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2020-11-03 21:21



总分:710分 及格:426分 考试时间:140分

Part I Writing(30 minutes)

(1)1.近年来出现了大量因不同原因而出名 的网络名人2.有人认为这是网络时代的进步,
有人认为他们的出现是一种退步3.你的看法on Internet Celebrities

Part II (15 minutes)


(2)Some unhappy rich folks are presented as examples to________.

(3)Based on standard economics,additional wealth can provide_________.

(4)Why may too many choices be negative?

(5)The survey proves Gilbert's point that money increases happiness only when_____.

(6)In an expanding economy,the former luxuries____.

(7)According to Veenhoven,a nation can increase its population’s sense of well-being

(8)Initiative that leads to a higher income is usually motivated by______.

(9)The concept that more money doesn’t buy more happiness drives most Americans_______.

(10)It is necessary for people to believe producing and consuming are routes to personal
well.being for a_______economy.

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension:11-35

ons {TSE}are based on the conversation you have just heard.{TS}根据所听到的内容作答
_____。A)He used to be in good health. B) He was very handsome.C)He was somewhat
short.D)He looked somewhat old.

A. A)At an airpor
B. B)At a beat doc
C. C)At a weather statio
D. D)At a beac

A. A)Telling her daughter not to worr
B. B)Asking the teacher for special hel
C. C)Teaching her daughter by hersel
D. D)Having confidence in her daughtel

A. A)Take part in the gam

B. B)Go to Washington and Los Angele
C. C)Watch the basketball gam
D. D)Miss the game and visit friend

A. A)She’11 9et her money back from the sho
B. B)She can exchange the T-shia for a larger on
C. C)She’11 have to talk to the manager about i
D. D)She can complain to the Consumel,Associatio

A. A)She forgot to cancel the reservatio
B. B)They can go to the restaurant tonigh
C. C)She has to work late tonigh
D. D) They don,t have a reservatio

A. A)The mall agrees that the workload is heav
B. B)The man won’t be able to go to the lab toda
C. C)The man thinks the woman is being unfai
D. D)The man feels the assignment is reasonabl

A. A)Michael brought the tape to the part
B. B)The tape had been returned to Ji
C. C)The tape couldn’t be found anywher
D. D)Michael has lent his tape to Ji

A. A)Giving up smokin
B. B) Birth control of the famil
C. C)Plan for seeing a docto
D. D)Arrangement for breaking engagemen

A. A)Smoking helps to lessen the pressur
B. B)Smoking helps him fall asleep quickl
C. C)He can get much happiness from smokin

D. D)Smoking brings more chances to make friend

A. A)See a doctor to get 80me hel
B. B)Read books about the harm of smokin9.
C. C)Improve his self- controlling abilitie
D. D) Receive mental health treatmen

A. A)Smoking is the only bad habit the man should chang
B. B)She doesn’t love the man as deep as befor
C. C)She doesn’t want to have a baby if the man smoke
D. D)Maybe she will leave the man if he continues to smok

A. A)It is a house full of cleverly—designed devic
B. B)It can help people live a much easier lif
C. c)It is the most comfortable house availabl
D. D)It expresses the newest architectural styl

A. A)The door will open with just a touch of the finger。
B. B) The refrigerator can figure out how much milk to bu
C. C) The robot can do all the housework very efficientl
D. D)The house Call put out a fire in a very short tim

A. A)It's too wonderful to be tru
B. B)It,s too expen8ive for he
C. C)She considers it nothing fanc
D. D)She is considering buying on

A. A)The father alone makes the important decisio
B. B)The mother alone make8 the important decisio
C. C)Children old enough are allowed to take par
D. D)Children should be seen but can,t air their vie

A. A)Their parents don’t like to live with the
B. B)They need more freedom and spac
C. C)They need to become independen
D. D)They have to go to universitie

A. A)It suits the values of equalit
B. B)It can cause serious problem
C. C)It does no goo
D. D)It goes too fa

A. A)They have not enough mone
B. B)They have to leave hom
C. C)They feel useless and lonel
D. D)They haye no children or relative

A. A)Breaking big rocks into little ones
B. B)Feeding his famil
C. C)Building a cathedra
D. D)Doing construction work

A. A)Having a poin
B. B)Having flexibilit
C. C)Making sens
D. D)Being interestin9.

A. A)Most of the people want to do meaningful wor
B. B)A majority of workers are doing meaningful wor
C. C)Happy workers can always find a well—paid jo
D. D)Meaningful workers are happy and better workerPassage Three


A. A)One can improve listening by watching movie
B. B)Everybody wants to improve listening nowaday
C. C)There is a good way to memorize vocabularie
D. D)One needs to work hard to improve Englis

A. A)Watch the film two more time
B. B)Memorize the scenes and storie
C. C)Listen to the film instead of watching i
D. D)Repeat what the characters say in the fil

A. A)Choose one,s favorite fil
B. B)Memorize all the dialogue
C. C)Go to a movie theate
D. D)Praetice with a frien

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension:36-46

(1)Questions are based on the
conversation you have just











Part IV Reading Comprehension :47-66












{TS}The“spontaneous individuals”are most probably people who_______.
A. A)rely much on a eellphone in life
B. B)can live without a cellphone
C. C)act without much restraint
D. D)are boring in some way

(12)A phone user's location is shown by______.
A. A)which eeHphone tower he is connected to
B. B)which cellphone network he is connected to
C. C)how often he uses the phone every day
D. D)the content of his every phone call

(13)What did the cellphone data show about“routine”?
A. A)One’S routine affects his work pattern
B. B)Our routine affects our human nature
C. C)One’S work pattern determines his routine

D. D)Our human nature determines our routine

(14)According to the sixth paragraph,a person is more likely to______at night than in the early
A. A)be found at home
B. B) return home from work
C. C)go to his most visited place
D. D)take home as his most visited place

(15)What is the passage mainly about?
A. A) The new application of eeHphone
B. B)The predictability of one’s routin
C. C)The influence of cellphones on one’S routin
D. D)The factors that help determine one’s routin


{TS}What do we know about the unmarried men,according to the last sentence of the first
A. A)They got a 16%increase in household incom
B. B)They got a 16%decrease l’n household incom
C. C)Only16%of them were in financial difficult
D. D)Only16%of them earned more than in 1970.

(17)“Members of this thriving demographic”ale_____.
A. A)men who marry at the age of 30 to 44
B. B)women whose husbands age 30 to 44
C. C)men whose wives earn more than they do
D. D)women who earn m0re than their husbands

(18)It is found by the Pew Research Center that more and more of the least educated men_____.
A. A)earn less than their wives
B. B)are declined by white-collar women
C. C)refuse to malty white-collar women
D. D)have to remain single

(19)Compared with the 1970 unmarried low.income men,their 2007 counterparts_____.
A. A)had even less education
B. B)had lower marriage ratea
C. C)had slower growth in household income
D. D)had mole trouble adjusting for innation

(20)What does Conley imply by sayin9“This leads to family instability
A. A)Education determines the family stabilit
B. B)Income determines the family stabilit

C. C)Marriage rate is the index of family stabilit
D. D)Divorce rate is the index family stabilit

Part V Cloze :67-86

(1) 根据以下资料,回


A. A)evoked
B. B) evolved
C. C)called
D. D)developed

A. A)more than
B. B) rather than
C. C)better than
D. D)other than

A. A)via
B. B)on
C. C)at
D. D)in

A. A)resolutions
B. B)resoulqces
C. C)resorts
D. D)responses

A. A)optional
B. B)radical
C. C)initial
D. D)necessary

A. A)involved
B. B) invited
C. C)invested
D. D) indicated

A. A)Though
B. B)Besides
C. C)But
D. D)Since

A. A) accepted
B. B) kept
C. C) taken
D. D) owned

A. A) part-time
B. B) temporary
C. C) full-time
D. D) immediate

A. A) await
B. B) prevent
C. C) avoid
D. D) protest

A. A) otherwise
B. B) if
C. C) therefore
D. D) because

A. A) lessens
B. B) grows
C. C) lowers
D. D) adds

A. A) potential
B. B) expectation
C. C) prospect
D. D) desire

A. A) drifts
B. B) currents
C. C) trends
D. D) tides

A. A) tip
B. B) peak
C. C) end
D. D) head

A. A) consider
B. B) look
C. C) see
D. D) regard

A. A) which

B. B) what
C. C) as
D. D) that

A. A) currently
B. B) heavily
C. C) relatively
D. D) particularly

A. A) mostly
B. B) hardly
C. C) partially
D. D) occasionally

A. A) reflect
B. B) repeat
C. C) reemerge
D. D) rebuild

Part VI Translation :87-91

(1)Astrology is the study of how the sun,the moon,planets,and stars____(与生命及世事联系).

(2)Each greenhouse gas__(吸热的能力不同)in the atmosphere.

(3)With a lot of patience with oneself,most people__(成功克服了文化冲击).

(4)There was a gap between__(消费者说什么和做什么)when it C01TIes to pur- chasing behavior
related to animal welfare issues.

(5)But for his good education,he__(就不会得到这份体面的工作).

Part I Writing(30 minutes)
(1) :

原本无名的普 通人开始变为网络名人这种现象。由于本文是要重点阐述考生自己的看法,所
以可以把提纲中的第2点合 并到第1段.

点出人们的不同看法后直接摆出自己的观点;第2段再重点论述自己的观点 ;最后一段可以

当 然考生也可完全按照提纲中的点对应作文的三段,第1段提出现象,指出人们对此态度不
一,引出下文: 第2 段分别阐述两种观点,篇幅根据考生第3段所持的观点进行分配,即
考生站在哪一边,在这段中就 相应地加大笔墨:第3段简单点出自己的观点即可.

Part II (15 minutes)
(1) :

(2) :

(3) :

(4) :

(5) :

(6) :

(7) :

(8) :

(9) :

(10) :

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension:11-35
(1) :C
(2) :A

(3) :D

(4) :C

(5) :A

(6) :D

(7) :A

(8) :C

(9) :A

(10) :A

(11) :A

(12) :D

(13) :B

(14) :A

(15) :B

(16) :C

(17) :C

(18) :B

(19) :C

(20) :B

(21) :C

(22) :D

(23) :A

(24) :C

(25) :A

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension:36-46

(1) :
(2) :

(3) :

(4) :

(5) :

(6) :

(7) :

(8) :

(9) :

(10) :

(11) :

Part IV Reading Comprehension :47-66
(1) :C

(2) :J

(3) :L

(4) :M

(5) :A

(6) :F

(7) :G

(8) :B

(9) :E

(10) :I

(11) :C

(12) :A

(13) :D

(14) :C

(15) :B

(16) :A

(17) :D

(18) :D

(19) :B

(20) :D

Part V Cloze :67-86
(1) :B

(2) :B

(3) :A

(4) :B

(5) :D

(6) :A

(7) :C

(8) :B

(9) :C

(10) :C

(11) :D

(12) :D

(13) :A

(14) :C

(15) :B

(16) :C

(17) :D

(18) :C

(19) :B

(20) :C

Part VI Translation :87-91
(1) :

(2) :

(3) :

(4) :

(5) :

人生就像一部书,每个人都在书写着自己 的故事,书写着生命中曾承载的苦辣酸甜和正在经历的风霜雪雨。不管这部书的情节精彩也好,简约也罢,我们都 必须字斟句酌,用心构思。只有
人生也像一条河,有谁不是在风里行舟,雨中穿梭。昨天还在逆浪而行,今朝依然奔奔波波。尽管如此,我们也不 应气馁,更不敢稍有停歇。只有这样,才能穿越人生的风浪,踏平生命
的坎坷,从而抵达理想的彼岸,收 获人生累累硕果。
人生还像一盘棋,我们每个人俨如上帝手中的一枚棋子,贫富贵贱难预料,生老 病死不由己。楚河汉界今犹在,谁见君王卷土来?是啊!人生苦短,岁月蹉跎。在不老的时光里,我们每
个人充其量不过是一个匆匆的过客。当你走过半生,蓦然首,你会发觉:转眼间,我们便告别了葱茏的年华,跨过 了中年的门槛,走进了枫红菊艳的时节。
有道是,流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。岁月如 梭,不经意间便穿越半生沧桑。回首往事,多少情怀已经更改,多少青春早已不再,多少梦想恍如云烟,多少足迹 已湮入尘埃。
三毛说:“我来不及认真地年轻 ,待明白过来时,只能选择认真地老去。”昨天已经落幕,明天无法彩排,唯有今天才是人生的最好舞台。
轻捻指尖流年,细数过往云烟。曾经的莽撞少年,总以为伸手就能够着天,凡理都要辩出个曲和直, 凡事都要弄出个里和面。人过中年,我们才恍然顿悟:不和别人比,好好活自己,这
才是后半场人生棋盘 最好的布局。
好好活自己,就要力求“身心两安逸”.老了不可怕,就怕放不下。人过中年,身体 机能不断下降,就像一部半新不旧的机器,各个零部件都已濒临保养期,如果不及时加以检修,等到停
止 工作那一天,悔之晚矣。凡事不攀比,保命是正理,浮云随风去,任尔东与西。身体健康是前提,心情快乐才安逸 。服老不并非消及,而是保护自己。
山有山的伟岸,水有水的柔情,每个人的生活模式千差万别, 就像世界上没有一模一样的两片叶子,你有你的脉络,我有我的纹理。寸有所长,尺有所短,每个人都不是完美无 缺的个体,
你有你的色彩,我有我的艳丽;你羡慕别人的同时,别人也许正在羡慕你。就像卞之琳所说的 那样,你站在桥上看风景,看风景的人在楼上看你。明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦。
我们每个 人何尝不是一道独一无二的风景线,只是缺乏一双欣赏的眼光而已。
好好活自己,就要力求“退而 求其次”.后半生,我们没有多余的精力去开拓一个未知的领域。所谓的“大不了从头再来”,那只不过是年轻人 的豪言壮语。人生后半场,上帝给予我们的时
间和精力是有限的,适时地放手才是最好的选择。退而求其 次,看似是一种“无奈”,却也是一种豁达的智慧。它并非真正意义上的“退化”,而是为生命“留白”,为自己 留下一点周旋的余地。
老子曾言,“虚而不屈动而愈出,多言数穷不如守中。”事多必乱,言多必 失,只有保留一定的“空”,才能其用无穷。正所谓,月满则亏,水满则溢。有时退一步海阔天空,进一步山重< br>水复。留白,也是一种取舍,只有“丢卒保车”,才能满盘皆活。
古人说:“路漫漫其修远 兮,吾将上下而求索。”可见,“求索”原本就分“上”“下”.当你的“上策”无法策马扬鞭时,你必须要退避 三舍求“下策”,谋定而后动,知止而有得。叶公
好龙,玩假把式;夜郎自大,唯我独尊,只能是自讨苦 吃。
好好活自己,就要力求营造一个“小天地”.人生需自渡,这个世界上从来就没有救世主。自 己的人生,黯淡与精彩完全由自己去书写,去掌舵,去布局。红尘如梦,亦真亦幻;人生如戏,
亦悲亦喜 。当曲终人散时,不过是乐者自乐,歌者自歌;伤者自伤,痛者自痛。
人生就像一部书,每个人都在 书写着自己的故事,书写着生命中曾承载的苦辣酸甜和正在经历的风霜雪雨。不管这部书的情节精彩也好,简约也 罢,我们都必须字斟句酌,用心构思。只有

人生也像一条河,有谁不是 在风里行舟,雨中穿梭。昨天还在逆浪而行,今朝依然奔奔波波。尽管如此,我们也不应气馁,更不敢稍有停歇。 只有这样,才能穿越人生的风浪,踏平生命
人生还像一盘棋,我们每个人俨如上帝手中的一枚棋子,贫富贵贱难预料,生老病死不由己。楚河汉 界今犹在,谁见君王卷土来?是啊!人生苦短,岁月蹉跎。在不老的时光里,我们每
个人充其量不过是一 个匆匆的过客。当你走过半生,蓦然首,你会发觉:转眼间,我们便告别了葱茏的年华,跨过了中年的门槛,走进 了枫红菊艳的时节。
有道是,流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。岁月如梭,不经意间便穿越 半生沧桑。回首往事,多少情怀已经更改,多少青春早已不再,多少梦想恍如云烟,多少足迹已湮入尘埃。
三毛说:“我来不及认真地年轻,待明白过来时,只 能选择认真地老去。”昨天已经落幕,明天无法彩排,唯有今天才是人生的最好舞台。
轻捻指尖流 年,细数过往云烟。曾经的莽撞少年,总以为伸手就能够着天,凡理都要辩出个曲和直,凡事都要弄出个里和面。 人过中年,我们才恍然顿悟:不和别人比,好好活自己,这
好好活自己,就要力求“身心两安逸”.老了不可怕,就怕放不下。人过中年,身体机能不断下降,就像一部半新 不旧的机器,各个零部件都已濒临保养期,如果不及时加以检修,等到停
止工作那一天,悔之晚矣。凡事 不攀比,保命是正理,浮云随风去,任尔东与西。身体健康是前提,心情快乐才安逸。服老不并非消及,而是保护 自己。
山有山的伟岸,水有水的柔情,每个人的生活模式千差万别,就像世界上没有一模一样的两 片叶子,你有你的脉络,我有我的纹理。寸有所长,尺有所短,每个人都不是完美无缺的个体,
你有你的 色彩,我有我的艳丽;你羡慕别人的同时,别人也许正在羡慕你。就像卞之琳所说的那样,你站在桥上看风景,看 风景的人在楼上看你。明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦。
我们每个人何尝不是一道独一无二的风 景线,只是缺乏一双欣赏的眼光而已。
好好活自己,就要力求“退而求其次”.后半生,我们没有 多余的精力去开拓一个未知的领域。所谓的“大不了从头再来”,那只不过是年轻人的豪言壮语。人生后半场,上 帝给予我们的时
间和精力是有限的,适时地放手才是最好的选择。退而求其次,看似是一种“无奈”,却 也是一种豁达的智慧。它并非真正意义上的“退化”,而是为生命“留白”,为自己留下一点周旋的余地。
老子曾言,“虚而不屈动而愈出,多言数穷不如守中。”事多必乱,言多必失,只有保留一定的“空 ”,才能其用无穷。正所谓,月满则亏,水满则溢。有时退一步海阔天空,进一步山重
水复。留白,也是 一种取舍,只有“丢卒保车”,才能满盘皆活。
古人说:“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。” 可见,“求索”原本就分“上”“下”.当你的“上策”无法策马扬鞭时,你必须要退避三舍求“下策”,谋定而 后动,知止而有得。叶公
好好 活自己,就要力求营造一个“小
天地”.人生需自渡,这个世界上从来就没有救世主。自己的人生,黯淡 与精彩完全由自己去书写,去掌舵,去布局。红尘如梦,亦真亦幻;人生如戏,亦悲亦喜。当曲终人散时,不过是 乐者









本文更新与2020-11-03 21:21,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/438210.html


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