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大学英语四级 43

2020-11-03 06:28





一、Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
二、Section A(总题数:3,分数:28.00)

Questions 1 and 2 will he based on the following news item.
Questions 1 and 2 will he based on the following news item.
ans. √
Fifteen passengers were burned alive when a passenger bus was set on fire by unknown men in
Pakistans southwestern Balochistan province, an official Said.
Naseer Ahmed Nasir, deputy commissioner in the city of Sibi, said four men on motorcycles initially
opened fire on a parked passenger bus at a hotel. The armed men then came close to the bus and
splashed petrol, setting it on fire, he said.
He said most of the dead were either children or women.

Balochistan, near the Afghan border, is rich in natural resources. But it is also in under a riot.
Militants there have for years complained that the central government has paid little attention

to them and their economic needs. They have been fighting Pakistani military forces for self-rule.

Pakistan has said the militants in Balochistan do not have links to the Islamic hard-liners who
have launched attacks in other parts of the country.

Who were most of the victims according to the news?

[解析] 受害者大部分是巴士上 的女性和儿童,因此选C项“平民,百姓”。预读选项时可发现选项A、B、D分别是持武
器的人、武装 分子和不妥协者,只有C项“平民”是处于弱势地位的群体,最有可能是victims。
parked passenger bus.
armed men on motorcycles.
central government. √
Islamic rebels.
What are the militants in Balochistan dissatisfied with?

[解析] 新闻中提到,武装分子多年来一直埋怨中央政府(central government) 忽略他们和他们的经济需求。因此选C
项。A项“停放着的公交”是事件发生的地方,B项“摩托车上持 武器的人”是纵火人,D项“伊斯兰的反叛者”是发动

其他地区袭击的反叛者,这些都与 问题无关。
Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.
Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.
A.$$14 billion.
B.$$40 billion.
C.$$2.5 billion. √
D.$$25 billion.

A UN agency says there are major funding gaps in efforts to help the agricultural sector adapt
to climate change. The Food and Agriculture Organization, the FAO, says this could affect food
security. The warning comes as the UN Climate Change Conference continues in Cancun, Mexico.
The World Bank estimates it will cost about $$2.5 billion a year —for the next 40 years—to help

agriculture in developing countries adapt to climate change. Other estimates say costs could run
as high as $$14 billion a year.
However, the FAO says, Available financing mechanisms are substantially insufficient to meet

the climate change and food security challenges faced by the agricultural sector. This, despite

the fact that the FAO says there are many examples of how agriculture can become more.

According to the world bank, how much does it cost to tackle agricultural challenges yearly?

[解析] 新闻中指出,世界银行估计在今 后的40年时间里,协助发展中国家的农业适应气候变化,每年得花费25个亿。
而有些人认为每年的费 用将高达140亿。本题问的是世界银行的估算,故答案为C项。本题是数字题,听音时可边看数
字边选 择。A项中的140亿是其他人的估计,B项400亿是利用“40年”这个时间跨度作干扰,D项“25亿”未 提到。
of knowledge of climate change.
enough examples to follow.
ge of agricultural experts.
icient financing mechanisms. √
According to FAO, what is the problem faced by the agricultural sector?

[解析] FAO指出,现有的融资机制远不能应对农业部门所面临的气候变化及食品安全挑战(Available
financing mechanisms are...insufficient),这就是农业 部门所面临的问题,D项复现了原文,只不过是将原文句子
Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.
Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.
will rise. √
will be stable.
will be lowered down.

will change from time to time.
The U.S. Federal Reserve announced yesterday it was raising interest rates for the first time

since 2006. Known as the Fed, its Americas central bank. Its led by Janet Yellen. Its job is
to help stabilize Americas financial system. The Fed makes moves to try to lower unemployment

and control inflation, when the price of goods goes up too fast for people to afford them.

Because the U.S. economy is growing, the Fed raised its key interest rate by a quarter of a
percentage point, not much. But gradual rate increases are likely in the New Year. That means
youll have to pay more interest if you borrow money, higher loan rates for home buyers, higher
interest rates if you finance a car, higher student loan rates for people who enter colleges
Eventually, savings accounts could earn a little more interest. A decade since the last Star

Wars, and nearly just as long, nine years, since the Fed last changed interest rates. But now,
its time for the Fed to awaken, because after three episodes of quantitative easing, Janet Yellen
must now use her most powerful weapon to restore balance in the economy.

What will happen to interest rates in the US?

[解析] 本题询问美国利率的变化(interest rates),新闻开头提到自2006年以来,美联储第一次加 息,由此可以推导
boom up real- estate market.
lower unemployment rate. √
finance car industry.
offer food to more people.
Why did the Fed change interest rates?

[解析] 本题询问美联储调整利率的原因,新闻中提到,美联储此举是为了降低失业率(lower unemploym ent)和控制通
货膨胀,因此选B项。A项“刺激房地产”和C项“资助汽车工业”和新闻内容不符, 新闻只是提到美联储调息后人们
ts with bank loan.
buyers with bank loan.
income workers.
with savings accounts. √
Who will benefit from the change of interest rates?

[解析] 本题问的是谁会在此次利率调整中受益,新闻中提到有存款的人会多得一些利息(earn a little
more interest),因此对于银行储户会有好处,故选D项。A项“ 负有货款的学生”和B项“需付贷款的户主”在新闻

中均有提及,但加息后,学生和购房 者都要付更多银行贷款,都是受害者。C项的“低收入工人”在新闻中未提及。

三、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
四、Conversation One (总题数:1,分数:16.00)

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
and customer.
friends. √
d and wife.
M: What are you going to have?
W: I have no idea. Could you help me with the menu?
M: Yes, sure. These are starters, and these are main courses and these are desserts. See?
W: Whats the alternative?
M: The alternative is to order a complete dinner. For a set price you get your choice of soup
or juice, one dish with potato and vegetable, salad, bread and butter and sometimes coffee and
sometimes dessert.
W: And you pay the price listed next to the main course?
M: Right. Like the roast beef dinner is $$7.85—plus tax and tip, of course.
W: It all looks pretty expensive to me.
M: Its not. This is only a bit more expensive than McDonalds. So enjoy yourself. We
e celebrating,
remember? Order anything youd like to try; its all on me.

W: You
e very kind.

M: Friends are friends. I cannot get promoted often. Are you ready to order?
W: Ah, can you tell me what Hot Fudge Sundae is?
M: Thats a dessert. Its an English specialty. Its a kind of ice cream with a hot sticky sauce
over the top—very sweet and fattening!
W: I don really like the sound of that. How come there is English food? I thought we agreed
to eat American food.
M: Our country is made up of people from all over the world, so besides collected words and phrases

from every language, weve also absorbed recipes. We even have a lot of Chinese restaurants now.

W: Which is better, French or Chinese cuisine?
M: Id say its a toss-up. I love them both.
W: I didn know you were so fond of foreign foods. When my boss promotes me, I will take you

to a French restaurant near my company. The food there is delicious.

M: Oh, we will have a second dinner soon.

Whats the relationship between the two speakers?

[解析] 场景推理题。题目询问两个对话者是什么关系。对话开头女士没拿定主意吃什么,希望男士提 些建议,很多考
生以为男士是服务员,因此选择A。也有人因为后文出现get promoted和my boss等用语,错选D。从全文来看,特别
是男士说“friends are friends”,可知答案是B。
man does her a favor.
man recommends her many good foods.
man is very patient to her question.
man decides to treat her to a meal. √
Why does the woman think the man is kind?

[解析] 由选项知,本题将问及男士为女士做了什么事。各选项主语都是“the ma n”,而宾语都与“她”相关。A项对话
中并未提及,可以排除;B项和C项虽然是事实但却并非原因, 故也可排除。对话中,女士觉得饭店的东西很贵,但男
士让她想吃什么就点什么,这才是答案所在,故选 D。
were not many Chinese restaurants before. √
people emigrated out of his country.
is famous for the different recipes.
prevents foreign languages from getting in.
Which of the following statements is true about the mans country?

[解析] 推理题。在对话中,男士谈到他们国家有来自世界各地 的人,他们带来不同的语言和烹饪方法。C项中的famous
与对话无关,B、D两项与事实相悖。之 后他提到现在连(even)中国饭店也有很多了,即以前没有很多,因此A项正确。
cannot understand why she always speaks nonsense.
does not think the woman knows how to enjoy herself.
believes the woman is capable of being promoted soon. √
hates to choose between Chinese cuisine and French cuisine.
What does the man think of the woman?

[解析] 四个选项主语都是He,谓语动词都表示心理情态动作,而 宾语部分与“她”有关,故可推测,本题问男士对女
士的看法。男士虽然没直接说过C项中的内容,但根 据他说“不久就会再次一起吃饭”的预两项均与原文B、A。C测,
可以看出他非常相信女士的工作能力 ,因为女士许诺升迁了也要请客,答案为
不符。题目询问的是男士对女士的看法,而D项描述的只是男 士自己的喜恶情况,纯属答非所问,故D错误。

五、Conversation Two (总题数:1,分数:16.00)

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A.T-bone steak & beer.
chicken steak & Sprite. √
chicken & salad.

beef & rice.
M: Hi. Welcome to Heavenly Pies. May I take your order?
W: Uh...yes. Id like the fried chicken steak.
M: Okay. Would you like fries, bread, or rice with your meal?
W: Umm. Ill take the rice.
M: Would you care for anything to drink?
W: Yeah. Ill take a medium Sprite.

M: Okay. A medium Sprite. And what kind of dressing would you like with your salad? It comes with
the fried steak.
W: What dressings do you have?
M: We have French, Italian, blue cheese, and ranch.
W: Oh! Ranch, please.

M: Would you like anything else?
W: Well, Id like to see your pie menu. Thats the main reason why I like to dine here.

M: Oh, Im sorry, but we aren
W: Huh?
M: Well, you see, Dave, our baker, slipped on a banana peel back in our kitchen two days ago,
serving pies today.

and injured his back.
W: Oh, no.
M: Hell be out for at least two weeks. In the meantime, we
e serving ice cream sundaes instead.
W: Im sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon.

What does the woman order?

[解析] 选项 均为食物名称,估计本对话发生的场景是餐馆,问供应或点了什么食物。对话开始处,侍者问“您要点什
. √
What king of dressing does she ask for?

[解析] 侍者说,点炸鸡排送一份沙拉,并问女士用什么样的沙拉调料。女士从侍者给出的四种调料中 选了Ranch,故C
its salad.
√ its pies.
its cheese.

its fries.
Why does the woman like to dine at Heavenly Pies?

[解析] 选项 均是“介词For+食物”,可推断提问与为了吃什么有关。女士说想看馅饼的菜单,说这是她为什么来这家餐< br>馆吃饭的主要原因,可见她喜欢吃这家餐馆的馅饼,也即为了馅饼而来这家餐馆吃饭,故选B。其他三个选 项的食物均
baker was hurt at work and can prepare them. √
oven is broken and hasn been repaired.
are served only on Sundays.
pies have been sold out.
Why is the restaurant not serving pies today?

[解析] 侍者解释为什么没有 馅饼供应时说:“两天前我们的面包师在厨房里踩到香蕉皮滑倒了,背部受了伤。”故A正

六、Section C(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
七、Passage One (总题数:1,分数:12.00)

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
want to attract attention.
is fashionable to wear such clothes.
appear respectable in such clothes.
a motorcycle makes one dirty. √
Nowadays motorcycling is fast becoming one of Americans most popular sports. However, there are
several things about motorcycling that the average citizen dislikes. Motorcyclists frequently

get dirty. In fact, they are dirty. On the road there is little to protect them from mud, insects

and bird droppings. For practical reasons, they are often dressed in old clothing, which looks
much less respectable than the clothing of people who ride in cars. For the same reason,

motorcyclists usually wear dark colors. Of course, the danger of motorcycling also helps account

for many peoples low opinion of the sport. Its defenders, however, claim that careful cyclists

are in less danger than its commonly believed. He must pay careful attention to his driving.

From that point of view, a man on a motorcycle is safer than a man in a car.

Why do motorcyclists often dress in old and dark clothing?

[解析] 读题,主题词包括th ey,clothes,motorcycle。由此可大体推测本文的话题,从而为听的过程提供了背景。文< br>中提到“骑摩托车的人经常浑身脏兮兮的。因为路上没有什么东西为他们遮挡泥土,以及昆虫和鸟类的粪便 。”故选D。
is efficient.
is exciting.
is convenient.
is dangerous. √
Whats the average citizens opinion about motorcycling?

[解析] 短文开头处however后的内容是听力重点。听到the average citizen dislik es可知,普通市民对骑摩托车持
负面态度。A、B、C均是正面态度,唯有D与此相符。此外,短文后 面具体说到,骑摩托车危险,所以人们对其评价不
he always wears protective clothing.
he can see everything around him clearly.
he is very careful. √
he has a lot of defenders.
How can a motorcyclist be safer than a car driver?

[解析] 由四个条件句可知 ,本题将问到某个细节。原文结尾处两次提到careful,并且说从这个角度来看,骑摩托车的
人比 开车的人更安全。

八、Passage Two (总题数:1,分数:12.00)

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
own system of language.
ations of different sounds. √
D.A group of sentences upon our own creations.
Speech is one of the most important ways of communicating. It consists of far more than just making
noises. To talk and also to be understood by other people, we have to speak a language, that is,
we have to use combinations of sounds that everyone agrees stand for a particular object or idea.

Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language.

Learning a language properly is very important. The basic vocabulary of English is not very large,
and only about 2,000 words are needed to speak it quite well. But the more words you know, the
more ideas you can express, and the more precise you can be about their exact meaning.

Words are the main thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way we say the words

is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and shows whether we are pleased

or angry, for instance.

What are used to stand for a particular object or idea when we speak a language?

[解析] 四个选项是(动)名词词组,与语言有关。可据此听取录音信息。根据原文中的定语combination of
sounds mat stand for a particular object or idea,选C。
does good to communication between people.
encourages people to speak out their thoughts.
enlarges the vocabulary of a particular language.
hinders communication among individuals. √
What if everyone made up their own language?

[解析] D是对原文“如果每个人都有自己的语言,就无法进行交流。”的同义表达。另 类解题法:由选项知,本题将问
“它”的作用。A、B、C均说它好,D说它不好,而且A、D属于矛盾 选项。据此,可以做出大胆推定:选D!(没有听问
of voice. √
ce structures.

What is also important besides the main thing in communicating?

[解析] 四个选项均是名词(词组),与语言有关。本题在最后,应在短文末尾处找答案。the main thing in
communicating指的是words,而问题是此外还有哪些主要的方面,答案在最 后两句话中,因此不选A而选B。

九、Passage Three (总题数:1,分数:16.00)

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
m Smart.
. Dodd. √
ent Lyndon Johnson.
ent Nixon.
Fathers Day was first observed in Spokane, Washington, in 1910. Mrs. Dodd first proposed the

idea of a

athers day in 1906. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William

Smart, who was widowed when his wife died in childbirth after their sixth child was born. Mr.
Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself. Mrs. Dodd wanted
Fathers Day to be celebrated on the first Sunday in June, her fathers birthday. But it wasn
until 1966 that President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation, declaring the 3rd
Sunday of June as Fathers Day. In 1972, President Richard Nixon established a permanent national

ceremony of Fathers Day to be held on the third Sunday of June, coming almost sixty years after

Mothers Day had been proclaimed a national holiday. Today, Fathers Day has become a day to not
only honor your father, but all men who act as a father-like figure, such as stepfathers, uncles,

grandfathers, and adult males.

Who first proposed the idea of a Fathers Day?

[解析] 文章开始便指出,“Mrs. Dodd在1906年提出设立父亲节”,据此判断B(Mrs. Dodd)为答案。
1972. √
When was Fathers Day established to be a permanent national day?

[解析] 时间题。短文说,“1972年,尼克松总统将父亲节设立为永久的国家节日”,故D(1972)为答案。
Sunday in June.
Sunday in June.
Sunday in June. √
d by each President.
When is Fathers Day celebrated nowadays?

[解析] 短文说,“父亲节是6月的第三个星期日”,据此判 断C(6月的第三个星期日)为答案。本题与常识性知识有关;
若有相关知识,又听清了问题,则更易选 出答案。
honor only your father.

honor all fathers around you.
honor father- like figures. √
honor Mrs. Dodds father.
For what purpose do we celebrate Fathers Day according to the passage?

[解析] 文章最后说,“父亲节到来时,我们不仅 要向我们的父亲表示敬意,还要对所有像父亲一样的人,如继父、叔舅、
祖父和成年男子等,表示敬意” ,可知C(对像父亲一样的人表示敬意)为答案。A“只对自己的父亲表示尊重”、B“对周
围的父亲表 示尊重”和D“对Mrs. Dodd的父亲表示尊重”与录音内容不符,均应排除。









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