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2020-10-26 17:26



1. Today I’m very busy, but she is ___________(空闲的).
2. They are studying for a _______________(化学考试).
3. I got his ____________(邀请) but I can’t go.
4. I have ___________(太多的) homework to do.
5. Mr King sometimes goes to the _________(音乐会).
6. He _________(必须) stay in bed today because he hurt. his leg.
7. I am going to have my piano lesson _______(后天).
8. Would you like to ___________(打网球) with us?
9. Next week my friend is _______(拜访) my home.
10. On Sunday I’m going fishing with my uncle _________(全天).
1. -Can you come to play soccer with me? ----______.
A. I can B. That’s all right C. Sure. I’d love to D. No
2. He can go with you, but I ________.
A. am not B. can’t C. don’t D. not
3. What are you doing ______ Monday morning?
A. on B. at C. in D. to
4. Thanks for _______ me to the party.
A. ask B. asking C. asks D. to ask
5. Bob can’t come out to play because he _____ help Dad in the garden.
A. can B. can’t C. has to D. have to
6. -Would you like a cup of coffee? ----________.
A. No, I don’t want B. No, thank you C. I don’t like it D. I wouldn’t
7. ---Can you speak French? ---______. But my cousin can.
A. Yes, I can B. No, I can C. Yes, I can’t D. No, I can’t
8. My party is ________ Friday night.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
9. ---I’m sorry I am late. -----__________.
A. Don’t say that B. You’re welcome C. It doesn’t matter D. I don’t like it
10. ---My mother is ill. I have to take care of her at home. ---_______.
A. Thank you B. Oh, I don’t know C. I’m sorry to hear that D. I feel bad
11. It is June 24th, and ______ is June 26th.
A. tomorrow B. today C. the day before yesterday D. the day after tomorrow
12. We have a ________ day.
A. real busy B. really busy C. busy really D. busy real
13. ---_____ you free tomorrow? ---Yes, I think so.
A. Do B. Are C. Will D. Can
14. I’m free _____ 22:00. Please come here before 22:00.
A. till B. at C. after D.
15. ----Can you go to the mall with me?---Sure, I am _____ this afternoon.
A. busy B. tired C. weak D. free
Once a rich woman invited Martin Brown, a famous singer, to sing for her friends. But she

_____him to have dinner with them. She told him to eat ____ the servants(佣人).
After the meal, Martin stood up and said to the servants, “Now, my good friends, I ____ for
you.” He sang several songs and the servants were very ________.
Then the rich woman asked _______ to come to the sitting-room. “We are waiting for your
songs. _____ you ready?” the woman asked.
“I am sorry,” Martin said, “I have sang ______. I usually ___ once in one evening, and I can’t
sing ______.
And with a polite (有礼貌的) “_____”, he left the rich woman’s house.
1. A. doesn’t invite B. don’t invite C. didn’t invite D. haven’t invite
2. A. with B. for C. at D. in
3. A. sang B. shall sing C. sing D. was singing
4. A. sad B. bored C. exciting D. pleased
5. A. the servant B. the friend C. the woman D. the singer
6. A. Were B. Is C. Are D. Be
7. A. ever B. already C. never D. yet
8. A. sing B. will sing C. sing D. sang
9. A. one B. two C. once D. twice
10.A. Good night. B. Good morning. C. Good afternoon. D. Good day.

Peter didn’t have many friends, but he wants to have some. One day Peter told Bill, “ I’d like to
have a party on Saturday. I’d like you to come to and bring Martha, too.”
“Thanks, Peter. We’d be happy to come.
“Perhaps you can play the piano at the party. You and Martha sing well. I’m sure everyone will
want you to sing for us.”
Next Peter asked Betty to bring a cake. “ You make the best cake in the world and I like to eat
your cake.”
Peter invited several others to his party. He did not forget to ask something from each one of
them. He even asked Jim and Mary Jackson to let him have the party at their house!
The party was a big success. While the guests were leaving, they said “Thank you” to Bill and
Martha for the music, Betty for the cake, Mary and Jim for the use pf the house and to others for
their hard work. To Peter they said, “Thanks for the invitation.”
1. The party was _____.
A. at Peter’s house B. in a large house C. at Peter’s friend’s house D. in a restaurant
2. Which of the following is not true?
A. Betty made the cake. B. Mary sang well.
C. Bill played the piano well. D. Mary let Peter use their house.
3.____ liked Peter.
A. Many of his friends B. Few people ne D. All his friends
4. From the passage we know Peter _____for the party.
A. did nothing B. did everything C. tried his best D. made the cake
5. Peter was _____.
A. a kind man B. good at making friends
C. a man who likes parties D. a man who only thinks of himself

Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone
do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, “Happiness depends upon
ourselves.” In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be
The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much
time thinking about the future -for example, getting into college or getting a good job -that we fail to
enjoy the present. You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening
to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends
often live happier and healthier lives.
Another secret to living a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies where you forget your
problems and time. Many people experience this dancing, or playing a sport, such as swimming.
You can forget about your problems, and only think about the activity. Finally, many people find
happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time
helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can help a friend with
his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the
house by washing the dishes.
( )6. The best title(标题)of the passage is ________.
A. Money Makes You HappyB. The Secrets of Happiness
C. Ideas for Helping Other People to Be HappyD. Good Friends Make You Happy
( )7. The second paragraph tells us that ________.
A. the more friends you have, the happier you will be
B. we shouldn’t think about our future
C. happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.
D. some people fail to live a happy life
( )8. The passage gives us ________ pieces of advice on happiness.
A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four
( )9. The writer thinks that ________.
A. everyone knows how to live a happier life
B. it’s wrong to spend time on work
C. hobbies take up too much time
D. doing good things for someone can make you happier
( 10. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
A. Reading a good book.B. Traveling to a foreign country.
C. Playing a sport.D. Spending time with close friends.

It was 6:00 on a Monday morning. With his books in his bag, 13-year-old James Mwangi was on
his way to school, the Mcedo-Beijing school in a slum(贫民窟)in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi (肯
尼亚首都内罗毕). This school was built in 2001 with the help of China, for children from poor families.
After getting to school, Mwangi went straight to his class to do his class work. It is usual that
pupils in this school prepare for their lessons before the teacher comes.
To study in the school was once a dream for the poor boy. His mother made a living by washing
clothes for others. Some days she took home nothing, and some days she could get about $$ 3 - it

was hardly enough to buy them a full meal for a day.
Before joining the Mcedo- Beijing school, Mwangi was at home with his seven brothers,
collecting garbage (垃圾). The school is giving these children hope for the future by providing a
chance to get education.
“For me, education is the best gift,” said Mwangi.
1. How old was Mwangi?
____________________________________ _______________________________________
2. Which country helped build Mwangi’s school?
__________________________________________________ _________________________
3. How did Mwangi’s mother make a living?
_____________ __________________________________________________ ____________
任务二: 把短文中划线的句子译成汉语。
4. __ __________________________________________________ _______________________
5. _________________________________________ __________________________________
A: Hi, Mary. Can you 1 to my birthday party on Saturday evening?
B: What 2 is it?
A: It’s at 7:30.
B: I’d 3 to.
A: How 4 you, John?
C: 5! I’m free on Saturday evening. Thank you 6your invitation.
A: Hey, Dale. Can you come?
D: I’m sorry. I 7. My grandma is ill in 8. I have to look after her.
A:That’s too bad. I’m sorry to 9that . Maybe 10 time.
1._____ 2.______ 3._______ 4.________ 5.________
6._____ 7._______ 8._______ 9.________ 10._______
1. I have to finish my homework before 9 o’clock.
I _______ finish my homework before 9 o’clock.
2. My friends and I are going to the movies on Sunday.
I ______ my friends _____ going to the movies on Sunday.
3. I spend ten yuan on this book.
This book ____ me _______ _______.
4. Thank you very much for your help.
______ _______ _________ for ______ me.
5. Don’t forget to wake me up at six.
______ ________ wake me up at six.
6. Did you enjoy yourself at the party last weekend?
Did you _______ _______ at the party last weekend?
7. Where are you going this weekend?
Where _____you ______ this weekend?
8. What time do you reach school?

______ do you ______ ________ school?
9. Thank you for your invitation to visit your house next week.
Thanks for ________ me to visit your house next week.
you play ping-pong _____ me?
2. My brother has to study ______ an English test.
3. ______ Monday evening, we usually have English classes.
4. I spent two days _______ finishing reading this book.
5. Thanks a lot _____ the invitation.
1. son, lot,for, thanks, after,my, looking, a,
2. fun, the, last, we, had, night, at, party
3. what, you, are, on, Sunday, doing
4. can, come, to, she, my, party, birthday
5. has, too, homework, to, do, she, much

一.1-5 free, chemistry test, invitation, too much, concert
6-10 has to, the day after tomorrow, play tennis, visiting, the whole day
五. was 13 years old. 2. China 3. By washing clothes for others
5. Education is the best gift.
六.1-5 come, time, love(like), about, Great
6-10 for, can’t, hospital, hear, another
七.1. must 2. with, am 3. cost, ten yuan 4. Thanks a lot, helping 5. Remember to
6. have fun , go 8. When, get to 9. inviting
八.with, for, On, in, for
九.1. Thanks a lot for looking after my son.
2. We had fun at the party last night.
3. What are you doing on Sunday?
4. Can she come to my birthday party?
5. She has to do too much has too much homework to do
have a rest play there be be busy practice be free listen to

1. Can they __________ the music in the classroom?
2. I’ m sorry. Tomorrow I’m __________ soccer and having a math lesson.
3. He has got a bad headache. Let him______________.
4.__________ a lot of interesting books in the library.
5. We’ ll have a piano lesson on Friday. The teacher asked us ________ the piano every day.
6. Paul and Eliza ___________ both ________ on Sunday. They can watch the football match.
7. I’m sorry , I___________ really ___________ this week. I can’t go to see you.
1. 应为listen to根据题中music,引出词组listen to the music。
2. 应为playing,与句尾having a math lesson 呼应。
3.应为have a rest,注意词组let sb. do sth.
4.应为There are,因为后面的a lot of interesting books是复数。
5.应为to practice,注意词组ask sb. to do sth.
( ) 1. Would you like a cold drink?
( ) 2. Would you like to go to the cinema on Friday?
( ) 3. Would you like a hamburger?
( ) 4. Would you like that cassette for your birthday?
( ) 5. Would you like help with your homework?
a. No thanks, I don’t like that kind of music.
b. No thanks, I don’t eat meat.
c. Yes please, I feel very thirsty.
d. Yes please, I can’t understand it at all.
e. No thanks, I don’t like cinemas.
Keys: c e b a d









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