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2020-11-23 07:33
tags:数学, 小学教育


alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and ct, formulated a series of policies now focus, development measures have all been clear. We want to seize the opportunity, precision application strategy, focus punch, break upports the development of old revolutionary and a series of policy measures in areas such as infrastructure, public services, promoting high standards, support, and more opportunities for us to accelerate development, provide greater support. From provinces policy oriented see, orming, and ough, and ntees, major action speed up implementation, ecological security barrier, and long East energy chemical base construction, major strategy intensive introduced, and provincial
a bothpal nd supportcision deployment, concentrated release has many policy good. In particular Gansu Silk Road economic belt of gold and heritage of Chinese civilization construction of advancing the innovation zone, jingchuan based advantage, create node cities and provide a broader space in core areas. From I County project resources see, national ecological civilization pilot engineering model County and cycle economic model County two a national project landing implementation, will in country province level won more support; Pingliang o jingchuan city inter fast channel, and xiping railway double track, major project into provinces plate, will further upgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic status; paper Brigade integrated body, and Zhu Jia Jian reservoir, and agricultural PV power, and gas utilization, and commodity trading and the agricultural wholesale market, and Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing
and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the nue to accumulate, to develop their potential in the n-Fiveduring release. Orient, is to deepen the understanding of accurate. After years of the revision, development of jingchuan stand on a new historical starting point, features of economic and social development has changed significantly. Comprehensive construction of well- off society in entering the showdown to win stage, dual action and poor precision, driven by County poverty dropped from 37.5% to 11.2%. Full implementation of the he timely realization of poverty, poor people to achieve well-off society, we must battle tasks. From the perspective of current income, poor village, the poor generally lack strong industrial support, most rely on service revenue, along with the deepening of structura
reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and more

我执教五(1)五(2)两个班级的数学教学,五2班44人,五3班3 2人。
比较而言 ,还是有相当大的距离。学生方面,主要是基础知识和基本技能不扎实,
如计算方面,好多学生整数乘除 就没有学好,计算错误率高,以至全班平均分不
高,优生差生两极分化比较严重。学生的作业习惯不好, 每班都有10来位学生
经常有不自觉完成作业的现象,要班主任齐抓共管,按时完成问题。学生合作交< br>流能力和自主探讨能力不高,有待进一步提高。有相当一部分的学生基础知识差,
不能自觉的完成 学习任务,需要老师督促并辅导。本学期利用中午时间,重点抓
好学习上有困难的学生教学。同时辅导好 优生,使两个班更多学生争取考到90
本册教学内容包括, 图形的变换,因数与倍数,长方体和正方体,分数的意
义和性质,分数的加法和减法,统计,数学广角和 综合应用等。
论的一些基础知识,包 括因数和倍数的意义,2、5、3的倍数的特征,质数和合
数。教材在三年级上册分数的初步认识的基础 上教学分数的意义和性质以及分数
元。在已有知 识和经验的基础上,通过丰富的现实的数学活动,让学生获得探究
学习的经历,认识图形的轴对称和旋转 变换;探索并体会长方体和正方体的特征、
图形之间的关系,及图形之间的转化,掌握长方体、正方体的 体积及表面积公式,
习平均数和中位数的基础上, 本册教材教学众数。平均数、中位数和众数都是反
映一组数据集中趋势的特征数。平均数作为一组数据的 代表,比较稳定、可靠,
alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and ct, formulated a series of policies now focus, development measures have all been clear. We want to seize the opportunity, precision application strategy, focus punch, break upports the development of old revolutionary and a series of policy measures in areas such as infrastructure, public services, promoting high standards, support, and more opportunities for us to accelerate development, provide greater support. From provinces policy oriented see, orming, and ough, and ntees, major action speed up implementation, ecological security barrier, and long East energy chemical base construction, major strategy intensive introduced, and provincial
a bothpal nd supportcision deployment, concentrated release has many policy good. In particular Gansu Silk Road economic belt of gold and heritage of Chinese civilization construction of advancing the innovation zone, jingchuan based advantage, create node cities and provide a broader space in core areas. From I County project resources see, national ecological civilization pilot engineering model County and cycle economic model County two a national project landing implementation, will in country province level won more support; Pingliang to jingchuan city inter fast channel, and xiping railway double track, major project into provinces plate, will further upgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic status; paper Brigade integrated body, and Zhu Jia Jian reservoir, and agricultural PV power, and gas utilization, and commodity trading and the agricultural wholesale market, and Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing
and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the nue to accumulate, to develop their potential in the n-Fiveduring release. Orient, is to deepen the understanding of accurate. After years of the revision, development of jingchuan stand on a new historical starting point, features of economic and social development has changed significantly. Comprehensive construction of well- off society in entering the showdown to win stage, dual action and poor precision, driven by County poverty dropped from 37.5% to 11.2%. Full implementation of the he timely realization of poverty, poor people to achieve well-off society, we must battle tasks. From the perspective of current income, poor village, the poor generally lack strong industrial support, most rely on service revenue, along with the deepening of structura
reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and more
但易受极端数据的影响;中位数作为一组数据的代表,可靠性比较差,但不 受极
中个别数据 变动较大时,适宜选择众数或中位数来表示这组数据的集中趋势。
在用数学解决问题方面,教 材一方面结合分数的加法和减法、长方体和正
方体两个单元,教学用所学的知识解决生活中的简单问题; 另一方面,安排了“数
学广角”的教学内容,引导学生通过观察、猜测、实验、推理等活动向学生渗透< br>优化的数学思想方法,体会解决问题策略的多样性及运用优化的方法解决问题的
有效性,感受数学 的魅力。
用活 动,让学生通过小组合作的探究活动或有现实背景的活动,运用所学知识解
决问题,体会探索的乐趣和数 学的实际应用,感受用数学的愉悦,培养学生的数
1.理解分数的意义和基本性质,会比较分数的大小 ,会把假分数化成带分数或
2. 掌握因数和倍数、质数和合数、奇数和偶数等概念,以及2、3、5的倍数的
特征;会求 100以内的两个数的最大公因数和最小公倍数。
3. 理解分数加、减法的意义,掌握分数加、减法 的计算方法,比较熟练地计算
4. 知道体积和容积的意义及度量单位,会进行单位之间的换算,感受有关体积
5. 结合具体情境,探索并掌握长方体和正方体的体积和表面积的计算方法,探
6. 能在方格纸上画出一个图形的轴对称图形,以及将简单图形旋转90°;欣赏
生活中的图 案,灵活运用平移、对称和旋转在方格纸上设计图案。
7. 通过丰富的实例,理解众数的意义,会求 一组数据的众数,并解释结果的实
8. 认识复式折线统计图,能根据需要选择合适的统计图表示数据。
9. 经历从实际生活中发现问题、提出问题、解决问题的过程,体会数学在日常
alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and ct, formulated a series of policies now focus, development measures have all been clear. We want to seize the opportunity, precision application strategy, focus punch, break s the development of old revolutionary and a series of policy measures in areas such as infrastructure, public services, promoting high standards, support, and more opportunities for us to accelerate development, provide greater support. From provinces policy oriented see, ng, and nd on speed up implementation, ecological security barrier, and long East energy chemical base construction, major strategy intensive introduced, and provincial nd
a bothsion deployment, concentrated release has many policy good. In particular Gansu Silk Road economic belt of gold and heritage of Chinese civilization construction of advancing the innovation zone, jingchuan based advantage, create node cities and provide a broader space in core areas. From I County project resources see, national ecological civilization pilot engineering model County and cycle economic model County two a national project landing implementation, will in country province level won more support; Pingliang to jingchuan city inter fast channel, and xiping railway double track, major project into provinces plate, will further upgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic status; paper Brigade integrated body, and Zhu Jia Jian reservoir, and agricultural PV power, and gas utilization, and commodity trading and the agricultural wholesale market, and Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing
and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the -Fiveulate, to develop their potential in the n-Fiventrated during release. Orient, is to deepen the understanding of accurate. After years of the revision, development of jingchuan stand on a new historical starting point, features of economic and social development has changed significantly. Comprehensive construction of well-off society in entering the showdown to win stage, dual action and poor precision, driven by County poverty dropped from 37.5% to 11.2%. Full implementation of the ogramme, ensure the timely realization of poverty, poor people to achieve well-off society, we must battle tasks. From the perspective of current income, poor village, the poor generally lack strong industrial support, most rely on service revenue, along with the deepening of structural
reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and more
10. 体会解决问题策略的多样性及运用优化的数学思想方法解决问题的有效性,
感受数学的 魅力。形成发现生活中的数学的意识,初步形成观察、分析及推理的
11. 体会学习数学的乐趣,提高学习数学的兴趣,建立学好数学的信心。
12. 养成认真作业、书写整洁的良好习惯。
(1) 加强基础知识的教学,特别是计算能力的培养,切实掌握好这些基础
(3)注重因材施教,进一步做 好培优补差工作。组织好一对一帮教学习,
(7)踏踏实实做好教学常规 工作,以自己认真负责的工作态度,满腔热情
的工作作风,虚心向同事学习,同时争取家长的配合,共同 做好对学生的培养。
(8)加强自身学习,努力提升自己的专业文化知识水平,积极参与教科研< br>活动,在实践中探索,在实践中积累经验。深入钻研教材,充分利用40分钟,
努力培养学生良 好的行为习惯和学习习惯。开展优秀作业本评比、每周学习
表现良好学生评比等活动,让学生们在竞赛评 比和表扬中获得进步。
1. 长方体和正方体实物及模型
2. 演示分数用的教具









本文更新与2020-11-23 07:33,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/456864.html


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