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2020-10-27 06:04



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字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)
1 10

three tree green sheep meet beef see seek
tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please
piece receive ceiling

形容词 a. 1. 绿的;青葱的 The hills are very green in spring. 春天山上一片葱绿。
2. (果实等)未熟的;嫩的 Green tomatoes are sour. 未熟的番茄是酸的。
3. (脸色等)发青的She turned green when she came off the roller coaster. 当她从云霄飞车上下来时,脸色发青。
4. 无经验的;容易上当的 He is a green hand. 他是个新手。
5. 妒忌的[F][(+with)] I am green with envy. 我羡慕极了。
6. (记忆)清晰的,栩栩如生的 7. (常大写)属于(旨在保护环境的)绿色组织的[B]
8. 绿色(英镑)的(指欧洲共同体内部为计算农产品价格而规定的高汇率英镑)[B]
9. 关心生态的;关心环保的 I own only two of those new green cleaning products. 我只有两种新的环保清洁剂。
名词 n.
1. 绿色,青色[C][U] The room was decorated in bright green. 这房间以鲜艳的绿色装饰着。
2. 草坪,公共草地[C] They are dancing on the village green.他们正在村子里的草地上跳舞。
3. 蔬菜;植物[P][K] I had a dish of greens. 我吃了一盘蔬菜。
及物动词 vt. 使成为绿色 不及物动词 vi. 成为绿色
Green 名词 n. 格林 (姓氏)
vt. 1. 寻找;探索;追求[(+out)]They were seeking employment. 他们在找工作。
2. 在...中搜索,搜查遍(某处)[(+through)]Something suspicious was found after the room was sought through.
3. 企图,试图[Y][+to-v]He sought to speak to her. 他寻找机会与她说话。
4. 征求;请求You should seek medical advice. 你应该请医生诊视。 5. 往,朝...而去
vi. 1. 寻找;探索[(+afterfor)]He sought vainly for the answer. 他寻求答案,但无结果。 2. 搜索;搜查[(+for)]
这些动词或词组均含有“拜访,访问”之意。call on: 社交上的正式用语,指无目的、礼节性 的短暂拜访,访问者与被访问者之间一
般只有社交或公务关系。see: 常用词,含义广泛,既可指接受他人来访,又可指去访问他人。visit: 正式用词,强调出于工作需
要的访问,也指亲戚朋友间的看望。drop in: 多指在计划之外或事先未打招呼的偶然、顺便访问。也可指参观。
这些动词均有“看”之意。look: 侧重“看”的动作。see: 指看见。watch: 指用眼睛跟随某物,以便对每一个变化、运动等进行观察。
observe: 侧重以客观的态度进行观察。witness: 指当场看见,亲眼看见。
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及物动词 vt. 1. 遇见;碰上I met her at the gymnasium. 我在体育馆遇见她。

5.遭遇,经历A policeman could meet danger any minute of his working day.警察在值勤时随时都可能碰到危险。
6. 对付,应付;如期偿付Let's meet that problem when it comes up. 那问题一出现,我们就来对付它。
2. 认识;会见3. 迎接4. 对抗;和...交手7. 和...接触,与...相遇8. (路等)与...交叉;交会
9. 满足;符合To be a pilot, one must meet certain physical standards. 要当飞行员必须达到体格上的某些标准。
vi. 1. 相遇;相会;相识The two trains met at a small station. 两列火车在一个小站相遇(即错车)。
2. 集合;聚会;开会3. 接触;接合;会合The two rivers meet near the capital. 这两条河在首都附近会合。4. 交战
名词 n. [C] 2. 【英】(狩猎前猎人和猎犬的)集合
1.集会;竞赛大会He broke two national records in a track meet. 他在一次田径比赛中打破了两项全国记录。
vt. 1. 离开(某处)[(+for)] Mr. Smith left the room at two o'clock. 史密斯先生两点离开房间。
2. 离开(某人)的身边;遗弃,离弃Her husband has left her. 她的丈夫把她遗弃了。
3. 辞去(工作等);脱离(组织等)Mary left school last year and she is working in a shop now. 玛丽去年退了学,现
正在一家商店工作。 4. 遗忘;丢下I left my keys behind. 我忘了带钥匙了。
5. 听任,使处于某种状态He left the windows open. 他让窗子开着。
6. 留给[O1]He left me a few books. 他留给我几本书。
7. 把...交给;委托[(+withto)][+v-ing][O2] You can leave your case with me. 你可以把箱子交给我。
8. 死后留下(家人等) He left a wife and five children. 他死后留下妻子和五个孩子。
9. 死后留下...给(某人)[O1] Mother left me $$10,000. 母亲去世,留给我一万美元。
10. 剩下I felt I had little energy left. 我感到我一点劲也没有了。
11. (从某个方位)经过Leave the monument on the right and cross the bridge. 从右手经过纪念碑,再往前过桥。
vi. 1. 离去;动身[(+for)] We will leave for London next week. 我们下周动身去伦敦。
n. 1. 准假;休假;休假期[C][U] I got two weeks' leave. 我获得两周的假期。
2. 许可,同意[U][+to-v]Have you got leave to come here this afternoon? 你得到许可今天下午来这里吗?
3. 离去,告别[U]The guests took leave after thanking the host. 客人们对主人表示谢意之后告辞了。
vt. 1. 引导;领(路)[O]She led me into the drawing-room. 她带我进入客厅。
2. 走在(队伍等)的最前头The military band led the parade. 军乐队走在游行队伍的前面。
3. 诱使;致使[O2] What led him to resign his office? 什么事导致他辞职的?
4. 领导;指挥;率领They will let the young man lead the fight. 他们将让这位年轻人领导这一仗。
5. (在比赛等中)领先He leads his class in English. 他的英语成绩全班第一。
6. 过(活);使过(某种生活)We lead a very quiet life. 我们过着非常安静的生活。 7. (打牌时)先出(牌)
vi. 1. 领路You lead and we'll follow. 你领路,我们跟着。
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2. 通向,导致That door leads into the garden. 那扇门通向花园。3. 领导He has a desire to lead. 他有领袖欲。
4. 领先Which horse is leading? 哪匹马现在领先? 5. 首先出牌(或开球等)
名词 n. [C]
1. 指导,榜样 All the children followed his lead. 所有的孩子都学习他的榜样。
2. 领先地位[the S]Our team was in the lead at half time. 我们队在前半场领先。 3. 领先的程度(或距
离)[S][(+over)]Japan has a good lead over other car-producing countries. 日本大大领先于其它汽车生产国。
4. (牵狗等的)绳索,皮带Keep your dog on the lead in public places. 在公共场所你得用皮带牵着狗。
5. 【电】导线;引线Connect these wires to the leads of the battery. 将这些导线接到电池的引线上。
6. 线索,提示The police haven't got a single lead yet. 警察到现在还未获得一点线索。
7. (戏剧等的)主角,主要演员Who is playing the lead in the play? 谁在戏里扮演主角?
8. (新闻报导的)导语
形容词 a. [B] 1. 领先的 2. 最重要的
名词 n. 1. 铅[U] 2. 黑铅,铅笔心[C][U];铅制品
及物动词 vt. 用铅包;在...中衬铅;用铅框固定(窗玻璃)
不及物动词 vi. 被铅覆盖;(枪膛等)被铅塞住
形容词 a.
1. 吝啬的,小气的[(+aboutoverwith)] Her husband is very mean about money. 她的丈夫在金钱上很吝啬。
2. 卑鄙的,心地不好的[(+to)]That was a mean trick! 那是一个卑劣的诡计! 3.【口】脾气暴躁的,难驾驭的
4.卑贱的;鄙陋的The young couple made their home in a mean dwelling.这对年轻夫妇在一个简陋的住处安了
家。 5. 不舒服的 6. 低劣的,平庸的 It was no mean feat to get him to agree. 要他同意绝非易事。
7. 【美】【俚】出色的,很棒的He played a mean game of chess yesterday. 昨天他下了一盘十分出色的棋。
及物动词 vt. [W]
1. (言词等)表示...的意思[+(that)] What does the phrase mean? 这短语是什么意思?
2. 意欲,意图,打算[+to-v][O1][O2]Do you mean to go without money? 你想身无分文就走吗?
3. 意谓着;有...的意义[+(that)][+v-ing][(+to)]To a certain extent, to raise wages means increasing purchasing
power. 在一定程度上,提高工资意味着增加购买力。
4. 指定;预定[H][(+for)][+to-v] The apartment was originally meant for five. 这套房间本来是准备给五口人住的。
形容词 a. [B] 1. 中间的,中等的,中庸的
2. 平均的;普通的 What is the mean temperature in that locality? 那个地方的平均气温是多少?
名词 n. [S1] 1. 中间,中部;中庸We must strike a mean and find a house that's not too big or too small. 我们
得采取折衷办法,找一所不太大也不太小的房子。 2. 【数】平均(值),中数
vi. 1. 说话,讲话 He wanted to speak to me. 他想和我说话。
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2. 谈话,谈论 I have not spoken to him on this subject yet. 我还没有和他谈这件事。
3. 发表演说,陈述意见 It was the first time that I spoke in public. 这是我第一次在公共场合发言。
4. 发出信号 5. 显示,传达 Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于言辞。
7. 保持友好交往They are no longer speaking after the quarrel. 他们争吵后不再交往。
6. (乐器、枪等)响起;(狗等)吠叫 8. 有吸引力 9. 提要求,请愿
及物动词 vt. 1. 说(话);说出 Miss Li speaks good English. 李小姐英语讲得很好。
3. (眼神等)显示 Her face spoke disappointment. 她的脸色显示出失望。
2. 陈述,表达 4. 跟...谈话 5. (钟声等)宣告 7. (用旗语等)与...联络
6. 背诵(台词) The actress spoke only three lines in the first act. 在第一幕中这位女演员只有三行台词。

及物动词 vt. 4. (无线电、电视)接收5. 容纳6. 收买(赃物) 7. 接球

1. 收到,接到I've just received a telegram. 我刚收到一份电报。
2. 得到,受到,遭受 They received the support of the workers. 他们得到工人们的支持。
3. 接待,欢迎;接受,接纳;承认 His speech was well received. 他的演讲很受欢迎。
不及物动词 vi. 1. 收到;得到;接收 It is more blessed to give than to receive. 施比受更有福。
2. 会客,接待Mr. Reed receives on Thursday afternoons. 里得先生星期四下午接见客人。 3. 接发球
n. [C] 3. 【空】绝对升限4. 【气】云幂高度
1. 天花板;顶篷The new houses in this locality have very high ceilings. 这个地区的新房子天花板甚高。
2. (价格、工资等)最高限度 A new ceiling has recently been fixed on pay.最近对工资规定了新的最高限额。
2) ?嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿 ,舌前部抬高,嘴形扁平
发音字母:i y e ui u a
sit picture list mix fix fit big build miss
myth many twenty happy dictionary
defect decide delicious
名词 n. 1. 表;名册;目录[C] His name was dropped from the list. 他的名字被从名单上除去了。
及物动词 vt. 2. 列举 The reasons are listed below. 理由列举如下。
1. 把...编列成表,把...编入目录 Mother listed the items she wanted to buy. 母亲把她想买的东西列出清单。
不及物动词 vi. 1. (船身等)倾斜 The ship listed to port. 船向左舷倾斜。
名词 n. 1. (船身等的)倾斜[S] The tower had a list to the south. 塔向南倾斜
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及物动词 vt. 1. 使固定;缚紧,钉牢;牢记Her image was fixed in his mind. 她的形象深深印在他的脑海里。
2. 确定;决定[(+up)][+wh-][+to-v] Shall we fix a date for the picnic? 我们定一下野餐的时间好吗?
3. 修理;校准;整理;收拾 We are going to have the TV fixed. 我们要请人把电视修好。
4. 准备(饭菜);安排;供给[O1] I can fix it. 我可以安排。
5. 操纵(选举、赛马等);用贿赂取得...的支持 Can they fix the election? 他们能操纵选举吗?
6. 【口】向...报仇;惩罚Tell him to behave, or I'll fix him. 告诉他规矩点,否则我要收拾他。
vi. 1. 固定;变得稳定;注视Her eyes fixed for a few minutes.好几分钟她的眼睛一动也不动。 2. 【化】凝固
n. 1. 【口】困境;窘境[C] Give him a hand; he is in a bad fix. 帮他一把吧,他已陷入了困境。
2. 【口】贿赂;受操纵的事[S] The horse race was a fix. 这场赛马有人操纵。 3. 【俚】毒品注射[C][(+of)]
4. (船只等的)方位;定位[C][(+on)]Can you get a fix on the submarine? 你能给潜水艇定位吗?
fit 及物动词 vt. 1. (衣服)合...身;与...相称[W] This dress doesn't fit me. 这件衣服不适合我穿。
2. 适合于;使适合[W][(+for)][O2] We must fit the action to the word. 我们必须言行一致。
3. 安装 Can you fit the electric fire for me? 你能替我装上电炉吗?
不及物动词 vi.
1. (衣服)合身;适合[W] Does this shirt fit? 这件衬衫合身吗? 2. 符合;配合[W]
形容词 a. 1. 适合的;安适的;恰当的[(+for)][+to-v] Grass is fit for cows. 草适合给牛吃。
2. 健康的;强健的You look very fit, Mike. 麦克,你看上去很健康。
3. 相称的;能胜任的[(+for)][+to-v] He is not fit to be a lawyer. 他不适合当律师。
名词 n. [S] 1. 适合 2. 合身This dress is a beautiful fit. 这件衣服既合身又漂亮。
名词 n. [C] 1. (病的)发作[(+of)] He had a fit of coughing. 他咳嗽了一阵。
2. (感情等的)突发;(活动等的)一阵紧张[(+of)]He burst into a fit of laughter. 他突然大笑起来。
3. 昏厥;痉挛The man collapsed on the floor in a fit. 这男子突然昏倒在地板上。
miss 1.想念2错过。如i miss the bus today. 我今天错过了公交车。3称呼,未婚小姐
名词 n. 1. 神话[C][U] The Greeks had many myths. 希腊人有许多神话。 2. 虚构的人(或
事物)[C] His story about being very wealthy was a complete myth.关于他非常富有的说法完全是捏造出来的。
3. 没有事实根据的观点(或理论)[C]I don't believe in the myth of love at the first sight.我不相信一见钟情的说法。
n. 1. 缺点,缺陷,不足之处[C] Indecision is his chief defect. 优柔寡断是他的主要缺点。
不及物动词 vi. 1. 逃跑,脱离,背叛[(+tofrom)] He defected to the enemy. 他投敌了
及物动词 vt. 2. 使下决心;使决断What was it that finally decided you to give up your
6 10

1. 决定;决意[+wh-][+to-v][+(that)] They decided that John must stay there. 他们决定约翰必须留在那里。
3. 解决;裁决;判决 The matter has been decided. 这件事已解决。
不及物动词 vi. 1. 决定[(+onforagainst)] It's difficult to decide between the two candidates. 在这两个候选
字母组合:ir ur ear er or
girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird 、、turn burn
murder nurse turtle Thursday burger 、、learn earn earth
heard 、、term her nerd serve、、work worm world
名词 n. [C]

1. 衬衫;男式衬衫 2. 内衣;汗衫 3. 女用(仿男式)衬衫

名词 n. 1. 海龟[C] 2. 龟;甲鱼;玳瑁[C] 3. 龟肉[U]
名词 n. 1. 【口】汉堡牛肉饼 2. (用于复合词)各种夹饼
vt. 1. 赚得,挣得How much do you earn a week? 你一周赚多少钱? 2. 博得,赢得
3. 使得到,使赢得[O1] His achievements earned him respect and admiration. 他的成就赢得人们的尊敬和仰慕。
n. [C]1. 期,期限 They were sentenced to long terms in prison. 他们被判长期徒刑。

2. 学期 Are there any examinations at the end of term? 学期结束时有考试吗?
3. 任期The President's term of office is four years. 总统任期为四年。 4. 【律】开庭期;地产租用期;偿债期
5. (契约,谈判等的)条件;条款[P] We accepted the new terms. 我们接受了新的条件。
6. 关系,友谊;地位[P][(+with)] We are on good terms with our neighbors. 我们与邻居和睦相处。
8. 专门名词,术语;(一般的)词,名称I am not familiar with chemical terms. 我不熟悉化学术语。
7. 要求额,费用,价格[P] 9. 措辞,说话的方式[P] 10. 限期;(租赁等的)终止期;结账期 11. 【数】【物】项;条
及物动词 vt. 把...称为,把...叫做[(+as)][O8][O9] He termed the play a tragedy. 他称该剧为悲剧。

名词 n.讨厌的人;笨蛋That computer nerd is a total social misfit. 那个只会玩电脑的呆子对人情世故一窍不通。

及物动词 vt.

7 10

1. 为...服务;为...服役 Children must be educated to serve their country when they grow up. 必须教育孩子长大
后为国家服务。2. 供应[(+with)] 6. 发(球) 7. 【律】送达(传票等)[(+onwith)] 8. 对待[O]
3. 侍候(顾客等);供应(饭菜);端上[(+towith)][O1][O8] She served me a cup of coffee. 她给我端上一杯咖啡。
4. 任(职);服(刑);当(学徒)[(+asforin)] He served eight years in prison. 他坐过八年牢。
5. 适合(特定用途或目的);对...有用;供...使用[+to-v] My old car has served me well. 我那辆旧汽车对我很有用。
不及物动词 vi.
1. 服务;服役;供职;帮佣[(+inonunder)] My father served in the navy during the Second World War. 我父亲
在第二次世界大战期间在海军服役。 2. 适用;有用;足够[+foras、+to-v] A simple example will serve to
illustrate the point.一个简单的例子可以说明这一点
3. 招待,侍候;上酒,端菜 Pearl is serving at the table. 珀尔在侍候进餐。
字母组合:er or ou ar o a e u
teacher leader remerber player speaker farmer powder
doctor actor mayor author tractor、、delicious precious 、、
familiar collar dollar 、、together tomorrow lesson
Washington control polite、、around account ago eleplant
manta banana Canada Japan China 、、men listen

名词 n. 1. 粉,粉末[C][U] He crushed a piece of chalk to powder. 他将一支粉笔压成粉末。
2. 扑粉,化妆用粉[U] There's too much powder on your nose. 你鼻子上的粉擦得太多了。
3. 药粉,药散[C][U] She took some headache powder. 她吃了点止头痛药粉。 4. 火药,炸药[U]
及物动词 vt. 1. 使成粉末
2. 把粉撒在...上 She powdered the rolling pin with flour. 她洒了点面粉在赶面棒上。
3. 搽香粉于She is thinly powdered. 她略施脂粉。
不及物动词 vi. 1. 搽粉She seldom, if ever, paints or powders. 她很少涂脂抹粉。
2. 变成粉末 3. 【俚】逃跑,匆匆离去
名词 n. [C] 1. 牵引机;拖拉机We use tractors to pull farm machinery. 我们使用拖
拉机牵引农业机械。 2. (螺旋桨)牵引式飞机 3. 【医】牵引器
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形容词 a.

1. 贵重的,宝贵的,珍贵的 Time is precious. 时间是宝贵的。

2. 可爱的,珍爱的,宝贝的 His children are very precious to him. 他极疼爱自己的孩子。
3. 【贬】过分精雕细琢的;矫揉造作的 4. 【口】不值钱的[B]
5. 【口】十足的[B] He is a precious miser. 他是个十足的吝啬鬼。
副词 ad. 1. 【口】很,非常 You'll get precious little sympathy from her. 你不会得到她多少同情的。
名词 n. 1. 【口】(用作称呼)宝贝,心爱的人
形容词 a.

1. 众所周知的;熟悉的;常见的;普通的[(+to)] Your face seems familiar. 你看上去很面熟。
2. (某人)熟悉(某事)的,通晓...的[F][(+with)] I am of course familiar with your work. 我当然熟悉你的工作。
3. 亲近的,亲密的[(+with)] She wrote in a familiar style. 她用亲切的笔调写作。
4. 冒昧的;放肆的[(+with)] 5. 不拘形式的;随便的
名词 n. [C] 1. (传说中供女巫等使唤的)妖精

名词 n. [C]

1. 衣领 I seized him by the collar. 我一把抓住他的衣领。

2. 项圈;护肩 3. (狗等的)颈圈 4. 马轭 5. (环绕动物颈部的)皮毛的色圈 6. 【机】环;轴环
及物动词 vt. 1. 给(衣服)上领子 2. 抓住...的领口
3. 【美】【口】抓住;逮捕 The policemen collared some drugpushers. 警察逮住了几个毒品贩。
及物动词 vt.
1.控制,支配,管理She is skillful enough to control the machine. 她已有了足够的技术可以操纵这台机器了。
2. 克制;抑制 You must learn to control your temper. 你必须学会克制着不发脾气。
名词 n. 1. 支配;控制;调节;抑制[U][(+ofover)] They have no control over him. 他们控制不了他。
2.操纵装置[P] The helicopter landed with Joe at the controls. 直升飞机在乔的操纵下降落。
3. 指挥部[U][G] 4. (实验的)对照物[C] 5控制手段(或措施);统制[P1][(+onover)]

名词 n.

1. 帐,帐目,帐单[C] The accounts show we have spent more than we received. 帐目显示我们已经入不敷出了。
2. 帐户;客户[C] The company is our best account. 这家公司是我们的最佳客户。
3. 记述,描述;报导[C][(+of)] The policeman gave an account of the traffic accident.警察叙述了交通事故的经过。
4. 解释,说明[C][(+of)] John gave us a detailed account of his plan. 关于他的计划,约翰给我们作了详尽的说明。
5. 根据,理由[U] He got angry on this account. 由于这个缘故他生气了。
6. 估价;价值,重要性[U] 7. 利益,好处[U]
及物动词 vt. 1. 把...视为 He was accounted a first- rate actor. 他被认为是一流演员。
不及物动词 vi.
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1. 解释,说明;对...负责[(+for)] He could not account for his absence from school. 他无法说清楚为什么旷课。
2. 导致,产生[(+for)] Too much rain accounted for the poor crop. 太多的雨水导致庄稼歉收。
3. (在数量等上)占[(+for)] (在比赛中)击败[(+for)] 4.、报帐

名词 n. 1. 粗布披巾;粗绵织品 2. 外套

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