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2020-10-29 22:50




1寒暄介绍 Greeting and Introductions
AHello Mr Liu Let me introduce you to Mr James Mr James this is Mr
Liu a visitor of me
BHello Mr James Nice to meet you
CNice to meet you too I have heard a lot about you
BReally Nothing bad I hope
COf course notYou made a lot of new equipment by yourself
BYes I like this work
CGreat We may need your help later on
BSure Just let me kown when
CThanks I will talk to you later
Hi How are you How are you doing 你好吗
Hi Its nice to meet you 你好很高兴见到你
You look well 你看起来气色不错
Fancy meeting you here 真想不到在这儿碰上你
I dont think Ive had the pleasure 我想我未曾有幸见过你
Long time no see 好久不见

Id like to introduce myself My name is Jane and I am a middle school
student in Xian 我来做一下自我介绍我叫简是来自西安的一名初中生
Hello Mr Wu let me introdce you to Mr Liu He is our new headmaster
A pleasure to meet you Mr Bruse 很荣幸认识你布鲁斯先生
Ive heard a lot about you Betty now I finally have the chance to meet
you in person 贝蒂久仰大名今天终于有幸见到你了
2天气 About weather
AGood moring Dad How is the weather today
BNot so good Its windy
AWell can we go out for our pacnic as we talked last night
BI do not think so It seems to rain Wed better stay at home today
AOh come on DadYou promised me
BIm sorry son But the weather outside is bad and it will be raining
all these days
AWhen will this wet weather clear up
BThe weather report said next week Maybe next weekend we can go hiking
AOk deal
BYeah its a deal
How is the weather today 今天的天气怎么样

The weather is nice today 今天天气很好
What was the weather like yesterday 昨天的天气如何
Yesterday rained all day 昨天下了一整天的雨
What will the weather be like tomorrow 明天的天气会怎么样呀
Its going to snow tomorrow 明天将下雪
Its quite cold today 天气很冷
Its been cloudy all moring 整个上午都是多云天气
Its probably clear up this afternoon 下午应该会放晴吧
The days are getting hotter 天气越来越热
Whats the temperature today 今天多少度
The wind is rising 刮风了
Its fine today 今天天气真好呢
Its pouring with rain out there 现在正在下大雨
3星期与月份 Days and Months
A What day is today Dr Jansen
BToday is Monday This is January
AIs this your book Dr Jansen
BNo it isnt Maybe its Dr Bakers
ADr Baker is in the hospital Hes not very well
BWas he in the hospital last weektoo
ANo He was very well last week

BYou were in Washington DC for several days werent you
AYes I was I was there in December
BWhere were you in November
AI was here in November
BWasnt your friend Harry here last week
AYes He was here for three days last week
1 What day is was It todayyesterday 今天∕昨天是星期几
2 Today is Monday 今天星期一
3 What month is this This is January 现在是几月现在是一月
4 Last month was December wasnt it 上个月是十二月对吗
5 Whats the date 今天几号
6 I was in the hospital for several weeks 我在医院待过几周
7 Where were you on Tuesday 周二你在哪
8 Its first of April April Fools Day 今天是4月1日是愚人节
注补充星期月份Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday January February March April May June July August September October
November December
4寻求帮助 Asking for help
AGood moring Can I help you
BId like a single room

ADo you have a reservation
AThats all right We will have some How long are you going to stay here
BIt depends maybe two or three days
AAny other requests
BI want the room with a bath and facing to the see
AWe have the one you need on the eighth floor
BThats fine How much do you ask for that room a day
AIts thirty- five dollars a day
Could I trouble you with something for a moment please 请问可以麻
My friend I am in a big mess do you think you could help me tomorrow
I hate to bother you could you pass me that book 不好意思麻烦你了
Excuse me I wonder if you can help me 劳驾能帮个忙吗
You look bothered Is there something I can do for you 看来你遇到麻
No sweat Id be happy to help 没什么很高兴我能帮上忙
Do you need any help 需要帮忙吗
May I ask a favor 能帮个忙吗

If there is anything you need just knock on my door 有什么需要帮忙
5提问题 Asking questions
AWhen you called me last night I was addressing some letters
BHow many letters did you write last night
AQuite a few There were ten envelopes I believe
BWhile you were writing letters I was reading a book
AWere you at home most of the day yesterday
BI was at home part of the day I went to the doctors office
ADid you go to the doctors office in the afternoon
BNo I went there about 10 oclock in the morning
AWhat time did you wake up yesterday morning
BI waked up nearly at 9 am
AWell a little late
Where were you yesterday afternoon I was at home all afternoon 昨
天下午你在哪 我整个下午都在家
What were you doing at about 4 oclock yesterday afternoon 昨天下午
Can you guess what I was doing this morning 你能猜出今天上午我在做

I cant remember what John was doing last weekend 我记不起来约翰上
What do you mean by that 你这是什么意思
I am not sure I know what you mean 我不能肯定我是否领悟了你的意思
What are you trying to get at 你想达到什么目的
Do you know where I can get a cheap bike 你知道哪儿可以买一辆便宜
Do you have change for the ice cream 你有买冰激凌的零钱吗
How long will it take you to go to work from your home 从你家到上
Do you know how to ski 你知道怎样滑冰吗
6邀请拜访 Invitations and Visits
AGood I am glad you enjoyed it Would you like dessert
BNo thanks I am so full Besides I really need to get home soon
AAll right How about some coffee They have great coffee here
AYes good decaf Excuse me waiter could we have two decafs please
CCertainly I will be right back with that
Waiter returns with coffee
AThank you

CCan I get you anything else
AUm No I think this will do it Just the check when you have a minute
No rush
Waiter returns with the check
CHere you are sir
AThank you
BIm buying dinner tonight
ANo dinner is on me tonight I ask you to dinner and it is on me
BAll right Great meal Thank you very much
AIts my pleasure
Are you free later today 今天晚些时候有空
Its on me 我请客
Dont forget our dinner in my house I invited you and John today 别
Do you mind if I stop by later today 今天晚些时候我顺路拜访你介意

What time should I be there 我该什么时间到那里
Sorry to have have kept you waiting 对不起让你久等了
Id like to make an appointment for this Saturday 我想在这个星期六

What time would you like me to come 你要我什么时候来
Do you have any plans for this weekend 你这个周末有安排吗
Are you interested in going dancing tonight 今晚有没有兴趣去跳舞
Im inviting you to my birthday party 我要请你参加我的生日派对
Would you like to go shopping with me this weekend 这个周末想跟我
Jane is ill How about going to see her tonight 简生病了今晚看望她
7业余爱好About Hobbies
AIv started a new hobby
BIs that so
AYes from now on I am not going to waste away in front of the television
Ive decided to run a part-time business
BBut thats not a hobby Hobbies are supposed to be fun
AIt is fun So what hobbies do you have
B Me I collect interesting worms
AOh thats really weird
My hobby is collecting stamps Whats yours 我的爱好是集邮你呢
She devotes a lot of time to her hobbies 她在爱好上花了很多时间
Some people like horseback riding but I prefer golf as a hobby 有

On the weekends I like to get my mind off my work by reading a good
book 在周末我喜欢读好书来把我的注意力从工作中转移出来
Do you have any special interests other than your job 你除了工作之
For me cycling is both a sport and a hobby 对我来说骑车既是一项运
Some people have pets as hobbies 有些人的业余爱好是养宠物
Jack enjoyed hiking and dancing 杰克喜欢徒步旅行和跳舞
I like visiting different places 我喜欢到各处观光
I am a fan of playing basketball 我特别喜欢打篮球
8购物 About Shopping
Awelcome to our counter What can I do for you miss
BId like a bottle of perfume the best one please
AOk this is made in France-one of the best perfumes in the world It
has a European lily fragrance
BYeah Its well-known trademark Ill have one bottle
AAnything else
BNo thats all
APlease wait a moment I will pack it up for you

Have you ever been to shanghai 你去过上海没
Look here is a special offer on jeans and sportswear 看这儿的牛仔
This is the most popular style this winter How do you like it 这是
Off-season clothes are usually sold at very low prices 换季衣服的
Cash only
A I thought you said we were going to stay three days in Chicago
B We are Its two nights in the hotel july 3rd and 4th but three days
A I see We arrive early on the third and we leave at 1130pm on the
C Thats correct As you see Ive made reservations for you on the night
train to New York on the fifth Youll have two sleeping berths
B So it is really a full day on the fifth
C Plenty of time for shopping and sightseeing Youll even have enough
time for a show in the evening because the train station is near the theater
A I think that work out fine I hope Ill be able to sleep on the train

C Believe me itll be an interesing experience to ride on the train
B What about hotels in New York City
C You have accommodation at the New York Sheraton on 7th Avenue and
53rd street Fortunately even though youll be travelling at the peak of
the tourist season I was able to get you a good room there
B Thatll be great
Your passport and declaration card please 请出示你的护照和海关申报

Do you have anything to declare 你携带的东西有必须申报的吗
WhatS the purpose of your visit 旅行的目的是什么
The camera are for my personal use 这些照相机是我自用的
Please open this bag 请打开这件行李
May I see your passport please 麻烦请给我看一下你的护照好吗
Where are you staying 你将在哪儿住宿
Are you travelling alone or with friends 你是一个人去旅游还是结伴
A Brain playing tennis seems interesting
B Would you like to learn
A Yeshow do you play

B Tennis can be played in singles and doubles The outside line is for
doubles and the inside line is for singles
A How do you decide who starts
B Well you can toss a coin to decide Whoever wins chooses either to
start or which side of the court o play on
A How do you score
B To begin with the score is LOVE all
A LOVE means 0
B You have got it You then score 15 30 and 40 If you get to 40 and
win again you win the game
A The opponent starts serving then
B Right See You know how to play now
A Lets try it sometime
B Sure
I usually go to the gym after work 我经常下班以后去健身房
Baseball is my favourite sport Whats yours 棒球是我最喜欢的运动你
I like playing basketball and badminton 我喜欢打篮球和羽毛球
He is a crazy fan of the NBA games 他是NBA的狂热球迷
Long-distance running is good for your health 长跑有益你的健康
Our team beat yours last match 上一场比赛我们队击败了你们队

Where do you like swimming in a lake or river 你喜欢在哪儿游泳河里
Dad look how high I can jump 爸爸看我能跳多高
A Good afternoon Table for two
B Yes And non-smoking
A All right follow me please
B Thank you Could we have the menu Im so hungry
A Ah certainly This is your menu Are you ready to order now
B Yes
A What would you like
B Wed like the steak and the roast chicken with rice please
A How would you like the steak Rare medium or well-done
B Medium please And I like some salad too
A Fine and anything to drink
B WeLl have a light beer and a glass of orange juice And Id like some
soup Which soup do you recommend
A Id suggest our house soup which has chicken and baby corn It has
always been a favourite with our customers
B OK thats it
A So thats a medium steak with salad the roast chicken with rice one

light beer a glass of orange juice and the chicken-corn soup
B Yes thats right
A Thank you Just a moment please
Whats your favourite food 你最爱吃的是什么
The chicken is delicious I like it 这鸡味道好极了我很喜欢
You want ice in your drink 你想在你的饮料里加冰吗
Would you like to eat out with me tonight 今晚你想和我一起出去吃饭

Are you ready to order 你想好点什么菜了吗
Im on a diet Do you have vegetarian dishes 我正在节食中餐厅是否提
I like dumplings with vegetables and pork 我喜欢吃蔬菜和猪肉馅的饺

A Hello Rainbow Bookshop
B Oh hello Id like to speak to janet please
A May I ask whos calling
B Its catherine baker
A Ill put you through Oh sorry the lines busy at the moment Would you
like to hold or should I ask her to give you a call

B Well actually Im at work so Id rather not wait Would you mind taking
a message
A No not at all Go ahead
B Could you ask her to call me on nine three eight five- seven six
five four
A No problem Nine three eight five seven six five four
B Yes thats right Thank you
A Ill pass that on and get her to call you
B OK thank youbye
Can I speak to Mr Brian 请找一下布莱恩先生
Thank you for calling 谢谢你的来电
Theres a phone call for you 有电话找你
Any message for him 有口信留给他吗
Hes on another phone 他在接另一个电话
Wait a minute He is coming 稍等片刻他马上就过来了
Let me call her back Thank you 我稍后再打电话来谢谢你
Its nothing urgent Thank you 没什么要紧事谢谢您
Could you tell me where I can reach her 能不能告诉我在哪里可以找到


A Good morning What seems to be the problem
B Um I get very bad headaches I think theyre migraines
A How often
B At least once a week and almost every day this week
A Since when
B Since the last month or so
A Do you smoke
B No
A Do you exercise regularly
B Yes
A Do you sleep well
B Well usually Except when I have these headaches
A Hmm Have you had any head injuries
B No
A Do you have any allergies
B No but I work with chemicals
A What sort of chemicals
B Well I work in a photo lab
A Hmm I see Well need to run a few tests so we can know what the problems
He skinned his knee 他擦破了膝盖的皮肤

Its probably only the flu 可能只是流行性感冒吧
Its bleeding Youd better go see a doctor about that cut 流血了你最
The doctor will see you in a minute 医生一分钟后见你
I want to see my doctor for a check-up yesterday 我昨天让医生给我
Let me look at your throat 让我检查一下你的喉咙
Ive had this cough for a week now 我已经咳嗽一周了
She is in good shape 她的身体状况良好
A Excuse me Is there a post office near here
B Yes theres one in Taylor Square
A Where is Taylor Square
B OK you go straight ahead and then take the first left turn after
the traffic lights Youll see it
A Thank you
Where are you going 你要去哪里
Where is the nearest hospital 离这儿最近的医院在哪里
Excuse me where can I find the railway station 请问火车站在哪里
Its cross the street from here 从这过马路就是了

Turn left to get on Airport Drive 左转上机场路
Keep going until you come to an end of the street 一直走到这条街的
Its just about ten minutes walk 只要走10分钟就到了
Excuse me Im looking for park street 对不起请问花园路怎么走啊
Is the zoo far from here 动物园离这里远吗
A Hi paul How are you
B Ah I feel awful
A Whats the matter
B Ive got a sore throat and a headache
A Oh youve got the flu You should go home and have a rest
B I should But Ive got a class at ten
A Do you want an aspirin Here you are Take this now and you really
should go home after class You look pale
B Thanks I will
A Ive got to run Ive got a class in the science block See you later
B Bye
How are you feeling today 你今天感觉怎么样
Ive got a pain in my back 我后背有点疼

Eat more vegetables theyre good for your health 多吃蔬菜对你的健康
The fitness clubs are becoming more and more popular nowadays 健身
We should eat well and do some regular exercise 我们要吃得好而且要
Its not a good way to go on the diet 节食不是一个好办法
He is in the top condition 他的身体情况处在巅峰状态
A Everyone has his dream
B You must have your dream too
A I dream Ill be a teacher some day
B Its a good idea But many students dont like their teachers
A I want to be an ideal teacher
B What is an ideal teacher
A The teacher whom the students like
B How do you become such a teacher
A I shall be enthusiastic and be a bit of an actor and I shall not
be afaid to show my feelings and express my likes and dislikes in front
of students
B Good I am sure your dream will come true

A Besides I shall respect myself as well as my students
B You should help them with their studies
A Yes I shall motivate them to seek knowledge I know how to encourage
their self-development
B You should take pride in your future work
A I must be such a teacher who grows learns and improves herself along
with her students
What do you dream to be 你的梦想是什么
I wish I were rich 我希望我很有钱
We all desire happiness 我们都渴望幸福
I hope that my dream comes true 我希望我的梦想成真
Ive dreamed to be a writer 我梦想成为一个作家
I didnt realize how much this meant to you 我不知道这个对你的意义
She is the ideal girl the one I dreamed of 她是我理想的梦寐以求的
玩 具总动员3马达加斯加海底总动员美丽人生八月迷情百万宝贝超级奶爸
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本文更新与2020-10-29 22:50,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/431523.html
