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allow是什么意思【单词速记】新人教高中英语必修第二册 Unit 2

2021-01-06 17:45
tags:英语, 高中教育



Unit 2
In recent years, creatures such
as whales, sharks, dolphins, deer, kangaroosand Tibetan antelopes have
faced a threat and it's difficult for them to exist. Now their numbers
are reducing due to too much hunting. As a result, they have
to search for new habitats and try to adapt to new environments. This
problem has concerned people very much,
and stirred up emotions of alarm. At present, many volunteers join in the
protection of wild animals. In thehabitats they observe the daily activities
of wild animals and watch themover day and night. They remove traps
and nets placed by hunters to protect animals and insects like butter flies
from attack. In addition, these volunteers help to recover the lost animals.
They remind people in the neighbourhood of the importance
of harmony between man and nature.
过度捕猎 ,它们的数量正在减少。因此,它们不得不寻找新的栖息地,并努力适应新的
环境。这个问题已经引起了 人们的极大关注,并且激起了人们的惊慌情绪。目前,许多
志愿者加入了保护野生动物的行列。在栖息地 ,他们观察野生动物的日常活动,并日夜
监视它们。它们拆除猎人放置的陷阱和网,以保护动物和昆虫, 如蝴蝶免受攻击。此外,










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