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2020-12-16 00:42



Educating Psyche be Bernie Neville is a book which looks at radical new approaches
to learning ,describing the effects of emotion , imagination and the unconscious on
learning . One theory discussed in the book is that proposed by George Lozanov ,
which focuses on the power of suggestion.
由Bernie Neville撰写的《教育心理》是一本 批判变革性的新型学习方法的
书,这本书描述了情感的效用、想象力以及学习过程中的无意识行为。其中 探
讨的一个理论的由George Lozanov提议的,该理论重点在于暗示的影响力。{第
Lozanov’s instructional technique is based on the evidence that the connections
made in the brain through unconscious processing(which he calls non-specific
mental reactivity)are more durable than those made through conscious processing .
Besides the laboratory evidence for this, we know from our experience that we often
remember what we have perceived peripherally, long after we have forgotten what
we set out to learn. If we think of a book we studied months or years ago, we will
find it easy to recall peripheral details—the colour, the binding, the typeface, the
table of the library where we sat while studying it—than the content on which we
were concentrating. If we think of a lecture we listening to with great concentration,
we will recall the lecturer’s appearance and mannerisms, our place in the auditorium,
the failure of the air-conditioning, much more easily than the idea we went to learn.
Even if these peripheral details are a bit elusive, they come back readily in hypnosis
or when we relive the event imaginatively, as in psychodrama. The details of the
content of the lecture, on the other hand, seem to have gone forever.
Lozanov 的指导方法基于这样的证据,即大脑通过无意识处理所取得的联系比通
过有意识处理所取得的更持久。除 诸如此类的实验证据外,我们从自身的经验
中也不难窥见,我们常常在淡忘已学过的东西之后,却对这些 事物的外部感知
专 注的内容,我们更加轻而易举地就回想起那些外部细节,比如颜色、封面、
字体,甚至读这本书的时候坐 的图书馆的椅子。倘若想到曾经全神贯注听得一
次演讲,便会想起演讲者的穿着及言谈举止、在礼堂的位 置、糟糕的空调设
而另一方面,演讲内容的细 枝末节似乎就这样一去不返。{第二段:无意识行为
The phenomenon can be partly attributed to the common counterproductive
approach to study(making extreme efforts to memories, tensing muscles, inducing
fatigue), but it also simply reflects the way the brain functions. Lozanov therefore
made indirect instruction(suggestion) central to his teaching system. In
suggestopedia, as he called his method, consciousness is shifted away from the
curriculum to focus on something peripheral. The curriculum then becomes
peripheral and is dealt with by the reserve capacity of the brain.
这种现象可以部分归因于学习方法的普遍反 作用,(煞费苦心地去记忆、绷
紧神经、殚精竭虑),但那也仅是反映大脑技能的工作方式。因此Loz anov对
2 < br>课程中转换出来。重点放于一些表面情况。之后总课程就开始受到外部限制,
并由大脑的储存能力 进行处理。{第三段:暗示教学法的原理}
The suggestopedic approach to foreign language learning provides a good
its most recent variant(1980) , it consists of the reading of vocabulary
and text while the class is listening to first session is in two the
first part,the music is classical (Mozart , Beethoven , Brahms) and the teacher reads
the text slowly and solemnly with attention to the dynamics of the music . The
students follow the text in their books . This is followed by several minutes of
silence . In the second part , they listen to baroque music(Bach , Corelli ,
Handel)while the teacher reads the text in a normal speaking voice . During this time
they have their books closed . During the whole of this session , their attention is
passive they listen to the music but make no attempt to learn the material .
暗示教学法为外语学习的应用提供了很好的例证。根据其最近 派生的例子
分 ,第一部分的音乐都是来自莫扎特、贝多芬、勃拉姆斯的古典音乐,教室随
着旋律节拍的强弱抑扬顿挫地 朗读课文,学生们跟随老师看课文,锁喉安静几
分钟。第二部分,他们听一些巴洛克时期的音乐,如巴赫 、柯赖尔、亨德尔,
Beforehand , the students have been carefully prepared for the language learning
experience . Through meeting with the staff and satisfied students the develop the
expectation that learning will be easy and pleasant and that they will successfully
learn several hundred words of the foreign language during the class . In a
preliminary talk,the teacher introduces them to the material to be covered,but dose
not ‘teach’ it . Likewise , the student are instructed not to try to learn it during this
之前,学生们已经为这种语言学习的体验认真准备过了。 通过与教职员和满
向他们介绍内容,但是并不 教他们。同样的,在这种简单介绍中学生是不去学
Some hours after the two-part session , there is a follow-up class at which the
students are stimulated to recall the material presented . Once again the approach is
indirect . The students do not focus their attention on trying to remember the
vocabulary , but focus on using the language to communicate(e.g. through games or
improvised dramatisations) . Such methods are not unusual in language teaching .
What is distinctive in the suggestopedic method is that they are devoted entirely to
assisting recall . The ‘learning’ of the material is assumed to be automatic and
effortless, accomplished while listening to music . The teacher’s task is to assist the
students to apply what they have learned paraconsciously , and in doing so to make
it easily accessible to consciousness. Another difference from conventional teaching
is the evidence that students can regularly learn 1000 new words of a foreign
language during a suggestiopedic session , as well as grammar and idiom .
两部分课程结束几小时后,跟着会有一节课来激发学生们去回想 材料内容。
语言去 沟通。(比如通过一些游戏和即兴小品)。注入此类的方法在语言教学
中并不罕见。暗示教学法与众不同 的地方就在于其专注于辅助回想,材料的学
习看似是一种毫不费力的本能反应,听着音乐就完成了。教师 的任务就是辅助
方 式不用的是,在暗示教学法的一期课里,学生们通常可以学习1000个生词,
语法还有习语。{第六段 :暗示教学法与传统教学方式的区别}
Lozanov experimented with teaching by direct suggestion during sleep , hypnosis
and trance states, but found such procedures unnecessary . Hypnosis , yoga , silva
mind-control , religious









本文更新与2020-12-16 00:42,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/482459.html
