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2020-11-03 20:13



首先是先发两张答题卡,其中一张答题卡上有作文题。四六 级考试的第一题就是作文,
时间是半个小时,在大约作文进行到25分钟时发考试卷,但就算作文提前写 完按照规
紧接着是听力试 音时间,大约为5分钟,然后进行的当然就是听力考试。下来的题型
就是15选10的那个,叫什么我也 忘了。然后就是两篇大阅读,占分的比重相当的大!
一定要认认真真的做!!接着就是完形填空,20个 空。最后就是汉译英,5个题咯~
至于AB卷子,这两类卷子的题 的内容完全一样,区别就在于它们题的答案的顺序不一
样,也存在题的顺序不一样的可能哦,今年我考六 级,那两篇大阅读A卷和B卷的顺
序就不一样,A卷的第一篇是B卷的第二篇,A卷 的第二篇是B卷的第一篇。其他方
9:00 考生进考场
9:00- 9:10 发答题卡和试卷册(要求同学先填名字等等,试卷册是这样的, 试卷册
9:10- 9:40 作文部分(在答题卡一上做作文部分,时间是半个小时)
9:40- 9:55 快速阅读(同样是做在答题纸一上,15分钟时间)
9:55-10:00 收答题卡一
10:00-11:20 所有题目在答题卡二上作答(具体包括:10:00-10:35 听力部分;
10:35-11:00 仔细阅读;11:00-11:15 完型填空或者改错;11:15-11:20 翻译
11:20 整个答卷完成,收取答题纸二包括试题册
1、 英语四级考试8:45考生进入考场
所有考生一律携带身份证、学生证和准考证进入考场 。证件不全者,不得参加考
2、 英语四级考试9:00迟到考生不得入场,监考员发答题卡1和卡2
考生用且只能用黑色字迹签 字笔在答题卡上填写姓名、准考证号,用2B铅笔涂
黑相应的信息点;暂不填写答题卡2上试卷代号一栏 ;考生不得提前答题,否则按违
3、 英语四级考试9:10考试正式开始,开始做试题第一部分
4、 英语四级考试9:35监考员发试题册
5、 英语四级考试9:40开始做试题的第二部分

6、 英语四级考试9:55收答题卡1
英语四级听力考试结束后,请立即摘下耳 机,否则按违规违纪处理,并报省教育
英语四级考试结束,考生立即停止答题,不离开座位,待监考 教师收齐试卷、清
英语四级考试过程中,考生不得提前退场,包括提前交卷,否则 按违规违纪处理,
考生进入考场不得携带的 材料如书本、纸张、书包、录音器材、电子记事本和通
讯工具(含BP机、对讲机和手机等)均不得带入 考场,否则按违规违纪处理,并报省
12、本次考试的题型分为六部 分,第一部分作文的题目在答题卡1上,其余五部
分的题目在试题册上;考试材料包括:试题册、答题卡 1和答题卡2;考试分A、B卷

培养语段理解能力答准小对话试题 (SHORT- CONVERSATIONS),主要测试考语段水平上的理能力,以判断
1)抓住关键词,作出正确的判断.2)熟悉题型和提问形式.3)注意第二说话人的讲话语气4)熟记有关学校 生活
和日常生活等话题方面的词语.5)熟记有关学校生活和日常生活等话题方面的词语.6)掌握常用 词、词组和习
1.事情发生的原因;2.打算做、正在做和已经做的事;3.谈话人对事物和问题的看法. 为应试这类题目,考生应
(二) 常见的提问形式:
does the womanman tell the manwoman he she must do ?
will the man woman probably do ?
will the manwoman do for the woman man ?
does the man woman intend to do ?
is the man woman going to do ?
is the manwoman planning to do ?
must the manwoman do ?
is the manwoman planning to do ?
must the man woman do ?
has the man woman done ?
is the man woman tired (worried , angry ,pleased ) ?
does the man woman mean ?

1. I want to ask the Smiths to the party . Do you know their address ?
No, but I’d like them to come. I think their friend Al can give you their is the woman going to do ?
2. Of the two houses we saw today ,which do you prefer?I think the white one is prettier , but the brick one has a
bigger yard , so I like it better .Why does the woman like the brick house better than I think the white one is
prettier , but the brick one has a bigger yard , so I like it better 。Why does the woman like the brick house better
than I think the white one is prettier , but the brick one has a bigger yard , so I like it better .Why does the woman
like the brick house better than 5. -Bob, can you tell me what percentage of the United States population is
registered to vote ?
---Off the top of my mind, I’m afraid I don’t know .What does Bob mean ? How did Ellen do on her ancient I
don’t exam ?She passed with flying does the woman mean?7. I wasn’t sure what she really thought of
my suggestion just from our phone conversation. Yes, it would be better to talk about it face to face .What does
the man mean ?? No one could finish Dr Borden’s assignment so soon !But I did ! What has the woman
done? you mind if I sat here?Of course not .What will the woman probably do ? won’t be able to
get to the airport in time to catch,that plane at four o’clock .I realize that now. I’ll have to get my ticket
changed .What will the man do now?11. Are you going to be using the copying machine long ?I’ll be through in
next to no does the woman mean?12. If I buy some plans for the house, will you water them for me
while I’m away ?Sure I will , if you’ll water mine while I’m on my vacation .What will the man do for the
woman ? you think Professor Simpson will cancel the class on account of the special
does the woman mean?14. I agreed with your proposal at the meeting this morning. It was a good
should have backed me up then when I needed it .What does the woman mean? you ever seen a
rocketship ?Only on TV .What does the man mean ?
1.判断对话双方的关系或身份;2.判断对方地点或时间;3.判断对话的主题;4.判断发生的事情 ;5.推测说话的真
(二) 解答暗示题,注意以下四项技巧:
3.注意第二者讲话 的具体内容,推测即将发生的事情;4.利用本人对美国社会的了解以及其他常识进行推测.
is the man woman?
is the probable relationship between the two speakers ?
does this conversation most likely take place ?
does this conversation take place ?
is the man woman most concerned about ?
does the man woman think about … ?
is the man woman doing ?
are the man and woman talking about discussing?
is the problem ?
happened to the man woman ?
is the man’s woman’s opinion comment about … ?
does the manwoman mean ?
does the manwoman imply ?
can be inferred from the conversation ?
can be concluded about the man woman ?
16. What do we learn from the man’s woman’s response ?
17. What can you imply from the man’s woman’s response?
conclusion can be drawn from the man’swoman’s response ?
had the man woman assumed ?
had the man woman thought (about)… ?


听力训练(Part One)TARGET Listening Comprehension (with Exercises)
培养单句理解能力;快速听准简短语句的含义(SHORT STATEMENTS),主要测试考生对 单句的理解能力。
1、熟悉试题所检查的语言项目;2. 掌握常见的语法结构;3. 注意语调所提供的信息;
4. 抓住关键词;5. 掌握适量的动词词组以及习语的含义;6. 注意 but, because 和 so 等词引导的句子。

综观大型考试的试题不难看出-- 试题所涉及的语言项目是:1.疑问; 2.感叹; 3.否定;4.比较; 5.使役; 6. 虚拟;7,
因果; 8.建议等.
1. 一般疑问句;2. 陈述句形式的疑问句。常见的有:You know…? You understand…?You mean…? 3. 否定
形式的疑问句。如: Did’t we ? Weren’t you …?
4. 特殊疑问句;5. 反意疑问句。其句末的简短问句可用升调或降调表达如:…did ’t she?…do you?;6. 在陈
述句后附加用升调表达的疑问句。常见的有…,don’t you think?…, do you?…wouldn’t you say?..,right?
7. 感叹句。常见的有以下四种句型:A.以What引导的句型;B.以How 引导的句型;C.倒装语序的否定
句;如:Isn’t that …! Didn’t we …!D.以To think或Imagine引导的句型
you know whose umbrella this is?;2. You understand the possible consequences ? 3. Wouldn’t I love to be in
North Carolina right now?;4. You can read the sign without your glasses?;5. What do you think of my
roommates?Your pen needs a refill ,doesn’t it ?Kate works part time to pay her college tuition , doesn’t she?;8.
The snack bar has fresh fruit , right?9. The trip was a wonderful experience , don’t you agree ?;10. Water is the
best thing to drink when you’re thirsty, don’t you think ?;11. What an exciting race ?;12. How busy you’ve been
in the last few days !;13. How on earth can you believe That !;14. Aren’t the rents here just incredible!;15. To
think I originally wanted to take five courses this term !
在听力部分里,否定概念并非都是通过否定词 no, not,never 等直接表达。多数情况下它是通过些短语.句
型或修辞等手段 , 以肯定形式含蓄地表示的。在试题中,这类否定
出现频率最高。概括起来,主要有下列8种形式:1.含否定语义的副词和形容词。如:Hardly, rarely, little, few
等;2.含否定语义的代词和连词,如:Nobody,no thing,neither,nor 等.3.含否定意义的词缀.如im-,un-,mis-, dis-,
-less等.4.含否定语义的动词.动词词组及介词词组.如:fail,miss, avoid,deny,hate,refuse,dispute,doubt,cross,out
turn,down,far,from, anything,but,instead of,rather than,beyond等;5.含 too…to 的结构;6.含“形容词last+ 名词+
动词不定式(或从句)”的结构;7.强调否定句.居首的否定词多数是Never,Littl e,Rarely;而且语序必须倒装.如
Never before have I … little did they Rarely do we… 等.8. 双重否定句.如not uncommon, no one can deny …
等.16. I don’t believe the mail’s come yet.17. I doubt the bus’s already left.18. The key to the laboratory has
’s impossible to find Charlie after 6 p.m. 20.I seldom go to the hardly studied at all
last is the last thing I television program is not in the least did’t
want to undo the work she’s is almost nobody on campus who doesn’t know Irene.26.I can’t deny
that I was awful in the once have I seen him make a one person at the rally saw the
do we get so much snow in December.
before had the professor Forgotten to come to class.
三. 熟悉多样的比较
1. as … as ..; not so … as;2. Twice (half) as … as … 3. … more … than … 4. … sooner ( more ) than I thought
(expected);5. “否定+比较级”表示最高级;6. The more …, the less …;7. 其他手段 ( 如:动词 prefer 形容词
top, favorite等) .# Bob is as busy as Mary. # My handwriting is not so good as yours. # prevention is better than
# I give Christine more money than I lent Bob. # The more we discuss the trip, the less likely it seems we can
afford it.#--- shouldn’t we invite more people to the dance.
---the more ,the merrier.
31. Richard works as hard as his roommate.32. That means I’ll have to do twice as much work for the exam. 33.
Whether you like it or not,I know as much about the subject as you do , if not more.34. The sooner, the better.35.
It’s farther to the beach than I thought.36. You know, even I could do a better job of running the school newspaper
than the editor.37. I think the white one is prettier, But the brick one has a bigger yard so I like it better.38.
Nobody has more enthusiasm than she does.39. I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.40. carol really isn’t
much shorter than their practice game began.45. The lab instructor had the students do the
experiment over.46. I’ll have to get my ticket changed.47. Would you like me to get this film developed for you at
the store.48. Have you up against any problems in getting your visa renewed.49. I just have the hotel desk ring my
room in the morning.50. I’d like to have these jackets cleaned and pressed.
定结构. 它们是: ( have, make, get ) sb.( to ) do sth. 2. Get ( have ) sth. done 41. I had Carol type my
science report.42. Debbie made the stor replace her television.43. I let Ted buy it this time.44. Mrs Wilson had the
girls run around the fields several times before their practice game began.45. The lab instructor had the students

do the experiment over.46. I’ll have to get my ticket changed. 47. Would you like me to get this film developed for
you at the store.48. Have you up against any problems in getting your visa renewed.49. I just have the hotel desk
ring my room in the morning.50. I’d like to have these jackets cleaned and pressed.
a. 虚拟语气的基本结构;b. 假设意义。
1 . 与现在事实相反的条件句;If I + P.t…, I would (should,could,might)+v…2. 与事实相反的条件句;If we
had+p.p…,we would (might,could)have+p.p…3.与将来事实相反的条件句;4. 省略if 的倒装条件句Had I +
p.p…,I would (could, might) have + p.p…Should we+ v…,we would (should, could, might) + V …Were I…, I
would (Should, could, might)+ V….5. “if only + 从句”;6. “wish +从句”;7. as if, as though…引导;8. should
have 或 shouldn’t have.51. If I had brought my checkbook, I would’ve paid by check.52. If it were only
warmer!53. If I had had your address in Chicago, I would’ve written you before I came here. 54. He looks as if
he's lost.55. If you had been there, the meeting might've gone more smoothly.56. It seems as though we've known
each other for a long time instead of just two weeks.57. If I'd studied more, I would've passed the test.58. I wish
Sam were here.59. If only our team had scored one more point! 60. I wish the semester were over but we've still
got a month to go.
1. “原因”:because, as, since, for…,because of, for, due to, owing to…
2. “结果”:and, so, therefore, so…that, such…that
1. “原因”:because, as, since, for…,because of, for, due to, owing to…
2. “结果”:and, so, therefore, so…that, such…that
61. The outdoor concert was called off due to the weather.
62. Carl wasn't satisfied with his haircut so he changed barbers. 63. Because class participation is essential,
enrollment will be limited to ten students. 64. Julie had better go to the supermarket right away because her sister
is coming for lunch.65. The student representative resigned from the committee because his suggestion was
rejected.66. There's a water shortage, so we must conserve water.67. This lake is so wide that you can’t see the'
other side.68. The paper bag broke and everything fell out. 69. Don failed Physics and had to take it over.70. He
misread the recipe so, the stew he made tasted terrible.
1. 动词词组:动词+介词(副词);动词+名词+介词(动);+副词+介词构成
2.形容词词组:be+形容词(过去分词)+介词be frank with, be sensitive to, be sick of , be absorbed in, be well
known to
3. 介词词组:介词+名词或介词+名词+介词如: by no means , on end ,in conclusion, on the verge of, in
charge of …
4.习语,如:up to date, out of the question,with flying colors,few and far between, get cold feet, leave no stone
unturned …
5. 其他如: had better, be used to,would rather, instead of, owing to …
71. His architectural design broke new ground in the field,
72. Calm down, let's just sit down and try to figure things out.
73. Have the driver let you off at the intersection.
74. Gloria's been knocking herself out on that project.
75. In writing ability Margaret's head and-shoulders above the rest of other class.
76. That beautiful floor lamp really caught my eye.
facts art interesting but irrelevant to the present topic.
78. The rent for this apartment is bound to go up.
79. Jack wasn't in any way unpleasant.
80. We were told we can branch of into areas of literature other than novel.
81. On the whole, I don't care for fish.
82. Carla's used to American food by now.
83. Joe would rather wear the blue coat than the grey one.
84. We used to go there all the time.
'd better call Margaret before it gets too late.
86. Come what may, Edith will take her exams.
87. Franklin Hall was built in memory of Benjamin Franklin,
88. All his explanations were in vain.
89. My pen is out of ink again.
90. She used to live in the dormitory but now she has her own apartment.









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