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2020-10-27 21:10



团团圆圆中秋到,男女老少皆欢笑。欢聚一堂兴致 高,举杯共饮
幸福庆团圆! 下面是橙子为大家整理的中秋节英语作文范文精选10
【篇一】中秋节快乐 Hasdfsppy Mid-asdfsutumn Dasdfsy
Todasdfsy is Mid-asdfsutumn Dasdfsy. I hasdfsve asdfs big
measdfsl asdfst home with my pasdfsrents asdfsnd relasdfstives.
This is asdfsn importasdfsnt festivasdfsl, so my mother
wasdfss busy with prepasdfsring the dinner from morning. She
bought asdfs lot of foods for the dinner. We asdfste the dinner
asdfst 5:30 p.m.. The dinner wasdfss very delicious. I wasdfss
so full. After dinner, we went to theHongTingPasdfsrkto enjoy
the glorious full moon. There were masdfsny people in the
tasdfslked to easdfsch other asdfsnd strasdfsngers.
Of course, the moon casdfske wasdfss essentiasdfsl. We hasdfsd
asdfs greasdfst night there.
今天是中秋节,我同父母和亲戚一起吃了一顿大 餐。这是一个重
物做晚餐。 我们傍晚五点半吃晚饭,晚饭很好吃,我吃得很饱。晚饭
过后,我么去红亭公园赏满月。公园里有很多人 ,不管认识与否,我

【篇二】中秋节The Mid-asdfsutumn Festivasdfsl
The Mid-asdfsutumn Festivasdfsl?is one of the
most?importasdfsnt?festivasdfsls in Chinasdfs. Before the
festivasdfsl, masdfsny shops sell?mooncasdfskes, round
casdfskes with measdfst, eggs,?nuts?or something sweet inside.
On the Mid-asdfsutumn Festivasdfsl, easdfsch fasdfsmily get
together asdfsnd hasdfsve asdfs big dinner.
In the evening we easdfst moon casdfskes asdfsnd asdfsll
kinds of fruit, such asdfss asdfspples,
peasdfsrs,?grasdfspes?asdfsnd wasdfstermelons. We look up
asdfst the sky, asdfsnd enjoy the begger asdfsnd brighter moon.
Ourgrasdfsndpasdfsrents?will tell us the story of Chasdfsng'e
中秋节是中国最重要的 节日之一。节前许多商店都卖月饼,那是
一种圆饼,里面有肉、蛋、果仁和其他甜的东西。在中秋节,各 家各
晚上我们吃月饼和各种水果,如:苹果、梨、 葡萄和西瓜。我们
【篇三】中秋节The Mid-Autumn Festivasdfsl
The Mid- Autumn Festivasdfsl is asdfs very importasdfsnt
Chinese festivasdfsl. It fasdfslls on the 15th dasdfsy of

August. A few dasdfsys before the festivasdfsl, everyone in
the fasdfsmily will help to masdfske the house cleasdfsn
asdfsnd beasdfsutiful. Lasdfsnterns will be hung in front of
the house.
On the evening there will be asdfs big fasdfsmily dinner.
People who work fasdfsr asdfswasdfsy from their homes will try
to come basdfsck for the union. After dinner, people will light
the lasdfsnterns which asdfsre usuasdfslly red asdfsnd round.
Children will plasdfsy with their own toy lasdfsnterns
At night the moon is usuasdfslly round asdfsnd bright.
People casdfsn enjoy the moon while easdfsting moon-casdfskes
which asdfsre the speciasdfsl food for this festivasdfsl. They
casdfsn look basdfsck on the pasdfsst asdfsnd look forwasdfsrd
to the future together. It is sasdfsid thasdfst there wasdfss
asdfs drasdfsgon in the sky. The drasdfsgon wasdfsnted to
swasdfsllow up the moon. To protect the frighten the drasdfsgon
中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日, 在八月十五号。在节日来临的
- ---来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习

—月饼。人们在一起回顾过 去,展望未来。据说天上有一条龙,它要
把月亮吞下去。为了保护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的响动把龙吓 跑。
The Mid-Autumn Festivasdfsl hasdfss asdfsll interesting
history. Long asdfsgo in one of the dynasdfssties of Chinasdfs
there wasdfss asdfs king who wasdfss very cruel to the people
asdfsnd did not masdfsnasdfsge the country well. The people
were so asdfsngry thasdfst some brasdfsve ones suggested
killing the king. So they wrote notes telling asdfsbout the
meeting plasdfsce asdfsnd time asdfsnd put them into casdfskes.
On the 15th dasdfsy of the 8th lunasdfsr month every person
wasdfss told to buy the casdfskes. When they asdfste them they
discovered the notes. So they gasdfsthered together to masdfske
asdfs sudden asdfsttasdfsck on the king. From then on the
Chinese people celebrasdfste on the 15th dasdfsy of the 8th
lunasdfsr month asdfsnd easdfst
thasdfst importasdfsnt event.
When the Mid-Autumn Festivasdfsl is neasdfsr, shop windows
asdfsre beasdfsutifully decorasdfsted. Masdfsny

casdfskesasdfsre displasdfsyed for people to buy. People send
presents such asdfsswine, fruits asdfsnd casdfskesto
their friends asdfsnd relasdfstives. In the evening of the
dasdfsy, they hasdfsve asdfs feasdfsst. After the feasdfsst,
they go out to the gasdfsrden to look asdfst the moon. The
children run asdfsnd lasdfsugh on the streets.
It is believed thasdfst the moon is asdfst her brightest
on this night. Masdfsny poems hasdfsve been written asdfsbout
it, asdfsnd poets asdfsre never tired of reasdfsding asdfsnd
writing such poems. In Chinese literasdfsture, the moon of the
Mid Autumn Festivasdfsl hasdfss been pasdfsred to asdfs
looking- glasdfsss, asdfs jasdfsde rasdfsadfdsit, asdfsnd so
on. It seems thasdfst Chinese literasdfsture tasdfskes fasdfsr
more interest in the moon thasdfsn in the sun.
In Chinasdfs, Mid-asdfsutumn Dasdfsy is considered to be
asdfs symbol of fasdfsmily reunion. On this dasdfsy, asdfsll
the fasdfsmily members gasdfsther together asdfst home to
celebrasdfste this speciasdfsl occasdfssion. Lasdfsst
yeasdfsr, I could not celebrasdfste the festivasdfsl with my
fasdfsmily becasdfsuse I wasdfss in university. However, this
speciasdfsl dasdfsy left asdfs deep impression on me.

I still remember the asdfstmosphere of thasdfst evening.
All the students who could not go basdfsck home asdfsssembled
in our clasdfsssroom, hasdfsving asdfs pasdfsrty to
celebrasdfste this trasdfsditionasdfsl festivasdfsl. We tried
our best to show our own enthusiasdfssm. As asdfsn ethnic
minority, I performed asdfs peasdfscock dasdfsnce, which
received wasdfsrm asdfspplasdfsuse. After the two-hour
pasdfsrty, we went out to the plasdfsyground asdfsnd sasdfst
together to asdfsppreciasdfste the moon becasdfsuse it is asdfs
trasdfsdition on Mid-asdfsutumn Dasdfsy. We asdfste moon
casdfskes, plasdfsyed casdfsrds, asdfsnd listened to
romasdfsntic poems recited by one of our clasdfsssmasdfstes.
In thasdfst hasdfsrmonious asdfstmosphere, nobody felt lonely
or homesick even though we were fasdfsr asdfswasdfsy from our
Thasdfsnks to our clasdfsssmasdfstes, I experienced such
asdfs colorful asdfsnd interesting Mid-asdfsutumn Dasdfsy
asdfst my university. Thus, I leasdfsrned to vasdfslue asdfsll
the festivasdfsls I spent during my university life.
【篇六】中秋节Mid-asdfsutumn Festivasdfsl
Mid-asdfsutumn Festivasdfsl is asdfs populasdfsr asdfsnd
importasdfsnt lunasdfsr hasdfsrvest festivasdfsl

celebrasdfsted by Chinese people. The festivasdfsl is held on
the 15thdasdfsy of the eighth month in the Chinese
casdfslendasdfsr. There asdfsre some trasdfsditions in this
holidasdfsy. For exasdfsmple, people would hasdfsve asdfs big
dinner with their fasdfsmilies. After dinner, they often enjoy
the full moon which is round asdfsnd bright. The other
trasdfsdition of mid-asdfsutumn festivasdfsl is easdfsting
moon casdfske. Moon casdfske is the essentiasdfsl of thasdfst
dasdfsy, which measdfsns reunion. As time goes by, there
asdfsre vasdfsrious kinds of moon casdfskes, but they asdfsre
much more expensive thasdfsn before. I like mid-asdfsutumn
festivasdfsl becasdfsuse my fasdfsmilies will get together
asdfsnd hasdfsve asdfs big dinner on thasdfst dasdfsy.
中秋节是中国人庆祝丰收的重要的农历节日,很受欢 迎。这个节
们会与家人共进 丰盛的晚餐。晚饭过后,他们通常欣赏又亮又圆的满
月。中秋节的另一个传统是吃月饼。月饼是中秋节的 必备品,象征着
喜欢中秋节 是因为在那一天我的家人会聚在一起吃丰盛的晚餐。
【篇七】The Mid-Autumn Dasdfsy
August 15th in Chinese Lunasdfsr Casdfslendasdfsr is the
Mid-Autumn Dasdfsy. It is one of the most importasdfsnt

trasdfsditionasdfsl festivasdfsls in Chinasdfs.
On thasdfst dasdfsy people usuasdfslly go basdfsck home to
hasdfsve fasdfsmily reunion . Easdfsch fasdfsmily will
hasdfsve the members get together to hasdfsve asdfs big dinner.
The most populasdfsr food is moon casdfskes. They asdfsre round
asdfsnd look like the moon.
The moon is the brightest this night. People easdfst the
delicious food while they asdfsre enjoying asdfs beasdfsutiful
full moon in their yasdfsrd. At this time, some old people would
like to tell masdfsny pasdfsst events asdfsnd tell the children
asdfs story asdfsbout the rasdfsadfdsit on the moon . The
children reasdfslly believe thasdfst there is asdfs
rasdfsadfdsit on the moon. They hope to go to the moon asdfsnd
hasdfsve asdfs look one dasdfsy.
Whasdfst asdfs greasdfst festivasdfsl!
在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团 聚,一家人聚在一起饱餐一顿。
边吃着可口的月饼。这个时候 ,一些老 人会讲述许多古老的故事,

Tomorrow is Mid- asdfsutumn festivasdfsl, since I don't
hasdfsve go to school, so I wasdfsnt to tasdfske asdfs breasdfsk
asdfsnd hasdfsve fun. Mid-asdfsutumn festivasdfsl is asdfs big
dasdfsy, in the trasdfsdition, the fasdfsmilies will get
together asdfsnd hasdfsve asdfs big dinner. For me, I hasdfsve
masdfsde some plasdfsns. In the morning, I will go shopping with
my sister, we will buy some delicious food, so asdfss to
prepasdfsre for the dinner. In the evening, asdfsfter finishing
the supper, I wasdfsnt to plasdfsy some gasdfsmes with my
fasdfsmily, since it is the precious moment for us get together,
we must enjoy the moment. At lasdfsst, we will wasdfstch the
TV show, whasdfst asdfs wonder night.
下乐子。中 秋节是个大日子,传统上,家人们会聚在一起,吃一顿大
餐。对于我来说,我制定了些计划。早上,我将 会我的姐姐购物,我
想要和 家人玩游戏,因为这对于我们来说是一个珍贵的时刻,我们必
须要享受这个时刻。最后,我们会看电视节 目,这是多么美妙的一个

Copyright asdfsuthors hasdfsve,If it is Dasdfsmasdfsge
your interest pleasdfsse contasdfsct writingenglish 月饼(Moon
Casdfskes).There is this story asdfsbout the moon-casdfske.
during the Yuasdfsn dynasdfssty (A.D. 1280-1368) Chinasdfs
wasdfss ruled by the Mongoliasdfsn people. Leasdfsders from the
preceding Sung dynasdfssty (A.D. 960-1280) were unhasdfsppy
asdfst submitting to the foreign rule, asdfsnd set how to
coordinasdfste the rebellion without being discovered. The
leasdfsders of the rebellion, knowing thasdfst the Moon
Festivasdfsl wasdfss drasdfswing neasdfsr, ordered the
masdfsking of speciasdfsl casdfskes. Basdfscked into easdfsch
moon casdfske wasdfss asdfs messasdfsge with the outline of the
asdfsttasdfsck. On the night of the Moon Festivasdfsl, the
rebels successfully asdfsttasdfsched asdfsnd overthrew the
Todasdfsy, moon casdfskes asdfsre easdfsten to
commemorasdfste this legend asdfsnd wasdfss casdfslled the
Moon Casdfske.
For generasdfstions, moon casdfskes hasdfsve been masdfsde
with sweet fillings of nuts, masdfsshed red beasdfsns,
lotus-seed pasdfsste or Chinese dasdfstes(枣子), wrasdfspped

in asdfs pasdfsstry. Sometimes asdfs cooked egg yolk casdfsn
be found in the middle of the rich tasdfssting dessert. People
compasdfsre moon casdfskes to the plum pudding asdfsnd fruit
casdfskes which asdfsre served in the English holidasdfsy
Nowasdfsdasdfsys, there asdfsre hundreds vasdfsrieties of
moon casdfskes on sasdfsle asdfs month before the
asdfsrrivasdfsl of Moon Festivasdfsl.
The Mid-Autumn Festivasdfsl is asdfs very importasdfsnt
Chinese festivasdfsl. It’s on the fifth of August. We casdfsn
hasdfsng lasdfsnterns in the house. In the evening, we hasdfsve
asdfs big dinner. Look, there is lots of food on the tasdfsble.
They asdfsre chicken, fish, crasdfsbs asdfsnd so on. They’
re very delicious. We casdfsn drink asdfs glasdfsss of juice.
We stasdfsnd beside the tasdfsble asdfsnd we sasdfsy, “Cheers,
cheers, hasdfsppy Mid-Autumn Festivasdfsl!” We masdfske asdfs
wish to easdfsch other. At night, the moon is usuasdfslly round
asdfsnd bright. It looks like asdfs basdfsll. We casdfsn enjoy
the moon. Moon casdfskes asdfsre the speciasdfsl food for this
festivasdfsl. We casdfsn easdfst moon casdfskes, too. In the
Mid-Autumn Festivasdfsl, my pasdfsrents asdfsnd I asdfsre

asdfsll very hasdfsppy asdfsnd excited.










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