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2020-10-30 20:07





我的假期 My Holiday

I have a two months summer vacation。 During the holiday, I was very
happy, because I did not have to focus on my study all the time。 But I
still spent some time in my study。 I want to learn more in the holiday。
Besides, I spent a lot of time in playing, such as meeting friends,
watching TV, searching the Internet, playing puter games and so on。 In
addition, I help my mother do some house work。 I can reduce some burden
of her and learn to be independent。 In short, I have a good and rich

我有两个月的暑假。假期期 间,我玩得很开心,因为我没有把所有的时光都
花到学习上。但是,我仍然花了些时光在学习上。我想要 在假期期间学更多东西。
过了开心丰富的 假期。


Happy Summer Holidays

My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable。 I went to the
countryside to spend my summer holidays。 It is very beautiful there。 There
are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people。 I spent
two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there。 I wrote down
what happened in my diary every day。

Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their
lessons。 I helped them read English and improve their spoken English。
Their parents thanked me for this。


My holiday

Summer holiday is ing 。 I want to go to Beijing 。 I go to Beijing
with my father , my mother and my brother 。 We want to go there by plane
because it takes less time 。 We can see many things in it 。 First we can
visit the Great Wall , it is very famous for the world ,so I like it very
much 。 Second we can go to the zoo because I like to see animals 。 There

are many foreigners in this city ,too 。 I want to talk with them in
English 。 I want to learn English from them 。 I think we can have a good
time then 。 I hope it is ing soon 。


My Summer Holiday

This summer holiday I plan to go to the beach。I will go there with
my parents and cousins。We'll stay there for three days at the local
hotel。The trip will be the most wonderful one that I have ever had。Because
we will do a lot of things there,such as playing volleyball ,windsurfing ,
having barbecue at night。I'm really looking foward to it。


My Summer Holiday

This summer holiday , I'm going to visit my grandma who lives in
the countryside 。 After arriving at my grandma's house , I'll
eat lots of delicious fruits there 。 Then I'll go fishing with my
cousins 。 How happy I'll be ! In the evening , my mother and I will
have a walk on the beach and then go shopping 。 I really hope my summer
holiday will e soon !


My holiday

Here es my holiday! I have lots of plans for this winter holiday。

I need to finish my homework first! And I will also preview some of
my courses for the next semester 。

Then I will spend a lot of time with my family,watching TV,and
chatting 。 I will also visit my friends during the holiday。

Last but not least, I will get enough sleep,eat well and work out
a lot to keep myself healthy!

This is my life interesting holiday


My holiday

Today, the weather does not alternate very much。 I and the schoolmate
go out to picnic together! We have been arriving at Shan Shang , the gentle
breeze has been boasting lightly , have been feeling fortable extremely!
We have brought a good deal food and drink along! We eat as well as
chatting , have good good time。


My holiday

On May 1sh, I'm going to my grandmother's home。I think that
must be very significative。Because she is too old to visit me and my
parents, and she must be very have in mind our。

I will go for a walk with my grandmother and buy she some summer wears。
they must fit her like best。 Of course , I don't think that is a easy
work! So it must takes me many time。

After shopping, we will have a good rest and have lunch in my
grandmother's home。

And then, I will clean the home with my grandmother。

At last, I go home。

Of course, I must finish my homewolk。



I have a two months summer vacation。 During the holiday, I was very
happy, because I did not have to focus on my study all the time。 But I
still spent some time in my study。 I want to learn more in the holiday。
Besides, I spent a lot of time in playing, such as meeting friends,
watching TV, searching the Internet, playing puter games and so on。 In
addition, I help my mother do some house work。 I can reduce some burden
of her and learn to be independent。 In short, I have a good and rich


I like the winter holiday very much。
Though it's very short,I can enjoy the Spring Festival。
I can watch cartoon every day。
I needn't go to school frepuently。
Sometimes I can go to play with my friend outside。
With the festival ing,I can play all the time。
I can play video game with my brother。
I am good at playing PC game。
So I often beats my brother。
Then more and more relative came to my home。
We had dinner together。
It's so lively that I'am very happy。
But I still have to do my homework。
During the holiday,I learned a lot。
I love the winter holiday。

我们无法改动这个 世界的剧本,于是不能放弃的只是梦想。只有这给我们坚持下去的勇气,我们总还愿意相信,世界的背后原本该有 更善良的一位作家,
会把一切写得更美好,会把那些弥足珍贵的东西都写得浪漫隽永。幻想是聋哑女孩们 蝴蝶般美丽的手语,远离嘈杂,无忧无虑;也是盲女和盲剑客的花园,
他们执着而认真地相信着和生活着 ;还是我们这些疲惫却顽强的人的另一种生命,我们借它超脱所谓“尘世”、所“社会”和这世界的永劫。闭上眼 睛,全
世界都是你的。轻轻握住拳,就像握住淘气的时光。幻想是故乡亦是彼岸,名为“桃花”。这是我 的软弱和逃避,也是我的坚强和不弃。2、也许每个人出
生的时候都以为这世界都是为他一个人而存在的 ,当他发现自己错的时候,他便开始长大. 3、这是一杯叫做浮生的茶,味道非常的苦,但苦过之后,是深长的
甘甜。不尝苦,何来甘?人生本就是甘苦与共的一段旅程。 我要这天,再遮不住我眼,要这地,再埋不了我心,要这众生,都明白我意,要那诸佛,都烟
消云散! 每一个不甘的离开,都是为了最后的归来。 少年也曾皱着眉头问她:“为什么这么拼?”“不想输而已啊。”柳 心心满不在乎地说,“认输是有瘾的,
认了一次,就会认第二次,第三次......终于有一天,你会 觉得认输也没有什么。”你会心安理得地向别人妥协,也向自己妥协。你一步步后退,不自觉习惯
了让步 ,妥协到最后,你甚至不知道自己还有什么可以坚持的。 虽千万人,吾往矣。人总是要等到失去的时候才知道珍 惜。但成长,也会随着失去而出现。
所以,不要害怕告别。 所谓同伴,就是你看着他倒下,来不及救援,来不及悲伤,但你会代替他,
生活大概就是这样一场旅行 ,你把行囊放进车里,沿着漫长的道路,开去地图上的远方小镇,你不曾到过那里,只听说那里很美。多年以后你 穿过迷雾和

荆棘,终于到达了一个小镇,才发现和地图上所标的不 是同一个镇子。但是也很好,走了很远的路,终于到达了某个终点,可以走进街边的小茶馆里,点
一杯热 茶,慢慢的喝着,在氤氲的热茶香里,整个小镇的声音、光、温度和气味……一点一滴都涌向你。这里就是你的家 了,从这一刻开始你会珍惜它。
不过有时候我想也许这是真的,就像蝴蝶效应,古人亦云大风起于青萍之 末。释家说缘起,我深以为然。 笨又如何?世间有些事,不需要聪明,只需要坚
定;不需要智慧,只需要勇气。 如果一件事你不相信自己能做到,那你就真的做不到!因为你连希望都丢掉了,你又怎么能做到? 伤口不管有多重,要对能有
痊愈的一也的下。 到把遗憾不一自于,它是种人跟随你就对主到生命终结。 其实当站在人生岔路口的时候,每个人都会做出最终抉择。无论选择哪条路,
多年之后回头再看,都会觉 得后悔。因为没有人知道选择另一条路会有什么结果,也不可能知道。失去的东西才是最珍贵的,淡淡的遗憾总会 流连在脑海
之中,但有时候刻意去找回来,反而没有记忆中的那么美好。青春便是好多好多的梦想和好多 好多的女孩子的侧影一起化为碎光和泡沫的一段时间啊。并
不神圣,也绝不永恒,但它对我们每个人都重 要,因为它自由广大,因为它去而不回。 所谓大人,有时候很愚蠢,孩子伸出手想去安慰她一下的时候,她
还以为你在要吃的。 有些瞬间的存在,从开始就是为了被缅怀 有些笑容的绽放,从出现就是为了被回忆 我的人生里应该包括一项巨 大的成就,让我的名
字被别人记住;我要跨越整个世界去找那个我喜欢的女孩,跟她在绿草望不到边的地 方举行婚礼;我要乘坐巨大的邮轮去南极,船从山一样高的冰川峡谷
中穿过;我和我未来的夫人一起去威 尼斯,在圣马可广场上看潮汐,住在巴尔扎克写作过的屋子里;我还想组织一支乐队我很贪心,我想要无限可能的 人
生,但我觉得还不算贪婪,因为我不怕历尽艰苦世界对我而言,永不足你这个人似乎见多识广,人间什 么最值得一看?真的想了想,回答:”浮云,朝露,
远山和夕阳。咦?都是我每天能看到的。最美的景色 总是让眼睛习以为常,最珍贵的感情也一样“
”为什么浮云排在第一位呢?”浮云无形,变化由心,在 自由不过,很美不是吗?你就是你,世界上唯一的一个,不要因为羡慕或者别的情绪,而让自己
成为他人 的复制品,这没有意义,生命之所以珍贵,正是因为它的不可复制整个天空映在他的瞳孔里,这么看去,好像所有 的雨点都是从天心的一点洒落,
都会落入他的眼中。而是要不断地奔跑,跑到很远的地方去看尽可能广大 的世界,跑到筋疲力尽才不会后悔。过去的事情就像是画在沙地上的画,时间流
逝,沙被风吹走,记忆模 糊,最后化成茫茫的一片,再也无法分辨……这其实是人的自我保护功能,试想你能记住过去的每个细节,永志不 忘,那么一生
里最令你悲伤、疼痛、哀愁的画面就会不断的折磨你,你总也不能从过去的坏状态中走出来 。活着的意义……是在你快死的瞬间划过你脑海的那些事啊……
容得下幸福,也要容得下难过。如此才会 花好月圆。
你问我为什么能成功,因为我知道洛杉矶每个凌晨四点的天空当你一无所有的时候,是上 帝帮你倒空了垃圾,让你装进去对你最有用的东西。此时,你离
那个人生腾飞点已经很近了。 我温了一壶乡愁,将往事喝个够
在最不幸的处境之中,我们也可以把好处和坏处对照起来看,从而找到聊以自慰的事情。 天地有大美而 不言,静水流深,这看似深邃的天地万物,其实简
约朴素,平凡安然。岁月的一朝一夕,一城一池,无不 在每一段寻常的生活中,每一个从容的微笑里。 忍受那不能忍受的苦难,跋涉那不能跋涉的泥泞,
负担那负担不了的重担,探索那探索不及的星空。 如果问在人生中最重要的才能是什么?
那么回答则是:第一,无所畏惧;第二,无所畏惧;第三,还 是无所畏惧。别人放手,他仍然坚持;别人后退,他仍然前冲;每次跌倒,立刻站起来--这种
人一定没 有失败。人与人最小的差别是智商,最大的差别是坚持。生命里那段最难熬的时光,成了日后刻在美好时光钻石上 的横切面,它们带着外人无法









本文更新与2020-10-30 20:07,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/433571.html
