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2020-12-15 16:39


胖—瘦 香—臭 明—暗 忙—闲 凉—暖 来—去 尖—钝 好—坏
轻—重 前—后 左—右 是—非 有—无 老—少 深—浅 高—低 快—慢 升—
降 入—出 开—关 斜—正 落—升 冷—热 饿—饱 贫—富 死—活 穷—富 买—卖
旧—新 细—粗 明—暗 首—尾
始—终 肥—胖 暖,寒 缓,急 宽,窄 甘,苦 外,内 先,后
利,钝 鬻,买 闲,忙 明—暗 此—彼 朝—暮 闲,忙 紧—松
伸—缩 稀—密 俯,仰 浮,沉 饱,饥 寒,暖 隐,现 脚—足 洁白—漆黑 美丽—
丑陋 仔细—马虎 告别—会合 舒服—难受 粗心—细心 出发—归来 安宁—吵闹
宽敞—狭窄 困难—容易 热闹—寂静 空闲—忙碌 打开—关闭 流动—固定 暖和—
寒冷 弯曲—笔直 微笑—悲伤 昂首—低头 开始—结束 现在—将来 喜欢—讨厌
欢快—沉重 机灵—愚笨 明白—糊涂 希望—失望 傍晚—清晨 秘密—公开 高大—
矮小 坚定—动摇 张开—合拢 经常—偶尔 愤怒—高兴 坚定—犹豫 清楚—模糊
熟悉—陌生 保护—破坏 勇敢—懦弱 聪明—愚蠢 失败—成功 敞开—关闭 飞快—
缓慢 明白—糊涂 失败—成功 烦恼—高兴 特殊—一般 特别—普通 漂亮—丑陋
高兴—伤心 仔细—粗心 精彩—枯燥 洁净—肮脏 心爱—厌恶 飞快—缓慢 极小—
极大 温和—暴躁 好事—坏事 奔跑—停止 灾害—幸福 坚硬—松软 堵塞—畅通
贵重—便宜 锋利—迟钝 聚集—分散 新鲜—陈旧 破碎—完整 未来—现在 诚实—
狡猾 可爱—可恨 活泼—呆板 赶紧—拖延 透明—浑浊 凉爽—炎热 永远—短暂
凉爽—闷热 广阔—狭小 相信—怀疑 裂开—合拢 相信—怀疑 节省—浪费 亲密—
purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and
refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation
knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and
explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force,
once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to
self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire
accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security
zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information
passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures
because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site
infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and
strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily
temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and
spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict
management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment,
keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan;
Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities,
and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after;
more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian
influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the
高明—低劣 热闹—冷清 喜欢—讨厌 茁壮—虚弱 批评,表扬 担心,放心 倔强,
柔顺 明白,糊涂 相信,怀疑 镇定,惊慌 稀少,稠密 狭窄,宽阔 慌忙,从容 毅然,犹
豫 方便,麻烦 便宜,昂贵 爱慕,厌恶 合拢,张开 昏暗,明亮 维护,破坏 损失,受益
清晰,模糊 干燥,湿润 精通,生疏 温暖,寒冷 痛苦,欢乐 故意,无意 防御,进攻 温
和,凶狠 可爱,讨厌 黑暗,光明 悦耳,刺耳 伤害,保护 神奇,普通 发展,落后 拥有,
失去 吝啬,大方 幼稚,成熟 含糊,清楚 严重,轻微 坚固—松散 凝结—离散 陡
峭—平坦 伟大—渺小 精美—粗俗 温顺—凶猛 沸腾—沉寂 壮丽—晦暗 呈现—消
失 静寂—嘈杂
便宜—昂贵 迟钝—敏捷 兴奋—忧愁 美丽—丑陋 天堂—地狱
模糊—清晰 羡慕—不屑 朦胧—清晰 凶猛—温柔 不识—相识
舒服—难受 弯曲—笔直 懒惰—勤快 宽裕—拮据 隐藏—公开 平坦—坎坷 柔
弱—坚强 干燥—潮湿 古老—现代 故人—新交 蜿蜒—笔直 凝结,溶解 增长—减
短 崭新—陈旧 静谧—吵闹 简单—复杂 勇猛—怯懦 附近—遥远 寒冷—温暖 温
柔—凶恶 尽职—失职 轻盈—笨重 扩散— 聚集 微波—巨浪 聚集—分散 明艳—
暗淡 蜿蜒—笔直 善良—凶恶 精湛—生疏 马虎—认真 生疏—熟练 卓越—普通
伟大—渺小 朴实—华丽 安全—危险 冷淡—热情 伤害—保护 踌躇—果断 松散—
紧凑 频繁—稀少 减产—增产 下降—上升 破坏—保护 容易—困难 灵巧—笨重
敏锐—迟钝 揭开—覆盖 立刻—迟缓 清楚—模糊 宽敞—狭窄
平衡—倾斜 提高—降低 沉寂—喧闹 黝黑—白皙 和平—战争
流畅—阻塞 坚强—柔弱 遵从—违反 骄傲—谦虚 完整—残缺 坚硬—柔软 糟
蹋—爱惜 有限—无限 失望—希望 开阔—狭窄
ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the-
ions of strict management: the service must be living in a wellly
temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and
spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditanagement work, daisite
infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and
strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction m-upstairs. Infectious
disease emergency measures because of the large project construction
workers gathered, on urity zone of construction personnel can through
phone, and Radio information passed to the buildershelp, also can calm
to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum
level; event occurred Shi, in sec-el not only can steady to selfersonnn
fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and
strain force, once occurred burst event, construction pfuge, and
dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and
should method, improve construction personnel opurpose is help
construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and reenza prevention
measures for management of infection: theinfluopriate hygiene, wash
hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness
of self protection. (2) avian fire, and security work plan; Enhance site
measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and
configure the appr 2
清晰—模糊 温暖—寒冷 明白—疑惑 朴素—华丽 独特—普通
微弱—强烈 漆黑—明亮 消失—出现 责备—表扬 公开—秘密 固执—随和 特
殊— 一般 明亮—暗淡 细致—粗糙 舒畅—难受
疑惑—明白 坚毅—动摇 容易—困难 成功—失败 悲惨 — 幸福 违抗—遵从
纯洁—混浊 错误—正确 坚定—动摇 凶恶—善良 违背—遵从 明白—糊涂 聚拢—
分散 偶尔—经常 俊俏—丑陋 乌黑—洁白 光滑—粗糙 轻快—沉重 漂浮—沉浸
静止— 移动 匿藏—暴露 漆黑—光明 温柔—粗暴 明澈—混浊 悠闲—忙碌 自
在—拘束 枯萎—茂盛 依赖—自立 从容—慌张 优美—丑陋 粗俗—文雅 承认—否
定 朦胧—清晰 疲倦—充沛 焦急—耐心 放肆—拘束 漂亮—丑陋 违抗—服从 陌
生—熟悉 幽静—喧闹 警惕—麻痹 惦记—放心 打消—产生 难过—高兴 骄傲—谦
虚 紧张—轻松 关切—冷淡 喜欢—讨厌 真理—谬论 强健—瘦弱
清晰—模糊 沉醉—苏醒 鲜明—暗淡 清凉—燥热 仰望—俯视 歇息,工作 平
坦,陡峭 善良,凶恶 片刻,长久 僵硬,柔软 注视,扫视 狰狞,慈祥 贫瘠,肥沃 强大,
弱小 遭殃,幸运
温柔,粗暴 敏感,迟钝 茂密,稀疏 灿烂,黯淡 团结,分裂 兴旺,衰败 特殊,普
通 歧视,重视 杰出,平庸 恶劣,良好
显赫,卑微 迟延,提前 惩罚,奖励 魁梧,矮小 增添,减少 朴素,奢侈 蔑视,尊
重 诚意,假意 拒绝,接受 示弱,逞强 好心,恶意 破碎,完整 酥软,坚硬 炎热,寒冷
聪明,愚蠢 空虚,充实 伶俐,笨拙 诚实,说谎 狭窄,宽阔 晦暗,明亮 勇敢,懦
弱 宽容,狭隘 简陋,豪华 异常,平常 魁梧,瘦弱 精致,粗糙 幸福,痛苦 穷苦,富裕
忧虑,放心 蜷缩,伸直 潮湿,干燥 统一,分裂 紧张,松弛 寂寞,热闹
oving construction workers toilet facilities, and
configureventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make
the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: impr-n
conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a
wellteam iment work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring,
cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour
infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and
strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction managesite -o the
builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the
large project construction workers gathered, onnimum level; event
occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through
phone, and Radio information passed thelp, also can calm to tie fire
Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to mi-uction personnel
not only can steady to selfsonnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of
psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event,
constracuation knowledge and should method, improve construction
perpurpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and
refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security ev) avian
influenza prevention measures for management of infection: thethe
appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity,
strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2 3
危险,安全 喜欢,讨厌 繁荣,衰败 淘气,老实 大概,精确 坚定,动摇 忧伤,快
乐 漆黑,明亮 节省,浪费 寒冷,炎热 悲伤,愉快 持续,中断 吃力,轻松 凉爽,温暖
险峻,平缓 茂盛,枯萎 喧闹,寂静 美丽,丑陋 暴躁,温顺 腼腆,大方 减少,增
加 笨重,灵巧 出色,一般 熟悉,陌生
骄傲,谦虚 懦弱,坚强 平静,动荡 仪表,内心 保护,破坏 贫穷,富裕 弯曲,笔
直 牢固,松散 超常,失常 沮丧,兴奋 新鲜,腐烂 集中,分散 凝聚,分散 粗糙,光滑
藏匿,公开 高昂,低落 自在,拘束 扩大,缩小 柔和,严厉 刚强,软弱 出现,消失 郑
重,随意 衰老,年轻 淡雅,浓艳 清醒,糊涂 熟识,生疏 伶俐,笨拙 害羞,大方 倾斜,
竖直 复杂,简单
深沉,肤浅 肯定,否定 团结,分裂 洒脱,拘谨 明朗,阴沉 迂回,径直 残破,完
整 簇拥,分散 陡峭,平缓 热烈,平静 沉着,惊慌 坚强,脆弱 崎岖,平坦 严寒,酷暑
安谧,嘈杂 朴素,华丽 健美,衰弱 拘束,随便 老实,狡猾
个性,共性 深奥,浅显 详细,简略 贫瘠,肥沃 敬佩,鄙视 迅速,缓慢 耐心,急
躁 扩散,集中 综合,分解 密切,疏远
洪亮,低沉 嘲笑,称赞 遗憾,圆满
重逢,离别 偶尔,经常 稀罕,平常 寻常,特殊 迅猛,缓慢 慷慨,吝啬 存在,消
失 朦胧,清晰 浏览,精读 冲锋,退却 揳入,退出 隐蔽,暴露 精彩,糟糕 放肆,谨慎
及时,耽误 快活,忧伤 厄运,好运 宠儿,弃儿 指望,失望 厌倦,喜爱 平庸,优秀 允
许,禁止 机灵,笨拙 俊俏,丑陋 漂浮,沉没 精细,粗糙 辽阔,狭小 神奇,平庸 特别,
黯淡,鲜亮 关切,冷落 真理,谬误 开放,凋谢 开放,封闭 强壮,虚弱
ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the-
ions of strict management: the service must be living in a wellly
temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and
spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditanagement work, daisite
infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and
strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction m-upstairs. Infectious
disease emergency measures because of the large project construction
workers gathered, on urity zone of construction personnel can through
phone, and Radio information passed to the buildershelp, also can calm
to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum
level; event occurred Shi, in sec-el not only can steady to selfersonnn
fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and
strain force, once occurred burst event, construction pfuge, and
dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and
should method, improve construction personnel opurpose is help
construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and reenza prevention
measures for management of infection: theinfluopriate hygiene, wash
hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness
of self protection. (2) avian fire, and security work plan; Enhance site
measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and
configure the appr 4
疑惑,坚信 强盛,衰弱 尊重,侮辱 失信,守信 坚强,软弱 掩盖,揭露 发掘,埋
没 承受,推却 推测,断定 镇定,紧张 严寒,酷暑 笨重,轻盈 临时,长期 严肃,活泼
挺进,撤退 湍急,平缓 沉寂,喧闹 抑制,张扬 危险,安全 清晰,浑浊
祝愿—祝福 茁壮—强壮 召唤—呼唤 嘱咐—叮嘱 希望—盼望
闪烁—闪耀 斜—歪 降—落 找—寻 希望—盼望
袭击—攻击 打扰—打搅 暖和—温和 拜访—访问 艳丽—鲜艳 节省—节约 美
丽—漂亮 快乐—欢乐 时光—时间 惊讶—惊奇 亲密—亲切 依然—依旧 高明—高
超 喜欢—喜爱 热闹—喧闹 开心—快乐 举行—进行 凉爽—凉快 广大—广阔 永
远—永久 消失—消灭 饥荒—饥饿 广阔—宽阔 飞翔—飞行 奇怪—惊奇 眨眼—瞬
间 聚集—聚拢 根据—依据 诚实—老实 未来—将来 称赞—赞扬 发现—发觉 赶
紧—抓紧 快乐—高兴 解落—降落 波纹—波浪 颤动—颤抖 颤动—抖动 破碎—破
裂 珍珠—珍宝 财富—财宝 锋利—锐利 伤心—难过 高兴—快乐 连忙—赶忙 拦
住—挡住 极小—微小
) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection:
thethe appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more
publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2 oving
construction workers toilet facilities, and configureventilated
environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and
security work plan; Enhance site measures: impr-n conditions of strict
management: the service must be living in a wellteam iment work, daily
temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and
spread of the epidemic; The labour infectious disease prevention of
avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1)
construction managesite -o the builders upstairs. Infectious disease
emergency measures because of the large project construction workers
gathered, onnimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of
construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed
thelp, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident
loss down to mi-uction personnel not only can steady to selfsonnel on
fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and
strain force, once occurred burst event, constracuation knowledge and
should method, improve construction perpurpose is help construction
personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods
transfer, various security ev5
漂浮—漂移 平时—平常 奔跑—奔驰 温和—温顺 灾害—灾难 帮助—关心 温
和—亲切 无数—很多 愿意—同意 立刻—连忙 如果—假如 仔细—认真 传说—传
奇 目录—名目 招聘—聘请 洁净—干净 特殊—特别 聆听—倾听 领袖—首领 盼
望—希望 费力—费劲 使劲—用劲 救护—抢救 挑选—选择 本事—本领 烦恼—苦
恼 究竟—毕竟 拼命—舍命 浪费—白费 干净—洁净 录取—录用 聊天—谈天 盼
望—希望 耽误—耽搁 敞开—放开 躲藏—隐藏 胆量—胆识 飞快—飞速 比赛—竞
赛 害怕—可怕 亲爱—友爱 保护—爱护 谢谢—感谢 清楚—清晰 渐渐—慢慢 面
颊—脸蛋 歌唱—唱歌 寻找—查找 拾起—捡起 办法—方法 告别—离别 准备—预
备 洁白—雪白 美丽—秀丽 出发—动身 观察—观看 很多—许多 宾客—来宾 安
宁—安静 逃窜—逃跑 突然—忽然 宽阔-- 宽敞 热闹—吵闹 住所—住宅 闪现—
出现 寺庙—寺院 卧室—卧房 流动—流淌 连忙—赶忙 忽然—突然 好似—好像
连忙—急忙 正要—刚要 浮上—浮现 辽阔—宽阔 昂首—仰头 眼力—视力 故乡—
家乡 本事—本领 劝告—劝说 依赖—依靠 何必—为必 凭着—靠着 机灵—机智
奔走—奔跑 秘密—隐秘 专心—用心 著名—闻名 奇怪—惊奇 发现—发明 好象—
仿佛 有趣—有味 愤怒—气愤 坚定—坚决 仍旧—照旧
enza prevention measures for management of infection:
theinfluopriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more
publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian fire,
and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction
workers toilet facilities, and configure the appr ventilated environment,
keep the room well ventilated, and make the- ions of strict management:
the service must be living in a wellly temperature measuring system,
measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The
labour team in conditanagement work, daisite infectious disease
prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly
diseases. (1) construction m-upstairs. Infectious disease emergency
measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on
urity zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio
information passed to the buildershelp, also can calm to tie fire Member
do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event
occurred Shi, in sec-el not only can steady to selfersonnn fire, and
explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force,
once occurred burst event, construction pfuge, and dangerous goods
transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method,
improve construction personnel opurpose is help construction personnel
learning fire, and fire, and re6









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