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2020-12-11 10:25


(2016·台州市六校联考) < br>假设你是红星中学高三(1)班学生李华,你们学校将举行一次英语沙龙活动,请你给外
教Jef f写一封邀请信,邀请他给你们作主题为“西方节日”的讲座。邀请信的内容包括:
提示词:英语沙龙English Salon
Dear Jeff,

Li Hua
本篇应用文写作要求学生写一 封邀请信。根据题目要求可知,时态应以一般现在时和一
般将来时为主。通知中一定要包含所给的三个要 点:一是介绍这次活动的具体时间、地点和
主题;二是解释选择该主题的原因;三是表达出对对方的回复 的期待。内容可适当扩充,但
不要逐句翻译要点。在写作过程中,学生要注意使用一些过渡词,逻辑思路 要清晰,表达要
准确,最好能使用一些定语从句、状语从句或名词性从句等高级句式,这样有助于提高文 章
Dear Jeff,
Our school is going to have an English warmly invite you to prepare
a presentation for give us a lecture about Western salon will
be at the lecture room from 9 to 11 in the morning,on Saturday,January 16th.
Western holidays are becoming increasingly popular in of us are
interested in them and we want to know more about the holidays in the West.
We would really appreciate your are looking forward to your
Li Hua
Many years ago my grandfather had a small farm and morning he sent
me out to collect fresh became concerned when I didn't return after a short
he came looking for me I jumped with joy,but he saw tears in my eyes
and noticed that I was in an empty chicken house.
Noticing I was not in a good mood he asked,“What was wrong?” I told him
tearfully,“That dirty rooster,who was now gentle,in my grandfather's presence,
came pecking(啄食) after me and all the hens started cackling(咯咯叫),which scared
me,and I ran into the next hen house for safety.” He took me by my hand and we
walked right by the now quiet dirty rooster and comfortable hens.We sat under the
apple tree,and he related the following story.“Did you notice how that rooster
and hens behaved when I came in? Totally different than when you first came in.”
I shouted,“The rooster and hens seemed to come at me.”
My grandfather then said,“That's a new rooster the neighbor gave your
life you are going to come across people who will act like that rooster and
in different ways! It's natural for that rooster to protect his house and his
rooster is the leader and the hens are with people! It doesn't matter
whether they are men or will always be people who will try to lead your
life and if you let them,you will become like the hens.”
“But to be the leader,you have to first be able to lead your own life and be
the rooster of your can be like the rooster leading the of
us in life are followers,like the hens and some stay hidden in their own chicken
houses,like you did.”
Paragraph 1:
“That doesn't mean that the rooster in us is bad or dirty,like the one you
just experienced.

Paragraph 2:
Then he did the smartest move.

本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了几年前祖父让“我”去鸡窝拾鸡蛋的经历。起初 “我”
续写文章 的第一段要沿着这个脉络说明“我”见到的公鸡并不坏,这与人的本性一致,学生
要分析祖父来到鸡窝后 鸡为何变得安静,以此启发“我”思考进鸡窝拾鸡蛋所采用的方法;
续写文章的第二段要描写祖父教给“ 我”方法之后,鼓励“我”采用这个方法,“我”最终
克服了害怕的心理,成功地拾到鸡蛋。续写文章前 学生一定要理清文章脉络,沿着作者的思
路进行续写,并使用文章中画线词汇中的5个以上词汇,与前文 呼应。同时,要使用连词或
“That doesn't mean that the rooster in us is bad or dirty,like the one you
just 's just the way some people naturally are,at least in their
own did you notice the respect and the way he quieted down when I came
in? He saw me in his sense as a bigger, stronger and probably smarter rooster than
he is,which I am and so are you didn't think or believe it strong enough
for him to time before you walk in,believe that the rooster is just a
tiny,sweet chick,and those hens are laying beautiful golden eggs that we can have
for breakfast.”
Then he did the smartest took me back to the chicken house,walked away
and said,“Now go in and pick those golden eggs for breakfast.” Strangely,
even while I was still scared,I bravely walked into the chicken house,ignored the
rooster and picked up our golden eggs for breakfast.
When her five daughters were young,Helene An always told them that there was
strength in unity(团结).To show this,she held up one chopstick,representing one
she easily broke it into two , she tied several chopsticks
together,representing a showed the girls it was hard to break the tied
lesson about family unity stayed with the daughters as they grew
Helene An and her family own a large restaurant business in r,
when Helene and her husband Danny left their home in Vietnam in 1975,they didn't
have much moved their family to San they joined Danny's
mother,Diana,who owned a small Italian sandwich afterwards,Helene and
Diana changed the sandwich shop into a small Vietnamese five
daughters helped in the restaurant when they were r,Helene did not want
her daughters to always work in the family business because she thought it was too
Eventually the girls all graduated from college and went away to work for
themselves,but one by one,the daughters returned to work in the family
opened new restaurants in San Francisco and Los though family members
sometimes disagreed with each other,they worked together to make the business
er Elizabeth explains,“Our mother taught us that to succeed we
must have unity,and to have unity we must have t the strength of the
family,there is no business.”
Their expanding business became a large corporation in 1996,with three
generations of Ans working gh they began with a small restaurant,
they had big dreams,and they worked they are a big success.

本篇写作属于概要写作,是记叙文。从Helene An的女儿们小时候讲起。Helene An把
筷子比喻成家庭成员,让她的女儿们明白团结的力量, 此为要点一;Helene夫妇将三明治
店变成了一家饭馆为要点二;女儿们受到母亲的影响,大学毕业 后纷纷回到餐馆工作为要点
三;故事的结局为一家人齐心协力,拥有远大理想,并将小餐馆做大做强,此 为要点四。写
Helene An once tied several chopsticks together to show her young daughters the
strength of family unity.(要点1) Helene An and her family had a large restaurant,
which was changed from a small Italian sandwich shop.(要点2) Influenced by what
Helene had said,the daughters all returned to work in their family business after
growing up.(要点3)They worked together and had big dreams,and made the business
successful finally.(要点4)









本文更新与2020-12-11 10:25,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/479895.html
