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2020-12-24 19:53


With today’s seemingly irreversible trend toward globalization,
countries interact with each other more often and more intensely. As a
result, worldwide interest in intercultural communication has risen.
Although we are familiar with the introduction of western culture into
China by Chinese scholars, whose aim is “to learn others’ strong points
in order to surpass them”, ways of spreading Chinese culture to the west
remain a mystery to most of us. Who are the harbingers of culture? The
answer may be surprising: religious missionaries.
Christmas in China is a homogeneous culture formed with the Chri
stianity preaching,With the reform being furthered,Christmas culture
is prospering in ent from the Chinese native culture,Ch
ristmas is
rds,Christmas culture reveals the tendency that Chinese Christians t
ry to weaken the pressure from
boon from their life-world.
PhD students say 'No' to Christmas
By Li Qian ()
Updated: 2006-12-21 18:13
As Christmas draws near, ten philosophy and education PhD students from
China's top universities jointly publicized a petition on the Internet,
calling on netizens, especially the young, to be less excited about the
exotic holiday, Shanghai-based reported December 21, 2006.
This is the latest instance of public resistance to western culture and
lifestyles in China. In the online petition, titled
Collective Unconsciousness, Strengthen Chinese Cultural Dominance
dated with traditional Chinese Era Calendar, PhD students from China's
most authoritative universities including Beida, Tsinghua and People's
University hope to up the Chinese people to resist western cultural

A Santa Claus model blowing the trumpet is seen in front of
the Oriental Pearl Tower at the Lujiazui financial district
in Shanghai December 19, 2006. [newsphoto]
According to the petition, culture has been more like storms
sweeping through the country rather than mild showers,
prevalence of Christmas celebrations as a typical example.
According to the petition, in China,
centres, restaurants and hotels have decorated Christmas trees,
Christmas messages flood the Internet, newspapers, TV and radio programs,
hundreds of millions text messages are sent by cell phones, friends
exchange Christmas greetings when they meet each other, and people revel
until very late on Christmas Eve.
oriental nation of China is shifting towards becoming a western society.
The authors of the petition claim that celebrating Christmas is a personal
decision, but most Chinese join in the celebrations without clearly
knowing the origin of the occasion.
One of the reasons for this, according to the authors is a failure on
the part of the government to maintain Chinese traditions while
encouraging the economy. Retailers and other business people are also
to blame for using the festival to boost business. On Christmas Eve,
people must wait for seats at nearly every restaurant in Beijing and other
cities in China.
The petition goes on to state that this case should not be seen as an
isolated phenomenon as American and European culture expand throughout
China along with their technological and economic domination.
It seems the petition will not receive much support, judging from the
large number of critical responses on the Internet. And it's likely it
will be drowned out in the mainstream, where Christmas and Valentine's
Day are becoming more popular than the Spring Festival among youngsters.
On the same day another report from the Henan Business News in central
China's Henan Province said a commercial chamber was planning a nude
running event on the evening of December 24, and had received more than
1,700 applications to join in the activity.
Just like Christmas, western cultures and festivals have entered people's
daily lives in China, but a large number of Chinese still need to learn
more about their background and the deeper meanings behind the social
events so they don't blindly copy something they don't understand.


“圣诞节”这个名称是“***弥撒”的缩 写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。耶诞
节是一个宗节我们把它当作耶苏的诞辰来庆祝,因而又名耶诞节。 这一天,世
并 无半点关联。交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,这都使圣诞节成为一个普天同庆的日子。

圣诞节 是***教世界最大的节日。4世纪初,1月6日是罗马帝国东部各教会
纪念那稣降生和受洗的双重节日 、称为“主显节”Epiphany,亦称“显现节”
即上帝通过那稣向世人显示自己。当时只有那路拉 冷的教会例外,那里只纪念
耶稣的诞生而不纪念那稣的受洗。后来历史学家们在罗马***徒习用的日历 中发
一 般认为12月25日伴为圣诞节可能开始于公元336年的罗马教会)约在公元
375年传到小亚细亚的 安提阿,公元430年传到埃及的亚历山大里亚,那路撒冷
的教会接受得最晚,而亚美尼亚的教会则仍然 坚持1月6日主显节是那稣的诞

12月25日原来是波斯太阳神(即光 明之神)密特拉(Mithra)的诞辰,是一
个异教徒节日,同时太阳神也是罗马国教众神之一。这一 天又是罗马历书的冬
教徒的风俗习惯***教 化的措施之一。

后来,虽然大多数教会都接受12月25日为圣诞节,但又固各地教 会使用的
圣诞节 节期(Christmas
Tide),各地教会可以根据当地具体情况在这段节期之内庆祝圣诞节 。自从12
洗了 ,但天主教会又把1月6日定为“三王来朝节”,以纪念耶稣生时东方三
王(即三位博士)来朝拜的故事 。随着***教的广泛传播,圣诞节已成为各教派
***徒,甚至广大非***徒群众的一个重要节日。 在欧美许多国家里,人们非常
重视这个节日,把它和新年连在一起,而庆祝活动之热闹与隆重大大超过了 新

神更派遣使者加 伯列在梦中晓谕约瑟,叫他不要因为马利亚未婚怀孕而不要她,
反而要与她成亲,把那孩子起名为“耶苏 ”,意思是要他把百姓从罪恶中救出

当马利亚快要临盆的时候,罗马政 府下了命令,全部人民到伯利恒务必申报
户籍。约瑟和马利亚只好遵命。他们到达伯利恒时,天色已昏, 无奈两人未能
亚唯 有在马槽上,生下耶苏。后人为纪念耶苏的诞生,便定十二月二十五为圣
诞节,年年望弥撒,纪念耶苏的 出世。

圣诞节便是於十二月二十五日纪念耶苏的诞生,但真实的诞生日就没有人知< br>道了。十九世纪,圣诞卡的流行、圣诞老人的出现,圣诞节也开始流行起来了。

Origin of Christmas

The name Christmas is short for 'Christ's Mass'. A Mass is a kind of
Church service. Christmas is a religious festival. It is the day we
as the birthday of Jesus.

There are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over
world. But many of the festivities of Christmas do not have anything to
do with religion. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are the
modern ways of celebrating the Christmas in the orld.

The birth of Jesus had a story: In Nazareth, a city of Galilee. The
name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Before they came together, she
found with child of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was minded to
her away secretly. While he thought about these things, Gabriel, an angel
of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid
take Mary as wife. And Mary will bring forth a Son, and he shall call
name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

Before Jesus births, Joseph and Mary came to Quintus was governing
So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went
up out of Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city
of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and of
the lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife,
was with child. So it was that while they were there, the days were
for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and
him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no
room for them in the inn.

And that, Christmas is the feast of the nativity of Jesus, is on 25th,
December every year. But nobody know the actual birthday of Jesus. And
the Christmas has become popular when Christmas cards appeared in 1846
and the concept of a jolly Santa Claus was first made popular in nineteenth
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Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.
No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth, but most Christians observe
Christmas on December 25. On this day, many go to church, where they take
part in special religious services. During the Christmas season, they
also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and
Christmas trees. The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse, an early
English phrase that means Mass of Christ. The story of Christmas comes
chiefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New

The history of Christmas dates back over 4000 years. Many of our Christmas
traditions were celebrated centuries before the Christ child was born.
The 12 days of Christmas, the bright fires, the yule log, the giving of
gifts, carnivals(parades) with floats, carolers who sing while going from
house to house, the holiday feasts, and the church processions can all
be traced back to the early Mesopotamians.

Many of these traditions began with the Mesopotamian celebration of New
Years. The Mesopotamians believed in many gods, and as their chief
god-Marduk. Each year as winter arrived it was believed that Marduk would
do battle with the monsters of chaos. To assist Marduk in his struggle
the Mesopotamians held a festival for the New Year. This was Zagmuk, the
New Year's festival that lasted for 12 days.

The Persians and the Babylonians celebrated a similar festival called
the Sacaea. Part of that celebration included the exchanging of places,
the slaves would become the masters and the masters were to obey. The
ancient Greeks held a festival similar to that of the ZagmukSacaea
festivals to assist their god Kronos who would battle the god Zeus and
his Titans.

The Roman's celebrated their god Saturn. Their festival was called
Saturnalia which began the middle of December and ended January 1st. With
cries of Jo Saturnalia! the celebration would include masquerades in the
streets, big festive meals, visiting friends, and the exchange of
good- luck gifts called Strenae (lucky fruits). The Romans decked their
halls with garlands of laurel and green trees lit with candles. Again
the masters and slaves would exchange places.

Jo Saturnalia! was a fun and festive time for the Romans, but the
Christians thought it an abomination to honor the pagan god. The early
Christians wanted to keep the birthday of their Christ child a solemn
and religious holiday, not one of cheer and merriment as was the pagan

Some legends claim that the Christian Christmas celebration was invented
to compete against the pagan celebrations of December. The 25th was not
only sacred to the Romans but also the Persians whose religion Mithraism
was one of Christianity's main rivals at that time. The Church eventually
was successful in taking the merriment, lights, and gifts from the
Saturanilia festival and bringing them to the celebration of Christmas.

The exact day of the Christ child's birth has never been pinpointed.
Traditions say that it has been celebrated since the year 98 AD. In 137
AD the Bishop of Rome ordered the birthday of the Christ Child celebrated
as a solemn feast. In 350 AD another Bishop of Rome, Julius I, choose
December 25th as the observance of Christmas.

The birth of Jesus had a story: In Nazareth, a city of Galilee. The
virgin's name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Before they came together,
she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was minded
to put her away secretly. While he thought about these things, Gabriel,
an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be
afraid to take Mary as wife. And Mary will bring forth a Son, and he shall
call his name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

Before Jesus births, Joseph and Mary came to Quirnius was governing Syria.
So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went
up out of Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city
of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and of
the lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife,
who was with child. So it was that while they were there, the days were
completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn
Son, and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because
there was no room for them in the inn.

And that, Christmas is the feast of the nativity of Jesus, is on 25th,
December every year. But nobody knows the actual birthday of Jesus. And
the Christmas has become popular when Christmas cards appeared in 1846
and the concept of a jolly Santa Claus was first made popular in nineteenth

The custom of giving gifts to relatives and friends on a special day in
winter probably began in ancient Rome and northern Europe. In these
regions, people gave each other small presents as part of their year-end

In the 1800's, two more Christmas customs became popular--decorating
Christmas trees and sending Christmas cards to relatives and friends.
Many well-known Christmas carols, including ``Silent Night and ``Hark!
The Herald Angels Sing, were composed during this period. In the United
States and other countries, Santa Claus replaced Saint Nicholas as the
symbol of gift giving.

The word Xmas is sometimes used instead of Christmas. This tradition began
in the early Christian church. In Greek, X is the first letter of Christ's
name. It was frequently used as a holy symbol.

“圣诞节”这 个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。耶
诞节是一个宗教节。我们把它当作耶稣的 诞辰来庆祝,因而又名耶诞节。这一
天,世界所有的基督教会都举行特别的礼拜仪式。但是有很多圣诞节 的欢庆活
庆的日子 。

上帝通过耶稣向 世人显示自己。当时只有耶路撒冷的教会例外,那里只纪念耶
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回答者: 漠人 | 十六级 名人
擅长领域: 起名 婚嫁 星座运势 生活常识 烹饪方法
参加的活动: 暂时没有参加的活动


2010-6-20 如何过圣诞节英文简介 89
2009-12-17 圣诞节英文简介 52
2011-1-18 关于圣诞节的英文简介 47
2011-1-7 急需圣诞节的英文简介、歌曲、背景图片、ppt等一切一切。
2010-12-19 圣诞节的英文简介 100词初中生水平的 12
查看同主题问题: 圣诞节 英文 英文 简介
0回答10需要WebCrack4.0使用方法还有软件不要有病毒的 发我邮箱
其他回答 共1条
2006-12-24 10:49 草根dē天空 | 四级

the name christmas is short for
church service. christmas is a religious festival. it is the day we
celebrate as the birthday of jesus. there are special christmas services
in christian churches all over the world. but many of the festivities
of christmas do not have anything to do with religion. exchanging gifts
and sending christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the
christmas in the world.

the birth of jesus had a story: in nazareth, a city of galilee. the
virgin's name was mary was betrothed to joseph. before they came together,
she was found with child of the holy spirit. joseph her husband was minded
to put her away secretly. while he thought about these things, gabriel,
an angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be
afraid to take mary as wife. and mary will bring forth a son, and he shall
call his name, jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

before jesus births, joseph and mary came to quirnius was governing
syria. so all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. joseph
also went up out of galilee, out of the city of nazareth, into judea,
to the city of david, which is called bethlehem, because he was of the
house and of the lineage of david, to be registered with mary, his
betrothed wife, who was with child. so it was that while they were there,
the days were completed for her to bedelivered. and she brought forth
her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in
a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

and that, christmas is the feast of the nativity of jesus, is on 25th,
december every year. but nobody know the actual birthday of jesus. and
the christmas has become popular when christmas cards appeared in 1846
and the concept of a jolly santa claus was first made popular in nineteenth
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情人节的由来英文版- The Origin of St Valentine's Day
添加日期:2006-2-17 10:28:26|阅读:373
St. Valentine's Day has roots in several different legends that have found
their way to us through the ages. One of the earliest popular symbols
of the day is Cupid(爱神丘比特), the Roman god of love, who is represented
by the image of a young boy with bow and arrow.

Three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ, the Roman emperors
still demanded that everyone believe in the Roman gods. Valentine, a
Christian priest, had been thrown in prison for his teachings. On February
14, Valentine was beheaded(斩首), not only because he was a Christian,
but also because he had performed a miracle. He supposedly cured the
jailer's daughter of her blindness. The night before he was executed,
he wrote the jailer's daughter a farewell letter, signing it
r legend tells us that this same Valentine, well-loved
by all, received notes to his jail cell from children and friends who
missed him.

Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time,
AD 200. He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples, contrary
to the laws of the Roman emperor. Some legends say he was burned at the

February 14 was also a Roman holiday, held in honor of a goddess. Young
men randomly chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities.
The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through Europe
in the Middle Ages, and then to the early American colonies. Throughout
the ages, people also believed that birds picked their mates on February

In AD 496 Sain Pope Gelasius I named February 14 as
Although it's not an official holiday, most Americans observe this day.

Whatever the odd mixture of origins, St. Valentine's Day is now a day
for sweethearts. It is the day that you show your friend or loved one
that you care. You can send candy to someone you think is special. Or
you can send roses, the flower of love. Most people send
a greeting card named after the notes that St. Valentine received in jail.
Valentines can be sentimental, romantic and heartfelt(真心真意的). They
can be funny and friendly. If the sender is shy, valentines can be

Americans of all ages love to send and receive valentines. Handmade
valentines created by cutting hearts out of colored paper, show that a
lot of thought was put into making them personal. Valentines can be
heart-shaped, or have hearts, the symbol of love, on them. In elementary
schools children make valentines for their classmates and put them in
a large decorated box, similar to a mailbox. On February 14, the teacher
opens the box and distributes the valentines to each student. After the
students read their valentines they have a small party with refreshments.

For teenagers and adults, major newspapers throughout the country have
a Valentine's Day offer. Anyone can send in a message, for a small fee
of course, destined for a would-be sweetheart, a good friend, an
acquaintance or even a spouse of fifty years. The message is printed in
a special section of the newspaper on February 14.
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现在随 着全球化越来越盛行,一些西方的节日已经传入中国,并在中国年轻人
中得到广泛关注。反观我们的传统 节日,却在中国人的观念中越来越淡薄。据
调查,现在的大部分年轻人都对传统节日不在多么关注,而在 圣诞节、情人节、
而中国的京剧,皮影戏,书法这些能体现中国人修养的古典文化却已经 越来越









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