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2020-10-31 19:19



1. 辩论型:两个事物或观点,问你支持或反对。占80%。
Eg1. Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on
both students and teachers. Some people say they do a good job in
the evaluation of students’ performance. What is your opinion?
Eg2. In recent years, many young people decide to further their study
abroad. What are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad?
2. 解释型:一个现象,让你说明原因并给出解决办法等。占20%。
Eg1. Nowadays it is difficult for university graduates to find a job.
Analyze the individual and social reasons and offer some solutions.
Eg2. It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close
as they used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations.

任何文章的结构都是“起,承,转,合”, 对应于开头,正文,结尾。
再根据语法正确、句式多样性、词 汇丰富来加分。
1. 写够要求的字数;
2. 减少语法错误;
3. 连贯上下文。

? 开头段:3-5句。使用模板较多。写法:
持哪一方(1句)+下文 过渡句(1句)
己支持 哪一方(1句)+下文过渡句(1句)
? 理由段1:直接说出自己的观点。一定是最重要的原因作为 第一
? 理由段2:次重要的原因+3句左右的支持句。同上。
? 理由段3*:其他的原因。同上
? 结尾段:重申自己支持的观点(最好换一种复述,换几个单词,< br>改一下句式)+总结前文的理由(其实就是理由段的第一句话综
1. 开头段
? (Some many most) people (assert contend argue hold insist
maintain claim suggest think believe proclaim advocate hold
the view hold the opinion are confident are of the opinion have
the idea point out take the view) that .

(But however nevertheless on the other hand), there are also
(somemany) people who strongly firmly (assert contend argue
holdinsist maintain claim suggest think believe proclaim
advocate hold the view hold the opinion are confident are of
opinion have the idea point out take the view) that .
有些人认为 。但是,另一些人强烈认为 。
? (Some many most) people (assert contend argue hold insist
maintain claim suggest think believe proclaim advocate hold
the view hold the opinion are confident are of the opinion have
the idea point out take the view) that ,
while but whereas others other people some others some
other people strongly firmly (assert contend argue holdinsist
maintain claim suggest think believe proclaim advocate hold
the view hold the opinion are confident are of opinion have the
idea point out take the view) that .
一些人倾向于认为 ,而另一些人强烈的认为 。
? ……(But however nevertheless on the other hand),towards the
same issue, ……
一些人认为 。然而,对于同样的话题问题,另一些人 。
? ……(But however nevertheless on the other hand), (others
other people some others) stand on a very different ground.
They ……

一些人 。然而,另一些人持有不同观点,他们认为 。
? ……(But however nevertheless on the other hand), there are
also (some many )people who are strongly (opposed to their
opinion despise the above attitude ).
一些人认为 。 但也有一些人强烈反对他们的观点上述观点。
? …… while but whereas others take a negative attitude.
? In my point of view in my point as for me as for as I am
concerned in my part for my part from my point of view as I
see it from my own perspective speaking for myself, .
? I am convinced that .
? I do strongly support the idea that .
? Personaly, I hold that .
? With views of both sides considered, I think that .
? Yet I am one of many people who feel that .
? My view is that .
? When faced with this issue, I find comfort in the idea that .
? As far as I am concerned, I agree that .
? For my part, I (absolutely wholeheartedly totally completely)

(agree with approve of consent to share side with) the latter
point of view.
? For my part, I stand on the latter opinion that .
? Personally, I (stand on the side side with ) of the latter.
? From my own perspective, I am in favor of the latter one that .
? Taking into consideration both sides of the issue, I tend to favor
the latter view.
? I support the second point of view.
? I believe that the latter point of view is valid.
? I fully support the latter one.
? From my point of view, I vote for the latter one.
把latter换成former, second换成first.
? The reasons are presented below.
? There are no less than two three reasons as rendered below.
? I support this with the following reasons.
? There are twothree advantages as follows.
? The reasons are chiefly as follows.
? My arguments for this point are listes as follows.
? I will give twothree major reasons why this is so.

2. 理由段1。最重要的原因放在此段。
? The main reason is that……
? One very strong argument is that……
? The reasons are quite clear. Above all, ……
? The most important benefit is that……
? First,we can observe easily that……
? The first and most important reason is that……
? One of the most important things is that……
? One of the primary causes is that ……
? My first reason for this is that ……
? One of the most attractive points is that ……
? The foremost reason for this is that……
? Fristly first first of all to begin with in the first place on one
hand first and foremost for one thing, ……
3. 理由段2. 次重要的原因陈述,要用连词或句子接上一段。
? It might also be noted that ……
? Another reason why I prefer that argument is that ……
? What is also worth noticing is that ……
? Another reason why I advocate the attitude is that ……
? A further reason why I prefer the argument is that ……
? Another benefit is that ……
? Another factor shows that ……

? What matters even more is that ……
? Second secondly next besides in the second place for
another, ……
? Furthermore moreover I n addition what’s more, ……
4. 理由段3
? The third and very important reason is that ……
? Finally, ……
? Furthermore moreover I n addition what’s more, ……
? Last but not least, ……最后但并非不重要,……
5. 结尾段 (重申自己观点+总结前面的主要原因+展望或建议)
? So, as I see it , ……
? So from what has been discussed, one can reach only this
conclusion: ……
? From what has been discussed above, we maycan finally draw
the conclusion that ……
? So, based on the above discussion, I agree with the opinion that …
? Based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that ……
? To sum up, I firmly commit to the notion that ……
? All in all, I should say that ……
? Given the factors I have just outlined, I can only say that ……
? Therefore, it is not difficult for us to come to the conclusion
that …

? Taking into all these factors ,we may reasonably come to the
conclusion that ……
? To sum up in general generally speaking I n brief in
conclusion in short in a word, …….
辩论型写法二——两边倒(A+B+B): < br>一般写4段:开头段(不表态)+A方观点及理由+B方观点及理由+
自己同意B方观点及自己的 理由
1. 开头段: 第123句和一边倒的写法一样,模板也能通用。但是不
在最后一句表 明自己支持的观点。第4句表示双方观点都有道理。
? Admittedly, there are merits to both arguments.
? Admittedly, both sides are reasonable.
? Both sides have their merits.
? Undeniable, there are points in both sides of the argument.
? There are advantages and disadvantages on both sides.
? There are different views concerning this topic.
? As to whether it is a blessing or curse, however, people take
different attitudes.
? Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the
argument on both sides.
? Views on this issue vary from person to person.
? It is quite understandablenature that people seldom reach a total
agreement on such an issue.

2. A方观点及理由
? Some people are of the opinion that ……
? Those who favor that (A) give their reasons as follows.
? People, who advocate that (A), have their sound reasons.
? People who support that (A) give some of the following reasons.
? There are several reasons which suggest that ……
? There are several reasons why ……
? Many people argue that ……
? There are some major reasons why ……
? On one hand, some people suggest that ……
? However, the other side hold a different attitude to this issue,
arguing that ……
? However, there are a large number of people who hold a different
view concerning this case. They believe that ……
? On the other hand, some other people strongly despite the above
attitude. In their view, ……
? There is no denying that there is some truth in the above point of
view. Howeve, to some people’s mind , ……
? Other people’s opinion is just the opposite. They strongly believe
that ……
? However, further analysis would make it clear that ……

A, B双方观点理由陈述句子都需要2-3个,句子之间需要使用一些连
? Firstly first of all to begin with in the first place on one hand
first and foremost for one thing ,
? The main reason the primary cause the most important factor
is ……
? Secondly next besides for another in the second place
furthermore moreover in addition what’s more more
? Finally third thirdly moreover in additional last but not least
4. 最后一段,旗帜鲜明表明自己观点,而且一定是赞同B 。换句话
? There is probably a little bit of truth in both arguments. For my
part, I completely agree with the latter view that ……
? With views of both sides considered, I think that ……
? As far as I am considered, I think there is truth in the argument
of these two parties. As for me, ……
? Admittedly, there are merits to both arguments. As far as I am
concerned, I firmly commit to the notion that ……
? It is quite understandable that people from different backgrounds
put different interpretations on the same issue. For my part, I
stand on the latter opinion that ……

? In my opinion, I would point out that ……
? As for me, I am convinced that ……
? In from my point of view, I support that ……
? From my own perspective, ……
? Speaking for myself, ……
点,形成自己的观点并阐述自己的理 由,其实就是把AB的理由换一

1. 开头段:一般3-4句。1-2句介绍背景,即复述题目。1-2句引起
2.原因段: 分为2-3段,每个原因占一段。先写一句主题句,再加3
句左右的支持句,同样也是建议用例子或数据 。
每个解决办法简 单写1-2句具体解释或实施。这一段切忌展开发挥!
1. 开头段引起下文:
? In my mind, the following factors need to be taken into
? There are (several a number of) reasons for this (phenomenon

? The causes may be inner and outer influence.
? Hence, it is imperative that we pinpoint the causes of this
disturbing phenomenon.
? What factors lead to this problem phenomenon and what we can
do to solve the problem have become a concern to many people.
In my opinion, the following reasons should be taken into
? It is crutial that we analyze the causes of this disturbing issue and
explore the effective solutions. From my own perspective, the
causes are multiple.
2. 第一个原因段的主题句:
? The main reason is that ……
? The reason is quite clear. Above all, ……
? The most important reason is that ……
? The main reason why ……is that ……
? First, we can observe easily that ……
? The first reason can be seen by every person is that ……
? One of the most attractive points is that ……
? We may look into every possible reason; however, foremost
reason for this is that ……
3. 第二原因段的主题句:

? It might also be noted that ……
? Another reason is that I believe ……
? What is also worth noticing is that ……
? Another factor shows that ……
? A more esssential factor is that ……
5. 结尾段
? Regarding these reasons, I think there are some ways to deal with
the problem. To begin with, .Next, .Last
but not least, .
? This issue should be well taken into consideration. As to how to
address the problem,people put forward various suggestions. The
most important approach is that .Secondly, .
Finally, .
? I strongly suggest that effective steps be taken as soon as possible
to address the problem. First of all, . Secondly, .
Finally, .
? We should take effective measures to solve the problem. First of
all, . Second, . Last but not least, .
? It is critical that we take vigorous measures to tackle these

problems. First of all, . Second, . Last but
not least, .
Exercise1: Write an essay to express your opinoin about the
part-time job in universities. Do you agree or disagree whether the
students should take part-time job?
Exercise 2: There are adavantages and disadvantages of traditional
libraries. So, some people insist that the E-libraries should take place
of traditional ones. What’ s your opinion?
Exercise 3: It is generally acknowledge that relates are now not as
close as they used to be. Give possible reasons and your









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