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2020-11-26 16:00
tags:英语, 小学教育


班级: 姓名:
Today is Thursday, what day is 101000 days later?

不 喜欢足球的女生有21人,喜欢足球的男生有( )人。
The number of boys and girls in a class is equal, one fifth of the students who like football are girls, and
the boys like football are one quarter of the whole class. There are 21 girls who are not fond of football,
then ( ) boys like football.

3、某列火车通过长为82米的铁桥用了22秒,如果火车速度加快一倍 ,它通过706米的铁桥
就用50秒,火车的长度是( )。
The train go through a bridge with 22 seconds which length is 82 meters , if the train’s speed double, it
go through 706 meters’ bridge with 50 seconds, the length of the train is ( ).

4、在黑板上 写了若干个从1开始的连续自然数1,2,3,4,……,后来擦掉其中一个,剩下数的
平均 数是13,擦掉的自然数是( )。
Written on the blackboard several consecutive natural numbers from the beginning of 1 1,2,3,4,...... ,
then wipe one of them, the average number of the remaining number is 13
is ( ).

, the wiped natural number
5、A、 B、C、D、E五人在一次满分为100分的考试中,A得94分,B是第一名,C的得分是
A与D的平 均分,D得了五人的平均分,E比C多2分,是第二名,则B得了( )分。
The maximum score on a test is 100, A got 94 points, B was the first name, C got the average score of A
and D, D got the average of A,B,C,D and E, E was two more points than C who was the second place,
then B got ( ).

,再减 去余下的,再减去余下的,……,最后减去余下的
那么剩下的数是( )。
Subtract one half of 1999 from it, and then subtract one third of the rest, and then subtract one quarter of
the remaining,...... , finally subtract one 1999
of the remaining , then the result is ().

7、现有大小油桶40个,每个大油桶可装油5千克,每个小油桶可装油3千克 ,大桶比小桶
共多装油24千克,那么大油桶有( )个,小油桶有( )个。
There are forty drums, each big drums can hold oil 5 kg, each small oil can hold 3 kg, big drums hold
more than 24 kg than small drums, so big drums have ( ), small oil have ( ).

8、甲、乙、丙三人同时同向出发,沿着周长为900米的环行跑道跑步。甲每分钟跑3 60米,
乙每分钟跑300米,丙每分钟跑210米。他们至少各绕甲( )圈,乙( )圈,丙
( )圈后才能再次相遇。
A, B, C run towards the same direction at the same time along the circular track which circumference is
900 meters. A run 360 meters per minute, B run 300 meters per minute, C run 210 meters per minute.
They will meet ,at least A run ( )ring, B run ( ) ring, C run ( ) ring.

9、将200拆成 两个自然数的和,其中一个是17的倍数,另一个是23的倍数,那么这两个自
然数的积是( )。
Divide 200 into two natural numbers, one is a multiple of 17, and the other is a multiple of 23, the product
of the two natural numbers is ( ).

10、水池上装有甲、乙两个水管,合开15小时注满水池。但单开甲管 6小时,乙管8小时,
只能装水池的,甲管单独开( )小时或乙管单独开( )小时可以注满全
Equipped A, B two pipes with a pool, after 15 hours the pool will be filled with water. If only open A pipe
with 6 hours, B pipe with 8 hours, it can only hold nine twentieths of the pool. Open A pipe alone
with( ) hours, B pipe alone with ( ) hours can fill the whole pool.

11、小红和小明参加一 个联欢会,在联欢会中,小红看到不戴眼镜的同学是戴眼镜同学的2
倍,小明看到的戴眼镜的 同学是不戴眼镜同学的,参加联欢会共( )人。
Alice and Bob to participate in a get-together. At the get- together, Alice found the number of the students
without glasses is 2 times of the number with glasses, Bob found the number of the students with
glasses is two thirds of the number without glasses. ( ) students attend the get- together.

12、某商品按定价卖出可得利润960元,若按定价的80%卖出,则 亏损832元,则商品的购
入价是( )元。
Sold as the price it can get 960 yuan profit, if sold as 80% of the price, the loss is 832 yuan, the purchase
price of the goods is ( ) yuan.

13、 将一些半径相同的小圆按下图所示的规律摆放,第1个图形中有6个小圆,第2个图形
中有10个小圆, 第3个图形中有16个小圆,第4个图形中有24个小圆,……,依次规律,
第6个图形中有( )个小圆。

Display the circles with the same radius as shown below, the first figure with six small, the second
graphics with 10 small, the three graphics with 16 small, the four graphics have 24 small... In turn, the
law, ( ) small in the sixth graphics.

14、将边长为10厘米的五张正方形纸片如下图那样放置,每张小正方 形纸片被盖住的部分是
一个较小的正方形,它的边长是原正方形边长的一半,则下图中的外轮廓(图粗线 条)周长是
( )厘米。

Place the five square piece of paper with the side length of 10 cm as shown below, each small square
piece of paper is covered with a small square, its length is half of the original length of a side of the
square, the outer contour (Fig. thick lines) perimeter is ( ) cm.

15、如下图所示 ,四边形ABCD内有一点P到四条边AB、BC、CD、
DA的距离PE、PF、PM、PN都等于6 厘米。如果四边形ABCD的周长
是57厘米,那么四边形ABCD的面积是( )平方厘米。
As shown, in the figure below, there is a point P ,its distance to AB, BC, CD,DA,
are the same the perimeter of the quadrilateral ABCD is 57 cm, the area of
the quadrilateral ABCD is ( ) square.

16、几百年 前,哥伦布发现美洲新大陆,那年年份的四个数字各不相同,它们的和等于16。
如果十位数字加1,则 十位数字恰好等于个位数字的5倍,那么哥伦布发现美洲新大陆是在
公元( )年。
Hundreds of years ago, Columbo discovered the new America continent, the year of the four figures are
not the same, and they are equal to 16. If the tens digit plus one, then the tens digit is exactly equal to 5
times ones digits, then Columbo discovered the new America continent in AD ( ).

17、学校组织去游览玄武湖、中山陵、总统府,规定每个 班最少去一处,最多去两处游览,
School organize a visit to Xuanwu Lake, Dr. Sun Yat Sen's mausoleum, the presidential palace, now
asking each class at least to one tour, up to two tours, then at least ( ) classes to attend ensuring









本文更新与2020-11-26 16:00,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/464715.html
