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2020-11-05 06:22



汽车保险是在事故后保证自己的财产安全合同。尽管联邦法律没有 强制要
在各个州 都有最低的保险要求。在鼻腔只购买汽车保险的两个州,如果没有足够
的证据表明车主财力满足财务责任 法的要求,那么他就必须买一份汽车保险。就
算没有法律规定,买一份合适的汽车保险对司机避免惹上官 和承担过多维修费用
依据美国保险咨询中心的资料显示,一份基本的保 险单应由6个险种组成。
1. 身体伤害责任险
2. 财产损失责任险
3. 医疗险或个人伤害保护险
4. 车辆碰撞险
5. 综合损失险
6. 无保险驾驶人或保额不足驾驶人险
单责任限额是204 010,这就代表每个人的人身伤害责任险赔偿限额是2万美元,
每起事故的热身上海责任险赔偿限额是 4万美元,每起事故的财产损失责任险的
人身伤害和财产损失责任险是 大多数汽车保险单的基础。要求汽车保险的每
个州都强令必须投保财产损失责任险,佛罗里达是唯一要求 汽车保险但不要求投
资;财产损失责任险 将支付车辆的维修及零件更换费用。财产损失责任险通常承
担对其他车辆的维修费用,但是也可以对你的 车撞坏的灯杆、护栏、建筑物等其
他物品的损坏进行赔偿。另一方当事人也可以决定起诉你赔偿精神损失 。
须的。记住,如 果你引起了一场严重的交通事故,最低限度的保险可能不足以支
付你造成的损失。因此最好在州要求的最 低限度外再买一些保险。如果你已经拥
有了家庭或者拥有养老或存储账户,你应该更多地考虑责任险。因 为在大多数州,


如果投保人肇事,车辆碰撞险将支付你的车辆维修费。通常投保 人得到的赔
车辆碰撞险通常来说是汽车 保险中最贵的险种。选择一个较高的免赔额,比
如500或1000美元,就会使你的保险费下降。不过 要记住,你必须承担免赔额
更换费用是重置 车辆或用相同种类和质量的材料维修你的车,没有折旧扣
除。折旧是因使用年限或磨损等原因使汽车价值 的减少。
实际价值 是财产被损坏或毁坏是的实际价值。理赔人员通常会用重置成
损”。这个比例高低因公司不 同而异,从55%—90%不等。
综合损失险 对非交通事故原因造成投保人车辆的损失进行赔 付:如偷
额,并 在车辆毁伤时保险公司仅按车辆价值赔付。
正常情况下,因为保险公司的赔偿额度不会超过汽车的账面 价值,你最好对
车费用时,贷方可能会在贷 款协议中要求车主购买碰撞及综合险。即使没有要求,
碰撞及综合险也是保险业大力推荐的险种,以便在 不可预知的毁坏或偷盗情况
医疗险讲对被保险人及车上人员在事故后的医疗保险费用 进行赔付。这些费
责任由第三方造成,保 险公司可以对其进行追偿。
求购买个人上海 保护险,如果你已经投保了一份不错的身体健康保险的话,幸运
的是你只需要买最低额度的医疗险或个人 伤害保护险即可。
无保险驾驶人险 在你被撞伤而 肇事司机逃逸或被没有投保汽车保险的司
机撞伤时进行赔付。在有些州,这两种险也对财产损失进行赔付 。
保额不足驾驶人险 肇事司机所投的责任保险额不足一米不造成的损失时
保险公司进行 赔偿。在有些州,这两种险也对财产损失进行赔付。


付。如果你是行人遭受撞击 ,保额不足驾驶人险会支付这些费用。
租车补偿条款 常见的附加条款,当你的车损坏或丢失而不能使用时的租
拖车和人工条款 以防止车辆途中抛锚,亦很常见。
差价补偿条款 若你的新车全损,用来支付实际价值和汽车贷款余额之间
每个州都要求车主购买基本 的汽车保险。在汽车的使用过程中,要求随车携
带保险证明。在以下这些时候你可能要出示保险证明:汽 车登记时,发生事故时,
任何违反州法律中关于汽车保险内容的行为都会带来一些后 果,轻则高额罚
小时热线服务电话,及时安排 维修,晚间紧急情况下的住宿,对私人随身物品、
医疗费用、车内音频视频设备的损坏予以赔偿,24小 时挡风玻璃的更换,维修
2.附加保障 附加保障包括:最大限度的无赔款优待,法律帮助,旅行意外险及抛锚险,
如在路边,修车时或在家 抛锚的情况下提供帮助。
第三者责任险——保险公司对因被保险人驾驶时的责任 引起的三方人身伤
第三者火灾及盗抢险——除了上述第三方责任险 外保险公司还对投保人车


当投保人发生了事故或遭受了损失,可以随时拨打保险公司24小时服 务热
发生了保险单中载 明的事故之后,投保人如果选择保险公司推荐的修理厂进
行维修的话,保险公司将会立刻通知该维修厂提 供服务。这些维修厂都是经保险
公司严格检查,始终保持较高工作质量,经他们维修过的车起火车身可以 终身保
如 果投保车辆的挡风玻璃,车程几天窗玻璃破损,被保险人可以拨打24小
时波利维修热线。如果投的是综 合损失险,所有维修都将免费。如果已经无法维
修的就只能更换,超出部分费用由投保人自己承当。超出 的费用已在投保人的投
保单中注明,如果投保人决定比进行索赔或通过其他险种索赔,将会得到来自供< br>应商的额外折扣。
只要是再保险责任内车辆发生损坏事故,保险公司专 门推荐的一些维修厂会
集中并运送投保人的车辆。如果保单有相应记载,他们还将提供代步车给投保人< br>使用。车辆一到修理厂马上开始修理。为了保证不影响被保险人保单的效力,汽
修厂将会对车企和 车身进行终身保修。


Auto insurance

Auto insurance is a contract that protects your financial security in case of an
accident. Although it is not mandated by federal law, the purchase of auto insurance is
usually a requirement in most states; every state has minimum insurance laws. If said
owner cannot produce proof of satisfactory assets, the he must buy an auto insurance
policy. Regardless of the law, having good auto insurance is practical for the driver
who wishes to avoid lawsuits or immense repair bills.
According to the Insurance Information Institute, a basic auto insurance policy is
comprised of six basic types of coverage. While some of these types of coverage are
required by state law, some are considered optional. These are:
1. Bodily injury liability
2. Property damage liability
3. Medical payments or Personal Injury Protection
4. Collision
5. Comprehensive
6. UninsuredUnderinsured motorists coverage
Liability insurance
Liability coverage limits (that’s for the damage you do to others) are usually
presented as a series of three numbers. For example, your agent might say that your
policy carries liability limits of 204010. That stands for $$20,000 in bodily injury
coverage per person, $$40,000 in bodily injury coverage per accident, and #10,000 in
property-damage coverage per accident.
Liability insurance (both bodily injury and property damage) is the foundation of
most auto insurance policies. Every state that requires auto insurance mandates the
purchase of property damage liability, and Florida is the only that requires auto
insurance but does not call for bodily injury liability. If you are at fault in an auto
accident, your liability coverage will pay all the expenses, bodily injury, property
damage, and any legal bills. The bodily injury coverage would pay for medical bills
and lost wages; the property damage coverage would pay for any auto repairs, or
replacement. Property damage liability usually repairs damage to other vehicles, but
can also cover damages to things such as lamp plus, fences, buildings, or anything
sew that your car ma have struck. The other party also decide to sue you to collect”
pain and suffering” damages.
See the Minimum levels of required auto liability insurance to find out what’s


required where you live. Remember, if you cause a serious accident, minimum
insurance may not cover you adequately. That’s why it’s a good idea to buy more than
what your state requires. If you own a home and have nest egg and a savings account,
you should consider more liability insurance because, in most states, drivers are
allowed to sue other drives who injure them in car accidents. If you’re sued and your
liability insurance doesn’t pay for all of the damages, your personal finances are on
the hook, and it’s likely you’ll become a target.
Collision and comprehensive coverage’s
If you cause and accident, collision coverage will pay to repair your vehicle. You
usually can’t collect any more than the actual cash value of your car, which is not the
same as the car’s replacement cost. Collision coverage is normally the most expensive
component of auto insurance. By choosing a higher deductible, say $$500or $$1, 000,
you can keep your premium costs down... However, keep in mind that you most pay
the amount of deductible before the insurance company kicks in any money after an
Replacement cost is the amount it would take to replace your vehicle or repair
damages with materials of similar kind and quality, without deducting for depreciating.
Depreciation is the decrease in vehicle value because of age or wear and tear.
Actual cash value (ACV) is the value of your property when it is damaged or
destroyed. Claims adjusters usually figure ACV by taking the replacement cost and
subtracting depreciation. Insurance companies often will “total” your car if the repair
costs exceed a certain percentage of the car’s worth. The critical damage point varies
from company to company, from 55 percent to 90 percent.
Comprehensive coverage will pay for damages to your car that weren’t caused
by an auto accident: Damages form theft, fire, vandalism, natural disasters, or hitting
a deer all qualify. Comprehensive coverage also comes with a deductible and your
insurer will only pay as much as the car was worth when it got wrecked.
Because insurance companies normal will not pay you more than your coo’s book
value, it’s helpful if you have a rough idea of this amount .If your car is worth less
than what you’re paying for the coverage, you’re better off not having it.
Neither collision nor comprehension insurance is required by any of the states, but
some lenders, when the owner finances the car, nay require the purchase of collision
and comprehensive in the loan agreement. Even when t is not required, collision and
comprehensive coverage is highly recommended by the insurance industry, so that in
the unforeseen event of damage or theft, the owner of the car can avoid heavy bills.


Theft of cars is not as unusual as some people may think
. Medical payments, PIP, and no-fault coverage’s
Medical payments (Med pay) coverage will pay for your and your passengers’
medical expenses after an accident. These expenses can arise form accidents while
you’re driving your car, someone else’s car (with their permission), and injuries you
or your family members incur when you’re pedestrians. The coverage will pay
regardless of who is a fault, but if someone else is liable, your insurer may seek to
recoup the expenses from him or her.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is an extended form of Med Pay.
Pip may cover expenses that are reacted to injury, but not necessarily medical, such as
lost wages, childcare and funeral costs. PIP coverage is currently required by sixteen
states. If you are already insured under a good health insurance policy, then
fortunately, there is no need to buy more than the minimum required amount of PIP or
Med Pay insurance.
UninsuredUnderinsured motorist’s coverage
Uninsured motorists (UM) coverage pays for your injuries of you’re stuck by a
hit-and-run driver or someone who doesn’t have auto insurance. It is required in many
Underinsured motorists (UIM) coverage will pay out if the driver who hit you
causes more damage than his or her liability coverage can cover. IN some states, UM
or UIM coverage will also pay for property damages.
Similarly, underinsured motorists insurance will cover any damage caused when you
are struck by a driver who is not insured for a sufficient amount. If you are hit, as a
pedestrian, underinsured coverage will cover the expenses.
Add-on features
Several supplemental auto coverage is available, either as separate premium items or
included in augmented policies.
Rental reimbursement, a common add-on, covers vehicle rentals required
because your car is damaged or stolen.
Coverage for towing and labor charges in case of a broad breakdown is also
Gap coverage for your new car will pay the difference between the actual cash
value you receive for the car and the amount left on your car loan if your vehicle is
totaled in an accident.
Basic auto insurance is required by virtually every state. Proof of insurance is required


at different items throughout the life of a vehicle. You may be asked for proof of
insurance at any and al of these items: at vehicle registration, at the time of an
accident, and any time when driving the vehicle. It is suggested that the owner of the
car keeps proof of insurance in the car at all times, instead of on his or her person, so
that it can be available at all times, no matter who is driving.
Any violations of state law regarding auto insurance could result in, at best, a hefty
fine, and at worst, suspension of your driver’s license andor time in jail. The dire
consequences of driving while uninsured are not worth the neglect of paying for
insurance. The chance that an uninsured driver wills detection is slim; he is likely
being caught and strictly punished.

The benefits with auto insurance
Standard Benefits
Standard benefits count in Lifetime guarantee on all paint and bodywork repairs,
Courtesy car, 24-hour Claims Helpline, and Immediate authorization of repairs,
Emergency overnight accommodation, Cover for personal effects, Cover for legal
advice, medical advice and post- accident counseling.
Available as Optional Extras
Available as optional extras count in Maximum No Claim Bonus for Life, Legal
Assistance, Travel Accident Plan and Breakdown Cover such as roadside, recovery
and home call.
The benefits are different with the level of coverage you choose.
You can select the cover that sits your knees, form:
Third Party only-third party liability protection for injury or damage insured drivers
may cause to others or their property
Third Party Fire and Theft-fire and theft cover for your car and third party liability
protection for injury or damage insured drivers may cause to others or their property
Comprehensive-loss or damage cover for your car and third party liability protection
for injury or damage insured drivers may cause to others or their property
You may add the following optional extras to any of the above covers;
1) Maximum No Claim Bonus for Life
2) Legal Assistance Plan
3) Breakdown Cover
4) Travel Accident Plan
Some Key Benefits in a little More Detail


We’ve outlined the range of benefits you can earn above. Now let us explain in a
little more detail just what some of those benefits mean to you:
1) 24 Hour Claims Helpline
When you’ve had an accident or loss calls our Claims Helpline. Speak to friendly
and efficient experts 24 hours a day
2) For Immediate Authorization of Repairs (Comprehensive Only)
Following an accident covered by your policy, if you choose to have the repairs
carried out by one of our Recommended Repairers, we can arrange for them to be
authorized straight away. Or repairers are all thoroughly checked to make sure that
their work is of a consistently high standard. Ad proof, all paint and bodywork repairs
carried out by our repairers are guaranteed for the lifetime of the car
3) Special Discount through the Glass Helpline And 24-hour Glass Replacement
If you have our Comprehensive Cover, any repairs will be free of charge. If
repairs aren’t possible then you’ll get a replacement but will have to pay the
windscreen excess which is shown under’ Own Damage Excess’ in your schedule. If
you decide not to claim, or have another type of cover, you will receive a special
discount from our suppliers.
4) Vehicle Repairs
Where your policy provides cover for damage to your vehicle, we have a
network of Recommended Repairers who will collect and redeliver your vehicle.
Where provided for under your policy, they will also provide a courtesy car to keep
our mobile. The repair process will commence immediately the vehicle arrives on
their premises. To ensure there is no effect on any existing warranty you may have,
they provide a Lifetime Guarantee on all paint and bodywork repairs.










本文更新与2020-11-05 06:22,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/440602.html
