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高中英语 畅谈中国文化 第11章 黄,中国人崇尚的颜色素材

2020-10-31 15:24



英语畅谈中国文化50主题 第11章 Yellow:China’S Favorite
Color 黄,中国人崇尚的颜色
A:Chinese people seem to like the red and yellow colors a lot. The two colors are
used for the Chinese national flag. They are also the predominant colors for the
cover design of some important books, as well as in the decorations for major events,
such as the flower display in Tian’anmen Square during the National Day holidays.
A:中国人似乎很喜欢红黄两色,你看,中 国国旗就是由这两种颜色组成的。很多重大场合
或重要书籍的装帧总会用到这两种颜色。国庆节天安门广 场摆放的花坛,也是以这两种颜色
B:The color preferences of the Chinese people are influenced by the five elements
of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, in addition to geographical locations and
weather. China is a huge and geographically diversified country. It is cold in the
north so people there like warm colors. But it is just the opposite in the south.
Of all the warm colors, the Han people like yellow especially.
B:中国人对色彩的好恶除了受地理、气候的影响外,也受到传统五行说的影 响。从地理方
A:Maybe because the Hans originated in the Yellow River Plateau, a region where
yellow was the prevailing color.
B:You are probably right. As far as the five elements are concerned, the
corresponding colors are white, green, black, red, and yellow. Yellow is the
predominant color and is situated in the center of the diagram. Yellow was also the
color representing the imperial court in traditional China. It was established as
the authoritative color representing the Emperor during the Han Dynasty more than
2000 years ago. During the Sui Dynasty, yellow was officially designated as the
exclusive color for the imperial family. It was used in the Emperor’s clothes, the
paper on which the Emperor published his decrees, and the calendar that was printed
by the Imperial Court.
B:可能是吧。从五行说 来看,金、木、水、火、土所代表的五色分别是白、青、黑、赤、
黄,其中黄为主色,位在中央。在中国 古代社会,黄色是皇权的象征。在两千多年前的汉代,
朝廷就规定“衣尚黄”,确立了黄色的权威地位。 从隋朝起,黄色成为皇家专用的颜色。皇
帝的龙袍称作黄袍;皇帝的文告用黄纸写成,称黄榜;皇帝颁发 的历书用黄纸印刷,称为黄


A:People have a tradition of making a “longevity outfit” for the deceased. The
inner side of the outfit is always yellow. The bottom of the coffin is also lined
with yellow silk.
A:据我所知,按照传统,死者去世后穿 的衣服称作“寿衣”,它讲究双层缝制,里面那一
B:During the 1980s and 1990s, taxis in Beijing were all painted yellow. Those taxis
were very popular because of space and low fares. However, they were considered
inappropriate for Beijing and were replaced with new models. The new taxis use a
standard color pattern with yellow at the bottom, which acts as a reminder of
Beijing’s Imperial tradition.
B:上世纪八九十年代,北 京街头跑着的出租车就是黄色的面包车。它因为价廉且空间大而
广受欢迎。后来这种车型被认为有碍京城 市容而被新车型取代。现在的出租车采用统一的颜
A:Nowadays, people always refer to pornography as “yellow literature” and
pornographic films as “yellow movies.” That reference can be traced to a newspaper
from the 19th century United States, which used to print vulgar paintings in yellow.
A:现在,人们称色情文学为“黄色小说”,称色情电影为“黄色电影”。这种说法来 源于
B:The word “yellow” in the campaign statement of “Eradicate the yellow and fight
against the illegal” refers to pornography. I guess we all need to be very careful
with the yellow color since it is used to represent both the Imperial Court and bad
taste. In olden times, a person could be beheaded for the misuse of yellow. It can
also cause trouble today if a person associates himself with the wrong yellow.
B:现在的词汇“扫黄打非”中的“黄”就有色情的 意思。这种有时贵为皇家专用,有时又
表示低级趣味的颜色,用起来还真要小心。古时用错了黄色会杀头 ,今天错用了黄色会闯祸。










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