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2020-10-30 14:35



(试卷满分 150分 考试时间120分钟)

2.回答选择题时,选出每 小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、
C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标 在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话
后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对< br>话仅读一遍。
1. Where does the woman want to go?
A. A park. B. A zoo. C. A museum.
2. What is the man doing?

A. Making an apology.
B. Making an invitation.
C. Making a complaint.
3. What is the third class?
A. English. B. Chemistry. C. Chinese.
4. What does the man want to do?
A. Buy batteries. B. Choose a camera. C. Change a toy.
5. Whom is the birthday party for?
A. Jack. B. Lily. C. Lisa.
听下面5段 对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中
所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在 试卷的相应位置。
完后,各 小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What will the man do tomorrow?
A. Book a hotel.
B. Do some shopping.
C. Pick up his daughter.
7. What color does her mother like most in the girl’s opinion?
A. Bright red. B. Pink. C. Yellow.

8. What are the speakers preparing for?
A. A festival. B. A camping trip. C. A birthday party.
9. What can the man cook?
A. Fruit salad. B. Fried eggs. C. Chicken wings.
10. What fruit does the woman want to buy?
A. Apples. B. Bananas. C. Peaches.
11. When will the lecture be given?
A. At 5:30 pm today.
B. At 5:40 pm tomorrow.
C. At 5:50 pm tomorrow.
12. What does Albert ask Brandon to do?
A. Show up on time.
B. Send him a message.
C. Ring him up again.
13. Where will Brandon meet Albert?
A. In the lecture hall. B. At the professor’s home.
14. What should we do first to deal with burns?
A. Press the burns for five minutes.
B. Get some medicine for the burns.

C. In the main

C. Put the burns under cold running water.
15. What can reduce the pain of the burns?
A. Pressing the burns.
B. Bandaging the burns.
C. Putting ice on the burns.
16. What’s the man’s last piece of advice?
A. Drinking cold water.
B. Taking some medicine.
C. Staying away from children.
17. How did Heather learn to surf?
A. From a website. B. From her father. C. From her friends.
18. Where did Heather surf?
A. In Los Angeles. B. In California. C. In San Diego.
19. At what time of the day did Heather see the shark?
A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.
20. Why did the shark stop following Heather?
A. It was hit by her surfboard.
B. A lifeboat scared it away.
C. She swam very fast.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、 C和D四个选项中,选出


“Miss, I want to learn Korean, but I’m not good at English. How can
I succeed in Korean?” Jane told me when I taught her basic Korean
phrases. What she said made me flash back to the first time I learned
Korean. I would not have had a chance to tell that she can do it if I had
given up on that day.
I began to learn Korean because I discovered Korean language and
grammar fascinating and I could express myself in ways I never could do
in English. In the following years, I challenged myself and pushed myself
harder to do things that I hadn’t thought I could do.
Jane’s words made me learn I could share my knowledge by being a
Korean language teacher. When realizing my Korean was limited, I
decided to try my best to get a master’s degree in Korean Language
Education. I also tried to spare time to learn Korean on the Internet.
Reading Korean textbooks, listening to music and watching dramas didn’t
help me much, so I took the short-term Korean program at Ewha
Language Center. I came to my Korean friend’s house to have dinner. Her
family was surprised when I told them that I knew how to make Gimbap

and when I said goodbye in Korean when I left. They appreciated that I
quickly got used to the language and culture, which made me more
confident about speaking Korean.
I made practical use of my knowledge by working as a volunteer
teacher in a local school. I worked hard to explore different teaching ways,
making my students enjoy my class. I made sure that I had all of the
materials that I needed before class started. Moreover, I tried to help
develop and improve students’ learning abilities. Now I strongly believe
that my research experience, responsibility, leadership, and enthusiasm
will help me become an excellent Korean language teacher.

What did the author do when hearing her student’s question?
A. Realize the great power of Korean.
B. Feel it necessary to work much harder.
C. Praise her student’s willingness to learn.
D. Remember her past personal experience.
22. Why did the author want to get a master’s degree?
A. To achieve her dream.
B. To try to improve herself.
C. To gain more confidence.
D. To better help her student Jane.
23. How was the author like as a volunteer teacher?
A. Being very strict.

B. Being very patient.
C. Being well prepared.
D. Being quite inexperienced.


Destinee Whitaker was in fourth grade when she learned that millions
of people around the world lack clean water.
“It was a problem that confused me for a long time,” said Whitaker,
from the United States city of Philadelphia. “Water is a necessity.”
When she got to Carver High School of Engineering and Science,
Whitaker carefully researched the problem and felt that she must do
something about it.
Early in her senior year, Whitaker approached fellow members of the
school’s National Honor Society with a proposal: They should raise money
to buy water purification(净化) systems for people in need. Whitaker, the
National Honor Society president, knew the systems would have to be easy
to carry and able to operate without electricity. So she checked with a
microbiologist(微生物学家)to make sure the system she had her eye on
would fit the bill.
Once her classmates agreed to back the proposal, Whitaker took it
upon herself to raise money. She organized a game where students bought

tickets to guess how many pieces of candy a jar contained.
In the end, they raised $$800—a large amount for a school where 70
percent of the students’ families are not well-off.
Whitaker soon found that raising money was the easier part of the
project. Finding an organization that could deliver the water purification
systems was a bigger puzzle. She approached some organizations about
their possible connections but no one could help.
Then Whitaker connected with Joseph Sackor, who runs the Liberia
Medical Mission—an organization that provides medical care to Liberians
who lack health services. Sackor accepted the school’s money and agreed
to deliver the systems to people who needed them.
Whitaker dreams of someday launching(发起)her own nonprofit
organization to bring clean water to more people in need.
“Some students in Liberia can’t even go to school because their
parents cannot afford to buy them bottled water,” Sackor said. “This
money is huge.”
24. What problem did Whitaker want to solve?
A. Global poverty.
B. Lack of clean drinking water.
C. Lack of education.
D. Low public awareness of healthy lifestyles.
25. The underlined phrase “fit the bill” in Paragraph 4 probably means

A. meet their needs
B. be cheap enough
C. be difficult to operate
D. need improvement
26. What does Whitaker want to do in the future?
A. Live and work in Liberia.
B. Study medicine to help those in need.
C. Set up a charity organization to help more people.
D. Provide bottled water to Liberian students.
Tim Berners-Lee. If you don’t know his name, you’ve surely used his
famous invention—the World Wide Web, a system we use to search for
information on the Internet.
On Oct 29, the Internet officially turned 50 years old. “This birthday
must mark the moment we take on the fight for the web we want.”
Speaking at the University of California, he pointed out three
problems affecting today’s web-criminal(犯罪的)behavior, ad- based
clickbait websites(钓鱼网站), and offensive online communication. These
problems led Berners-Lee to create the Web Foundation and a contract
(契约)for the web. Both aim to protect Internet users.
In the contract, he mentioned the need for companies to make sure

that everyone has web access, called for a reduction in offensive material,
and more personal data privacy. The latter is a hot topic right now. Big
companies, like Facebook, have misused users’ personal information by
sharing it with advertisers.
Despite all of these bad sides, we shouldn’t forget about all the
benefits the Internet brings.
In this digital age, the Internet connects the world through social
media, cashless payments and has become an instant source of information.
It can also make a positive difference through activities that push for
positive change, education or aid.
One such campaign is Movember. The movement, held every
November, encourages men to grow a moustache for the whole month,
post pictures online, and donate. The charity promotes physical health,
mental health, and suicide(自杀)prevention for men.
Not to mention, the Internet is also a source of fun. From funny kitten
videos on Weibo to your very own Douyin videos, the Internet allows you
to share what you create.
Speaking to the Web Foundation, Berners-Lee said, “The web has
become a public square, a library, a doctor’s office, a shop, a school, and it
has given marginalized groups a voice.”
“In the next 30 years, if we give up on trying to build a better web ... we
will have failed it. We need to come together as a global community.”

were the Web Foundation and the contract for the web created?
A. To celebrate the Internet’s 50th birthday.
B. To build a protected network environment.
C. To increase Internet speeds around the world.
D. To fight online crime.
28. What is the purpose of Movember?
A. To encourage men to do charity work.
B. To promote a healthy lifestyle.
C. To support men’s health issues.
D. To draw public attention to mental health issues.
do “marginalized groups” in the second-to- last paragraph
probably refer to?
A. Wealthy people.
B. Old people.
C. People in power.
D. Disadvantaged people.
is the main idea of the article?
A. The future of the World Wide Web.
B. The history of the World Wide Web.
C. Tim Berners-Lee’s plan to save the World Wide Web.
D. The problems with the World Wide Web.

How to Succeed in School
Become a voracious(求知欲强的)reader. Go to your school
library or the public library and check out books that interest you.
31.__________ If you don’t know where to start, ask the librarian for
suggestions based on your interests. Reading books that you enjoy
(outside of school requirements) will help build your vocabulary and
increase your abstract reasoning skills. 32.__________
Be an excellent student. Do your homework, show up for class
on time, keep your schoolwork organized, and have a planner of
important dates to help you turn in assignments on time and with less
stress. During class, pay attention and ask questions to further your
understanding of the material.
33.__________ Think ahead to what you see yourself doing in
the future, whether that’s getting a degree, volunteering, or jumping
right into the career of your choice. 34.__________ Just start to think
about what you might want to do in the future based on your interests,
passions, and skills.
Set realistic academic and personal goals. Set realistic goals
for yourself to feel a sense of accomplishment regarding your school

and personal life. 35.__________ As for personal goals, you might
set an intention to learn how to bake bread. Studies have shown that
teens who set goals tend to have higher rates of success and

ahead to life after you graduate from high school.
eer work will help build your social skills and self- esteem.
’t worry, you don’t have to choose a career right now!
’t be afraid to go talk to your teachers during their office hours
to ask questions.
can be anything from poetry to graphic novels and comics—just
get reading!
example, you might set a goal to achieve all A’s and B’s this
’ll also learn a lot more about the world and different cultures.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)

(共< br>20
The willingness to help strangers is common for ordinary people
around the world. Perhaps because anyone at some time may be lost,

hungry, in 36 , hopeless or simply caught in the rain. Kind 37 ,
knowing what trouble feels like, often come to the rescue, especially in
As I was walking one day in Beijing, dark clouds gradually 38 .
You may have heard the expression “raining cats and dogs”. That day it
rained whales and elephants. A stranger saw me and waved at me 39
into his entrance hall, where he 40 me a cup of tea and the chair he
had been sitting in.
My bike once had a 41 tire a long way from home. Pushing the
broken bike was 42 . Seeing my trouble, a young man in a
three-wheeled open truck pulled up. Using hand 43 , he showed he
wanted to help, and then he carried the bike and me to a repair 44 2
kilometers away. I offered him money, but he just smiled, 45 his
head and waved goodbye.
Near the end of the Spring Festival, I 46 my reading glasses.
Amazingly, the only business open in the neighborhood 47 to be an
eyeglass shop. The manager told me she would manage the glasses, and I
could 48 them up the next day. When I said I needed them at the
office that night, she stopped, thinking for a moment, and then 49
told me to come back in two hours. I did, and 50 the finished
glasses. I tried to pay her extra for her 51 , but she refused.
Such deeds inspire me. Since I cannot 52 what I received, I

have decided to pay forward when opportunities come, and I invite you to
53 me. Try this: Every time a stranger helps you, 54 the
kindness by helping two other people. A wave of goodwill will roll
forward exponentially( 以指数方式). I always keep in mind a motto
stating a great truth: “ There’s no such thing as a small act of 55 .”
36. A. order B. place C. line D. pain
37. A. strangers B. volunteers
38. A. responded
39. A. slowly B. lightly
C. neighbours D. competitors
B. gathered C. survived D.
C. regularly
C. offered
C. strong
C. interesting
C. marks
C. school
C. lifted
C. hid
C. happened

B. hopelessly
D. quickly
D. lent
D. weak
D. boring
D. symbols
D. shop
D. bent
D. lost
D. appeared
D. wash
C. cheerfully D.
40. A. brought B. supplied
41. A. flat B. rough
42. A. difficult B. striking
43. A. logos
44. A. park
B. signals
B. hospital
45. A. nodded B. shook
46. A. repaired B. bought
47. A. came
48. A. take
B. seemed
B. pick
49. A. generously
50. A. stole

B. collected C. corrected D. sold

51. A. trick B. treat C. trouble
C. call back
C. join
C. review
D. memory
D. hold back
D. appreciate
D. receive
52. A. pay back B. look back
53. A. greet
54. A. return
B. doubt
B. approach
55. A. enjoyment
B. responsibility C. importance D.
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Following a 5-year-long break, Avril Lavigne is hitting the road
After 56 (diagnose)with Lyme disease in 2014, the pop star
had been confined to bed. But, in February, she dropped her sixth studio
album, Head Above Water, to announce her official return. On Oct 16,
she released her 2020 tour dates, 57 will take her across the world
and to China.
The 58 ( struggle) that came about from the rare disease have
been 59 hardship for Lavigne over the past 5 years. When recalling
the dark time, she said, “I felt like I couldn’t 60 (breath), I
couldn’t talk, and I couldn’t move. I thought I was 61 (die) .” The
health issue almost buried her and ended her career. But music was
healing for the singer. Lying 62 bed, Lavigne began writing the

songs on her new album. She saw it as a special kind of recovery exercise
and got strength from it. Now, Lavigne is back with a new and genuine
music style.
According to Rolling Stone Magazine, one dollar from every ticket
of the concert tour will go to benefit the Avril Lavigne Foundation, which
63 ( support) people with Lyme disease, serious illnesses and
disabilities. To promote the upcoming tour, Lavigne told her phone
number on Twitter with the hope of 64 (connect) with her fans on a
more 65 (person) level.

第四部分 写作(共两节;满分




1. 词数80左右;


__________ _________________________________________________< br>_______________________________________________ ____________
__________________________________ _________________________
_____________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________________ _____________
_________________________________ __________________________
____________________ _____________________

第二节 概要写作(满分25分)

In my 30s, I had two kids, a career, a husband and no time for any-
thing else. Then my stepfather called to say he had cancer. Stage four.
It felt as though the entire world stood still. Everything around me
ceased to exist. All that existed in that moment were me, the phone and my
stepdad’s voice.
The words that were circling in my mind wouldn’t form a sentence.
Finally, I said, “I’m sorry. I love you. I will support you as best I can ...”
It felt as though everything had changed.
I needed some control, so I made a list:
1. Find chemo- friendly(化疗友好的)foods
2. Make soup and freezer meals
3. Find babysitter for hospital visits
4. Start guitar lessons
I know, the last item seems strange, but in that moment, my soul
reached through my body and wrote the words, “start guitar lessons.” I
could not deny the urgency I felt to complete this task. It had been on my

to-do list for nearly 15 years.
My stepfather played the guitar his entire life. It was his way to relax.
After work he would sit on the couch, pick up his guitar and let the stress of
the day melt away. He wasn’t a performer but he did perform once, for me,
as a gift at my wedding.
I rented a guitar and started taking lessons.
When my stepfather was allowed to leave the hospital, I brought my
guitar to his house. As he lay in bed, I’d show him the chords(和弦)I’d
learned and play bad versions of classic rock songs. Even though I sounded
rough, he tapped his feet and listened enthusiastically.
Sometimes, I would “conveniently” leave my guitar at home in the
hopes of being able to play his Martin guitar. It sounded rich and soulful
compared to my rental instrument. He would help me practice with it.
Thanks to him, I mastered the difficult F# chord.
Five months after his diagnosis(诊断), he died.
He left me the Martin guitar.
It was haunted(缠绕)with memories. I would pick up the guitar and
cry. If only I had started earlier, if only we had longer to play music
together. If only...
Then, one day, I realized that our connection was still alive. When I
pull out that Martin, I know I’m not alone.

第一部分 听力
1-5 CBBAB 6-10 ACABB 11-15 BCABC 16-20 CBBCA
第二部分 阅读理解
21-23 DBC 24-26 BAC 27-30 BCDC

31-35 EGACF
第三部分 语言运用

36-40 DABDC 41-45 AABDB 46-50 DCBCB 51-55 CACAD

diagnosed 58. struggles 59. a e
62. in 63. supports 64. connecting 65. personal

第四部分 写作


Dear Tom,
I know from your last letter that you plan to travel to China to know
more about China’s culture. Now I’d like to offer some suggestions for
your stay in China. The most important place that you need to pay a

visit to is Beijing, the capital of our country. For one thing, Beijing is the
best representative of Chinese traditions and culture. For another, there
are many places of interest for you to visit, such as the Great wall and the
summer Palace , etc. Moreover, you can also enjoy many different
delicious foods in Beijing.
Looking forward to your coming!
Best wishes!

Li Hua


My stepfather played the guitar all his life. I wanted to learn but
never started. After he was diagnosed with cancer, I felt that I shouldn’t
delay it anymore. I would play him what I learned and he helped me
practice with his own guitar. He left that guitar to me when he died, and
now playing it makes me feel connected to him.

Text 1
M: We will go to the zoo. There are many lovely animals.
W: I prefer to go to the park. We can take a boat.
Text 2
M: Would you like to have coffee with me sometime this weekend?
W: Sorry, I have to work this weekend. Maybe next time.
Text 3
W: Hi, John! Can you tell me the lessons for tomorrow morning?
M: Um, the first class is math, and then English, followed by Chinese.
The fourth class is chemistry.
Text 4
M: Would you please tell me where I could get batteries for my camera?
W: Yes, go down this street and turn right at the second crossing. Walk
past a market. Then you will find a camera shop next to a toy shop.
Text 5
M: Kate, I thought Lisa’s birthday party was supposed to be at your place.
W: It was, Jack, but my parents decided to come for a visit that week.
M: So where will the party be?
W: At Lily and Jade’s place.
Text 6

M: We’ve finally reached the hotel.
W: Well, Dad, what shall we do tomorrow?
M: We are going to the shopping center. I promised your mom to buy her
a beautiful dress.
W: Do you know what color mom likes most?
M: Pink, I think. Maybe yellow.
W: I think she likes bright red.
Text 7
M: What should we buy for the camp, Mary?
W: Let’s buy some chicken wings. I can cook the chicken wings at the
M: I only know how to fry eggs. So let’s buy eggs and ham too.
W: We also need some bread. And what kind of fruit do you like?
M: Apples and bananas.
W: OK, you go to pick them for you. I’d like to get some peaches. What
about drinks?
M: Some soft drinks and juice.
W: I prefer milk.
M: Could you do fruit salad for us?
W: Of course.
Text 8
W: Hello! This is Alice speaking.

M: Hello, Alice. This is Albert speaking. I’d like to speak to Brandon.
W: I’m sorry, but he left home about 10 minutes ago.
M: That’s too bad.
W: Will you ring him up again tonight?
M: I’m sorry, but I won’t be free tonight.
W: Would you like to leave a message?
M: It’s very kind of you. There’ll be a lecture on English grammar by a
visiting professor at 5:50 tomorrow afternoon. Tell Brandon not to be late.
I will be waiting for him at the entrance at 5:40.
W: I certainly will. By the way, where is the lecture to be given?
M: It will be given in the lecture hall on the right of the main building.
W: I’ll tell him as soon as he comes back. Anything else you want to tell
M: No. Thanks a lot. Goodbye!
W: Goodbye!
Text 9
W: Mr. Bruce, there are more burn cases happening today. Could you tell
me some simple ways to deal with burns?
M: I’m glad to tell you some effective ways. First you should put the
burned area under cold running water about 5 minutes.
W: Cold running water?
M: Yes. It can take the heat away from the burned skin.

W: Can I put ice on the burn?
M: No, it is so cold. After the burn cools down, cover it with a bandage. It
can protect the burned skin from the air, thus reduce the pain.
W: That’s all?
M: At last, you’d better take some medicine, such as aspirin. But be
careful not to give aspirin to children. It is dangerous for them to
W: Thank you, Mr. Bruce.
Text 10
M: Heather learned how to surf from her father. It was just like riding a
motorcycle in California. At first, she was scared. But by the end of her
first day, she could already stand up on her board, and she told all her
friends that night that she would be a great surfer. Half a year later, she
bought her own board from a website. Almost every weekend morning,
she drove from her house in Los Angeles to San Diego and hit the beach.
Heather went surfing every minute she was free. But one afternoon, she
noticed a big shark coming near her. It was getting closer and closer to
her. It was coming straight at her. She tried to swim out of its way, but it
came at her again. Heather knew she had only one advantage: her
surfboard. She threw it as hard as she could in the direction of the shark.
Amazingly, it hit the shark in the nose, and it left her alone! Heather
smiled. Surfing had saved her life!









本文更新与2020-10-30 14:35,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/433076.html


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