板请求提工资。

在她的书《男性的终结》里,汉娜?罗森论述 想把男性踢出工作场地的女性所处于的微妙困境。不像她们的男性同事,职业女性不会因坚 持不懈或有进取心而 获得赞誉。相反,她们有可能因主张自我而受到惩罚:罗森调动了我们对现实生活中的神奇女郎下意识厌恶的搐动 。

*然而女性员工犹豫太多只会加强秘书刻板的印象,不能为时机扫除障碍,错过了那些自然降 临于人生的机会。一个伪装的姿势会有所帮助 吗?/我发送了一封邮件给Big Kahuna请求就我新一年的工资与他见一面谈谈。我想他应该会回 信息提议一个时间,这样我就可以提前准 备好我的神奇女郎姿态。但是他只是在他回办公室的路上停在我的桌前,说:“现在怎么样?”可 能因为他是一个代理上司又可能是因为他知道 最好不要给我们员工任何时间去准备。

“当然可以!”我热情地回答道,心中有点恐 慌。我跟随着他,穿过长廊,一路上我的手都 紧贴臀部,肩膀也没有巧妙地打开,祈祷着他不会转身看见我像傻子似的移动。悠闲的路程 大概花了半分钟。是 不是我的神经末端清空了突触的睾丸酮,酶化了我大部分的皮质醇?很难说:这是我的第一次工资谈判,我不知道 没有了伪装我会怎么样。但是当我

说,马斯蒂克岛共有约 100幢别墅,其中74幢可供出租。Mustique Company Ltd.是负责管理该岛运营的半政府 机构。

他说,旺季时,一般配有服务人员的三卧室别 墅每周价格在14,000至18,000美元不等。五 卧室或六卧室的别墅每周价格高达25,000美 元以上。

在美国,佛罗里达是战胜冬日阴霾的必去之 地,它在莱坊榜单上名列第12位,每小时日 照的价格为283.99美元。

4)Big companies aren't paying out 100% of their targeted bonus pools

If your bonus in 2011 seemed skimpy, get ready for a rerun. For the second year in a row, big companies aren't paying out 100% of their targeted bonus pools, according to a survey of employers by global compensation consulting giant Towers Watson.

That's partly on account of the still-sluggish economy, of course. For bonus plans that are pegged to a company's overall profitability, payouts won't go up until earnings do. But something else is going on as well: Plenty of big employers have raised the bar for bonus eligibility, and many more plan to do so in 2013. For workers who already feel overworked and underpaid, that's discouraging news.

Consider: Over the past 12 months, more than a third (34%) of U.S. companies Towers Watson polled set higher bonus targets for organizational financial performance, and 24% increased their targets for individual performance. The trend will pick up steam in the coming year. About 40% plan to raise company performance goals, and 30% will demand more of employees.

Asked to do more with less for the past four years, a whopping 76% of U.S. employees Towers Watson surveyed said stress levels where they work have soared to new and unhealthy heights.

Moreover, notes the Towers Watson 2012 Global Workforce Study, the combination of more pressure and ho-hum bonuses (or none at all) is making people increasingly cynical about the connection between achievement and pay. Most workers don't believe that producing better results will be rewarded. Only 36% of the 3, 600 U.S. employees in the study see a clear link between performance and pay, including incentive pay like bonuses. A slightly larger percentage (37%) see no link at all, and fewer than half (42%) think top performers in their companies are compensated accordingly.

Laura Sejen, global practice leader for rewards at Towers Watson, notes that despite the currently soft labor market, "most organizations are having as much trouble attracting and retaining critical-skill employees as they did during the economic expansion of 2002 to 2007." To keep those key employees and attract top talent from elsewhere, she adds, employers "have to get serious about the incongruence between what the company is asking" and how it rewards its employees.

One way to do that: Cut out annual bonuses altogether. At least, that's the view of compensation expert Aubrey Daniels, whose firm Aubrey Daniels International has designed incent

ive pay plans for Blue Cross Blue Shield, NASA, Westinghouse, and many others. The author of an intriguing book, Oops! 13 Management Practices That Waste Time &Money, Daniels believes handing out one bonus check at the end of the year is a mistake.

"Even when they're tied to individual performance, end-of-year bonuses can be ineffective because they're too far removed from the behavior they're rewarding, " Daniels says. Instead, he recommends paying out smaller, more frequent bonuses -- as he does at his own company, where he set up a monthly system of evaluation and rewards.

via: 财富中文重点词(10)

incentive [in'sentiv] n. 动机;刺激adj. 激励的;刺激的

evaluation [i,v?lju'ei??n] n. 评价;[审计] 评估;估价;求值

compensation [,k?mpen'sei??n] n. 补偿;报酬;赔偿金

compensate ['k?mpenseit] vi. 补偿,赔偿;抵消vt. 补偿,赔偿;付报酬

soar [s?:] vi. 高飞;高耸;往上飞舞n. 高飞;高涨

organizational [,?:ɡ?nai'zei??n?l, -ni'z-] adj. 组织的;编制的

achievement [?'t?i:vm?nt] n. 成就;完成;达到

intrigue [in'tri:ɡ, 'in-] n. 阴谋;诡计;复杂的事;私通vt. 用诡计取得;激起...的兴趣 vi. 私通;密谋

retain [ri'tein] vt. 保持;雇;记住

bonus ['b?un?s] n. 奖金;红利;额外 津贴


2011年的奖金是不是少的可怜?提 前做好思 想准备吧,因为今年的情况同样不容乐观。全 球薪酬咨询巨头韬睿惠悦咨询公司(Towers Watson)进行的一项雇主调查显示,和上一 年一样,大公司将不会全额发放原定的奖金。

当然,这一方面是由于依旧低迷的经济状况。 由于奖金方案与公司的总体利润率直接挂钩, 因此,只要公司收入不增加,就不要指望奖金 会上涨。但除此之外,还有其他的原因:许多 大公司提高了获取奖金的资格限制,更多公司 计划在2013年推行这一措施。对于那些已经 感觉工作过度却报酬过低的员工们来说,这绝 对是令人沮丧的消息。

比如:过去12个月中,韬睿惠悦调查的美国 公司中,超过三分之一(34%)提高了针对机 构财务绩效的奖金目标,24%提高了针对个人 绩效的奖金目标。明年,这个趋势将愈演愈 烈。约40%的公司计划提高公司绩效目标,另 有30%计划提高 对员工的要求。

过去四年,员工被要求少领钱,多做事。韬睿 惠悦调查的美国员工中,竟然有76%的人声 称,自己工作中承受的压力水平已经激增至新 的、不健康的高度。

此外,韬睿惠悦“2012年全球员工调 查”(2012 Global Workforce Study)还发 现,越来越大的压力与少得可怜的奖金(甚至 根本没有奖金),使越来越多的人开始怀疑成 就与薪酬之间的关系。大多数员工不再相信, 取得更好的成就会获得相应回

报。接受调查的 3,600名美国员工中,仅有36%认为绩效与薪 酬(包括奖金等奖励工资)之间存在明确的联 系。37%的人认为两者之间根本没有任何关 系,不足一半(42%)的受访者认为,所在公 司的优秀员工得 到了相应的回报。

韬睿惠悦奖酬咨询全球业务负责人劳拉·塞伊 恩指出,虽然目前就业市场疲软,但“与2002 年至2007年的经济扩张期相比,大多数公司 依然很难吸引、留住具备关键技能的员工。 ”她补充说,要想留住这些关键员工,或者从 其他地方吸引优秀人才,雇主“必须严肃对待 公司对员工的要求和给予员工的回报不一致的 问题。”

一个建议是:彻底取消年终奖金制度。至少, 薪酬专家奥布里·丹尼尔斯便这么认为。他的 奥布里·丹尼尔斯国际公司(Aubrey Daniels International)曾为蓝十字与蓝盾协会(Blue Cross Blue Shield)、美国国家航空航天局 (NASA)、西屋电气公司 (Westinghouse)等公司设计奖励工资制 度。丹尼尔斯曾写过非常有趣的一本书《浪费 时间与金钱的13种管理实践》(Oops! 13 Management Practices That Waste Time &Money),他认为,年底签发奖金支票是错 误的做法。

丹尼尔斯认为:“即便年终奖金与个人绩效挂 钩,但由于他们与员工应该获得奖励的行为时 间上相隔太远,因此也就失去了奖励的效果。 ”相反,他建议更频繁地发放额度更小的奖 金。比如在他自己的公司,他便制定了月度评 估与奖励机制。

5)Why Does XOXO Mean Kisses and Hugs?

Whether you end a letter or e-mail with it—or you recognize it from the end of each Gossip Girl episode —“Xoxo” is commonly known to refer to the phrase “Kisses and hugs.” But how did these two inconspicuous letters come to represent that well-known phrase?

One possible explanation is that an “X” is a stylized representation of two mouths kissing, while the “O” represents two pairs of arms coming together to complete a hug. This emoticon-inspired account makes sense, but the true explanations are more likely rooted in religious history.

Because many people in the Middle Ages could not read or write, they would sign important documents with an “X, ” which was both a simple mark to make and a reference to the Christian cross. The signee would then kiss the “X” to demonstrate his sincerity and that what was written in the document was true—in much the same way that Christians kissed the Bible to display their belief in Christ. Besides referencing the actual cross itself, the “X” alluded to the early Christian symbol called the Chi-rho—named after combining the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ.

Tracing the origin of how the “O” came to represent a hug is more difficult. One possible explanation is that Jewish immigrants, upon

们在 签署重要文件时会使用“X”,这里的 X 既简单 易写又表示基督教十字架。然后签署人会亲 吻“X”,表明他的真心诚意以及文件内容的真 实性。这跟基督教徒亲吻《圣经》以表达他们 对基督的信仰几乎是一样的。除了表示实际的 十字架,“X”在早期基督教符号中被称为 Chi-rho,其得名是合并希腊语中表示基督的单词 ΧΡΙΣ ΤΟΣ的前两个字母。

追溯为何“O”表示拥抱更困难。一种解释是, 与基督教徒使用“X”类似,犹太移民来到美国 后使用该符号签名。不会读写的犹太人不 用“X”,是因为 X 会让人想到基督,而基督与 犹太人的信仰不一致。所以他们签署文件时 用“O”。

就像基督教徒用“X”加亲吻起誓,“O”随后也 被用来表示拥抱,其在记录、信件、甚至电子 邮件上代表相同的真心诚意。

7)5 Easy Things You Can Do Today That Will Noticeably Improve Your Life

5 Easy Things You Can Do Today That Will Noticeably Improve Your Life

Josh Linkner;Dec 17, 2012

As we wind down a busy 2012 and take time around the holidays to reflect, it can quickly become overwhelming, with so many differing theories on ways to lose weight, increase productivity and improve family relationships. While external factors have their place, the only true way to improve yourself is to start at the source: you. Self-improvement is never over, and for some of us, the task is daunting. However, there are few easy things you can do today –right now – that will have a noticeable impact. No reason to wait until January 1 to set an official “new year’s resolution” when you can do a few things with a couple of weeks of December left; this holiday season, give yourself the gift of peace of mind.

Reignite your passion. Whatever deeply moves you, set it on fire. Cooking gets you going? Call the neighbor you’ve been meaning to get to know better, email your colleagues, and call up your college buddy whose schedule just hasn’t matched yours lately – you’re hosting a dinner party. Car racing makes you feel like a million bucks? Take your son to a NASCAR race, or play his car/driver video game with him. Feeling frazzled and disconnected with your significant other? Rekindle the romance! Seriously. The more passion you have in your life, the more creative you’ll be.

Read more. There are so many amazing books and articles readily available for us all to consume. It’s like having the ability to sit down with an incredible thought leader every single night. What a joy. Dedicating 20 minutes nightly to reading will expand your horizons ten-fold, without a huge time commitment.

Write a gratitude list. The more we can connect with our deep appreciation for all the good around us will help us conquer all the challenges we face. If you’re reading this, it means you have a computer (and chances are, that means a

厨房露两手是不是很开心呀,那 好,叫上你想要加深了解了邻居,发个电子邮 件给你的同事,给你最近经常错不开时间见面 的大学时的死党打个电话——你要请他们来你 家美食一顿。赛车是不是让你觉得像个百万富 翁? 那就带上你的儿子,去参加全美赛车协 会举办的赛车活动,或者,跟儿子一起玩电子 赛车游戏。与你的另一半有点疏远?那再重新 点上蜡烛,诚诚恳恳地再浪漫起来吧。你的生 活中越充满激情,你就越有创造力。

2. 多阅读

可供我们阅读的精彩的书和文章简直太丰富 了,就如同我们每个晚上都能够同一位杰出的 思想领袖促膝谈心。你不必花大量时间,每晚 只需用上20分钟读书,就可以10倍地扩展视 野,这是多好的事儿呵。

3. 列一个表,写下你要感谢的人

环顾周围,让我们感恩的东西其实很多,它们 能赋予我们力量去战胜生活中的一切困难。如 果你能够读到我这篇文章,那就意味着你拥有 一台电脑(还可能意味着,你头上有瓦,身上 有衣,让你在这个冬天里很温暖)。把你感激 的东西一项项写下来,让它们更清清楚楚地展 现在你眼前。

4. 时常做些善事

付出越多,收获越多。这听来似乎有些空泛, 但却是事实。如果,由于你的付出,让某个人 的某一天变成美好,你自己也一定快乐。如果 你从午餐聚会上打包了些菜肴,在回办公室的 路上,有人问你是否可以给他点吃的,那就送 给他。他的肚子里有了食物,你的心里就有了 快乐——因为你帮助了别人。

5. 聆听别人真实的看法

旁观者清。我们的弱点别人看得更清楚。征求 别人的意见后,你就有事情做啦,而且是最最 重要的事情。 从别人那里你才得知,因为公 司的早会你常常迟到,让老板非常气恼。把你 的闹钟调早一点儿,是不是轻而易举?,瞧, 问题就解决啦。

当一切一切都处于极速运行时状态时,你就很 难抓住什么。所以,你可以利用一个假日,为 自己制订一个改善生活的计划。像婴儿学步似 地,轻轻松松做点事小事情——既不需要占用 你大量的时间,也不会掏空你的钱袋儿,更不 会损伤你的自尊。 妙就妙在,不必费什么劲 儿,就可以行动起来!

8)Learning a foreign language: five most common mistakes

Linguists studied attitude in language learning in the 1970s in Quebec, Canada, when tension was high between Anglo- and Francophones. The study found that Anglophones holding prejudices against French Canadians often did poorly in French language learning, even after studying French for years as a mandatory school subject.

On the other hand, a learner who is keen about the target culture will be more successful in their language studie

相当于你年收入 的40%。按照这一标准衡量,你在退休前的储 蓄量应该约为 你年收入的12倍。

想要知道一个更精确的数字,可以使用社会安 全局(Social Security Administration)提供的 退休评估器。从你目前的年薪中减去你预期能 领取的年度福利金,将差值乘以20就是退休 后需要的资金。

2. 增加投资

开设一个罗斯(Roth)个人退休帐户(如果你还 没有的话)。2012年你最多可投资5,000美 元,2013年最多可投5,500美元。没有工作的 配偶也能投资相同数额。如果你年龄大于50 岁,再增加1,000美元投资。

然后将部分资金投资一只基金,如专注投资新 兴市场小型股的交易所买卖基金WisdomTree Emerging Markets Small Cap Dividend ETF。 这虽然不该是你投资组合的全部,但应该成为 其中的一个部分。这可能是一项波动性较大的 增长投资。

据两组成功预测过去两次金融危机的专家介 绍,眼下新兴市场所能提供的整体回报是所有 投资中最高的。这两组专家所供职的机构分别 是Research Affiliates和GMO。前者是罗伯特? 阿诺特(Robert Arnott)成立的一家投资咨询公 司。后者是杰瑞米?格雷森(Jeremy Grantham)与他人共同创立的基金公司。 GMO估计,如果算上通胀率,新兴市场在七 年内提供的投资回报率可以达到50%,轻松击 败任何与之竞争的资产类别。

向豆奶印度拿铁、卷饼、蔬菜意大利面和 Overflowing Bucket O的炸薯条(波士顿常见 的一种酒吧食品)说再见吧。试着挑一个月 (随便哪个月)完全在家用餐,早午晚三餐均 是如此。

要做到这点并不容易 ,但省下的餐费可不少。

工作日买一个三明治当午餐要花10美元。然 而在家做一个三明治的话,购买食材只需要两 美元,制作三明治仅需五分钟。你的工资能达 到每小时96美元吗,而且还是税后?如果 能,这部分你就不用看了。如果不能,尝试自 己做三明治吧。

理财顾问们常说,新客户在第一次审计自己的 家庭支出时,最让他们感到震惊的通常是在餐 馆的花费。这些花费中有70%都替餐馆支付了 店面租金和员工 工资。


如 果你和许多家庭一样,那么你每个月得花 200美元甚至300美元支付手机、有线电视或 卫星电视以及互联网费用。

分析一下这部分预算,看看哪些可以避免。打 电话给你的手机服务商和你的有线电视和卫星 电视服务商,和他们砍价。你很有可能因此减 少很大一部分支出。

尝试放弃付费电视,用Netflix、亚马逊 (Amazon)或是Hulu Plus等在线服务看电影或 电视节目,这些服务每个月的花费还不到10 美元。Hulu Plus部分属于新闻集团(News Corp.)所有。《华尔街日报》属新闻集团

如 果从事与你的资质不吻合的职业,无论是心理 还是生理上都会感觉更困难、更吃力。”

以下是你要走的第一步,做一做笔者所着《百 万富翁密码》(Millionaire Code)一书中的小测 试。该测试是根据荣格(Carl Jung)的性格类型 和迈尔斯- 布里格斯(Myers-Briggs)的16种性 格类型设计而成的。

请做一下这个由四部分组成的简单测试,找到 你的四字母“百万富翁密码”。之后,你可以按 图索骥,查看迈尔斯-布里格斯的16种性格类 型,探索与适合你的新职业选择相关的一些具 体信息。

这项测试看起来可能和你多年前做过的某个测 试差不多。但情况会发生变化,所以请以开放 的态度接受你身上发生的巨大变化。你不会是 第一个离开银行,去做艺术家、珠宝设计师或 记者的金融从业者,但你也许会成为最快乐的 那一个。

这项测试非常简单,没有艰涩的心理学术语。 请凭直觉依次从以下四对字母中挑选出一个与 你的情况(而不是工作、社交场合中其他人, 甚至家人对你的期望)最为吻合的字母。你将 会认识到真正的自己是什么样的:

1. 外向型还是内向型?(E或I)

如果可以选择,你更希望生活在什么样的世界 里呢?我们都希望二者兼有,但外向型的人更 喜欢沟通、社交,与人聊天和倾听。内向型的 人则更喜欢他们自己的内心世界──较之与现 实世界打交道,他们更爱独处、阅读、安静地 思考,在自己的内心世界里生活和解决问题。

2. 感觉型还是直觉型?(S或N)

你是如何运用信息的?我们都用视觉、听觉、 触觉、味觉和嗅觉这五感来获得具体数据。然 而,感觉型的人随后会将新数据与过去的信息 进行对比。而直觉型的人则以未来为导向,他 们从原始数据中看出意义、可能性,并加以概 括。感觉型的人更依赖数据。直觉型的人则更 依赖预感、概念和灵感。

3. 思维型还是情感型?(T或F)

你是如何做决定的?思维型的人希望做正确、 公平、公正的事情。他们往往比较客观公正, 运用逻辑、理性思维和推理。而情感型的人则 比较主观和个人化,他们做决定的依据是个人 价值和换位思考,是为了让自己和他人在工 作、家庭和世界中感到愉快。

4. 判断型还是感知型?(J或P)

你更喜欢什么样的日常生活方式?判断型的人 喜欢井然有序、有组织的生活方式,要有日程 安排、计划、待办事项、清单、须完成任务以 及特定目标。感知型的人则重视顺其自然和灵 活的目标,能够轻松地适应新的局面。他们更 喜欢在变化的环境中保持选择方案的灵活性 (通常会保持到最后时刻)。

你 与真实的自我合拍吗?你是否在

给自己制造 压力,为你的命运、你生命的意义蒙上阴影? 如欲进一步了解:请看一看16种性格类型, 读一读与你的四字母密码相对应的描述。比方 说,我是INFP型,是一个寻找生活意义,寻 求让世界变得更美好的理想主义者。

你的四字母“百万富翁密码”是什么?你可以从 迈尔斯-布里格斯16种性格类型中找到与你的 特定性格相关的具体信息。让我们先从与16 种性格相关的大类说起,这其中包括你的性格 类型。
< br>


< br>这里面没有羞怯的人。你是聪明、精力充沛的 开拓者,热爱智力挑战,会为完善程序、系统 等而夜以继日地工作。你为实现梦想、改变世 界而奋斗,因此你的决策依据是实现所有人整 体利益的最大化(而不是任何特定的个人), 你会在情感和坚守的底线之间取得平衡。你往 往是人群中的首领。

职业路径:像你这样的领导者遍及各行各业。 担任公司高管、银行经理或办公室经理、筹款 人、医院管理者或销售经理可能会让你这样的 精英感到愉快。< br>


你是美国企业界的中流砥柱,你更关注现在而 非过去,但着眼于未来。你爱做计划,会定期 投资401(k)中最保守的项目以及你所在工会的 养老基金,此外,你很可能会为孩子投资大学 学费储蓄计 划。你偏好安全、保险和秩序。

职业路径:让你感觉最愉快的是有清晰规定、 结构森严的大型组织环境;也可以是警务机构 或军队。公司里任何职位你都适合,你可以担 任主管、经理、高 管、技术专家或员工顾问。


你更喜欢为自己工作,而不是为雇主工作,你 也爱帮助和取悦他人。

你不介意变通一些规则,也不介意做一个独立 工作的人。压力、意外和自由让你的生活变得 完整!

职业路径:运用你的创业精神来启动自己的事 业,哪怕只是兼职也好。你也许可以从经纪公 司入手,因为在经纪公司你可以自行控制工作 量和工作时间。

有富余的时间和金钱?你可以通过加盟Mrs. Fields或塔可钟(Taco Bell)这样的特许经营店 进行投资理财。也可考虑从事一些抽取佣金, 自己给自己做老板的职业,比如房地产经纪 人、作家、广告经理、旅游代理人和销售职 位。


你愿 意帮助弱者,对人抱有同情心,这使你成 为了所有人的激励者。你对工作、生活和其他 人的潜能抱有理想和激情。你是为启发、鼓励 和激励他人而生的。你拥有很强的心灵直觉, 在阅读肢体语言和捕捉他人感受方面拥有出色 的直感和能力。


hina is generally followed by execution.

Unfortunately, America has worked itself up over the wrong issues as far as “competitiveness” is concerned: we bemoan the fact that China has taken our jobs (and 42 percent of Americans believe that China is already the world’s largest economy, a Pew survey suggested). But those worried about the country’s future would be better served focusing on U.S. competitiveness in innovation, something that has the potential to put this country’s growth back on track.

The problem is that there is a general (and misplaced) belief that China will always be a loser, that it can only imitate, not innovate. Critics argue that its society is too top-down and that American innovation will always be buoyed by Silicon Valley.

More from CNN: U.S. needs an infrastructure bank

But the reality is that it is na?ve to believe China cannot narrow the gap in innovation, and the second Obama administration would do well to consider that America could actually learn a thing or two from across the Pacific. And it could start by grappling with some widely held myths:

1. There is no innovation in China, only piracy and imitation.

Most innovation begins with imitation; America got its start by imitating inventions from the Old World. Meanwhile, many Chinese "imitations, " such as Alibaba, Tencent or Sina Weibo, have moved far beyond being mere copies of their U.S. counterparts. Each is solving problems uniquely relevant to Chinese businesses and consumers, something that could create platforms for innovations that are propelled into global markets.

2. The Chinese approach to innovation is too top-down and state- led – real innovation only comes from the bottom- up.

The Chinese state is committed to bringing China to the ranks of the innovative nations by 2020. Silicon Valley entrepreneurs might shudder at this top-down approach. Yet consider, for example, where the American entrepreneur would be if the U.S. government had not funded the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency that gave birth to the Internet. The state must play a role in investing in foundational innovations, such as the Internet and mobile technologies. Once these foundations are laid, then a competitive bottom-up ecosystem will encourage creative destruction. But sadly, U.S. government investment in such foundational innovations has been on a steady decline.

3. Intellectual property rights protection in China is too weak to encourage innovation.

China's weaker intellectual property protection could, arguably, make it easier to foster a climate conducive to open innovation. Of course, a balance needs to be struck between open access to intellectual property and protecting it – with no protection, innovation will stall, because investors need returns on their investment. Unfortunately, in the U.S., intellectual property protections block innovation just as much as they promote it.

4. In a globalized economy, sustaining innov

创始人执行董事。本文仅为作 者个人观点。

我们现在已经知道,在全球经济中最重要的两 个国家,美国在今后的四年,中国在今后的十 年,谁将是国家的领导人。当奥巴马总统将要 离任时,中国的GDP将已经超过美国,至少经 济合作与发展组织的报告是这样认为的。但 是,GDP并不是中国领导人最关心的问题,中 国将眼光放在了另一个领域--创新,在创新领 域追赶美国。

我最近一次访问天津,在世界经济论坛夏季达 沃斯会议上发言,中国的领导人们在谈到创新 时,表现出要缩小差距的紧迫感,我对此感到 了震惊。在我看来,很显然,美国是时候对此 予以关注了,因为在中国,一般来说紧迫接下 来就是要有行动了。

很不幸,在“竞争力”问题上,美国一直存在错 误的认识:我们哀叹中国抢了我们的工作(皮 尤的一项调查显示,42%的美国人相信,中国 已经是世界上最大经济体)。但是,那些担忧 美国国家未来的人,最好是去关注美国创新方 面的竞争力,这是让美国回到经济增长轨道的 潜在动力。

问题是,人们普遍相信(并且是错误地相信) 中国将永远是输家,它只会模仿而不是创新。 批评家们称,中国社会太过于自上而下,硅谷 将永远是美国创新的支撑力量。

但现实是,相信中国不可能在创新方面缩小差 距的看法太幼稚了,并且奥巴马的第二任政府 将认真考虑,美国真的可以从太平洋彼岸学到 些东西。它可以从纠正一些流传广泛的错误认 识开始:

1、中国没有创新, 只有盗版和仿造。

大多数的创新都始于模仿;美国也是从模仿旧 世界的发明开始的。同时,中国的许多“模 仿”,例如阿里巴巴、腾讯或者新浪微博则远 不是仅仅复制其美国同行的产品。他们每一家 都是解决特别与中国的商业和消费者相关的问 题,有些产品可以创建创新的平台,并推进到 全球市场。

2、中国的创新太偏重自上而下,而真正的创 新只能是自下而上。

中国承诺要在2020年之前将中国带入创新国 家行列。硅谷的企业家们也许会对这种自上而 下的计划不寒而栗。是的,例如,想想如果美 国政府没有设立国防部高级研究计划局,创建 英特网,美国的企业家们将会是怎样。国家在 投资基础创新方面必须有所作为,例如英特网 和移动技术。一旦这些基础技术建立了,有竞 争性的自下而上的生态系统将能够鼓励创造性 的破坏。但是,很可悲,美国政府在基础性创 新上的投资一直在稳定下降。

3、中国的知识产权保护太弱,无法鼓励创 新。

可以说,中国知识产权保护的弱势可以更容易 地培育一个开放创新的环境。当然,需

要在知 识产权的开放和保护两方面找到平衡,如果没 有保护,创新就将熄灭,因为投资者的投资需 要获得回报。不幸的是,在美国,知识产权的 保护阻碍创新抵消 了其推动创新的作用。

4、在一个全球化的经济中,持续创新要求投 资于国际市场;中国在国外的品牌和软实力是 弱的且过时的。

尽管中国有一些不能解决的问题,例如领土纷 争和贸易平衡问题,但是,中国在世界上高速 发展地区,包括非洲、拉丁美洲和东亚的影响 力比美国要增长得快得多。当中国的创新寻找 投入或者消费者时,他们会转向这些市场,他 们可能与知名的美国品牌有同样多的机会,甚 至可能有更好的机会。实际上,在与非洲和拉 丁美洲的关系上, 中国经常走在美国的前面。

5、中国的教育模式强调死记硬背;创新只有 在鼓励开放、批判性思维的环境和广泛的文化 传统教育中培育出来。

中国方式的危险是,如果学生不接触其他领域 并且不被鼓励批判性思维,他们可能缺乏成为 有创造性的问题解决者和风险承担者。但是, 美国的体系有它自己的严重问题。例如,美国 商务部最近的一项报告显示,美国在科学、技 术、工程和数学教育方面的差距在扩大。值得 注意的是,移民填补了教育的差距,硅谷中有 一半的新创公司是移民创建的。

当然,中国创新的模式还有很长的路要走,但 是中国在许多方面也是在学习美国,并且沿着 我们早期的路在走。随着中国在前进,并且加 入他们自己的经验和方法的独特性,它可能创 造出一种新的混合体模式,包含有其他国家, 包括美国的经验。

不要忘记,全球定位系统确实是美国国防部的 产品。但是,中国是首先为我们提供指南针的 国家。

12)How to Turn Off Negative Thoughts in Your Mind

Barring psychological illness, we are all largely responsible for our own emotional health and well-being. What does that mean? That what we say to ourselves over and over for days, weeks, months, and sometimes years, has a dramatic effect on how we see ourselves. This also contributes to many of the mental health disorders we see rampant today: what we choose to have continually playing in our brains stays there, and there’s a real problem when we start buying into the negative thoughts we have about ourselves.

I discovered how powerful the effect of conditioning is firsthand when I was listening to some oldies the other day on the radio—I was amazed at how quickly I could belt out the words to songs I hadn’t heard in decades. How could I remember all those lyrics from so long ago? Because I was conditioned by them. I listened and sang those words day in and day out for what seemed like forever, until they were burned into my brain cells, and

some of those old songs even provoked strong feelings in me as I took a quick trip downmemory lane.

The mind is a powerful thing, and in a nanosecond, it can elevate or crush our mood because of the beliefs lurking behind our feelings.

If you think I’m kidding, try it yourself: think of an old song, or even the lyrics to one of your favorite television shows. Those of us who are old enough can belt out the opening line to The Beverly Hillbillies in our sleep.

So, what does all this have to do with our emotional health? Everything.

Many of us have problems with negative thoughts playing on the channel of our minds, but if you’re engaging in it consistently, and you believe it, it could be eroding your sense of self-esteem. Here are a few beliefs that indicate you may need to switch the station:

I’m a loser

I’m not good enough

I don’t deserve….

No one likes me

I suck at relationships

I’m a failure

Negative thoughts conjures up bad feelings and hooks you into believing that what those old tapes in your head are playing is actually true. In short, it brings your focus to your failures, and that gets you nowhere.

What can you do?

Here are some suggestions:

Notice when that same old song starts playing, and switch the channel

Self-talk is so subtle that we often don’t notice its effect on our mood and belief systems—as previously noted, one song can conjure up an entire series of thoughts and memories. Key things to notice are “if only or “what if” statements: the former keep you stuck in the past with regret, while the latter keep you fearful of the future. There is nothing you can do about the past, and the future isn’t here yet, so stay in the present moment.

Visualize the good things

Three scoops of ice cream: chocolate, vanilla, strawberry. Fresh crushed pineapple and strawberries, warm luscious hot fudge. Ripe sweet banana. Fresh whipped cream and a juicy red cherry. Get the drift? By now, you’re not only thinking of the banana split, you can taste it. If we want to change the negative tapes playing in our heads, we have to visualize ourselves positively—that means seeing yourself non-judgmentally. Picture accepting yourself. How would that look? Draw a picture in your mind and expand on it.

Whatever you believe, you’ll experience more of, and you’ll also find yourself behaving in ways that are congruent with your beliefs. So, start believing the best about yourself: act as if you believe that you’re a valuable and worthy person.

Pay attention to triggers

Triggers are anything that can start the old tapes playing. If a certain person is a trigger for you, set boundaries with them.

Develop positive counterstatements to refute negative self-talk

Instead of always putting yourself down in your head, think of some things you actually like about yourself. What are your strengths, what are you good at? Developing counterstatements requires you have so

me degree of belief in their veracity. Keep your counterstatements in the here-and-now, instead of saying “I’m not good enough” try saying, “I am capable. I’m good at ______. I accept myself the way I am .”

Thinking poorly about ourselves gets us nowhere and is extremely self- limiting. Decide today to turn off the negative self-talk channel in your mind and develop your true potential.

via: 译言如何消除你脑海里的消极想 法

除了身体上的疾病,我们还应该关注我们的情 绪健康。这所指的是什么呢?我们在日复一 日,有时年复一年里,给予自己什么样的暗 示,是对我们的如何看待自己有着巨大的影响 力的。这也与我们现在十分严重的心理健康问 题有着很大的关系:我们是不断地往脑袋里装 什么东西,而当我们开始把那些消极的想法灌 输到大脑里去时, 真正的问题就出现了。

第一次发现习惯的作用有多强大是,有一天, 我正在听一些老歌的时候。当我能够迅速哼 出,十几年没听的歌曲的歌词时,我自己都十 分地惊讶。我怎么会能够记住那些那么久之前 的歌词?因为我原来已经习惯这些歌词了。当 时,我日复一日地去听这些歌,好像永远不会 停那样,直到这些歌词深深地印在了我的脑海 里。当我走在短途旅行的小巷时,有些老歌甚 至能够在我心里引起极大的感情起伏。

记忆是很神奇的。只需要一纳秒的时间里,记 忆就可以振奋或者消沉我们的情绪。因为那些 潜藏在我们感觉后面的信念。

如果你觉得我这是天方夜谭,你可以试试看: 想起一首老歌,或者你喜欢的电视剧的主题 曲。那些和我们年纪相仿的人,即使是在做 梦,都能吼出贝弗利山人的开场白。那么,我 们能做些什么来让我们的情绪健康呢?每一件 事都可以。

许多人都会有负面思想的问题。但如果这些负 面的思想挥之不去,并且你开始相信它们,这 会

侵蚀你的自信。有下面的想法,则说明你需要 改变了:





我 不擅于交际


这些自我否定的想 法会使人感觉很糟糕,它们 会不停得在你脑海里闪现,并且使你相信它们 都是真的。简而言之,它会使你专注在你的失 败上,而这则会让你什么都做不好。

< br>你能做什么来改变这一切呢?


当意识到同样的消极想法出现时,要及时转换 想法

自我暗示是很微妙的,以致我们通常感觉不到 它在影响着我们的情绪和信仰系统。正如我们 上面提到的,一首老歌能激发我们无限的思绪 和回忆。我们需要特别留意的是,以“要是”或 者“如果”开头的句子:前者使沉浸在对过去的 悔

Well, that’s up to you do to decide.

5 Reasons Why Your Bachelor’s Degree Is Worthless

1.) Academic Inflation

In 1970, only 26% of middle-class workers had education beyond high school. Today, almost 60% of all jobs in the USrequire a higher education. Your new bachelor’s degree is becoming increasingly worthless as more and more people graduate from college, as jobs that used to need only a bachelor’s degree now prefer master’s degrees.

If the excess of bachelor’s degrees wasn’t enough, now we have an increase in master’s degree students who have decided to stay in school to wait out the recession: not only have you gone to school to earn a commodity, it’s now a sub-standard commodity.

It’s only a matter of time until you’ll need a bachelor’s degree and a certification to mow lawns—there go all the summer jobs for kids.

2.) The Illusion of Safety

What used to be a guarantee of safety and stability has recently turned into an exercise in musical chairs. There aren’t enough jobs for everyone, and you find yourself scrambling to not be the odd man out.

According to a CNN article, less than half of college graduates under the age of 25 are working at a job that requires a college degree. The same article mentions a 2012 study from Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce titled “Hard Times: Not All College Majors are Created Equal, ” showing that bachelor degree grads have an unemployment rate of 8.9%.

3.) Drowning in Debt

On average, the cost for one year of attendance at four-year public college or university costs 40% of a family’s income, and on average, approximately 40% of students leave school with a debt of $$22, 000. If you’re from a family that earns between $$40k and $$50k, that number jumps to $$28, 000.

Middle- class families will have more debt from student loans than their upper-class peers, who can pay for their education outright, and their lower class peers, who often qualify for grants and financial assistance. You might even end up being the one paying $$1, 000 amonth for 20 years just for four years of school.

4.) The Source of Creativity

People seem to think that the simple act of attending college makes you more innovative and creative. That’s simply not true.

Creativity and innovation don’t come from what people teach you: new ideas come from your personal experiences, and your interaction with your environment.

5.) Your Professors Aren’t Concerned About Your Education

I know people who graduated with a degree in engineering who couldn’t do a derivative. I’m not joking.

Many professors are far more interested in tenure and their research than they are about making sure you get the best education they can possible give you. They grade you on curves so you can’t possibly fail, and the curriculum never changes. In fact, one study showed that 45% of students are no better at critical thinking, complex reasoning, and

了大学,就能 让你充满创新精神。真是大错特错。

别人无法教会你创造和创新:新的理念来自个 人经历,以及你和周围环境的互动。

< br>5)教授们才不管你受了多少教育

我有一个熟人,手里握有工程方面的 学位,但 是连导数都不懂。我可没说笑。

很多教授更关心自己的职位和研究项目,而不 是保证尽力地培养你。他们网开一面,你就不 会不及格,就能毕业了,还有课程内容千年不 变。实际上,有一项研究表明:在批判性思 考、复杂推理和写作方面,45%的大学三四年 级学生的水平,比他们刚入学的时候,一点都 没有提高。

1)有比没有强< br>

尽管学位不再保证能功成名就,但在美国,这 依然是敲门砖。如果想找到一份工作,有学位 肯定能加分——不只是增加就业的概率,而且 薪水也更高。估算一下,要是有学位,一辈子 能多挣130万美元。

2)学 会抓住重点

大学不止是读书的地方:它还教会你思考方 法。学会成为一个领导者,以及只睡3小时, 完成一些几乎不可能的任务。

如果好好利用高等教育提供的一切,那么,这 就是一个契机,开始改变生活,与众人交往, 以及尝试生活的方方面面,并且这个契机毫无 任何副作用。


人的一生真的只能体验一次上大学的 感觉:住 在宿舍里,挑灯夜读……这些事情都让人无法 忘怀。接受教育,随时可以;但是这样的体 验,一生真的只有一次。以后,年纪渐长,人 太成熟了,大学里的各种冒险活动,你就不会 再去做了。

四年时间,你会完全脱胎换骨。任何上了大学 的人,都知道这种状况;因为他们都有一些没 上大学的老朋友,回家的时候,发现老朋友还 是和四年前一样。我并没有说生活一成不变的 人,就是失败者;我的意思是,如果你想体验 那种改变世界观的 经历,大学是最佳选择。


离开校园后,你才会意识到自己的心智每天都 遭到冲击。每天,从十几门课程中,你学习新 的概念;你可以选修下学期想念的课程,而 且,还有可能,在校园里遇见某个人,一席谈 话,能完全改变你的 世界观。


以后的生活里 ,人都得一直工作;就算给自己 打工,也得记挂着工作,象大学里那般轻松自 在,绝对不可能。

大学文凭不保障安稳;就象没念大学,未必就 是失败。是否读大学,要看自己的实际情况。 如果要去读大学,那么,就别满脑子想着是为 了找一份好工作,然后赚钱;实际情况,可能 并不如此。应该为了体验、发展智力,还有你 和同学们共处时,学到的点点滴滴。别指望公 司会搭救你——好好榨取你的学校

,最大限度 地利用四年大学,自己救自己吧!

14)Can you fall in love with someone you have never met?

Falling in Love

"Some people say that they know right away, sell you love on a cloud for a lullaby." - The Bodeans

Read the companion article to this hub: Ever After: What Happens When You Finally Meet the Person You Fell in Love With)

In a certain way, it seems you have to fall in love with someone you'venever met. When you get to know someone, how can you know you're in love unless you've already come to love certain characteristics that you find irresistibly attractive?

You have to know what it is or who you would fall in love with before you meet. If you don't know that, you won't have whatever it is that will trigger the falling in love.

Romantic love is romantic because it's based on an idea. The idea of the ideal person - someone who completes you, someone who you feel naturally matches your heartbeat and your very breath. Someone who is very different from you but complements you perfectly. Someone who makes you feel entirely like a woman - if you're a woman, and someone who makes you feel like you're a true man if you're a man.

You want your completor, the rest of your identity, that person who feels like your own heart and soul to you. But you cannot know these things unless you have formed that ideal in your mind and have pursued it. Then s/he walks in the room - you just know, you just know because you can't go wrong.

But the other side of the story might burst your bubble. There is no "someone" unless there IS. In other words, there has to be a real person, one you actually can or have met, one who is actually in your life to be the person you love.

What I mean is that it is easy to feel like you've fallen in love with the star of a movie you have never met, but that might not only be hopeless (since you may never meet), but also an enormous let down if you did. All you really do when you "fall in love" with an actor or person you haven't met is to shape the ideal of what it is to be in love.

It can be amazing how love works some times. There are people who've met, known each other for years, and only truly fallen in love after they never thought that would be possible.

How does that happen? Well, in part, it's because falling in love is about your life. Truly - it shouldn't be about what you hope your life should be but never becomes, it should be about what really is.

Falling in love doesn't have to be an experiment that if it doesn't work, you try an alternative - falling in love can be a wonderful process of finding, getting to know and bonding with the right person.

But that bond doesn't have to be some romantic lottery game, with sparks and endless thoughts of what might be - you can and probably should be good friends with someone for a long time, maybe even before you realize the sexual attractionis what it really is.

Of course, you want to have a tremendous sexual

attraction - after all, it's hard to think of being in love without it. But you can definitely have the sexual attraction on a physical level, without having it on a much deeper level.

I tried online dating for awhile and found it was not for me. It seems to work out for some people, but unlike other relationships I've had, I was very disappointed in what the prospects were, after I tried dating through a few different online sites.

There always seemed to be plenty of girls to meet, but once we met, the story was very different. I usually felt like I had been getting to know a different person. Once I got away from online dating and just met people in ordinary ways, I felt a lot more like I was getting to know real people, with real lives of their own -not a romance story or a fantasy idea of the perfect mate.

I have to admit there was a time when I became enamored of someone I met online - and we never met. She was overseas. I longed to read her messages as often as I could. I wanted to hear her voice and I wanted to know everything I could about her.

I dreamed about her - and the dreams were very vivid and seemed real. Sometimes I would wake up and go through much of the day thinking about my dream as if she had been with me the day before and left, and felt like I was missing her.

I often thought I was communicating with my lifemate. Then when I moved from Georgia to Michigan, I took a month or two, as I told her I would, and got settled, before I started thinking about how we could finally actually meet each other and be together.

I finally got back to writing her, but she wasn't there. Her emails bounced back. To this day, I'm not sure what happened. Did she meet someone else? Maybe. Did things change in her life in that time otherwise - I doubt if I'll ever know.

But the even more curious question is what if I had met? Then what? My later experiences taught me to think it might not have been everything I thought it would when we were just writing and talking. No, I can't be sure. But, you know, another thing is that all the things I thought I loved about her - I'm not sure I would be in love with that now - or that I ever really was.

There was something about the unattainability of our relationship that made it so intriguing. If I had met her at a fun event and got to know her, would she have seemed so special? Maybe, but not necessarily someone I would have fallen in love with. In fact, I think now the odds are pretty slim I would have ever fallen in love with her.

Already Met, But Far Away

Funny thing, though - to a guy, one of the most attractive things - at least when it comes to "falling in love", is a bit of unavailability.

I don't mean that in the sense of playing games. I also don't mean it in the sense ofunattainability. But if someone is in another place, is making their own, independent life important - and is still charming, approachable and, at the right time, can be touched as well - that seems

like the ideal circumstance for falling in love. But it's something quite different than the online type of relationship.

Can You Fall in Love with Someone You've Never Met?

Maybe it depends on what you mean by falling in love. For me, I'll take sight, touch, movement, etc. that comes with actually meeting someone, finding the real attraction, and letting the mystique of "getting to know" each other work its magic.

But I won't sell short the romantic idea of thinking about the ideal of that interesting stranger you've never actually met either. Surely off in the distance somewhere, at some time...don't you think?

via: 译言你会爱上未曾谋面的人吗?

某种意义上说,貌似你必然要爱上一个以前从 未见过的人。当你认识某人时,若不是已经爱 上了她的某些难以抗拒的倍具吸引力的与众不 同,你又怎么知道自己心陷爱情?

在你们没有遇到之前,你得知道自己喜欢什 么、会爱上什么样的人。如果你不知道,当爱 来临时你也什么都抓不住。

浪漫的爱情之所以浪漫是基于一种设想,关于 理想人选的设想——某个完善你的人,与你每 次心跳与呼吸都自然匹配的人。某个与你迥异 却与你完美互补的人。某个让你觉得自己是个 完整的女人的人——如果你是女人;如果你是 男人,则是某个让你觉得自己是个真男人的 人。

你想要的是,你本身的填充,你身份的其他部 分,以及那个感觉上去像你自己的心与魂一样 的人。但你不可能知道这些,除非你脑子里已 形成了那个概念并已经在追求它。当她/他一 走进屋子你就知道了,你就知道因为你错不 了。


不过故事的另一面很可能让你的希望破灭。 “某个人”是不存在的,除非已经存在了。换句 话说,你爱上的那个人,得是现实中的人,你 可以见到他或已经见过了,他务必是在你生活 中真实存在的。

我的意思是,你感觉爱上某部电影中从未谋面 的影星好像是很容易的,但那不仅仅意味着毫 无希望(因为你们可能从不会见面),也意味 着极大的失望。当你“爱上”某个演员或是某个 从未见面的人,实际上你对于“恋爱中是什么 样一副状态”脑 子里已经构成念想。

爱情有时候令人惊讶。已经遇到、甚至已经认 识好几年的人们,他们从未想过有可能,却最 终坠入爱河。

这是怎么回事?在某种程度上说,是因为爱上 某人是跟你的生活有关。真的,它不是跟你希 望怎样却从未实现的生活有关。 而应该有关 真实生活。

坠入情网没有必要是一种试验:如果不成功, 你又可以尝试另一种来替换——它会是一种美 妙的探索过程,与对的人相知、相融。

但是这种结合也没有必要是什么浪漫的彩票游 戏,

可能带着火花和无穷尽的想法——你能够 或许也应该和某人很长时间成为好朋友,可能 甚至在你意识到什么是真正的性吸引力之前。

当然,你希望拥有强烈的性吸引 力——毕竟, 很难想象爱情中缺少了这个。不过,就算没有 更深层的性感,你也当然可以在身体层面上有 性 吸引力。


我曾一度尝试过网络交 友,却最终发现不适合 我。似乎对有些人管用。而在我,不像其他的 情侣关系,我只在尝试了几个不同网站以后, 就对其预期非常失望。

看起来好像是有许多女孩可以约见,而一旦见 面,情况又大不同,让我总觉得之前在了解的 是另外一个人。一旦跳出网络交友以平常方式 约见,我就更多感觉是在结识真正的人,有他 们各自的真实生活——不是浪漫故事或完美伴 侣的构想。


不得不承认我也曾经对网上某个人动心 过——但我们没见面。她在国外。我渴望尽可能多地 读到她的信息。我想听到她的声音,想知道我 能知道的有关她的一切。

我还梦到她——梦里像真的一样。有时候我会 醒来回想白天,再联想到我的梦境,好像她昨 天和我在一起又离去了,感觉我很想念她。

我总觉得我是在和我的人生伴侣交流。然后我 从乔治亚搬到密歇根,我花了一两个月安顿下 来,我跟她说过我会的,然后我开始思考我们 怎样才能最终见面并且在一起。

后来我还回去写过信给她,但她不在那里了。 她的电子邮箱还退信。直到现在,我也不知道 怎么回事。她是否去见了别人?或许吧。还是 她的生活在那时有了变故?我怀疑我永远都不 会知道了。

不过,更好奇的问题是,如果见了面又怎样? 然后呢?我后来的经验告诉我,很有可能不完 全是我们当初聊的写的那么回事。是的,我不 能确定。然而你懂的,另一方面我想的全是我 喜欢她的那些事——我不确定我现在是否依旧 ——我想我曾经真的喜欢她。

我们关系中的某些不可到达性导致了过程如此 有诱惑力。如果我在一个娱乐场景遇见她、认 识她,她看起来会这样独特吗?有可能是,但 未必我会爱上她。事实上,现在我觉得爱上她 的可能性是很少的。

已经见过 面,但是很遥远

可笑的是,尽管,对于一个男人来说,是最有 吸引力的事情之一——至少一提到“坠入情 网”,就有点儿不可到达性。

我并不是说玩游戏,也不是说不可到达性。而 是,如果那个人在别的地方,以自己的独立生 活为重,还仍然有魅力,可到达,在对的时 间,也够得到——这都有点儿像谈恋爱的理想 情况了。不过这跟网络约会模式有很大不同。

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可能这个取决于 你对爱情的定义。对于我来 说,我会选择视线之内的,可接触到的,能一 起行动的,等等,这样才是真实的与人约会, 找到真正的吸引力,让“相互了解”展示它自己 的魔力。

但我也不会 卖 少 浪漫想法 Of 去想某个从没 真正见过面的有趣的陌生人的完美模型。 当 然在远处某个地方,某个时间……你不觉得 吗?

via: 译言


prospect ['pr?spekt] n. 前途;预期;景色vi. 勘探,找矿vt. 勘探,勘察

hub [h?b] n. 中心;毂;木片

lullaby ['l?l?bai] n. 摇篮曲;催眠曲vt. 唱摇篮曲使入睡

attraction [?'tr?k??n] n. 吸引,吸引力;引力;吸引人的事物

sexual ['seksju?l, -?u?l] adj. 性的;性别的;有性的

guy [ɡai] n. 男人,家伙vt. 嘲弄,取笑vi. 逃跑

heartbeat ['hɑ:tbi:t] n. 心跳;情感

attain [?'tein] vt. 达到,实现;获得;到达vi. 达到;获得;到达n. 成就

unavailability ['?n?,veil?'biliti] n. 无效用;不适用;不可获得

trigger ['triɡ?] vt. 引发,引起;触发vi. 松开扳柄n. 扳机;[电子] 触发器;制滑机

15)the secret to a healthy diet

One question I'm frequently asked is "What's the secret to a healthy diet?" The answer isn't all that mysterious. You just have to keep some basic guidelines in mind, beginning with:

1. Use smaller plates.

Whether you're already trim or trying to lose weight, one of the best things you can do for your waistline and your health is to downsize your dishware. Cornell University nutrition researcher Brian Wansink, PhD, has found that switching from a 12-inch to a ten-inch plate leads people to eat 22 percent fewer calories. If you downsized only your dinner plate, you'd be eliminating more than 5, 000 calories a month from your diet. It really is that simple.

2. Make half of every meal fruits or vegetables.

At breakfast, fill your bowl halfway with cereal, then top it off with berries or sliced banana. At lunch, eat a smaller—or half—sandwich, and add two pieces of fruit. At dinner, make sure your plate is at least 50 percent salad, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, or whatever veggie you choose. This ensures that you get enough nutrients and automatically reduces the amount of fat and calories you consume (provided you don't go crazy with fatty dressings and toppings).

3. Don't eat on the run.

The first problem with grabbing and gulping is that it usually means fast food. And even a smallish fast food lunch (small burger, medium fries, diet soda) delivers around 800 calories —more than the average woman would want to get at dinner. When we eat on the go, our brains tend to register the food as a snack—regardless of how many calories we consume—leading us to overeat at our next meal.

4. The shorter the ingredient list, the better.

Most of the healthiest foods have on

ly one ingredient: Think broccoli, spinach, blueberries, etc. Longer lists generally mean more sugar, more salt, more artificial flavors. More unhealthy stuff.

5. Nutritious food doesn't have to be expensive.

The smart choices cost no more. In fact, there was a potential small savings associated with the healthy selections. And that's without considering such economical options as occasionally substituting beans or lentils for meat, or making a sandwich at home rather than spending money at a restaurant.

6. Take an extra ten minutes a day to prepare healthy meals.

By devoting a few minutes to planning for more nutritious eating, you invest in your own health and that of your family. And when I say few, I mean it: Studies from UCLA suggest that a wholesome home-cooked dinner takes only about ten minutes longer to prepare, on average, than serving processed or ready-made food. If you make enough for leftovers you'll save time in the long run. And don't forget: Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease all lead to doctor and hospital visits—which take a lot of time.

7. Retrain your palate.

As any 5-year- old or picky eater can attest, familiarity is a powerful driver of dietary preference. But taste buds are malleable and can be taught to appreciate new and subtler flavors. When you swap processed, high-fat, sodium-packed, and oversweetened food for healthier fare, it can take one to two weeks before your taste buds acclimate. Don't expect to love new flavors right away (and certainly don't expect your kids to). Just keep serving the new dishes, and soon neither you nor your palate will recall what all the fuss was about.

8. Stop eating before you feel full.

Slow the pace of your meals. Pay attention to what you're eating. And call it quits when you're about 80 percent full. After a pause, you'll likely find that "mostly full" is full enough. Studies indicate that simply by eating at a leisurely pace, you could drop up to 20 pounds a year.

9. Sit down to dinner with the entire family.

Kids who eat with their parents are less likely to consume junk, less likely to overeat, and less likely to be overweight. Parents who eat with their children report greater satisfaction with family life. And families who eat together are far less likely to be plagued by eating disorders, drug use, smoking, and alcohol abuse. That's a remarkable benefit to something as simple as sitting down together for a family meal.

10. You really are what you eat.

The best way to keep your body humming is to eat a well-rounded, nutritious diet. As for better mental acuity—well, you get the idea: Your brain depends on the vitality of your heart, lungs, liver, kidneys (you name the organ) to be in tip-top shape. The best way to bring out your best attributes is to foster your overall health through smart eating—a diet that favors produce, grains, legumes, and lean sources of protein, such as fish and soy.

via: 大耳朵英语


还会省下更多的时间。并且不要 忘了:肥胖、糖尿病和心脏病会把你送进医 院,这会浪费你更多的时间。

反 复训练你的味蕾

任何一个5岁的小孩和挑食者都可以证明,饮 食偏好主要是因为对某种食物的熟悉。但是味 蕾具有可塑性,可以学会接受新的微妙的口 味。当你从高脂肪高钠和高糖的食物转变为较 为健康的饮食时,你的味蕾可能需要一两个礼 拜才能适应。不要指望立马就能爱上新的口味 (也不要指望你的孩子能)。继续吃对你来说 新的菜肴,很快你和你味蕾都会忘了刚开始的 不习惯。


放慢吃饭速度,注意看看你在吃什么。吃到8 分饱时就不要再吃了。过一会儿你就会发 现,“8分饱” 就足够了。研究表明,只要放慢 进食速度,你每年 就能减下20磅的体重。


和父母一起吃饭的孩子,吃到垃圾食品、吃得 太多和体重超重的可能性都比较小;和孩子一 起吃饭的父母,会觉得生活更幸福。而且和家 人一起吃饭的人,很少有可能存在饮食失调、 滥用毒品、吸烟和酗酒的问题。只是和家人坐 在一起吃饭这么简单的事情,好处就这么显而 易见。
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保持精力旺盛的最好办法就是 营养全面的饮 食。你要知道:你的大脑取决于你的心脏、 肺、肝脏和肾脏的活力是否处于最好的状态。 为了让你有更好的精神敏锐性,最好的办法就 是通过明智的饮食来获得全面的整体的健康。 饮食中需包含农产品如谷物、蔬菜,以及脂肪 含量低的蛋白质,如鱼和豆类。

16)Robert Downey Jr. Is The Top Grossing Actor Of 2012

It’s hard to overstate what a huge phenomenon The Avengers was this year. Bringing together superhero giants like Iron Man, Thor and Captain America could have been a huge, confusing disaster. Instead, the film scored the largest U.S. opening weekend of all time with $$207 million and went on to become not only the year’s highest-grossing film but the third highest- grossing film of all time.

The film also earned nearly universal praise from critics, an exceptional feat for a non-Batman superhero movie. The cast and crew could be up for some Oscars when nominations are announced January 10th.

In the meantime, we have an award of our own to hand to the film’s star, Robert Downey Jr. Because of The Avengers’ $$1.5 billion global box office haul, Downey ranks as the highest-grossing actor of the year.

For the sake of this list, we’re not looking at what each individual actor earned. We are looking at how much each actor’s films brought in at the global box office over the course of the year. We are only giving each actor box office credit for movies he or she starred in.

I realize many people out there are going to shout at me


今年《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)所引 发的轰动效应再怎么形容也不为过。把钢铁 侠、雷神托尔和美国队长等超级英雄集中起 来,这本来会是个令人不知所以的巨大灾难。 然而,该片以2.07亿美元的佳绩创造了美国历 史上首周末票房新纪录,并继续高歌猛进,不 仅荣登年度票房冠军,也成为历史上票房第三 高的影片。

该片还获得了几乎所有影评人的赞誉,这对于 非蝙蝠侠超级英雄电影来说是个非凡的成就。 在明年1月10日宣布奥斯卡奖提名时,这部影 片的演职人员可能会大有斩获。

与此同时,我们也有个奖项要颁发给该片明星 演员小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr)。 在《复仇者联盟》15亿美元全球票房的助推 下,唐尼成为本年度票房最高的演员。

为了编制这份榜单,我们没有考虑每位 演员的 个人收入,而是着眼于每位演员的影片在 2012年获得了多少全球票房。我们只考虑了 每位演员主 演的影片的票房收入。

我觉得,很多人会朝我大声喊叫,说《复仇者 联盟》是部集体影片,因此所有的主演都应分 享15亿美元票房的荣耀。

但我只把唐尼包括在内。不错,《复仇者联 盟》是部集体影片,但唐尼显然是最重要的演 员。该片的大部分内容都依赖于唐尼的魅力和 幽默。在计算票房时,他的份额应该高于其他 的超级英雄伙伴。

《暮光之城》(Twilight)也有多位明星参 演,我把《暮光之城》系列最终篇《破晓 (下)》(Breaking Dawn Part 2)的高额票 房收入归功于他们每一个人。到目前为止,该 片票房已高达7.79亿美元,但院线表现依然强 劲。

在三位主演(他们均分了《破晓(下)》的票 房成绩)中,克里斯滕·斯图尔特(Kristen Stewart)在今年取得了最高的票房,为11亿 美元。除了《暮光之城》以外,她还主演了 《白雪公主与猎人》(Snow White and the Huntsman),该片已于今夏登陆影院,取得 了不俗的成绩,全球票房为3.97亿美元,巩固 了斯图尔特的电影明星地位,她的演艺事业将 在暮光之城的世界外继续蒸蒸日上。

< br>斯图尔特的合演明星罗伯特·帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)在我们的榜单上位列第五,票房 收入为7.93亿美元。和斯图尔特一样,他今年 也参演了其他影片。但不一样的是,这些影片 并没有大获成功。《大都市》 (Cosmopolis)和《漂亮朋友》(Bel Ami) 的票房之和仅为1,400万美元。泰勒·洛特纳 (Taylor Lautner)也入围榜单,位列第六。 他今年只出演了《破晓》。此前有段时间,洛 特纳被奉为未来的大牌动作影星,但他的上一 部非暮光之城系列影片《在劫难逃》 (Abduction)在2011年的表现令人失望,全 球票房仅

跻身前五位的还有:凭借着《黑暗骑士崛 起》 (The Dark Knight Rises),以10亿美元票 房位列第三的克里斯蒂安·贝尔(Christian Bale);以9.51亿美元票房位列第四的丹尼尔 ·克雷格(Daniel Craig)。

人们已经预料到,今年克雷格主演的大制作影 片《大破天幕杀机》(Skyfall)将取得成功, 但没人能想到,这个第23部007电影的全球票 房将达到10亿美元。在该片之前,票房最高 的007电影是《大战皇家赌场》(Casino Royale),为6亿美元。《大破天幕杀机》的 票房已经比该片多出3.5亿美元,而且目前院 线表现依然强劲。预计至少在今后几年里,克 雷格还将继续扮演邦德。

17)Quick and Easy Ways to Quiet Your Mind

Neuroscience tells us that, to be more productive and creative, we need to give our brains a break. It's the quiet mind that produces the best insights. But it's a challenge to take that sort of time off in the midst of a busy day. Here are three specific, quick and easy ways to build purposeful break time into your day.

Quick meditation

New research from the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging suggests that people who meditate show more gray matter in certain regions of the brain, show stronger connections between brain regions and show less age-related brain atrophy. In other words, meditation might make your brain bigger, faster and "younger". As lead researcher Eileen Luders explains, "it appears to be a powerful mental exercise with the potential to change the physical structure of the brain."

Tip: If you commute via public transportation (or even if you're a passenger in a car pool) use the time to close your eyes for 10 minutes. If you drive, leave a little early, park and spend 10 minutes in the car before you walk into work. Choose a very specific image, such as a waterfall, beach or tree, and try to focus on it alone. If other thoughts get in the way, gently push them aside. Do this once or twice per day. The goal is to let your mind achieve a sense of relaxed awareness.


Psychologist K. Anders Ericsson, renown for his research and theories on expertise, points out that top performers in fields ranging from music to science to sports tend to work in approximately 90-minute cycles and then take a break. We are designed to pulse, to move between spending and renewing energy. Pulsing is the simplest, easiest, most immediate way to build breaks into your day.

Tip: Download a "break- reminder" utility, such as Scirocco or Healthy Hints, and set it to ping you every 90 minutes. Focus hard on a particular task until that cue. And then take a walk, talk to a colleague, doodle or listen to music. Do anything that renews you and gives you a "second wind, " even if you think you don't need it. You do. Five minutes later, get back to work.

Daydream walks

Most people have heard the story about how 3M's Arthur Fry came

容易感染电脑 病毒,通常来说运行更可靠,外型更优雅。

如今,随着Windows 8操作系统的推出,两者 之间的差别更加明显。MacBook还是传统的 笔记本电脑,通过触摸板和键盘来进行操作。 苹果公司将Mac电脑与其占据市场主导地位的 触摸屏平板电脑iPad作为两大不同的产品线 来发展。

然而,Windows 8笔记本却将传统方式与触摸 屏结合起来,在同一台电脑上提供两种不同的 用户环境:一是传统的Windows桌面模式, 使用触摸板或鼠标和键盘;二是“开始界 面”(Start Screen)模式,采取与平板电脑相似 的操作方式和应用软件,通过触摸屏来进行操 作。

因此,如果你想买一台自己熟悉操作的笔记本 电脑,那可以考虑Mac;如果你喜欢在一台电 脑上实现两种操作方式,并懂得如何切换模 式,那可以考虑Windows 8笔记本电脑。

如何选择Windows 8笔记本电脑?

如果你倾向于购买Windows笔记本电脑,那 事情会变得更复杂。Windows 8有两个版本, 普通Windows 8和专业级的Windows 8 Pro, 后者增加了一些强化功能,让用户在家中与许 多企业网络之间的接入更为简便。因此,如果 你需要这些强化功能,可以选购搭载 Windows 8 Pro操作系统的笔记本电脑。

< br>

微软的Surface RT使用一种Windows 8的衍生 版本,叫做Windows RT。很多常用程序不能 再Windows RT上运行。

然而,还有一个更容易让人摸不着头脑的地 方。有些新的Windows笔记本电脑,如微软 公司(Microsoft)自己推出的第一台此类电脑 Surface,使用一种Windows 8的衍生版本, 叫做Windows RT。普通的Windows 8可以让 用户运行所有的Windows 7传统桌面程序,如 Microsoft Office 2010、Chrome、Quicken和 iTunes等;但Windows RT不能运行这些常用 程序。Windows RT笔记本电脑主要运行的是 在开始界面模式下运行的新的平板电脑类应用 程序。Windows RT笔记本电脑预装一个特别 版本的Office软件,但其中没有Outlook电子 邮件程序。因此,如果你还想使用以往的 Windows软件,就不要买Windows RT笔记本 电脑。


Windows 8是一种“触摸优先”的操作系统,虽 然也能通过鼠标或触摸板操作,但其最新最酷 的“开始界面”以及通过微软在线商店销售的平 板电脑类应用程序在触摸环境下的使用体验最 佳。有一些传统笔记本电脑,如宏基公司 (Acer)外型轻薄的Aspire S7,已经配备了触摸 屏,作为触摸板和键盘的一种补充。

不过,现在市面上的Windows 8笔记本电脑绝 大多数还没有配备触摸屏。我最近去一家百思 买(Best Buy)店,发现只有三个品牌的触摸屏 超极本(外型轻薄、配置较高的Windows笔 记本电脑)在做宣传。有几款大尺寸的高配置 触摸屏产

品,只有一款是低端型号,而其他笔 记本电脑还都在使用普通屏幕。

我认为Windows 8的平板电脑操作模式最好还 是通过触摸屏来实现,因此不建议购买没有触 摸屏的Windows 8笔记本电脑。

平板电脑还是可切换模式的Windows 8笔记本 电脑?

与苹果公司不同,微软公司没有开发单独的平 板电脑操作系统,Windows 8的设计初衷就是 在平板电脑和普通电脑上都能运行。在测试 中,我发现Windows 8运行起来很流畅,而且 在平板模式下的使用体验可能最好,并能通过 键盘来操作传统的桌面软件。此外,还有一些 称为“convertible”可切换模式的笔记本电脑, 其屏幕可以翻折、滑动或扭转,因此它们包含 了键盘,看起来又很像是平板电脑。

然而,如果你想把Windows 8笔记本电脑当成 平板电脑来用,这种可切换模式的笔记本电脑 不堪大用。我测试过的几款都过于笨重,只能 偶尔在平板模式下用用。如果你使用平板电脑 的时候比较多,那还是选择iPad、安卓 (Android)平板电脑,以及使用Windows 8或 Windows RT操作系统的平板电脑。< br>


Windows 8和其他系统文件会比Windows 7占 用更多的硬盘空间。不久前我评测了联想 (Lenovo) Yoga笔记本,128G的硬盘空间只有 70G可供用户使用。因此我建议消费者选购的 笔记本至少要配备500G的硬盘或256G的固态 硬盘。

哪种Mac电脑 ?

虽然Mac电脑也推出了新的“山狮”(Mountain Lion)操作系统,但变化没有Windows那么 大。“山狮”操作系统只有一个版本,同时适用 于家庭和企业,没有Windows RT那样的简化 版本;虽然其借用了iPad的一些功能,但并 不试图模仿平板电脑。

不过,苹果公司对MacBook Pro高端笔记本 系列进行了重新设计,而这种改变会给用户带 来一些困惑。13英寸和15英寸屏幕的 MacBook Pro现在都有两种型号可供选择: 普通屏幕以及高解析度、高价格的Retina屏 幕。在你选择后者之前,请先确认你真的需要 更高的解析度。

最便宜的Mac笔记本电脑是11英寸屏幕的 MacBook Air,售价仍达999美元。而一些非 触摸屏的低配Windows 8笔记本电脑只要300 美元左右就能买到,高配轻薄的触摸屏 Windows 8笔记本电脑售价通常在600美元到 1000美元之间。


现在购买一台新的笔记本电脑正是时候,对 Windows用户而言尤其如此;但消费者面对 各种选择时要谨慎考虑,确保买到符合自己切 实需求的笔记本电脑,功能正好,不多不少。

20)Solutions to Global Challenges Require Women’s Participation

Melanne Verveer: There is recognition today that we cannot possibly solve our global challenges, whether they concern the environment, governance, economic policy or security, u

nless women are full participants. We have to move “women’s issues” from the margins to the mainstream and recognize that the issues are not only about women’s roles, but are about the kind of world we want to create. To the extent that women participate, succeed and help make a difference, everyone benefits — men and women, boys and girls.

Q: Why is women’s participation so vital to the well- being of all societies?

MV: There is a mountain of data that correlates investments in women to poverty reduction — even to decreases in corruption — which I think we need to take very seriously. Similarly, there are studies on the consequences of gender inequality. For example, the World Economic Forum puts out an annual report called the Gender Gap Report. It measures the progress of men and women in terms of economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, political participation, health and survival. Where men and women are closer to equal achievement in all of those areas, those countries are far better off. Where that gap is wider, it’s a different story. This has been repeated in study after study. We have to pay attention to the hard data, and what the data tell us is this is the smart thing to do, to invest in women and provide them with opportunities to fully participate in their societies.

Q: In 1995 the landmark U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women was held in Beijing. What did it accomplish, and is it still relevant?

MV: It brought together 189 countries to really look at the progress of women and specifically to adopt a Platform for Action. That Platform for Action focused on a number of critical areas, including women’s access to education, health care, economic and political participation; women’s ability to be free from violence; to have legal rights; the girl child; the role of women in conflict societies; and the role of women in peace and security. It was a major, ambitious blueprint that the United States and 188 other countries signed on to, making commitments to go back to our own countries to chart progress for women and girls. That was significant then, and it continues to be extremely significant today. Fifteen years later, the Platform for Action is still the blueprint against which many of our countries, NGOs and others measure the advancement of women. There has been a lot of progress, but there still are challenges. Laws have been passed. They haven’t always been implemented, but much has changed for the better.

Q: Where has the most progress been made, and where does the world still have work to do?

MV: Girls’ education is in a much better place than it was when the Beijing Platform was adopted, but we are not where we need to be. While more and more girls are in primary school, we don’t have anywhere near the numbers with access to secondary education. Investing in a girl determines what her future will be like — and her potential family’s future — her economi

c possibilities, her health and her children’s education. More women are being elected to parliaments, but the numbers are still below what they should be, given that women make up half the population of the world and it is important to have their experiences and talents involved in policymaking.

Economically, women are participating in more significant ways. Microcredit, for example, has had a transformative impact, lifting up the poorest of the poor and creating livelihoods so people can sustain themselves and their families. Laws have been passed dealing with violence against women, family law reform and other intractable issues. Now such laws must be better implemented and enforced. There is a definite record of progress. Governments, civil society and those who have charted this path toward a better future can take justifiable pride in that, but we have to keep at it to reach our goals.

Q: What are the most important emerging global women’s issues?

MV: We still have an agenda to complete. We have to be more creative. One of the challenges is to bring new tools to the table, tools that do a better job enhancing economic progress. Microcredit is one of the great financial tools, but we need broader financial inclusion: savings and other ways that poor people can be insured against cataclysms of one kind or another. Financial tools can bring creative solutions, as can technology. I personally think that mobile technology has the potential to be as transformative as microcredit has been. Cellphones are more accessible to the poor. Cellphone applications are being developed to help improve health care. The cellphone is being used for banking, teaching literacy, safeguarding women from violence and creating economic opportunities.

There was and is an environmental component of the Beijing Agenda, but climate change itself was not specified. It is something that we have come to understand better in the time that’s elapsed since 1995. Here again we see the role that women have to play, particularly in regions most severely affected by climate change and vulnerable to natural disasters such as drought or floods. We need to engage women as agents for adaptation and mitigation.

One important example concerns cookstoves. The black carbon emitted from dirty cookstoves — on which millions of poor people cook — is detrimental to the health of millions of people. The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is creating a market for low-emissions cookstoves, to help reduce the damaging health and environmental impacts of black carbon. It’s an economic empowerment issue because selling and maintaining cookstoves is a new green industry, especially for women. Cooking is not the major contributor to climate change, but low-emissions cookstoves can address one aspect of it.

Q: What role must men play in ensuring women’s empowerment and advancement around the world?

MV: Men have a central, critical, important role to play. Women’s

progress has never come through women’s efforts alone. We cannot possibly solve some of the most serious challenges that women confront — the inequality of women around the globe, the scourge of violence against them — unless men are involved in solutions. The way boys are raised, the image of what a man should be and how that’s presented, are opportunities to develop good habits in the next generation. We know the critical role that religious leaders — who are mostly men — can play. We need political will and enlightened male leaders at the highest levels of government, multilateral institutions and companies to become full participants in the advancement of women’s empowerment.

Q: The United States does not have a perfect record on women’s issues. Our Congress has a lower percentage of female elected officials than some foreign parliaments and has not ratified the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Domestic violence and human trafficking are issues in the United States. Is the United States in a position to lead the world on women’s empowerment?

MV: We have a lot of work to do at home, as every other country does. In no country in the world are men and women equal. But I think the fact that we address many of our problems or are working at addressing them does certainly resonate internationally. We’ve created legislation to combat violence against women, which was first adopted in the 1990s. Our trafficking law wasn’t passed until 2000, but we worked at it and it is a model for the world. It may help other countries to see the path we took to address the challenges, how we created coalitions, and why we set prevention, prosecution and protection as lynchpins in the violence against women law and in the trafficking law (Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000).

I often talk about the women who, in 1848, traveled to that first equal rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York. And I often think of the diary of a young girl who looked back on the course that she chose to take, which was to get in a stagecoach, leave her home and to make that trip. She did it because in the United States at the time, women could not vote. She could not keep her meager earnings — if she had meager earnings. She could not access formal education; she could not get a divorce if she found herself in a terrible marriage. She knew life needed to be better and she went off on that journey to the equal rights convention not knowing, as she said, if anybody else would be on that road. Well, we know what progress our country has made. We are still on that road. Women everywhere are on that journey and we need each other. And — just as importantly — we need good men to join us as they, too, traveled to the Equal Rights Convention. We may be in different places on the journey. The United States has come a long way from 1848, when that young woman decided to make the t

特别通过了《行动 纲领》(Platform for Action)。《行动纲 领》涉及多个重要领域,包括女性接受教育、 获得医疗保健的机会以及经济和政治参与;女 性保护自己免遭暴力的能力;获得合法权利; 女童;女性在冲突社会中的作用;以及女性在 和平和安全方面的作用等。这是美国及其他 188个国家签署的重要且宏大的蓝图,代表们 承诺归国后帮助妇女及女孩制定取得进展的规 划。这在当时意义重大,而且在今天仍具有极 其重要的意义。15年后,《行动纲领》依然 是许多国家、非政府组织及其他机构衡量妇女 进步的蓝本,但仍有不少挑战。已通过了许多 法律;这些法律并没有全部得到落实,但情况 仍大有改善。

问:哪些领域取得的进步最大,哪些领域尚需 努力?

梅兰妮·弗维尔: 女孩受教育状况比《行动纲 领》刚推出时已有明显改善,但仍未达到理想 状况。虽然越来越多的女孩进入小学学习,但 接受中学教育的人数要少得多。对女孩的投资 决定着她们的未来——可能还有其家庭的未来 ——她们的经济机会、健康以及子女的教育。 虽然已有越来越多的女性被选入议会,但比例 仍然偏低。鉴于女性人口占世界总人口的一 半,在决策中纳入她们的经验和才能具有重要 作用。

经济上,女性正在以更加重要的方式参与。例 如,小额信贷产生了变革性影响——改善了最 贫困人口的生活并提供了谋生之道,从而使人 们得以维持自己及家庭的生活。已通过了制裁 对女性施暴以及其他棘手问题的法律,并改进 了家庭法。现在必须更好地实施和执行这些法 律。进步是显著的。政府、民间团体以及为了 更美好的未来而开辟道路的人们应该对此感到 自豪,但我们还必须为实现这一目标而不懈努 力。

问:近年来新出现的最重要的全球妇女问题有 哪些?

梅兰妮·弗维尔: 我们要解决的问题还有很 多。我们必须更富于创造性。难题之一是创造 出能够更好地推动经济进步的新工具。虽然小 额贷款是一个很好的融资手段,但我们需要扩 大金融行业的包容性,提供储蓄服务,确保贫 困人口能够针对各类灾难未雨绸缪。金融工具 能够带来创造性的解决方案,科学技术也一 样。我个人认为,移动通信技术有可能像小额 贷款一样产生变革性影响。手机在贫困人口中 越来越普遍,改善医疗服务的手机应用程序也 正在开发之中。手机已被广泛用于银行业务、 传授知识、保护女性免遭暴力及创造经济机会 等方面。

《北京行动纲领》中一直有一项环境内容,但 未就气候变化本身做任何说明。对这一点我们 自1995年以来开始有了更多了解。我们再

次 看到妇女在这方面可以发挥的作用,尤其在受 气候变化影响最为严重和最容易遭受干旱或洪 灾等自然灾害的地区。我们必须鼓励妇女在应 对和减缓气候变化方面发挥作用。一个重要的 例子是炉灶。千百万贫困人口用来做饭的旧式 炉灶所排放的黑碳对健康造成危害。为此,全 球清洁炉灶联盟(Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves)正在开辟低排放炉灶的市场, 以帮助降低黑碳对健康和环境的影响。这是一 个与增强妇女权能有关的经济问题,因为炉灶 销售及维修属新兴绿色产业,尤其对女性而 言。做饭不是影响气候变化的主要因素,但低 排放炉灶可以解决其中一个方面的问题。

问: 要确保在全球范围内增强妇女权能和提 高妇女地位,男人必须承担什么样的角色?

梅兰妮·弗维尔: 男人可发挥核心、关键、重 要的作用。妇女的进步从来都不是仅仅来自其 自身的努力。没有男人的参与,我们就不可能 解决妇女面临的一些最大的挑战——全球各地 的男女不平等以及针对女性的暴力等。怎样培 养男孩、他们心目中的男人应该是什么样子以 及如何帮助他们树立正确的看法都是在下一代 身上培养良好习惯的机会。我们都知道宗教领 袖——他们多为男性——可以发挥关键作用。 我们需要政治意愿,需要政府、多边机构及企 业最高层的开明男性领导人全面参与增强女性 权能的工作。

问:美国在妇女问题上并非完美无缺。我国国 会女议员的比例低于一些其他国家的比例,而 且尚未批准联合国《消除对妇女一切形式歧视 公约》(Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, CEDAW)。家庭暴力和人口贩卖问题在美国 依然存在。美国能够在增强妇女权能方面领导 世界吗?

梅兰妮·弗维尔: 与所有其他国家一样,我们 还有很多工作要做。世界上没有哪个国家真正 做到了男女平等。不过我认为,我们已经解决 或者正在着力解决这些问题,这些努力在国际 上一定会产生影响。我们制定了打击对女性施 暴的法律——最初在上世纪90年代通过。虽然 我们的反人口贩运法案直到2000年才通过, 但是我们作出了不懈努力,现在它已成为全世 界的范本。它可以帮助其他国家了解我们应对 这一挑战的途径——我们如何建立联盟,以及 我们为何把防范、惩处和保护作为对女性施暴 法和人口贩运法(《2000年人口贩运和暴力 受害者保护法》(Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000)的重点。

我经常说起1848年前往纽约州塞尼卡福尔斯 (Seneca Falls)参加首次平权大会(Equal Rights Convention)的那些女性。我并经常 想到一个年轻女孩的日

比起通过孤零零 一张圣诞卡片可能表达的更多。如果一个远方 的前同事或高中密友家里有孩子或孙子出生, 数小时之内我不仅会从Shutterfly或Instagram 或Facebook上获知消息,我还有可能在 YouTube上看著他或她教孩子牙牙学步。无 论是一份工作的得与失,一桩婚姻的成与败, 通过Facebook、E-mail、Twitter,我们都是 那份悲哀与欢乐的见证者。

尽管如此,圣诞照片贺卡的风光不再仍令我伤 心不已。这是美国邮政服务业没落的前兆。这 也是纸上书写形式行将不在的一个信号。最终 来看,它是一种传达品质的衰落,一种涉及到 延迟与期待,筹谋与反思的传达方式即将衰 落。打开这些卡片,那种满足感不仅来自于其 中的平安祝福,而且来自于你发现一年未见的 远方亲友依然想念著你,可能还要与你分享过 去十二个月中的一些新状况。

我们现在彼此有非常多的了解,很可能了解的 过于多了。可是,不停登陆电脑的行为,已经 让我们远离了身边的至亲至爱。谁敢说自己去 年与家人、朋友、邻居交流时四目相对的时 间,比盯在手机彩屏或笔记本电脑屏之前的 多?这个冬季,作为寄贺卡的替代,我的 2012年末节日问候将采取以下方式:圣诞前 夜在网上发送那些必须的节日祝福语之后,我 将换换花样,点击电子公告服务,试著亲自去 连线我的朋友、邻居和家人。

当然,我要祝福他们每个人,在未来的一年 中,平安、快乐。

22)How to write a good cover letter

If you apply for a job position with a foreign company, chances are you will be asked to provide an English cover letter along with your resume.

But what exactly is a cover letter? How long should it be? And most importantly, what should you write about?

A cover letter, or motivation letter, is almost a standard requirement when applying for international jobs. In brief, it is a letter introducing yourself as a person and explaining why you are applying for the position. But there is more to writing a good cover letter.

Usually a cover letter should be one page in length, including the sender’s and the recipient’s address, which should be placed at the top of the page. Under this, write a short header in bold print to inform the reader what the letter is about. For example, “Internship opportunity at Haier Group”. If you are sending an e-mail, put this information in the subject box.

Next, address the employer by name if you know the contact person. Otherwise it is acceptable to use “Dear Hiring Manager”. In the first paragraph you should then say what position you are applying for and how you found out about it.

In the next few paragraphs explain in detail why you believe yourself to be a suitable candidate for the position. The aim of the cover letter is to encourage the reade

winter's cold, not just snow, that poses the threat. Our arteries respond to cold by constricting, and that makes us more prone to heart attacks. Why? Narrow arteries can cut down the flow of blood through the body, "making your heart work harder, " says Roger Blumenthal, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Preventive Cardiology Center.

And even small temperature drops can cause big problems.

British researchers found that falling temperatures of less than 2 degrees Fahrenheit in a single day resulted in a 2 percent rise in the number of heart attacks that occurred during the next two weeks. That meant about 200 more heart attacks throughout England and Wales per "colder" day, according to a three-year study of temperature records and 84, 000 hospital admissions.

Moreover, as we age, the cold hits us harder — especially when the thermometer drops to 32 degrees or below. "The older you get, the harder it is to regulate body temperature, " says Ronan Factora, M.D., of the Cleveland Clinic's Center for Geriatric Medicine. "There's less fat and muscle, less ability to generate heat." So compared with those in their 50s, men and women in their 70s or 80s feel the cold more severely.

Constricting arteries, Blumenthal says, also can trigger tears or splits in the plaque that lines the walls of the arteries. When that happens, blood clots can form, triggering a heart attack or stroke, both of which also occur more frequently during winter.

2. High blood pressure

This cold-weather constriction of the arteries increases blood pressure. "Because there's less space for blood to flow, there's more resistance inside blood vessels, " explains Factora.

3. Vitamin D deficiency

Getting too little vitamin D — the sunshine vitamin — during winter's gray days can be dangerous. Less sunlight means you tend to get less vitamin D because it's primarily absorbed through the skin. Low levels of D have been linked to an increased risk of osteoporosis, heart attacks, dementia, heart disease and Parkinson's disease. Several studies also have shown that people with low vitamin D levels were twice as likely to have a heart attack or stroke, compared with those with higher levels.

About 15 minutes of sun on arms each day is often enough to maintain the levels you need. Unfortunately, in some parts of the country, the sun virtually disappears for months. Some older people may need to take vitamin D supplements. Check vitamin D recommendations and talk to your doctor about taking a supplement.

4. Winter blues

Shorter days with less sunlight bring a greater risk of seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression that occurs in the fall and winter. Symptoms include loss of energy, anxiety, oversleeping, social withdrawal and weight gain. The disorder is usually treated by exposing the patient to increased doses of artificial light.

5. Lung problems

"Cold weather tends to bring out more respiratory problems, such as asthma an

d a greater risk of pneumonia, " says Factora. Emphysema may also worsen in the winter, as cold and dry air narrows airways, restricting airflow into and out of the lungs to make breathing more difficult.

It doesn't help that winter makes it tougher to keep up our heart-healthy habits. "You really need to engage in regular exercise during cold weather, but many people don't, " says Blumenthal. "Maybe you can't walk outside when it's too cold, but you should do home exercises — perhaps get a treadmill." Using an exercise video is another option.

via: 译言


spike [spaik] n. 长钉,道钉;钉鞋;细高跟vt.阻止;以大钉钉牢;用尖物刺穿

clot [kl?t] vi. 凝结n. [生理] 凝块vt. 使凝结成块

respiratory ['resp?r?t?ri, ri'spai?-] adj. 呼吸的

engage [in'ɡeid?] vt. 吸引,占用;使参加;雇

佣;使订婚;预定vi. 从事;答应,保证;交战;啮合

artery ['ɑ:t?ri] n. 动脉;干道;主流

vessel ['ves?l] n. 船,舰;[组织] 脉管,血管;容器,器皿

anxiety [??'zai?ti] n. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事

depression [di'pre??n] n. 沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁

disorder [dis'?:d?] n. 混乱;骚乱vt. 使失调;扰乱

vitamin ['vit?min] n. [生化] 维生素;[生化] 维他命


< br>
寒冷的冬季悄然来临,它带来的不仅仅只是飘 落的雪花,同时也伴随着一些潜在的健康隐 患。因此,对于老年人来说,了解这些隐患并 加以预防是十分必要的。

心脏 病和中风的风险

据统计数据表明,心脏病的在冬天的发病率要 比在夏天要高得多。一些生活在几乎从未下过 雪的区域的老人同样承受着这种风险,事实 上,下雪不是关键,关键在于气温的高低。气 温一旦骤降,人们的动脉血管就会收缩,对于 年轻人来说这点儿影响倒不足为意,但对于老 年人来说,一旦血管收缩过度,就有可能导致 血液循环不畅,从而引发心脏缺血,导致心脏 病和中风。人一旦上了年纪,就对温度有着极 高的敏感度,一点小小的降温都会对他们造成 很大的影响。年龄越大,身体对于温度变化的 适应性就越差,因此在冬季,老年人首要考虑 的就是保暖。

高血压的风险< br>

即便不考虑气温因素,高血压也常常困扰着老 年群体。随着年龄的增长,人的血管壁开始变 得越来越薄,承受血液压强的能力变得越来越 薄,一旦血压过高就有可能导致血管破裂,从 而引发脑溢血、中风等症状。可以说,高血压 对于老年人是非常危险的疾病。尤其在冬季, 气温突然降低会使血管收缩挤压,进而血管内 可供血液流动的空间缩小,血管壁承受了超出 以往强度的压强,高血压的风险就变得越来越 大,这是每一位老 年人都



< br>
阳光是为人体提供维生素D的重要来源,人体 内的胆固醇在经过阳光照射之后会转化为维生 素D,因此缺乏晒太阳就意味着你将缺少维生 素D,这是非常危险的。医学实验证明,人体 内维生素D的含量过低会导致患心脏病、帕金 森病、骨质疏松症等疾病的几率增加。与经常 晒太阳的人群相比,不常晒太阳的人群患心脏 病和中风的概率要高出两倍之多。每天晒15 分钟太阳足以满足体内对维生素D的需要,不 过糟糕的是,一些城市由于地理位置、气候等 各种原因常年见不到太阳,晒太阳便成为了一 种奢望。鉴于此种情况,这些地区的老年人就 应当适量服用一些 富含维生素D的补品。


人的情绪在一定程度上会受到季节因素的影 响,春季的和煦春风和夏季的灿烂阳光令人心 情舒畅,秋季的萧索和冬季的灰白令人心情沉 闷。在冬季,天短夜长也会带来情绪上的紊 乱,这些症状包括焦虑、无精打采、不合群 等。为了治疗这种情绪上的紊乱,医院大多采 用人造光对人体进行照射。然而,仅仅依靠医 学治疗是完全不够的,老年群体应当对这种症 状的出现保持警惕,经常与子女沟通,多进行 户外运动,在冬季也能保持一颗乐观开朗的心 态。


医学专家菲柯特说:“寒冷的天气可能会诱 发 一些呼吸疾病,例如哮喘、急性肺炎等。”冬 季的空气寒冷干燥,并且流动性较弱,一些肺 气肿患者的病情在这种情况下或许会更加糟 糕。冬季的到来会改变老年人以往的作息习 惯,因此向往常一样继续保持心脏锻炼显得比 较困难。老年人在冬季非常需要进行有规律的 锻炼来强壮身体,但是许多人并没有这样去 做。因为天冷的缘故,也许人们并不太想出 门,但是也应该在家中做一些锻炼,跑步机在 这时就是个不错的选择。

24)The One Thing Your Team Wants You to Stop Doing

The other day, on the sidelines of a conference, a bright young manager sought my advice. "I've tried using different leadership styles, but I can't seem to dispel my team's sense of disengagement, " he confessed. "I don't understand what I'm doing wrong."

"Why don't you ask your team?" I asked him.

The reply surprised him, but there's no point in complicating leadership. As I described in aprevious post, time-tested leadership traits are quite simple to adopt. Yet, as recent reports confirm, there's a growing disconnect between teams and managers. Why?

On a hunch, I decided to conduct a flash survey of my social media universe. "What's the one thing you'd like your boss to stop doing?" I asked on Facebook, Twitter, and HCL's internal social media platform, Meme.

The number of responses that poured in shocked

me. Everybody had something to say about that, and seemed to be waiting to be asked. The top pieces of advice:

Don't obfuscate; tell it like it is. That's typical of Gen Y, which wants its leaders to call a spade a spade. "Tell it like it is, stop worrying about hurting people's feelings, " said one response. The next was even more direct: "Stop being outwardly nice and be vocal about dissatisfaction with my efforts." A third went a step further: "Let people know where they really stand. They know how to win if we tell them the score."

No rose-tinted spectacles for today's employee; they have the pluck to look at their failures and successes and have little patience for circuitous comments.

Stop telling me what I know. Coach me, enable me, support me... was the message, over and over again. Give us "freedom, exposure, and guidance, " wrote a young lady on Facebook, which was echoed on Twitter by "Learn to let go... Create the platform for your team to perform and back them by providing guidance and support."

I could hear my kids' voices in some of these comments. Trying to teach today's Google-bred generation often blurs the lines between student and teacher; the former will tell you a thing or two that you didn't know. It's time leaders moved from being knowledge-providers to enablers.

Don't stray; walk the talk. Megaphone managers have thrived for too long; people now want their leaders to be the change they advocate. They're looking for role models, which was evident in comments such as: "Walk the talk and set me an example. I need to know that we are in it together, " and "Do away with the lack of congruence between your actions and your words because I need to trust you."

Mahatma Gandhi's success as a leader is usually attributed to character traits such as vision, courage, conviction, and perseverance, but what's less known is the fact that he always practiced what he preached.

Stop playing favorites. Even if organizations have adopted key performance indicators with measurable goals and outcomes, it is worth reflecting whether they apply to us . A couple of comments: "A horse and a monkey cannot both be judged on the basis of which can climb trees." Or "Reward performance, not sycophancy."

We can all put a name to the employee who steadily rose up the corporate ladder despite weak performance because he was affable and didn't bruise anyone's ego. That was rampant until measurable goals came along, but the bad news is that it still happens. Indeed, the need to measure and be objective cannot be stressed enough.

Don't be a boss, be a leader. There was an unmistakable call for appreciative, empathetic, respect-worthy leaders. "Lead by example, not by rules, " wrote one young man on Facebook. "Stop trying to control people..., " added another. A third quoted Gordon Selfridge: "A boss inspires fear, a leader inspires enthusiasm."

These aren't isolated cases. As confirmed by theKelly Global Workforce Index in Septe

)来审视今天的员工;他们绝对有勇 气直视自己的成败,没功夫听你在那拐弯抹 角。

别再说那些我知道的东西。 指导我,激发 我,支持我……就是他们一再表达的意思。一 个年轻女士在脸谱上说“给我们自由,让我们 体验,指导我们前行。”另一个人在推特上也 附和“学着放手,打造一个可以让团队成员各 显神通的平台,你要在后面支持他们,引导他 们。”

我能从这些评论中听到我的团队小朋友的心 声。尝试教导今天的Google一代会让师生界 限模糊不清;学生都会告诉你一两件你不知道 的事。领导者也是时候一改知识提供者的身 份,做一做使能者了。

别再偏题,言出必行。 扩音器管理者持续了 太久。人们现在想让他们的领导变成他们拥护 的那样。他们在寻找榜样,这在评论中显而易 见:“言出必行,为我树立榜样。我需要知道 我们是一个团队,”“不要再言行不一,因为你 得值得我信任。”

圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)作为一位领导 者很成功,人们一般认为这得益于他的性格特 征,他有远见卓识、胆气过人、信念坚定、不 屈不挠,但是鲜为人知的一个成功因素就是他 一直身体力行。

不要再厚此薄彼。 即使组织把可衡量目标和 工作成果作为了关键绩效指标,也值得想想这 是不是适用于自己。有几个评论是这么说 的:“评判一匹马是不是好马,一头驴是不是 好驴,都不能看二者会不会爬树。”或者“奖赏 工作业绩,而不是拍马屁能力”

我们都可以随口说出一个工作业绩很差,却因 他待人和善,从不伤及别人自尊而稳步攀升事 业高梯的员工名字。这种现象在可衡量目标形 成之前很是猖獗,糟糕的是仍有发生。事实 上,对于客观评定的需求再强调也不为过。

别当老板,当领导。 很明显人们现在呼吁有 伯乐眼光,能产生共鸣,值得去尊重的领导。 “领导要靠言传身教,而不是清规戒律,”一个 年轻人在脸谱上这么写。“别再试着控制别 人……”另外一个人补充道。第三个人引用了戈 登·赛弗里奇(Gordon Selfridge)的名言“老 板让人恐惧,领导激发热情。”

无独有偶。Kelly Service 发布的环球劳动力指 数研究了30个国家的领导与员工脱节现象, 2012年9月证实,10位员工中不到4人 (38%)对他们当前管理层的领导风格满意。 所以如果你看到团队热情下降,可能未必是由 于经济下滑引起的。你可能想看看是不是在你 的领导风格和团队 期待存在脱节现象。

如果可能,周一早晨的团队会上问个简单的问 题作为开场白吧:作为你们的领导,你们想让 我不要再做的一件事是什么?为什么这么问, 应为那可能会

25)That square QR barcode on the poster? Check it's not a sticker

QR codes are two- dimensional matrix barcode that can be scanned by smartphones that link users directly to a website without having to type in its address. By using QR codes (rather than links) as a jump-off point to dodgy sites, cybercrooks can disguise the ultimate destination of links.

Warren Sealey, director enterprise learning and knowledge management, Symantec Hosted Services explained: "we've seen criminals using bad QR codes in busy places putting them on stickers and putting them over genuine ones in airports and city centres."

Sealey, made his comments at the Ovum Banking Technology Forum 2012 in London on Wednesday.

Sian John, UK security strategist at Symantec, said: “There has been an explosion in the number of QR codes over the last couple of years, and cybercriminals are taking full advantage. Because QR codes just look like pictures it’s extremely difficult to tell if they’re genuine or malicious, making it easy to dupe passers-by into scanning codes that may lead to an infected site, or perhaps a phishing site.

via: 译言


matrix ['meitriks] n. [数] 矩阵;模型;[生物][地质] 基质;母体;子宫;[地质] 脉石

infect [in'fekt] vt. 感染,传染

malicious [m?'li??s] adj. 恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的

dimensional [di'men??n?l, dai-] adj. 空间的;尺寸的

disguise [dis'ɡaiz] vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西

explosion [ik'spl?u??n] n. 爆炸;爆发;激增


QR(Quick Response,快速反应)码是二维 的条形码,可被智能手机扫描、便于用户直接 访问某个网站而无需键入网址。以二维条码而 不用网址来作为导向恶意网站的跳板,骗子能 隐藏最终目的链接。

安全观察员已经留意到群发信息导向使用内嵌 二维码的网址。现在黑客又有新招:印制标 签、将其广布于交通繁忙地点。

赛门铁克公司托管服务部门企业学习和知识管 理负责人Warren Sealey解释说:“我们已经见 到罪犯在繁忙地点黏贴恶意二维码、在机场及 市 中心以恶意条码覆盖原有条码”。

上述意见是Sealey在周三伦敦“20 12年Ovum 银行技术论坛”上发表的。

赛门铁克公司英国安全策略师Sian John 说:“近几年来,二维条码数量井喷,电脑罪 犯也在因势利导。由于二维码呈图形状善恶难 辨,故路人容易中招:扫描恶意条码、可能被 导向中毒的网站或钓鱼网站”。

她补充说:“倘若用户想确保手机得到保护, 则应考虑使用能在访问之前检查该网站声誉的 二维码读码软件”。

26)Shopping's Great Age Divide

The Ultican family has always approached Christmas shopping on overdrive, piling dozens of presents under a small

梅 西百货的忠实顾客。他对母亲说,他喜欢在网 上购物,在网上搜索优惠券代码,不喜欢关注 纸质邮件里的促销。他没在购物中心买东西, 但在诺德斯特龙(Nordstrom)选了一款天美时 (Timex)手表,等着“圣诞老人”送给他。他 说他今年节假日打算在上购物。

德雷克27岁的哥哥达斯汀(Dustin)也不喜欢逛 实体店。他是一名房地产经纪人。他说他“只 有在有需求的时候”才会购物,而且比较喜欢 Target Corp.这样的折扣店。他的主要开销都 是大件商品,比如他新买的白色奥迪 (Audi)。他也两手空空地离开了购物中 心。

今年节假日,包括沃尔玛(Wal-Mart Stores Inc.)和百思买(Best Buy Co.)在内的零售商正 努力通过在网上提供实体店部分促销来吸引年 轻消费者,而梅西和西尔斯(Sears Holdings Inc.)等零售商也推出了专门针对年轻人的新品 牌和新网站。

科技在两代人的这种购物习惯分化中起到了越 来越重要的作用。波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)合伙人克里斯汀?巴尔顿 (Christine Barton)说,新千年一代接受新科技 的速度是上一代人的2.5倍,对于零售商而言 这是判断未来购物主要趋势的一个重要信号。 波士顿咨询公司与巴克莱银行(Barkley)最近合 作的一份报告称,新千年一代比上一代人更有 可能在社交网络上查看品牌信息(比例分别为 53%和37%),也更愿意在购物时使用移动服 务查看产品评论、研究产品以及对比价格(比 例分别为50%和21%)。

27)5 Reasons Why Relationships Should be Your Top Priority

If you are like me, there may be many things you want to achieve in life. You may want to accomplish A and B, achieve C and D, and so on. Yet, you should never forget what your top priority is.

From what I learn, I realize that my top priority should be relationships. I believe they should also be your top priority. Nothing else matters more. Here are why:

Relationships fulfill your most important need of all

What is the most important thing people need? No, it’s not money. It’s not achievements nor recognition either. The most important thing people need is love. We all need to love and be loved. Unfortunately, sometimes we are so obsessed with other things that we forget how beautiful it is to love and be loved. Don’t let this happen to you. Love others and be loved. Feel how wonderful it is. Get a taste of love. And how do you do that? Through relationships. This is the only way. There is no other way you can love and be loved but through relationships.

Relationships are the place where your greatest joy comes from

One inseparable part of relationships is giving. In fact, I believe that there is no genuine relationship without giving. Whether it is giving your time, attention, money, or just a smile, genuine relationship is all a



对于下一步,我是如何给自己 定位的?

第六步:分享你的职业愿景。你的职业目标和 行动计划是否可行?和你的导师约个时间,看 看别人对你的计划作何回应,也听听他们的意 见。

Final Thoughts 结语

一旦你完成了以上六步,你不但对自己和自己 的职业生涯有了一个更好的了解,而且为接下 来的职业规划确定了明确的目标和行动步骤。

< br>
这份年终总结的另一个好处在于你可以把其中 一部分的分析用于更新你的简历,如果你不是 一直在更新的话。即使你对现在的老板很满 意,你也可以利用这个千载难逢的好机会来更 新一下你的简历,以防万一你老板突然决定要 裁员。

29)What is love? Five theories on the greatest emotion of all

"What is love" was the most searched phrase on Google in 2012, according to the company. In an attempt to get to the bottom of the question once and for all, the Guardian has gathered writers from the fields of science, psychotherapy, literature, religion and philosophy to give their definition of the much-pondered word.

Jim Al- Khalili

Biologically, love is a powerful neurological condition like hunger or thirst, only more permanent. We talk about love being blind or unconditional, in the sense that we have no control over it. But then, that is not so surprising since love is basically chemistry. While lust is a temporary passionate sexual desire involving the increased release of chemicals such as testosterone and oestrogen, in true love, or attachment and bonding, the brain can release a whole set of chemicals: pheromones, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin and vasopressin. However, from an evolutionary perspective, love can be viewed as a survival tool –a mechanism we have evolved to promote long-term relationships, mutual defence and parental support of children and to promote feelings of safety and security.

? Jim Al-Khalili is a theoretical physicist and science writer

Philippa Perry

Unlike us, the ancients did not lump all the various emotions that we label "love" under the one word. They had several variations, including:

Philia which they saw as a deep but usually non-sexual intimacy between close friends and family members or as a deep bond forged by soldiers as they fought alongside each other in battle. Ludus describes a more playful affection found in fooling around or flirting. Pragma is the mature love that develops over a long period of time between long-term couples and involves actively practising goodwill, commitment, compromise and understanding. Agape is a more generalised love, it's not about exclusivity but about love for all of humanity. Philautia is self love, which isn't as selfish as it sounds. As Aristotle discovered and as any psychotherapist will

Julian Baggini:爱是充满热情的奉 献。

爱不是简简单单一件物什,这是它让人捉摸不 透之处。家长的爱,伴侣的爱,孩童的爱,国 家的爱,邻里的爱,上帝的爱等等,这些都有 着不同的特点。同时又都有弊处:盲目的,单 一的,不幸的,顽固的,易变的,相对的,误 导的,无条件的。但是,往最好方面想,爱是 一种热情的奉献,能让我们得到滋润和成长, 尽管它经常是毫无征兆得到来的。这就是为什 么爱不仅仅是一种强烈的感觉。若没有承诺, 它就成了单一的迷恋了。若没有了激情,它就 只剩下奉献了。若没有精心呵护,就算有再好 的条件都只会导致花朵般爱情的枯萎与凋亡。

---Julian Baggini是哲学家也是作家。

言情小说作家 Jojo Moyes:爱能谱写所有迷 人的故事。

爱是什么,取决于你处在爱的那一阶段。平平 安安的爱让你体会到它的常见以及如同空气般 的存在感,让你几乎要忽略它。缺少教育的 爱,会让你茫然不知所措,耗时耗力还消耗你 的精力。爱能谱写所有迷人的故事:这故事不 仅仅指浪漫爱情,还有父母对子女无私的爱, 家庭亲友间淳朴的爱还有对国家满腔热血的 爱。这些故事在圆满结束前才尤为让人着迷 的:让你被迫与爱人分离的困难,阻碍你爱之 旅的挫折,都让你乐此不疲地战斗着。在这些 故事中,爱便是其中唯一的主题。

---Jojo Moyes已两次获得浪漫小说奖。

修女Catherine Wybourne:爱既是自由却又 约束着我们。

经历爱是比定义爱更简单的。爱是神赋予我们 的美德,我们爱上帝胜过一切,爱我们的邻里 就像他爱他自己一样。它看起来似乎是很遥远 的,除非我们与它肉体接触,可以这么说,爱 在生活中有着另种表达:和平友善、慷慨大度 和无私奉献。爱是永远不会伤害到任何人的, 尽管有时需要付出昂贵的代价。用一句自相矛 盾的话来描述爱:它是无上自由地却又与我们 紧密相连、休戚相关。爱,买不来,也卖不 掉;爱可以战胜一切;爱也是对生命最美好的 祝福。

---Catherine Wybourne是一名本笃会修女。

30)Men and Women See Things Differently Literally

Twenty years ago, John Gray published a popular book titled Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. Gray posited that most common relationship problems between men and women are a result of fundamental differences between the genders.

New research from the University of Bristol finds that the difference in gender viewpoints may begin with a physiological difference in the way men and women look at objects.

In the study, researchers examined where men and women looked while viewing still images from films and pieces of art. They found that while women made fewer eye movements than

le project. Essentially, this is similar to the concept of a time capsule, where you write a personal note to your future self, seal it and only open it at a future moment in time. There are no restrictions on the time duration either – it can be 1 year later, 3 years later, 5 years later, 10 years later, or even 20 years later!

Why Write A Letter To Your Future Self?

Doing this exercise can be a really insightful experience.

Just imagine writing a letter to your future self 5 years from now, then opening it at that exact moment 5 years down the road to see how much of it resonated with you. It is a useful supplementary tool to be used in goal achievement, because when you write the letter to your future self, it helps crystallize exactly how you anticipate yourself to become at that specific moment down the road.

As you read the letter in the future, you can assess how many things match up (or not) vs. your expectations in the past and think about why that’s the case. Often times, the goals we set and our goal achievement process are subjected to a lot of changes along the way, due to varying obstacles, unanticipated circumstances and changing priorities. The letter gives you a macro-view of your initial vision and lets you recognize how your current vision differs from the past.

In addition to that, at the very moment you are writing the letter, your consciousness is captured and stored right there in those words. When you open the letter in the future, you as your future self gets to compare how you used to be in the past and compare with how you are currently. This lets you see in totality how much things have changed since then – and this can be a really intriguing experience. It’s interesting to just see how much you have grown/changed since you wrote the letter

What To Write About

at today’s date. Now imagine you writing to yourself, exactly X years from now. What do you want to say to your future self?

?How do you want your future self to be like 1 year in the future?

?What are the different dreams and goals you would want to be realized by then?

?What is your desired status of the areas of your life wheel at that time? Career/Business/Studies? Finances? Family? Friends? Love? Health? Spirituality? Recreation? Personal growth? Contribution?

you’re done, sign off your name with today’s date.

ep your letter.

?Put the papers in an envelope. Seal it.

?On the cover, write “To [Your Name]. To be opened on [Date]“. Replace [Your Name] with your name, with [Date] the date that’s 1 year from now.

?Set in your calendar to open your letter 1 year from now.

?Put this envelope in a safe place where no one can access to it.

your life like you’ve never lived it before in the next 1 year. Open the letter 1 year later and relish in nostalgia, love and joy as you read the letter from yourself 1 year ago.

You can either write it as hard cop

y (for a greater sense of nostalgia due to the aging condition of paper by then) or have it as a digital soft copy. I personally wrote a hard copy, then transferred it into soft copy document on my computer just in case I lost the hard copy. You can also try , an online time capsule service that stores and sends information to a specified email address any time in the future you specify. Personally I prefer to have a copy by my side.

Opening My Letter From My Past Self

I wrote 2 letters to myself last year, in February 10th 2008. The first letter I wrote to myself in Feb 10th 2009 (1 year from then); the second letter was to myself in Feb 10th 2013 (5 years from then). A week ago, I opened the first letter I wrote. It was an enthralling experience reading it, since it felt like my old self was talking directly to me

Reading the letter, it is interesting to notice how I was in the past and how I have changed. One of the biggest changes was my materialism tendencies. While I was already not a very materialistic person when writing this last year, I’m even less materialistic right now, given my added revelations on my relationship with material wealth and goods since quitting my job last year. My consciousness has also heightened, which is not a surprise given it is something I’m constantly working on all the time. The time period after I left my job has definitely given me unlimited personal time to really introspect and dig deep into my personal growth.

In terms of goals, I have reached and exceeded several goals. For Health, I correctly predicted I will still be a vegan and loving every minute of it. Weight-wise, I have pretty much reached my desired weight/look, something I’m really proud of as losing weight is a personal goal I had struggled with since 5-6 years ago. For Career, I leaped ahead of myself compared to my predictions – I predicted I would still be working in my ex-company while working on my purpose on the side; Turns out I have already quit it and I’m working on my purpose full-time now. The end result? I’m totally loving every moment right now.

There are some goals I haven’t reached yet. For example in Love, I thought I would have found my relationship partner by now, but I haven’t. It’s perfectly okay though due to my revelation a few months ago on how we are actually already perfect, complete and whole as singles. Finding and being together with my soulmate is something I want and look forward to in the future – In the meantime, I’m perfectly happy and complete as I am.

In terms of Friendship, some friends whom I thought I would still be great terms with had slipped away; in place of that other people had entered into the foray and have become great friends of mine in the past year, especially the past few months. In a way, it’s sort of an equilibrium at work when you think about it.

There were goals I didn’t reach because I had abandoned it halfway, since it lost meani


这将 是一次让人见解深刻的体验。

想象一下给5年后的你写一封信,5年后再打 开它,看看你做成了哪些事。这是一项能够帮 助你实现目标的辅助措施,因为它可以帮助你 将未来的预期转化为在特定的时间需要实现的 具体目标。

未来读这封信时,你会发现过去你的期望实现 了多少,并想想为什么会这样。往往由于各种 各样的困难,难以预期的环境和不断改变的重 心,我们设立的时间,目标,计划容易受到外 界的干扰而改变。这封信使你从宏观的角度重 温你最初的愿景,并思考现在的愿景和过去有 什么不同。

除此之外,写信的时候,你的意识完全集中于 其中。因此,打开信封时,未来的你就可以与 现在的自己做比较。这使你看清,从过去到现 在你改变了多少,着实是一次有趣的经历。看 看写信时的自己成长/改变了多少很有意思。

< br>

1. 看下今天的日期。现在,想象你正写信给X 年后的自己,你想对未来的自己说些什么呢?


到那时,你想要实现哪些不同 的梦想和目标?

那时候,你理想的人生状态是怎样的?事业, 生意,学业状况如何?财务,家庭, 朋友关 系,爱情,健康,精神,娱乐活动,个人成 长,贡献状况都是怎样?

2. 一旦写完,签上你的名字和日期。

3. 保存好你的信件。


在信封上写上“致[某某某] 。请于[某个时刻]打 开”。用你的名字替换前者,时间改为1年之 后。


将信封保存在一个安全,别人找不到 的地方。

4. 在之后的1年里,你要像新生一样生活。1 年后打开信封,读着一年前的自己写来的信, 就能细细品味出怀旧,欢喜之情。

你也可以将它打印出来(泛黄变旧的纸质文本 可激发更强烈的怀念之情)或者存储为电子文 档。我自己打印了一份,然后又转成电子版保 存在我的电脑里,以防丢失打印稿。你还可以 试试“未来的我”这一网络上的时间贮存服务, 它保存你设置的信息,然后按时给未来的你发 送一封特殊的邮件。就我个人而言,我更喜欢 身边有一份打印稿。

打开过去 自己寄来的信件

去年,即2008年2月10日时,我给自己写了两 封信。第一封是写给2009年2月10日(即1年 后)的自己,第二封则是写给2013年2月10日 (即5年后)的自己。一周前,我打开了自己 写的第一封信。读信的经历让我着迷,就像过 去与现在的我直接在交谈一样。

读着信,意识到过去自己的模样和现在的改变 很有趣。其中一项最大的改变就是我的物质倾 向。去年写

信的时候,我已经不是一个很物质 的人了,但如今考虑到去年辞职后产生的对自 己与物质财富,商品关系的反思,我的物质程 度甚至变得更低。我的意识也得到了提升,由 于我一直努力朝着这个方向发展,这也不是什 么怪事。我的辞职的确给了我无限的时间去真 正的反省自己,深入挖掘自己的成长与变化。

< br>
目标方面,我已经实现并超额完成了几个目 标。健康方面,我正确预期了我还是一个严格 的素食主义者,并热爱其中的每时每刻。体重 方面,我几乎达到了自己期望的体重/看,这 是我很自豪的一件事,因为在5-6年前,减肥 就成为我一直奋斗的目标。事业方面,我的进 步远远超过预期 --我预计自己还会在原来的公 司里工作,闲暇时才做做自己想做的事;但事 实证明,我已经辞职,可以专心地实施自己的 计划了。结果呢?我真是爱极了现在的每一分 钟。

有些目标我还没能实现。比如爱情,我原以为 现在的我将找到自己的人生伴侣,但我没有。 但因几个月前我进行了反思,意识到单身的我 们实际上已经很美好,充实,幸福,我并不沮 丧。找到并和精神伴侣共同生活是我未来的追 求。同时,我独自 一人时,也很开心,充实。

友谊方面,原先我认为,有些人还会是我的好 朋友,但他们已经离开;而去年,特别是前几 个月,我又交了很多好朋友,填补了这些空 缺。当你回想时,这在某种程度上,也是一种 工作的平衡。

还有一些目标我没有完成,对我而言,它们失 去了意义,只得半途而废。就举我想买车这个 例子--去年,在我加了薪买得起车时,我意识 到,在公共交通极为便利的新加坡买车并不符 合我内心深处的愿望。原先想买车,更多的是 出于形象考虑,而今,它作为旧有自我的一部 分,也渐渐消散了。更不必说有了车之后将给 环境造成的不利影响了。

总而言之,过去和现在自己的比较使我弄清楚 了几件事。它以一种实体(不是只依靠回忆) 的方式让我更清楚现在的自己,和过去相比, 都有了哪些改变。它让我记起过去我曾有过的 沿路丢失了的一些愿望。它更使我学会欣赏我 走过的远途,让我 对未来充满了热切的希望。


现在,拿出笔和纸,给未来的自己写一封信 吧。确定写给自己的时间,想象那个时候自己 变成的模样,然后开始写。想想你将成为哪一 类的人,生活中的位置,那时已经实现的目 标,你将经历的感悟,等等。

写好了信,装进信封,在信封上写上打开的日 期,将它放到安全的地方保存。在日程表上定 好开封的日期。当你在未来的某一天打开它, 你可能会

对都快忘记的自己和过去几年的人生 之旅产生一些深刻的见解。

一定要在29号给未来的自己写一封信,以验 证 “30天后,生活更美好”的活动哈。










本文更新与2021-01-07 03:52,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/499026.html


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