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2021-01-01 22:19



(1) 建立好保持商务联络

(2) 谈论工作

(3) 制定计划和安排工作

②商务旅行:预定饭店房间、饭店住宿和结账、点菜、 进行旅行咨询、
一、 口语测试题型(一)——考官口头提问(Interview)


① Hometown
② Weather
③ Traffic
④ Travel
⑤ Leisure Time and Hobbies
⑥ Shopping
⑦ Sports Activities
⑧ Family
⑨ Food
⑩ Festivals and Occasions


(一) 考生怎样与考官进行简单的商务交流

自我介绍结束后,考官会 与考生就商务交往中的某一具体的问题
进行较为具体的交谈。这一阶段考生要通过描述(describ e)、比较
对答案可能涉及的词汇做充分 了解,如果时间充裕,最好提前准备好
考官一般会问考生对商务活动的一些基本看 法,或者给考生设定
该具备 一些基本的商务知识,其次才是如何用英文表达。
例如:Suppose you are a sales representative. Your company has
developed a new product with high price and good quality. How
will you persuade you customer to buy your product?
分析:考生首先应当知道本产品的优 势在什么地方,不同的客户
可以将它更加细化,为了便于进一 步展开谈话,最好选择自己熟悉的
参考答案:Well, suppose I am a sales representative. Our company
has developed a new office-software, It has more functions and
is easier to use compared with other products.
The first step of selling our product is to determine our target
customer. If I am supposed to sell the software to governments,
corporations, or institutions, the high quality, multi-function
and all-round after-sale service would be the first priority to
these customers. They are less sensitive in price than the
individual buyers. I’ll try my best to let them know our
software’s distinct advantage over the others’. If individuals
are my target customers, they will pay more attention to the
price. Of course, it is not easy to talk them into buying. The
best policy, I think is to assure them that they get the product
with best quality-price ratio.


每位考生都会在一张 纸上看到两个题目,考生可以从中选自一个并有
一分钟的时间做准备。在演讲完毕后,另一位考生可以就 这个演讲提
考试要求:Thank you. That’s the end of the first part of the test.
In the next part you are going to talk on your own. I’m going
to give each of you a card with 2 topics. I’d like you to choose
one topic and talk about it for about a minute. You have one
minute to prepare for this. You are allowed to make notes. All
right? Here are you topics.
Interlocutor hands each candidate a different topic card, and
some paper and pencil for notes.
Choose one of the topics and prepare to talk about it. Remember
you can make notes if you wish.
Allow 1 minute’s preparation time. All candidates prepare their
talks at the same time, separately.

例一:What is important when looking for a new job?
Good Colleagues
I think that when looking for a new job, the location of the
organization is very important. The company or organization
should be situated in a downtown area with very good
communications facilities, for example, good bus and tube
(underground or subway) networks. In this way, you can save a
lot of time commuting on the way. Also, it is important to have
a good salary, because if you are paid according to the going
rate, you will be motivated to work harder. The final point to
consider when looking for a new job is that you should have nice
colleagues. They should be friendly towards you and help you get
to know the structure of the organization and the house rules.
The senior staff should also help the new staff to learn the
office routines and the correct ways of working. You will feel
much better working in a collaborative team.
例二:What is important when choosing a business language
Size of Group
In choosing a business language course, there are a number of
factors to consider. First, you have to think about the cost,
which should be reasonable and be related to the content of the
course and the quality of teaching. Secondly, the size of the
group should be small, with no more than 20 students to a group,
so that everyone could have more opportunities for oral practice.
Preferably, the students should come from different countries
so that they can only talk to each other in English. Also, the
trainer should have both good knowledge of English and the
business world. There should be a variety of classroom
activities designed to motivate the students to speak as much
as possible. Finally, at the end of the course, the students
should have a certificate issued to them, so that they can prove
their English proficiency to their future employers and use
English in a real business context.
例三:A. What is important when arranging a business trip abroad?
Type of Transport
Contact Person
B. What is important when choosing offices to rent?
A sample speech on Topic A
Interlocutor: All right. Now, A, which topic have you chosen,
A or B?
Would you like to talk about what you think is
important when arranging a business trip abroad?
Candidate A:
Ok. I think when arranging a business trip abroad there are three
things to consider. First, you must choose the type of transport.
As overseas travels involve long distances, the plane is the best
choice for reaching your destination rapidly. Secondly, you
should also consider what accommodation best suits your purposes.
Choosing a hotel with all modern conveniences and communication
facilities will help you accomplish your tasks much better.
Lastly, you should have a contact person who has important local
connections and up-to-date local business information.
1. How important is the cost of the trip? (whywhy not?)
Yes, the cost of the trip is very important because every company
has guidelines on the travel budget and no department should
exceed it.
2. Is it important to have colleagues with you on a business trip?
(whywhy not?)
Yes, I think having a colleague with you on a business trip is
very useful. Firstly, because two people can help each other and
secondly having another person’s contribution to your business
negotiation is important.
3. Is it essential to speak the language? (whywhy not?)
Yes. The ability to speak the local language helps you to
communicate with your business partner better. But it is
unrealistic expectation because an average person knows only one
foreign language.

A sample speech on Topic B
Interlocutor: All right. Now, B, which topic have you chosen,
A or B? Would you like to talk about what is important when
choosing offices to rent?
Candidate B:
Certainly. When choosing offices to rent, it is important to
think about the location, facilities and cost. Your offices
should be located in a downtown business area with good transport,
so that your customers can get to your company easily. Secondly,
the offices should have all the modern facilities, such as
comfortable furniture, telephones, internet connections and all
the office machines. Last but not least, the rent of offices
should not be too high; otherwise it would affect your
1. Why is it important to consider the size of the premises?
(whywhy not?)
Because it should be neither too large nor too small. If it is
too large, then it will be a waste of space and the cost will
be very high. But if it is too small, then it cannot accommodate
all your staff.
2. How important is the condition of the building? (whywhy not?)
It is very important. The building should be in good repair and
well decorated. This will give your customers a very good
3. Are parking spaces for staff essential? (whywhy not?)
Yes, they are essential. Because more and more staff members
drive their own cars to work. They should have some place to park
their cars.


1. 如果没听到
Sorry, could you …
I’m sorry I didn’t hear what you said.
I didn’t quite catch what you said.
I missed that.
Could you repeat what you said, please?
Could you say that again, please?
Would you mind repeating that, please?
2. 如果没听懂
Sorry, I don’t quite follow you.
I don’t quite see what you mean.
I don’t quite catch your meaning.
I don’t understand what you’ve just said.


That’s what I think.
I feel the same way.
I agree completely.
I quite agree with you in this way.
I can’t agree more.
I believe so.
I guess that’s true.
I’m for your proposal.
I’m on your side.
You’re right.
He has said what I wanted to say.
What I want to say is what he said just now
Mine is the same as yours.
That’s true.
That’s right.
I disagree with most of his opinions.
I’m not sure I agree with you.
I want to agree with you, but I can’t.
What you said in incorrect.
It’s just the other way around.
It’s just opposite.
It’s not the case.
It’s not true.
That isn’t so.
That’s wrong.
I take a negative view of it.
I don’t think so.
I don’t think that’s true.
I don’t think you’re right.
I think you’re wrong.
I don’t agree.

(五)如何询问和提供信息?Giving and getting information

1.当你要询问信息时If you ask for some information, you may say:
Could you tell me whether where when why …?
I’d like to know
Would you please tell me
I want to get some information about
Can you give me some information about
Please let me know if
2.当有人向你提供信息时When someone gives you some information,
you may reply:
Oh, I understand see.
Oh, I catch it.
That sounds interesting.
That interests me very much.
Thanks for you giving us
3.如果有人向你询问信息时If someone asks you for information,
you may reply:
Well, as far as I know
Ok, I can tell you that
Yes, I get some knowledge of what you asked
Sorry, I don’t know
I’m afraid I have no idea.
I am not quite sure about
4.如果你想向他人提供信息时If you want to give someone some
information, you may say:
I would let you know that
I’d like you to know that
I guess you didn’t know
I think you should know
5.如果你没有得到足够信息时If you haven’t been given enough
information, you may say:
Would you please tell me some more about
I’d also want to know
What and where exactly
There is something else I’d like to know
Could you give me some more details about
Shall I have more information about
May I be informed of more about


1. 当你需要想一想或核对有关事实时
Well, let me see
Well, now
Oh, let me think for a minute
I’m not sure; I have to check. That’s a very interesting question.
2. 当你不知道答案或出于某原因不愿意回答时
I’m not really sure.
I can’t answer that one.
I’m sorry, I really don’t know.
I’ve got no idea.
I’d like to help you, but
That’s something I’d rather not talk about right now.


In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on
a business topic. You have to choose one of the topic from the
two below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute
to prepare you ideas.
A. What is important when selecting applicant for interviews?
Reference Checks
Ability of The Applicant
Letters of Recommendation
B. What is important when choosing a new device?
A:When selecting applicants for interviews, at least one
reference check needs to be recorded in order to hire a potential
employee, and past supervisors are the best source of
information. Then the ability of the applicant is the most
important, it may be shown in his resume and the letter of
recommendation. Letters written for the applicant generally
represent a more trustful information, it should be viewed
B: When choosing a new device, there’re a lot of respects needed
to be thought over. First is the device convenience, such as
easiness to use, portability, and so on. Then the flexibility
of the device should be considered, and look for a device that
offer a variety of access options. And the last is to choose a
durable, reliable device. Make sure that the device can
withstand the stress of daily usage.

三、口语测试题型(三)——考生讨论(Collaborative Task and
1. 开始应有简要的寒暄,使谈话显得自然,符合生活实际。
2. 理解标题相当重要。标题往往是一个单词或一个短语,简要的表明
3. 表达自己的问题或回答别人的问题时,要尽量简洁,以便让对方了
解自己的意思。传达信 息是交流的第一任务。展示自己的语言技巧、
表现自己对语言的驾驭能力等都是让对方明白了自己的意思 之后才应
4. 如果一方口语实力很强,而另一方相对来说弱一些的话,那么很强
话多不一定能取得考官的 好感。
(二)口试Part Three的测试要求是什么?
这部分主要目的就是在一个给 定的场景下,让考生之间展开讨论。这
考官简要地介绍一个scenario(情景梗概),然后发给学生一 些黑白
恰当时候,考官会参 与讨论,以帮助考生朝正确的方向讨论。随后考
Example One:
I’m going to describe a situation, as read to the candidate twice.
A large company is building a new reception area. Talk together
for about 2 minutes about the different things you could put into
the reception area and decide which 3 things would be most
Here are some ideas to help you.
Sofa, desk, visitor’s book, telephone, newspapers and magazines,
brochures about the company’s products and services, etc.
A: What do you think are the important things that we should put
into the reception area?
B: Well, as you know, the reception area is the first place of
our company that the visitor sees, so it’s important to make a
good impression on the visitors. I think the first things we
should put into the area are some large sofas so that visitors
can sit comfortably.
A: What about some desks for the receptionist? Also, we should
place a computer and a telephone on the desk for her use.
B: That’s a good idea. I think we should also have a visitor’s
book for the visitors to sign in. Then the receptionist can issue
an identity badge to the visitor.
A: I agree. But what about some newspapers and magazines? While
the visitor is waiting, he or she can have something to read.
B: That’s right. And I think it would be a good idea to place
some brochures on our company’s products and services in the
reception area. In this way, the visitor can learn more about
our company.
A: Don’t you think we should prepare a coffee machine and a tea
set? It’s very important offer some tea or coffee to the visitor
when he or she arrives. In this way the visitors will feel at
B: Yes, I quite agree. What else should we put into the reception
A: What about some pictures to put on the walls? We can put up
some landscape painting about our city in the room.
B: You are right. But what are the three most suitable things
to be put into the reception area?
A: I think we should have sofas, desks and a telephone set as
the three most suitable things because they are indispensable.
B: Absolutely.
第三部分主要是 测试考生就某一给定话题展开对话与讨论的能力。所
以一定要注意双方的合作,你来我往,不要一个人滔 滔不绝,也不要
What do you think of this problem?
Can you tell me how to make…?
I want to know how you are going to plan this event.
Could you say something more about this plan?
Can you be more specific about this?
Interlocutor: Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk
about something together. I’m going to describe a situation.
Your company has performed very well this year, and the managers
want to thank all the staff. Talk together for about 2 minutes
about ways of rewarding staff and decide which one is the best.
Here are some ideas to help you. (Interlocutor places the task
sheet in front of the candidates so that they can both see it.)
(A Sample of Part 3 Task Sheet)
Rewards For Staff
Bonus payment
Day trip
Shares in the company
Extra day’s holiday
A: Ok, as we know, this year our company has performed very well,
so the managers are considering a variety of rewards for staff.
In my opinion, it would be a good idea to make a bonus payment
to staff to show the company appreciates their hard work.
B: Well, I’m not sure if that’s the best way. I think giving each
employee some shares in the company would be a better idea. In
this way, they can link their personal interest with the
performance of the company.
A: I see your point. But it will be very difficult to decide the
level of reward for each member. If not distributed in a fair
way, this might have a negative impact on staff morale. Now on
second thoughts, I think that organizing a day trip would be a
good way to build team spirit and enable our employees to know
each other better. We are so busy with our work usually that
employees hardly have any time to socialize.
B: You’ve got a very good point. The more I think about it, the
more I like the idea of day trip. We are shut up in our office
every day that we lose touch with nature. It would be a pleasant
change to have an outing and take the worries of work off our
A: Right. So now we see eye to eye on this issue. Shall we report
the result of our discussion to the MD and let him decide.
在考生讨论完毕后,考官还会提一两个附加问题,以便更进 一步地测
Is there any other reward you would like?
Is it important for staff to receive the same type of reward?
What kind of place would be suitable for a company trip?
How important is it to reward staff for good work?
(三)Part Three 部分应该注意什么问题?
抢话,尽可能多地为表现 自己寻求机会,在尽可能清楚地阐述自己的
观点的同时,还要争取说服别人相信自己的观点和看法。 < br>讨论中至关重要的一点是考生认真听取同组考生的谈话,只有如此,
你才有机会插话,有机会附和 ,有机会表示你的赞成或反对,才不会
讨论并不是要按考生顺序一个个轮流发言。考官会根 据考生前一个阶
论过程中会 有打断、插话、附和等,作为考生不能一味表现自己,太
“霸道”,也不 能一味沉默,太“谦虚”。要把握分寸,掌握时机,恰
当地运用口语表达技巧,自然地接续、打断、插入 或附和别人的话茬,
1. sb’s view on…
People’s viewsideasopinions on… vary from person to person.
Some people think that…
People’s ideas on educational reform vary from person to person.
Some people think that the educational reform is of great
importance and necessity.
People’s opinions on consumption vary from person to person. Some
people think that they should spend money moderately and save
money for a rainy day.
2. Different people have different views on…
It is held that…
Different people have different views on boxing.
It is held that boxing should be eliminated.
3. Is…? Answers to this vary greatly. I think that…
Is failure a bad thing? Answers to this vary greatly.
I think that it’s natural to meet failures in one’s career.
Can money buy happiness? Answers to this vary greatly.
Some people think that money is the source of happiness. But my
4. When asked about…, different people will offer different
opinions. Some people say that…
When asked about whether smoking is good or not, different people
will offer different opinions. Some people say that smoking…,
others say that…
When asked about whether a test of spoken English is necessary,
different people will offer different opinions. Some people say
that it’s necessary to adopt such a test…
5. Advantages and disadvantages of…
Nowadays, … is popular around us.
Nowadays, … plays an important role in…
Like everything else, … hashave both favorable and unfavorable
aspects. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.
Nowadays, computers are very popular around us.
Like everything else, computers have both favorable and
unfavorable aspects. Generally, the advantages can be listed as
Nowadays, television plays an important part in people’s daily
life. Like everything else, television has both favorable and
unfavorable aspects. Generally, the advantages can be listed as
6. How to…
… Many waysmethods can contribute to solving this problem, but
the following ones may be most effective.
With the booming of the motor industry, there are an increasing
number of vehicles on the roads. As a result, traffic jams often
occur. Many waysmethods can contribute to solving this problem,
but the following ones may be most effective.
7. Why…
… There are many reasonscauses for…, but in general, they come
down to three major ones.
… There are many factors that may account for…, but the
following are the most typical ones.
For the past ten years, traffic jams in big cities have been more
and more serious. There are many reasons for traffic jams, but
in general, they come down to three major ones.
Chinese people are keen on saving. They lay aside a sum of money
almost every month or every year. There are many factors that
may account for this phenomenon, but the following are the most
typical ones.
(六)有哪些常用于插入的表达方式 会话讨论时所使用的句子,有很多都是有一定的格式的,若能在适当
的地方插入一些适当的称呼,或 者一些能引起对方注意的惊叹语,将
I beg your pardon, but…
I’m sorry to trouble you, but…
I’m sorry to interrupt you, but…
Pardon me, but…
Excuse me, but…
以 上这些句子,都是用来表示“对不起…….”之后的惯用句型。如果
话中再插入对方的称呼或名字,将更 能达到沟通的效果,:
Excuse me, Mr. Liu, but…
Now, Xiao Li, I want to ask…
在讨论中,当别人讲话时,如果你想插上几句,你 得注意寻找合适的
说,一句 话的结尾是插话的好时机。
Um… Um… Um…(repeated until the speaker lets you speak)
By the way… (to change the subject)
That reminds me…
The way I see it…
也许你是一个好的听众,但在考试中,还是应尽可能充分表 现自己,
There are three points I’d like to make…
(You can’t be interrupted until you have made all three!)
Even though…
(You can’t be interrupted until you have spoken two clauses.)
And another thing…
(You can’t be interrupted until you have added a sentence.)
Pausing in the middle of a sentence, not between sentences.
(You can’t be interrupted until you have completed your
无论是口语表述还是书面作文,结尾经常用来总结全文,提 出自己的
1. 对前面的表述进行归纳总结的句型:
From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the
conclusion that…
Taking all these factors into account, we may safely come to the
conclusion that…
Judging from all evidence offered, we may safely arrive atreach
the conclusion that…
All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that…
From what is mentioned above, we may come to the conclusion
To draw a conclusion…
To sum up…
To summarize…
In general, …
In short, …
In brief, …
In conclusion, …
In a word, …
2. 表明自己的观点的句型:
I think that …
The point is …
As I see it…
I’d just like to say that …
I’d like to point out that …
As far as I am concerned …
In a word, I believe that …
In my opinion, we should …
As for me, I …
In my view…
From my point of view …
I tend to think that…
I am inclined to think that …
I guess that…
From my point of view
In my opinion
To my mind
As I see it
I believe that
I am sure that
I am certain that
I think that
I consider that
I feel that
I am absolutely convinced that
I am completely positive that
I am definitely sure that
I strongly believe that
I certainly think that
I really do think that
I really feel that
I have absolutely no doubt that
3. 表明建议,希望,解决方法的句型:
I think it’d be a great idea to
I’ve got a fantastic idea
I’ve got a really good idea
How about
Why don’t you
Why not
I hope
I suppose
I guess
I imagine
In this part of the test the examiner reads out a scenario and
gives you some prompt material in the form of picture or word.
You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of
which is below, and then about 2 minutes to discuss the scenario
with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more
questions related to the topic.
Fro two (5 minutes) or three (7 minutes) candidates
I’m going to describe a situation.
A company wants to go to an exhibition for her new products; there
will some activities to be organized. Talk fro about 2 minutes
about the activities and decide which 2 activities are the most
Here are some ideas to help you.
Function demo
Promotional video
Free sample
A: Will the company give a function demo of the new product on
the exhibition?
B: Yes, they will also show you a promotional video.
A: That’s great. Then will they provide free sample of the new
B: I think they will, but I am not sure.
A: Then do you know they will give us some detailed introduction
to the new product?
B: Yes, they will.
A: If I miss the exhibition, how can I do?
B: Don’t worry, they will display the new product in the hall
after the exhibition.
A: Oh, how carefully do they think!
B: Yeah.
Examiner’s question: Which 2 activities of the company on the
exhibition are the most important?
Key: function demo, introduction










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