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英语流利阅读 快时尚不应以地球为代价

2020-11-05 02:48



2020,4 有品位,就是没钱”:廉价时尚大行其道,谁为浪费买单
英国文豪王尔德(Oscar Wilde)曾言:“Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have
to alter it every six months. (时尚就是一种令人难以忍受的丑陋,故需每半年更新一回)。” 眼
下,时尚服装产业的快节奏,似乎 正印证了这句话——产品的上新迭代周期正不断缩短。而
与此同时,这类商业模式也造成时装生命周期大 为缩短。衣物的浪费所带来的资源损耗问题,
也在近年来愈发明显。一起来辩证看待当下如火如荼的快时 尚行业吧。

正文The Guardian view on fast fashion: it can't cost the earth
Fashion operates on desire. How we dress feeds off cravings to be different as well as part of
a tribe; to be en vogue but ahead of the pack. The message from the high street is that such
wishes can be fulfilled, and fast fashion plays on the idea that hunger can be sated
时尚就是“贩卖”渴 望。我们的穿搭方式往往源自内心的各种渴求:想要标新但不至于立异、
想要入时而又超前。市中心的商 业街向我们传递出的讯息就是:这样的需求是能够实现的。
而快速时尚正是利用了这种心理,即时尚诉求 是可以被立刻满足的。
But to overcome such urges we need to reflect on the fragility of our planet. This means
accepting that there is a better way to keep the pleasures of fashion open to all parts of society
than promoting disposable clothes as desirable.
而要想克制诸如此类的冲动,我们就必须得念及地球环境的脆弱程度。这也就意 味着我们要
接受这样一种理念:要延续时尚给社会各界带来的乐趣,将低利用率的服饰推崇为理想化的< br>载体,并不是最佳的方式。
Fashion shouldn't cost the earth. But the industry has for too long promoted overconsumption
as a good thing. About a fifth of mass-produced clothing does not even sell and ends up being
buried, shredded( 撕碎) or burned. Garments now account for 8% of global greenhouse gas
emissions. Synthetic fibres are being found in Arctic sea ice and in fish.
时尚业不该是代价高 昂的。但是长久以来,这个行业始终将过度消费奉为好事。批量生产的
衣物中,约有五分之一甚至从未售 出,它们最终被掩埋、撕碎或焚烧处理。如今,服装生产
占到了全球温室气体排放量的 8%。人们甚至在北极海冰和鱼类的体内发现了人造纤维。
At no other time in human history has fashion been so accessible to so many people.
Technology will help to make fashion greener. Better regulation of supply chains will help too.

There is a discernible(可辨识的) shift from discarding clothes to repairing, reusing or even
renting them.
眼 下,时尚对如此多的人来说唾手可得,这是人类历史中所前所未有的。科技能够帮助时尚
业变得更为环保 。同时,完善对供应链的管控也能够对此有所助益。除此之外,人们从直接
丢弃衣物,转而选择修补、回 收乃至租赁服饰,这种变化正蔚然成风。
However, it is hard to see how this will be enough to make fashion truly sustainable if the
industry still produces more and more clothes.
然而,如果时尚业本身仍然在不停产出越来越多的服 饰,仅仅只是依靠这些外界努力的话,

cost the earth代价惨重;花费一大笔钱,极其昂贵
近义短语:cost a bomb 近义短语:cost an arm and a leg
operate on基于...运转;在...动手术 搭配短语:operate on one's stomach
英文释义:to function or conduct business on a certain principle or assumption
feed off受...激发;因...而壮大;从...取食
英文释义:to be nourished, sustained, or fueled by sth. 搭配短语:A feeds off B
tribetra?bn. 一帮人,一伙人,一类人;部落 英文释义:a group of people
en vogue流行 同义词:in vogue 相关词汇:vogue(n. 时髦,风尚)
ahead of the pack成功领先;出类拔萃
相关词汇:pack(n. 一群人(尤指不受人喜欢的);包裹)
英文释义:especially a group of people who you do not approve of
play on利用(某人的弱点) 近义词:exploit
satese?tv. 满足(欲望) 近义词:satisfy
例句:I'm finally satisfiedsated.
disposabled??spo?.z?.b?l adj. 用完即丢弃的;一次性的

词性拓展:dispose(v. 丢弃;处理)英文释义:made to be thrown away after use
搭配短语:disposable gloves 搭配短语:daily disposable contact lenses
shred?redv. 把…撕成碎片;把…切成细条 英文释义:to cut or tear sth. into small pieces
搭配短语:shred the documents 搭配短语:shred the carrots
garment?ɡɑ?r.m?ntn.(一件)衣服 英文释义:a piece of clothing
synthetics?n?θet?.?k adj. 人造的,(人工)合成的 近义词:artificial; man-made
regulation?reɡ.j??le?.??n n.(尤指通过规章进行的)控制,管理
词性拓展:regulate(v. 监管,调控)
搭配短语:a planned, state-regulated economy(国家调控的计划经济)
近义词:control 英文释义:control over sth., especially by rules
discernibled??s??.n?.b?ladj. 可察觉的,明显的 近义词:observable
词性拓展:discern(v. 察觉)
sustainables??ste?.n?.b?l adj. 可持续的;环保的
搭配短语:sustainable development(可持续发展)
例句:Cycling is a sustainable form of transport. (骑车出行是一种非常环保的交通方式。)

拓展阅读 快时尚行业推出「租衣服务」
除了去年 9 月底宣布破产保护的 Forever 21,H&M、Zara 和 GAP 等多家快时尚巨头都
2019 年,H&M 宣布在瑞典斯德哥尔摩总部的 Sergels Torg 旗舰店推出服装租赁服务。据
法新社报道,这项服务面向会员,一次最多可租 3 件,租期为一周,每件衣服的租赁价格
约为 350 瑞典克朗(约合 255 人民币)。这次参与租赁服务的服装主要为 H&M 的高端
系列,包括 Conscious Exclusive 可持续系列,以及部分当时最新的秋季系列产品。消费者
既可以在店内试穿,也可 以在网上提前预订;此外,店内设计师还会提供穿搭建议。
此外,另一快时尚巨头 GAP 旗下的品牌 Banana Republic,也在 2019 年 9 月推出了一项
线上订阅服务 Style Passport,主要提供女装的服装租赁服务。每个月的订阅费用为 85 美
元(约合 600 人民币),一次可租 3 件衣服,并享受免费送货、换货和洗衣等服务;开放

租赁的服饰的单价在 100 美元左右。









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