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2020-12-19 05:34



1 Audrey Hepburn thrilled audiences with starring roles in noteworthy films like Breakfast at
Tiffany's, Sabrina, Roman Holiday, My Fair Lady, War and Peace, and Always.

奥黛丽赫本在《蒂凡尼的早餐》、《龙凤配》、《 罗马假日》、《窈窕淑女》、《战争与和
平》和《直到永远》等出色电影中主演的许多角色让观众为之陶 醉。

2 Despite her success in the film domain, the roles she most preferred portraying were not in
movies. She was an exemplary mother to her two sons and a UNICEF (the United Nations
International Children's Emergency Fund) Ambassador of Goodwill serving victims in war-torn

尽管在电影界 获得成功,但她最愿意塑造的角色却并不在影片中,而是做两个儿子的模范母亲
和联合国儿童基金会亲善 大使,为饱受战争蹂躏的人们服务。

3 As a young girl during the Nazi occupation of her native Holland, Audrey Hepburn was aware of
the brutality, death, and destruction of war. She was hungry and malnourished, as her family was
bankrupted as a result of the invasion. Audrey's father abandoned the family, and two of her
uncles were taken captive and killed. Audrey was grabbed off the street by Nazis and placed in
line to be sent to a work camp. When the guards glanced away she darted off, barely escaping,
and huddled in a cold, foul basement full of rats.

一起。趁 卫兵不注意,她飞快地跑开,惊险逃脱了,蜷缩着躲在一个满是耗子、又冷又脏的地下

4 The little girl who would become the world's most magical actress began as an anonymous
refugee confronting life's horrors and fragility firsthand. But she refused to allow her spirit to be
afflicted by the desperate reality of her young life. Instead, she transcended those challenges but
never forgot what it felt like to suffer, to be hungry, alone and helpless.

这个日后将成为世界上最具魅力女星的小女孩刚开始只是一个 无名难民,直面生命中的恐惧
和脆弱。不过她并没有让自己的精神受到幼年生活中残酷现实的影响。相反 ,她克服了种种

5 After the war, Audrey and her mother left Holland, arriving in London as poor immigrants. Her
dream of becoming a prime dancer drove her into a rigorous schedule at a famous ballet school.
Later, she was spotted by a producer and eventually landed a role in the film Roman Holiday
starring Gregory Peck, one of Hollywood's top leading men.

战后,奥黛丽和母亲离开荷 兰,到达伦敦,成了贫穷的移民。奥黛丽梦想成为一名一流的舞蹈家,
这驱使她去了一所著名的芭蕾舞学 校,接受严苛的训练安排。后来,她被一位制片人发现,并最
终得到机会,在好莱坞顶级男演员格列高利 ?派克主演的电影《罗马假日》中饰演一角。

6 Soon, Audrey was transformed from a malnourished immigrant to an internationally famous
movie star. Director Billy Wilder complimented her, saying,
that her most significant work was humanitarian work with those in need, and as the mother to
her two sons. She suffered through two divorces and from her memories of the war. Yet, Audrey
never let her sadness overcome her or jeopardize her hope for a brighter future. Audrey finally
met her soul mate, Robert Wolders, and spent the last 12 years of her life with him.

很快,奥黛丽就从营养不良的移民变成了国际知名的影星。 导演比利?怀尔德称赞她说,―奥黛
丽行姿优美,言谈优雅。‖尽管她数度获得奥斯卡金像奖和其他演艺 荣誉,奥黛丽觉得自己最
重要的工作还是为那些需要帮助的人开展人道主义服务,以及当好两个儿子的母 亲。她经历
了两次离婚,并忍受着战争记忆带给她的悲伤,然而,奥黛丽从不让这些悲伤支配自己,或者 影
响自己对美好未来的向往。最后,奥黛丽遇到了她的灵魂伴侣,罗伯特? 沃尔德斯,并和他一起

7 Becoming famous never changed Audrey's generous and compassionate character. She felt a
deep sense of responsibility to alleviate suffering of those in need, especially children. Friends
said Audrey had a complete lack of ego and accepted and appreciated others as they were.

难的 人——特别是儿童——的痛苦。朋友们说,奥黛丽一点都不自我,并且接受和欣赏别人的

8 Though she became very wealthy, she owned only one home in Switzerland. For Audrey it was a
paradise where she could hide from the world with her beloved family, work in her garden and
take long walks in nature.

尽管她十分富有,但奥黛丽只有一套住房,在瑞士。对奥黛丽而言,它是一个天堂。在那里她 可

9 In 1988, Audrey was appointed a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF designed to provide
emergency food and healthcare to children suffering the destruction of war or other catastrophes.
In that role, her lifelong passion for helping those in need, found its greatest calling.

1988年,奥黛丽被任命为联合国儿童基金会亲善 大使,这个基金会专门为受到战争或其他大
灾难伤害的儿童提供紧急食品援助和卫生保健。亲善大使这个 角色让她毕生帮助有困难的人

10 She turned down three million dollars to pen her autobiography and instead accepted one
dollar a year in the more conscientious role as diplomat for UNICEF. For seven months out of each
of her last five years, she and Robby left the peace and beauty in their cozy home to embark on
outreach trips into some of the most difficult places on earth. From Bangladesh, Sudan, India,
Vietnam, Kenya, Ethiopia, Central and South America, to Somalia, Audrey Hepburn traveled
representing UNICEF, making over 50 emotionally draining and physically dangerous missions into
bleak destinations to raise world awareness of wars and droughts. Having been a victim of war,
she understood the blessing of being the beneficiary of food, clothing, and, most of all, hope.

别人出三百万美金请她写自传,她拒绝了。但她却 接受了每年一美元的联合国儿童基金会大
使这个更需责任心的角色。在生命的最后五年里,每年她和罗比 都有七个月离开他们温馨居
所的静谧和美丽,启程外出到地球上最困难的一些地方去。从孟加拉国、苏丹 、印度、越南、
肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、中南美洲到索马里,奥黛丽?赫本代表联合国儿童基金会四处奔走 ,承担
的幸 福。

11 Audrey felt it was wicked that billions of children were deprived of simple joys and drowned in
overwhelming misery. She believed deeply in the ideology that all people share in the duty to
care for those in need. Audrey Hepburn was always ready to lead by example. She said:
you deny childhood, you deny saw UNICEF's work as an integral, sacred force in
people's lives and said of UNICEF's results, who doesn't believe in miracles is not a

奥黛丽觉得,太多的儿童被剥夺了简单的快乐而陷入无边的痛苦之 中,这是一种罪恶。她坚信
一个理念,所有人都有责任去关心那些需要帮助的人。奥黛丽?赫本始终都身 为表率。她说,―
当你放弃童年,你就放弃了生命。‖她将联合国儿童基金会的工作看作人们生活中不可 分割、

12 In 1992, Audrey was stricken by cancer. She, Robby and her two sons returned to their home
in Switzerland for their last Christmas together.

1992年,奥黛丽患了癌症。她和罗比、两个 儿子回到他们在瑞士的家,一起度过了最后一个圣
13 Audrey's long-time friend and world-famous French fashion designer, Hubert de Givenchy,
spoke to his cherished friend for the last time, just before she died. He said she was
the end because she knew she had achieved everything with perfection

奥黛丽的老朋友、世界著名的法国时装设计师于贝尔?德?纪梵希在她 去世前,最后一次和他
的挚友说话。他说她―……最后是安详的,因为她知道她已经完美地实现了一切‖ 。

14 Audrey Hepburn's passion for service was enduring. Even as her life ended at 63 years of age,
she remained a gracious woman who perpetually signified simplicity, charity, charm and

奥黛丽? 赫本对 服务的热情是持久的。即使在她63岁生命终止的时候,她仍然充满着关爱,
永远象征着纯朴、仁爱、魅 力和善良。

15 The majesty of Audrey Hepburn's spirit of social responsibility and dedication lives on in her
remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.

and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

奥黛丽的社会责任感和奉献的伟大精神在她的话语中得以传扬,― 记住,如果你在任何时候需
要一只手来帮助你,你可以在自己手臂的末端找到它。随着你的成长,记住你 还有一只手,一只
用来帮助自己,另一只用来帮助别人。‖―要想有美丽双眸,就要善于发现他人优点, 要想双唇动

Leonardo da Vinci, one of the greatest minds of the Italian Renaissance,
is perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. A
painter, sculptor, architect, mathematician, engineer, and inventor, he is
famous for a wide range of accomplishments. His natural genius, which
crossed multiple disciplines, won him the title of
Leonardo is renowned primarily as a his works, the Mona
Lisa is the best known and The Last Supper the most reproduced
religious painting of all time. What make Leonardo's drawings unique are
mainly his innovative techniques and acute scientific mind. Perhaps only
15 of his painting shave survived, partly because his constant
experimentation with new techniques made his total output quite small.
Although not a prolific(多产的)painter, Leonardo was a most productive
draftsman, keeping journals full of sketches, drawings, and diagrams.
These notebooks, often referred to as daVinci's manuscripts, recorded
his inventions, observations, and theories about everything that captured
his attention. Leonard's genius made him a pioneer in almost every field
of study he undertook. His paintings, together with his notebooks, have
contributed significantly to the history of art.

Keys:莱奥纳多·达·芬奇是意大利文艺复 兴时期最伟大的思想家之一,也
艺复兴大师的称号” 。莱奥纳多主要作为画家而著名。在其所有作品中,《蒙
娜丽莎》最为有名,而《最后的晚餐》则是历来 复制最多的宗教画作。莱
以作品总量很小。莱奥纳多虽 然不是多产画家,却是一位最高产的绘图家,
他在日记中画满了各种草图、图画和图表。这此笔记通常被 称为达.芬奇手
莱奥 纳多的天赋使他几乎在涉足的每一领域都成了先驱。他的画作,连同
他的笔记,在艺术史上贡献斐然。< br>
汉译英原文:水墨画(ink and wash painting)是中国独具特色的传统 艺
距今已有一千多年的 历史,其间经历了不断的发展、提高和完善。水墨画
的创作工具和材料是具有浓厚中国特色的毛笔、宣纸 和墨,其作品特点也
墨 和宣纸的交融渗透也使画作善于表现丰富的意象,从而达到独特的审美
效果。水墨画在中国绘画史上具有 很高的地位,甚至被认为是衡量东方绘

Keys:Ink and wash painting, one of the unique traditional art forms of
China, is representative of Chinese painting. It began around the time of
the Tang Dynasty, and then prospered in the Song and Yuan dynasties.
With a history of over one thousand years, it has experienced constant
development, improvement and perfection. The tools and materials used
to create ink and wash painting, i.e, brushes, rice paper, and ink, are
characteristic of Chinese culture and closely related to the features of
the paintings. For example, the mixing of water and ink creates different
shades of dryness, wetness, thickness and thinness. The integration and
infiltration of water, ink, and rice paper enables such paintings to convey
rich images, and hence to achieve unique aesthetic effects. Ink and
wash painting holds a high status in the history of Chinese painting, and
it is even regarded as the criterion to evaluate the artistic level of Oriental









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