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2020-10-27 22:46



Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know
how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, pletestly do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get 3, pay attention to use. The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin
alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method
数学本就是基础学科,基础数学更是基础中的基础。它的研究领域宽泛,理论性 强。主
应用、小波 分析、偏微分方程、应用微分方程、代数学等。

[关键词] 前景
Tobia(2007级计算机博士生,基础数学方向):基础数学在国际上一直备受关注,取得< br>了不少重大的研究成果,但遗憾的是在国内的发展尚不及其他4门更偏向应用的二级学科。
这个可 以从国内、国外最顶级刊物的影响因子对比中看出来。从基础数学的各个分支来看,
国内在几何学方面发 展比较好,接近国际发展水平,其他分支则不尽如人意。
基础数学并不像很多人想象的那样神秘, 它的发展方向非常多,很难用一两句话来概括。
选择基础数学的人大多是因为兴趣,所以大部分人对将来 的选择可能会是继续攻读博士学
找到自己 有兴趣能发挥特长的方向,未来有无限可能,比如经济、金融等热门领域都是可发

[关键词] 研究热点
Tobia(2007级计算机博士生,基础数学方向):毫 无疑问,选择基础数学作为研究方向
的人会是真正的将数学当作事业去完成的人,因为他们正在做的工作 往往要领先于这个时代
的应用数学十年甚至百年,有人觉得不可思议,但他们依然义无反顾。现在最热门 的是数学
Aqii(2 005级基础数学博士):我觉得代数表示论和代数编码会成为热点,我现在做的
就是代数方向的东西, 因为比较偏向应用,所以应该会成为热门。
Buick(2006级基础数学博士):我现在的主要研究方向有navier- stokes方程、薛定额方程、
波方程和测度论等,其中navier- stokes方程和薛定额方程都是当下的热点。

浙江大学数 学系创建于1928年,拥有悠久而辉煌的历史,我国著名数学家陈建功教授
和苏步青教授创立的“陈苏 学派”曾享誉世界。浙大数学学科2007年被教育部确认为一级
学科国家重点学科,学科负责人为国际 著名数学家刘克峰教授。基础数学学科点是全国首批
博士学位授予点和博士后流动站,是首批国家重点学 科(与应用数学联合)的组成部分,建
有数学国家理科人才培养基地。基础数学学科实力较强的院校还有 复旦大学、南开大学、北

应用数学是数学5个二级学科中 内涵最宽泛的一个。严格说来,计算、运筹、统计都是

Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know
how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, pletestly do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get 3, pay attention to use. The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin
alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup m ethod
计算几何和科 学计算等方向。计算机图形图像主要包括图像处理、计算机图形学、计算机辅
助几何设计、科学计算、医 学图像重建。小波分析就是指分形几何和小波分析,还有逼近论。

[关键词] 前景
sy1133(2004级应用数学博士):应用数学是交叉学科,所 以我觉得只要有应用背景的
数学问题都可以看作是这个学科的发展,从这个角度看,应用数学的发展是非 常繁盛的。
林彬彬(2007级应用数学硕士研究生):应用数学在国内起步比较晚,但很热门, 不过

[关键词] 研究热点
林彬彬(20 07级应用数学硕士研究生):说到应用数学的研究热点,应该说每个方向都
有很多热门的专题,比如三 维图形的处理。在未来,图像方面的图像搜索、建立图像数据库
制作软件等应该会比较热门,而图形方面 的利用二维信息重构三维模型、计算机自动处理与
sy 1133(2004级应用数学博士):应用数学作为交叉学科,推动力是工程应用、生物计
算,与之相 关的研究方向也会是未来的热门。

[关键词] 建议
sy1133(200 4级应用数学博士):虽然带着“应用”两个字,但作为基础学科,应用数
学还是和机械、化工等直接应 用于生产的工学学科有所不同,投入和产出不一定能成正比。
只是抱着“试试看”的心态去考研的同学需 要慎重考虑,如果真想在这方面做出一定的成就,
尤其是编程能 力和快速学习能力。因为做CAGD的人需要在很短的时间内编出正确的程序
来验证自己的假设试验,这 些程序都是要自己做的,不可能去找计算机系的人来帮忙,所以
编程是一项基本技能。平时要多了解各院 校该专业的信息,确定自己的目标,以便找到自己
喜欢的方向,因为考研毕竟和高考不同,除了个人志愿 还有导师等因素在其中,能否把握机

程”重点学科 “应用数学与系统工程”。在全国招收应用数学专业硕士研究生的200多所院
校中,新疆大学应用数学 学科实力紧随北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学、浙江大学、南开大
学、四川大学之后,名列第七。之所以 特别推荐新疆大学,是因为新疆大学与之前提到的7
所名校同为应用数学学科的重点优势学科单位,但作 为非自主划线的三区院校,录取分数线


Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know
how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, pletestly do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get 3, pay attention to use. The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin
alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method
国外 计算数学是最热门的学科之一。计算数学的主要研究方向包括数值泛函分析与连续计算
复杂性理论、数值 偏微与有限元、非线性数值代数及复动力系统、非线性方程组的数值解法、
数值逼近论、计算机模拟与信 息处理等、工程问题数学建模与计算。目前发展最好的方向已
经与应用数学的CAGD方向合二为一,因 为二者的核心都是数值计算,并以计算机编程为

[关键词] 研究热点
蔡小昊(2006级计算数学硕士研究生):计算数学在国内和国 际上都是一个很重要的学
科,它主要对科学工程计算等问题进行研究。因为学科交叉会带来很多新生的研 究方向,所
以计算数学的研究方向非常多。现在最热的方向应该是微分方程的数值求解、数值代数和流< br>形学习,特别是流形学习已经热了几年,估计还会继续热下去。
潘一力(2007级计算数 学硕士研究生):计算数学是由数学、物理学、计算机科学、运
筹学与控制科学等学科交叉渗透而形成的 一个理科专业。作为交叉型学科,发展前景广阔。
很多有实际物理应用背景的研究(如流体力学、光波导 、光子晶体等)以及很多需要解决的
问题,工科的人往往因缺乏实际的数学计算能力对数学问题无从下手 ,不知如何解决,这正
Soph ia(2006级计算数学硕士研究生):简言之,计算数学就是为物理学和工程学作计算的
一门专业。 我个人觉得有限元是现在和今后的热门方向。

西安交通大学是 全国最早创办计算数学专业的3所高等院校之一,计算数学学科为国家
重点学科。在保持应用数学与计算 数学主体研究方向优势的基础上,重视并加强信息科学的
数学基础、科学计算、现代优化、数据分析与统 计计算、电子系统的数值模拟、生物系统的
数学建模等研究,拥有陈志平、程正兴、侯延仁、马逸尘、张 可村等一批专家学者。计算数
学学科实力较强的院校还有北京大学、吉林大学、大连理工大学、上海大学 、山东大学、湘

运筹与控制科学是 一门实用性非常强的学科。运筹和控制是相关的两个方面,都是以系
统优化为核心。运筹学的研究方向主 要有数学金融学、金融风险管理、控制理论、算法设计
与分析、数学规划等。控制论是研究各类系统的调 节和控制规律的学科,它是自动控制、通
讯技术、计算机科学、数理逻辑、神经生理学、统计力学、行为 科学等多种科学技术相互渗
透而形成的一门横断性学科。运筹控制论体现了现代科学整体化发展趋势,为 现代科学技术
提供了新的思路和科学方法。我国从20世纪60年代初就开始翻译介绍控制论的著作,但 近
制 论建立数学模型,如投入产出模型、人口模型等在运用中都取得了良好的效果。

[关键词] 研究热点

Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know
how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, pletestly do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get 3, pay attention to use. The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin
alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method
王松静(2007级运筹 与控制论硕士研究生):我所知道的运筹学方向大概有工程控制模
型、金融模型、物流规划等,现在最热 是金融数学,将来肯定会更热,组合优化现在还没被
重视,但将来肯定会非常热门。运筹学方向就业前景 比较宽泛,不过对于一般的公司来说,
运筹与控制论专业学的东西要远远多于实际需要,所以选择研究中 心是比较好的出路。

[关键词] 建议
杨志昌(2007级运筹与控制论硕 士研究生):运筹学的应用非常广泛,任何系统的良好
运行都需要运筹和优化。除了运筹优化的思想和方 法,还需要掌握一些基本功,比如研究生
的控制论课上要解大量的方程,因为方程能否解出是问题能否解 决的关键。学运筹脑子要活,
但是基本功也要扎实。此外,运筹控制又是应用性非常强的学科,所以最好 能多一些实践操
王松静(2007级运筹与控制论硕士研究生):应该多注重 基础,最好尽早开始接触专业
论文。可根据自身情况选择具体的方向,如果真对数学感兴趣就去学基础, 否则最好选择应

山东大学数学学科 2007年被评定为“国家一级重点学科”,其运筹学与控制科学学科更
是在中国科学评价研究中心的排 名(2006~2007)中一举超过了清华大学、复旦大学、浙江
大学、南开大学等名校,名列榜首。 彭实戈教授在随机最优控制系统的最大值原理、倒向随
机微分方程理论和非线性数学期望理论的研究方面 取得了国际领先水平的原创性成果,得到
国内外同行的高度评价。吴臻教授既是随机分析方面主要的理论 课题,又在金融数学和随机
控制方面有很强的应用背景,主要研究方向为正倒向随机微分方程理论。运筹 学与控制科学
学科实力较强的院校还有复旦大学、上海大学、重庆大学、北京交通大学、哈尔滨工业大学 、

在自然界和人类的日常生活中,随机现象非常普遍,比如每期福利彩票的中奖号 码。概
些可能性的 大小。数理统计是应用概率的理论研究大量随机现象的规律性,对通过科学安排
的一定数量的实验所得到 的统计方法给出严格的理论证明,并判定各种方法应用的条件以及
方法、公式、结论的可靠程度和局限性 ,使人们能从一组样本判定是否能以相当大的概率来
保证某一判断是正确的,并可以控制发生错误的概率 。

[关键词] 研究热点
罗燕(2007级概率论与数 理统计硕士研究生):现在应用统计方向的研究越来越热了,
应用统计更贴近生活,所以越来越被各行各 业注重。但是我们不要忘了统计的基础是概率。
宋高 阳(2007级概率论与数理统计硕士研究生):统计学主要方向有随机理论、数据分
析、金融统计等, 就现在的情况来看,数据分析和数据挖掘会比较热门,因为应用的范围更
广一些。如果研究生毕业之后选 择工作,应用性较强的学科是最好的选择。

Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know
how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, pletestly do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get 3, pay attention to use. The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin
alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method

[关键词] 建议
宋高阳(2007级概率论与数理统计硕士研 究生):国内许多高校将统计学和金融学划归
为一类,成立金融与统计学院或者直接统计学划归为经济系 。这非常好理解,因为经济学和
金融学都是以统计为基本方法的。但作为数学二级学科的统计学的范畴却 和金融统计相去甚
远,学术成分也更高一些。统计学以概率论为基础,理论性更强,对随机过程、概率极 限、
己选择的 到底是经济学院的统计学,还是数学系的统计学。

北京师范大 学的概率论研究群体历经三代人,已有40年的传统和积累,拥有陈木法、
李增沪、张余辉、王凤雨等著 名的专家学者。这一研究群体被国际上的两个主要数学评论杂
志誉为“马氏过程的中国学派”或“北京学 派”。主要研究方向有交互作用粒子系统、随机
分析、测度值马氏过程等。概率论和数理统计学科实力较 强的院校还有南开大学、中南大学、
上百位教 授或讲师,每位的研究方向都不一样,它们彼此的差异就好比达芬奇的鸡蛋,再加
上与各种学科的交叉和 发展,又产生了更多的新分支方向。也正因为这样,数学这门学科才

复试 线去年是多少分?英语线是多少?英语对四级有要求吗?复试流程是什
么?复试考哪几门专业课,分值怎 么分配的?
初试科目:数学分析150,高等代数150,英语100,政治1 00,复试线大概340,
英语国家线,四六级影响不大,复试包括笔试和面试:笔试科目:实变函数, 近
包括,数学专 业英语翻译(随机给你拿出一段英语文章,数学类书籍的,当时我
翻译的那段叫 概率测度,感觉比较难 )复试的笔试科目,随机面试,一般好几
个老师问你,我当时五个老师给我提问题!这个难度不是很大! !!!初试成绩
初试时的数学 分析和高等代数是由陕西师范大学本校出题吗?参考书目:数分是
不是华东师大版以及高代是不是北大第 三版?陕师大有没有内部出版的一些初
啥用,考试题跟书本后面 的练习题还是有很大关联的,好好复习课本就行了!!

Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know
how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, pletestly do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get 3, pay attention to use. The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin
alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup m ethod
基础数学以后的发展方向基本是从事理论研究,如果想留在高校得继续读 博;应用数学可以
到企业从事应用类的工作;概率论与数理统计可以去金融机构,从事经济方面的工作; 计算

如果以上数学类专业你都不 喜欢,可以转专业考研。理论上你可以报任何专业,但由于你的
专业背景,最好是考对数学要求较高的专 业,比如信息类专业。一般非数学专业的人有个误
区,认为数学专业的答统考数学会很轻松,其实不然。 数学专业所学的主要是理论,对计算
的技巧性要求不高,如果你要转专业的话这方面需要注意。 外语政治必考,各100分,其余两门专业课各150分。如果考数学类专业,两门专业课一般
是数 学分析(有的学校和常微分方程一张卷)和高等代数,均为高校自主命题。如果考其它专
业,工学,管理 学,经济学专业课一是统考数学(共三种,一二为理工类,三为经济类),专










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