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广东自考07374 高级英语一翻译题库2

2020-10-31 02:40



VI. Translate the following underlined parts into English (40%)
Have you ever watched a clumsy man hammering a nail into a box? He hits it first to one
side, then to another, perhaps knocking it over completely, so that in the end he only gets half of it
into the wood. A skilful carpenter, on the other hand, will drive home the nail with a few firm, deft
blows, hitting it each time squarely on the head. So with language; the good craftsman will choose
words that drive home his point firmly and exact1y. A word that is more or less right, a loose
phrase, an ambiguous expression, a vague adjective, will not satisfy a writer who aims at clean
English. He will try always to get the word that is completely right for his purpose.

62. A gifted American psychologist has said,
catches hold of something and will not let it is useless to argue with the mind in this
condition. The stronger the will, the more futile the task. One can only gently insinuate something
else into its convulsive grasp. And if this something else is rightly chosen, if it is really attended
by the illumination of another field of interest, gradually, and often quite swiftly, the old undue
grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins.

VI. Translate the following underlined parts into English (40%)

61. I was scared into thinking. I saw the naked simplicities of the complicated civilization in
which I lived. Life was a matter of food and shelter. In order to get food and shelter men sold
things. The merchant sold shoes, the politician sold his manhood, and the representative of the
people, with exceptions, of course, sold his trust; while nearly all sold their honor. Women, too,
whether on the street or in the holy bond of wedlock, were prone to sell their flesh. The one
commodity that labor had to sell was muscle. The honor of labor had no price in the marketplace.
Labor had muscle, and muscle alone, to sell.
62. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand, signed the
Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to
millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a
joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity. But one hundred years later, we must face the

tragic fact that the Negro is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still
sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years
later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in
his own land.
VI. Translate the following underlined parts into English (40%)

61. A dreamy, faraway and yet inward look would come over his face. There was no appearance of
concentration, no furrowing of the brow--- only a placid inner communion. The minutes would
pass, and then suddenly Einstein would stop pacing as his face relaxed into a gentle smile. He had
found the solution to the problem. Sometimes it was so simple that Infeld and I could have kicked
ourselves for not having thought of it. But the magic had been performed invisibly in the depths of
Einstein’s mind, by a process we could not fathom.
62. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil fights, “When will you be satisfied?” We
can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police
brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot
gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as
long as the Negro’s basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satis-
fied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has
nothing for which to vote.
VI. Translate the following underlined parts into English (40%)

61. Every year 100 million holiday- makers are drawn to the Mediterranean. With one- third of the
world's tourist trade, it is the most popular of all the holiday destinations; it is also the most
The result is that the Mediterranean, which nurtured so many civilizations, is gravely ill --- the
first of the seas to fall victim to the abilities and attitudes that evolved around it. And the pollution
does not merely stifle the life of the sea --- it threatens the people who inhabit and visit its shores.

62. He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking. Even in his

philosophical probings he cannot go behind these stereotypes; his very concepts of the true and the
false will still have reference to his particular traditional customs. John Dewey has said in all
seriousness that the part played by custom in shaping the behavior of the individual as over against
any way in which he can affect traditional custom, is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of
his other tongue over against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the
vernacular of his family. When one seriously studies the social orders that have had the
opportunity to develop autonomously, the figure becomes no more than an exact and matter- of-act
VI. Translate the following underlined parts into English (40%)

61. I regard gifted children as those who possess some quality or innate ability which has been
recognized and identified by any number of testing and observation devices and who manifest
interest and success in either physical, intellectual, or artistic pursuits.
How can we deal with these gifted? I firmly believe that we should group them as nearly as
possible according to interest and ability (giftedness) and challenge them with a type of program
that will help them to grow to the fullest extent of their abilities and capacities.

62. English has a wide vocabulary and it is a very flexible language. There are many different
ways of making a statement. But words that are very similar in meaning have fine shades of
difference, and a student needs to be alive to these differences. By using his dictionary, and above
all by reading, a student can increase his sensitivity to these shades of difference and improve his
ability to express his own meanings exactly.

61. 你曾见过一个笨手笨脚的人把钉子钉进箱子里吗?他先把钉子敲到一边,然后又敲到另
一边,可能把它完 全敲弯了,结果钉子只钉进了一半。但是一个灵巧的木工每次都能准确的
敲到钉头上,只需熟练有力的几 下,就能把钉子钉进去。语言也是这样,好的语言工匠会选
择能确切表达意思的词。一个力求文字精练明 晰的作家是不会满足于含糊的字眼,不严密的
词语,模棱两可的表述和含混的形容词的。他会尽力每一次 都找到完全符合他要求的词。

62. 一位颇有天赋的美国心理学家曾经说过:“焦虑是情 感处于极度紧张的一瞬间、脑
筋执着于某一件事死死不放。”在这样情况下,任何摆脱焦虑的努力都是徒 劳的。你越急于
摆脱这种困扰,就越难达到目的。你只有慢慢地往这紧张的思绪里掺进一些别的东西。如 果
弦 就会逐渐地,而且往往会很快地松弛下来,心情开始恢复正常。

VI. Translate the following underlined parts into English (40%)

61. 恐怖感令我陷入沉思。我看到了我所在的这个复 杂的社会赤裸裸的简单本质。生活是个
食与宿的问题,为了填饱肚子或有栖身之地,人们就要出卖其所拥 有的东西,商人出卖鞋子,
政客出卖气质,人民代表,除了个别例外,当然要出卖他的忠诚,而几乎所有 的人都出卖尊
严。女人也一样,不论是站在街头,还是受到神圣婚姻的束缚的,都可能要出卖她们的肉体 。
了 体力还是体力。
62. 一百年前一位美国伟人签署了解放宣言,我们现在就在他的庇护下生存。这个 重要宣言,
对数百万苛刻不平烈焰下憔悴的黑奴来说,是一盏引导希望来临的明灯,代表他们奴役生活< br>的漫漫长夜已经结束,欢欣的黎明曙光即将来临。但是,一百年后的今天,黑人仍未获自由。
一百 年后的今天,黑人仍被拘于隔离歧视的手铐锁链下,过着悲惨的生活。一百年后的今天,
黑人仍在美国社 会的角落里呻吟,发现在自己的国土上,他仍是个被放逐者。

VI. Translate the following underlined parts into English (40%)
61. 他脸上会有一种恍惚出神而又深邃的表情。没有专著的神情,也没有皱眉---只有宁静的内心的交流。时间一分一秒过去,突然他会停止自己的脚步,脸上浮现出温和的微笑。他已
经找出了 问题的答案。有的时候,答案非常简单,我和英费尔德都会自责我们怎么会想不到
呢。爱因斯坦在他的脑 海深处,施展了外人无法看见的魔法,这个高深的过程是我们无法理

62. 有人问献身争取公民权的人:“你们要到什么时候才满足?”只要黑人被选为警察暴行无
法言喻的恐惧的 牺牲者,我们就永远无法满足。只要我们拖着旅途劳顿的沉重躯体,却无法
在公路旁的汽车旅馆和城市中 旅社投宿,我们就永远无法满足。只要黑人的基本活动范围的
改善只是从较小的贫民窟到较大的贫民窟, 我们就永远无法满足。只要写着“白人专用”标志
剥夺了我们下一代的人格和尊严,我们就永远无法满足 。只要密西西比的黑人无投票权,纽

VI. Translate the following underlined parts into English (40%)
61. 每年有上亿的游客被吸引到地中海度假 ,这个占世界旅游业贸易额三分之一的度假胜地
展忽 视环保恶性循环的第一个牺牲品。污染不仅扼杀了海洋生命,还威胁到当地的居民和来

62. 从来就没有一个人是不带偏见地看待事物的。他所看到的世界是被一整套特定的习俗 、
为 他的是非观念仍将与他所处的特定传统习惯戚戚相关。约翰.杜威曾经郑重其事地说过,
习俗在个人行为 的形成中所起的作用,如果与个人所能影响传统习俗的任何方式相比较,其
结果就好像母语在总词汇中所 占比例相对于成为家庭日常用语的一部分的婴儿用语的词汇
一样。如果你认真地研究那些已经有机会独立 发展的社会秩序,杜威所使用的修辞手段只不

VI. Translate the following underlined parts into English (40%)
61. 我认为有天才的孩子是那些具有某种特长和天生能力 的孩子。这些特长和能力已为各种
测试和观察仪器所认可并证实。这些孩子并且在体育、抽象思维和艺术 某一方面表现出特别

怎样才能有效地培养这些有天分的 孩子呢?我深信,我们应该尽可能的按照他们的兴趣能力
来编组,制定出一套能帮助他们充分的发挥特长 和能力的教学计划来鞭策他们。
62. 英语中有大量的词汇,是一门十分灵活的语言,陈述事物有很 多种方法。但即使是意义
接近的词语之间也有不同程度的微妙差别。作为学生,对于这些差别必须了如指 掌。通过使
用字典,最重要的是通过阅读,它可以增强对这些细微差别的判断力,提高准确表达自己思< br>想的能力。









本文更新与2020-10-31 02:40,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/434044.html

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