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牛津译林版 2020年 八年级下学期 英语期末翻译句子专项训练(含答案)

2020-11-05 03:35



2020年 八年级下学期 期末翻译句子专项训练
1. 对于我来说,很快适应生活的变化不容易。
2. 你介意再解释一下这句话吗?
3. 英国人太有礼貌了,不会在公共场合大声笑。
4. Simon已经下定决心为慈善做点事情。
5. 所有的护士和医生都被要求到这个医院学习有关眼部手术。
1. 需要更多的钱来继续我们的工作。
2. 他的话将会对那个小孩产生很大影响。
3. 用这种方式,他们可以帮助当地的人改善他们的生活。
4. 你曾经梦想过和你的妻子一起环游世界吗?
5. 当我终于感觉到脚下的陆地时,我筋疲力尽。
1. 首要的是,我们应该使我们的孩子们安全免受危险。
2. 这场大雨对昨天的比赛没有多大影响。
3. 污染是当今世界上最严重的问题之一。
4. 这个患病的男孩应该尽快地做手术。
5. 起初我觉得这份工作很累人,但是现在习惯了。
1. 这个问题刚刚才被讨论过。
2. 很多有眼病的人没钱去医院,所以我们得去他们那儿。
3. 别忘了你的电脑不用时把电源切断。
4. 英国人只和亲戚或亲密的朋友们用亲吻打招呼。
5. 自从20世纪90年代5结婚以来就已经离开家了。
1. 对于这么小的孩子来说,完成这么多的家庭作业是不可能的。
2. 房价太高了,我们买不起。
3. 过去人们互相写信,但是现在他们习惯在网上保持联系。

4. 我的表妹花她百分之八十的零花钱来买书。
5. 这些新能源不仅成本低廉而且用之不竭。
1. 医生建议这位病人戒烟。
2. 我父母警告我不要玩火。
3. 昨天,这些传单分发给街上的人们。
4. 这个房间太黑了,他不能在里面看书。
5. 过去我常常周末乘公交去看足球赛。
1. 这条河很快就会被那些垃圾污染。
2. 这个问题严重到足以造成更多的动物死亡。
3. 政府应该意识到如何处理这个问题对我们很重要。
4. 很多人总是太忙而不去做志愿者。
5. 我们的环境正变得越来越糟,因此是我们应该保护环境的时候了。
1. 在过去的七十年中,中国发生了巨大的变化。
2. 苏州博物馆是贝聿铭设计的。
3. 我们必须尽力发展教育使中国更加强大。
4. 支持华为这样的公司对中国人很重要。
5. 我们的政府正在采取措施阻比房价的上涨。
1. 现在人们很少通过写信来保持联系了。
2. 他不确定该和谁分享这个秘密。
3. Jack离开家乡已经好多年了。
4. 我们团队由11个年轻人组成。
5. 孩子们如此兴奋以至于他们很难入睡。
1. 你表哥已经决定如何处理这些旧书了吗?
2. 我离开家乡八年了。家乡已经发生了很大变化。

3. 自去年起,戴维就是校篮球队的一员。
4. 我最好的朋友已经去法国了。
5. 辛苦的一天工作后,阅读能帮助我们放松。

1. It is not easy for me to get used to the changes of life quickly.
2. Would you mind explaining this sentence again?
3. British people are too polite to laugh loudly in public.
4. Simon has made up his mind to do something for charity.
5. All the nurses and doctors are asked to learn about eye operation in this hospital.
1. More money is need to carry on with our work.
2. His word will make a great difference to that kid.
3. In this way, they can help local people improve their lives.
4. Have you ever dreamed of travelling around the world with your wife?
5. When I finally felt the land under my feet, I was tired out.
1. Above all, we should keep our children safe away from danger.
2. The heavy rain didn’t make much difference to the game yesterday.
3. Pollution is one of the most serious problems in the world today.
4. The sick boy should have an operationbe operated on as soon as possible.
5. At first I found the job tiring, but now I am get used to it.
1. This problem was talked aboutdiscussed just now.
2. Many people with eye problems(diseases) can’t afford to go to hospital, so we have to go to
3. Don’t forget to turn off the power when your computer is not in use.

4. British people only greet relatives or close friends with a kiss.
5. They have been away from home since they got married in the 1990s.
1. It is impossible for such a young child to finish so much homework.
2. House prices are too high for us to afford.
3. People used to write to each other, but now they are used to keeping in touch on the Internet.
4. My cousin spent 80% of her allowance on books.
5. These new energy sources are inexhaustible and inexhaustible.
1. The doctor advised the patient to give up smoking.
2. My parents warned me not to play with fire.
3. The leaflets were given out to the people in the street yesterday.
4. The room is too dark to read books in.
5. I used to take a bus to watch football matches at weekends.
1. The river will be polluted by the rubbish soon.
2. The problem is serous enough to cause more animals to die.
3. The government should realize how to deal with the problem is very important to us.
4. Many people are always too busy to be the volunteers.
5. Our environment is changing for the worse, so it’s time for us to go green.
1. Over In During the past70 seventy years, China has changed a lot there have been great
changes in China great changes have taken place in China.
2. Suzhou Museum was designed by Bei Yuming.
3. We must try our best to develop education to make China stronger.
4. It’s very important for Chinese to support a company like Huawei.
5. Our government is taking action to stop the price of houses from rising.
1. Now people seldom keep in touch (with each other) by writing letters.

2. He is not sure who to share the secret with?
3. Jack has been away from his hometown for many years.
4. Our team is made up of 11 young people.
5. The children are so excited that it is hard for them to fall asleep.
1. Has your cousin decided what to do with these old books?
2. I have been away from my hometown for eight years. Great changes have taken place in my
3. David hay been a member of the school basketball team since last year.
4. My best friend has gone to France.
5. After a hard day’s work, reading can help us relax.










本文更新与2020-11-05 03:35,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/440362.html

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