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译林版七年级上册英语Unit8 Fashion第92页部分课文翻译
1 What are you doing, Eddie?你正在做什么,埃迪?
I'm thinking about what to wear.我正在考虑穿什么?
2 Dogs don't wear clothes, Eddie. 狗不穿衣服,埃迪。
3 Oh yes, that's right. I can spend ten more minutes in bed then.
4 You're so lazy. 你太懒了。
The Class 1,Grade 7 students are holding a fashion show. They are also making a
Task: Design a poster for the
Unit8 Welcome to the unit 部分课文翻译
A The Class 1, Grade 7 students are holding a fashion show. Look at the two pictures
below and put the following words in the correct boxes.
七年一班的同学正在举办一场服装表演。看下面的两个图片,然后把下面的单词填在正确的方框里。 < br>blouse女式衬衫shirt男式衬衫shoes鞋skirt裙子tie领带trousers裤子
B Millie is asking her mother to lend her some clothes for the fashion show. Work in pairs
and try to borrow something from your partner.
Millie: Can you lend us your red blouse for our fashion show, Mum?
Mum: Of course dear.当然可以,亲爱的。
Millie: What size is your blouse, Mum? 你的衬衫是什么码的,妈妈?
Mum: Size 4. 4码。
Millie: Oh, it's too large for me, but Sandy can wear it. She's tall.
Mum: OK, then. 那么好吧。
Millie: Thank you, Mum. 谢谢你,妈妈。
Unit8 Reading A部分课文翻译
The students are giving the fashion show at the school hall. Millie is introducing her
classmates. Here is her script.学生们正在学校礼堂进行服装表演。米莉正在分绍她的同学们。这
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our fashion show. I am Millie from Class 1,
Grade 7. Today we are going to show you different styles of clothes.女士们,先生们,晚上好。
欢迎来看我们 的服装表演。我是采自七年一班的米莉。今天我们将要向你们展示不同风格的服装。
Look at me. I am wearing sports clothes and a pair of trainers. Trainers are light and
comfortable and are popular among young people.
Here comes Simon He is wearing a purple shirt and a pair of grey trousers. His red and grey
tie matches his clothes. He looks smart. 现在过来的是西蒙。他正穿着 一件紫色的衬衫,一条灰
色的长裤。他的红灰相间的领带和他的衣服很相配。他(的衣着)看起来很讲究 。
Now Amy and Daniel are coming. They look cool! Amy is wearing a yellow cotton blouse
and a blue scarf. Daniel is wearing a blue T-s hirt.现在埃米和丹尼尔走来了。他们看起来很酷!
埃米穿着一件黄色的棉质衬衫,戴着一条蓝色的 围巾。丹尼尔穿着一伴蓝色的T恤衫。
Both of them are wearing blue jeans. Young people really like jeans!
Look! Here comes Sandy. She is wearing a red silk blouse, a black wool skirt and a pair of
red boots. She looks modern and beautiful!

看!桑迪来了 。她正穿着一件红色的丝质衬衫,一条黑色的羊毛短裙和一双红色的靴子。她看起来
That's all for today's show.那就是我们今天的服装表演。
Thanks for coming.谢谢你们的到来。
Unit8 Reading B1-B3部分课文翻译
B1 Kitty is thinking about her classmates and their clothes and shoes. Look at the pictures
and help her circle the correct things for each student.
B2 部分翻译Here are some descriptions of the clothes in the fashion show. Write a rl' if a
sentence is true or an F if it is false.这是服装表演里衣服的一些描述。如果句子是对的写“T”,
1 Young people like trainers.年轻人喜欢运动鞋。
2 Simon's tie is red and yellow.西蒙的领带是红黄相间的。
3 Both A, my and Daniel wear blue jeans.埃米和丹尼尔都穿蓝色的牛仔裤。
4 Jeans are popular among young people.牛仔裤在年轻人中很受欢迎。
5 Sandy looks modern and beautiful.桑迪看起来既时髦又漂亮。
B3 Kitty wants to put some photos on the school website. She is adding captions to the
photos. Help her finish them.基蒂想在学校的网站上放一些照片。她正在给照片添加描述。帮她完
1 Trainers are light and comfortable.运动鞋是轻便舒适的。
2 Simon's red and grey tie matches his clothes.西蒙红灰相间的领带和他的衣服很相配。
3 Amy is wearing a blue scarf.埃米戴着一条蓝色的围巾。
4 Daniel is wearing a blue T-shirt.丹尼尔穿着一件蓝色的T恤衫。
5 Young people like jeans.年轻人喜欢牛仔裤。
6 Sandy's red blouse is made of silk.桑迪的红色衬衫是丝质的。
B4 部分翻译Kitty is talking about the show with Sandy and Simon Complete the
conversation using the information on page 94. 基蒂正在和桑迪、西蒙谈论那场时装表演。用
Kitty: What a great show, Sandy! I really like your long red boots.
Sandy: Thank you. I think they match my red (1) silk blouse.
Kitty: I also like your skirt. Is it silk too? 我也喜欢你的短裙。它也是丝质的吗?
Sandy: No, it's (2)wool. 不,它是羊毛的。
Kitty: You look (3) modern and beautiful today, Sandy. And you, Simon, do you like your
Simon: Yes, I like them very much. Do I look (4) smart, Kitty?
Kitty: Yes. You look great in your (5)purple shirt, (6)grey trousers and red and grey tie.
Simon: Thanks. I also like to wear jeans. 谢谢。我也喜欢穿牛仔裤。
Kitty: Most young people like jeans. Amy and Daniel look (7) cool in blue jeans.
Unit8 Grammar A部分课文翻译
A 部分翻译Kitty is writing about what she and her classmates are doing now. Help her
complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1 Look! Simon is playing(play)football with his friends in the playground.
2 It's 4 0'clock in the afternoon. Daniel Ls studying(study)in the classroom.
3 Millie is writing (write) a letter to her friend about the fashion show.
4 Sandy is a member of the basketball team. Now she is practicing (practise) with other team
members. 桑迪是篮球队的一员。现在她正在和其他队员练习。
5 Where is Amy? Oh, she is talking(talk)to her cousin Shirley. They are waiting(wait) for the
school bus. 埃米在哪里?哦,她正在和她的表妹雪莉聊天。她们正在等校车。
6 I have dancing lessons. I am looking(look) for my dancing shoes.
We use am+ing form of a verb with the pronoun I . 我们在代词I后面用am+ -ing形式。
We use are + -ing form of a verb with the pronouns we, you and they.
我们在代词we,you和they后面用are+ -ing形式。
We use is + ing form of a verb with the pronouns he, she and it.
我们在代词he,she和it后面用is+ -ing形式。
B Amy and Sandy are talking on the phone. Complete their conversation. Use the present
continuous tense of the verbs in brackets. 埃米和桑迪正在电话里聊天。完成她们的对话。用捂
Sandy: Hello, Amy. (1) Are you doing (do) your homework now?
Amy: No, I'm not. My cousin Shirley (2) is visiting (visit) me. 不,我没有。我的表妹雪莉正在拜
Sandy: Oh, really? What (3) is she doing (do) now?哦,真的吗?她现在正在做什么?
Amy: Well, she (4) is playing (play) a new computer game. 哦,她正在玩一个新的电脑游戏。
Sandy: (5) Are you playing(play) with her now?你现在正和她一起玩吗?
Amy: No, I'm not. I (6) am lying(lie) on the bed and (7)watching(watch)TV.
Sandy: What (8)are your parents doing(do) ?你父母正在做什么呢?
Amy: They (9)are cooking(cook)in the kitchen.他们正在厨房里做饭。
Unit8 Integrated skills A1-A2部分课文翻译
A1 Sandy and her mum are talking about what to wear. Listen to their conversation Write S
for Sandy and M for Sandy's mum in the correct boxes.
A2 Listen to the conversation again Fill in the table below. 再听一遍对话。完成下面的表格。
Mum妈妈Going for a dinner去吃晚饭 a white (1)silk blouse一传白色的丝质衬衫
A blue (2) skirt一件蓝色的短裙A pair of (3)white shoes一双白色的鞋
Sandy 桑迪Going to a park去公园A red (4) sweater一件红色的毛衣
Blue (5)jeans蓝色的牛仔裤 A pair of red and white (6)trainers一双红白相间的运动鞋
A3 Sandy is writing about the conversation with her mum in her diary. Complete her diary
entry using the information in Parts A1 and A2 on page 99.
Mum has to go for a big dinner this evening. Mum looks great in (1) white. I think a pair of
(2)white shoes matches her white (3)blouse and her blue (4)skirt. 妈妈今天晚上得去一个大的
晚宴。妈妈穿白色看起来很棒。我 认为一双白色的鞋和她的白色衬衫还有她的蓝短裙很相配。
I plan to go to Sunshine Park with Millie tomorrow. Mum thinks my red (5)sweater and blue
(6)jeans are not bad. They look (7) good on me. Mum thinks (8) trainers are (9) light and
comfortable. They are fit for a long walk. 我打算明天和米莉去阳光公园。妈妈认为我的红毛衣和

蓝色的牛仔裤还不错。 我穿着它们看起来很好。妈妈认为运动鞋是轻便和舒适的。它们适合长时间
Unit8 Integrated skills B部分课文翻译
B 部分翻译Speak up: What's it made of?大声说:它是什么做的?
Kitty and Amy are talking about different materials of the things they wear. Work in pairs
and talk about the things you wear. Use the conversation below as a model.
基蒂和埃米正在谈论她们穿的衣服 的不同材料。结对练习并谈论你们穿的衣服。用下面的对话作为
Kitty: What do you think of my red gloves, Amy? 埃米,你认为我的红手套怎么样?
Amy: Oh, they're nice. What are they made of? 哦,它们很漂亮。它们是用什么做的?
Kitty: They're made of leather. 它们是皮做的。
Amy: They feel soft and smooth. 它们摸起来柔软、光滑。
Kitty: Yes, and red is my favourite colour. 是的,并且红色是裁最喜欢的颜色。
Amy: You look lovely in your new hat. What's it made of?
Kitty: It's made of wool. I like it too. 它是羊毛做的。我也喜欢它。
Unit8 Study skills A-B部分课文翻译
A 部分翻译
Words can be divided into syllables. A word may have one, two, three or more syllables.
Listen carefully to the words and pay attention to the number of syllables in each word.
Words with one syllable: fun swim 单音节单词:乐趣 游泳
Words with two syllables: enjoy clever双音节单词:喜欢 聪明的
Words with three syllables: interested favourite三音节单词:对……感兴趣 最喜欢的
B 部分翻译Listen to these words. Write down the number of syllables in each word in the
1 lazy懒惰的 2 hamburger汉堡包 3 number数字 4 smooth光滑的
5 carrot胡萝卜 6 popular受欢迎的 7 glove手套 8 important重要的
C 部分翻译Work in pairs. Match the syllables to make six two-syllable words. Then practise
saying the words. 结对练习。把音节搭配起来变成六个双音节单词。然后练习说这些单词。
D Listen to the singular and plural forms of the words below. Tick(√) the box if you hear an
extra syllable in the plural form听下面单词的单数形式和复数形式。如果你在听复数形式时听到
1 shirt shirts男式衬衫 男式衬衫
2 lady ladies女士 女士
3 match matches比赛 比赛
4 size sizes尺码 尺码
5 piece pieces片 片
6 price prices价格 价格
7 blouse blouses女士衬衫 女士衬衫
8 photo photos相片 相片
Sometimes when we add -(e) s to a word, the word will have an extra syllable.
Unit8 Task A部分课文翻译 Useful expressions有用的表达
The colour of... is... ……的颜色是……
... look(s) clean. ……看起来干净。

... match(es) go( es) well with any other colour. ……和任何颜色都很相配。
... isare not too long or too large. ……不是太长也不是太大。
... look(s) smart in (colour) ... ……穿……看起来得体。
... look(s) goodcool on (somebody) . (某人)穿……看起来很好/很酷。
is/are very popular among young people. ……在年轻人中很受欢迎。
... isare made of ... ……是由……制成的。
isare light and comfortable. ……轻便舒适。
B 部分翻译Read Sandy's article about her fashion design.读桑迪关于她时装设计的文章。
My fashion design我的时装设诗
Look at the model. Here is my design for a shirt, a jacket, jeans and a pair of trainers.
The shirt is white. I think white shirts look clean, and white matches any other colour.
The jacket is not too long or too large, and it is dark blue. Students look smart in dark blue.
Jeans are very popular among students, so my design includes a pair of blue jeans. 夹克衫
不太长,也 不太大,它是深蓝色的。学生们穿深蓝色看起来很精干。在学生中牛仔裤很受欢迎,所
以我的设计包括了 一条蓝色的牛仔裤。
The shirt, the jacket and the jeans are all made of cotton and are very comfortable.
There is also a pair of trainers. They are grey.还有一双运动鞋。它们是灰色的。
Trainers are light and comfortable, and all the students like them.
C You want to design some clothes. First, make a plan and some sketches. Then, describe
them to your classmates.你想设计一些服装。首先做一个计划,画一些草图。然后向你的同学们
Project2 A部分课文翻译 P104
A The English Club is inviting its members to send in articles about the lifestyles of young
people. You want to send in an article.英语俱乐部正在邀请其成员发送有关年轻人生活方式的文
A Planning and writing an article A计划并写一篇文章
1 Work in groups of four. Write a list of questions about food, health, shopping and
fashion. You can use the questions below to help you.
2 Make 12 copies of your list of questions. Each member of your group should ask three
other classmates to answer the questions.
3 Use the chart on page 105 as a model for presenting your information.
Name:名字 Date:日期
1 Do you often eat healthy meals?你经常吃健康的饭菜吗? YesNo是的/不
How often do you eat fast food?你多久吃一次快餐?
2 Do you often exercise?你经常锻炼吗? YesNo是的/不
What kinds of exercise do you do?你进行哪种锻炼?
3 Do you get pocket money every month?你每个月都有零花钱吗? YesNo是的/不
. How do you spend your pocket money? 你怎么花你的零花钱?
4 Do you like shopping?你喜欢购物吗? YesNo是的/不
. How often do you go shopping? 你多久购一次物?
5 Do you like new clothes?你喜欢新衣服吗? YesNo是的/不

What kinds of clothes do you like?你喜欢什么种类的衣服?
How often do you buy new clothes?你多久买一次新衣服?
6 Do you like celebrating festivals? 你喜欢庆祝节日吗? YesNo是的/不
. What is your favourite festival?你最喜欢哪个节日?
Number of students学生的数量
Like fast food喜欢快餐Do regular exercise做有规律的锻炼Get pocket money得到零花钱
Like shopping喜欢购物Like new clothes喜欢新衣服Like celebrating festivals喜欢庆祝节

B Writing about your lifestyle写下你的生活方式
Look at the ideas and questions below. Discuss them in your group and then finish your
Give information about food and exercise.给出更多关于食物和锻炼的信息。
. What do students at your school like to eat?在你学校的学生们都喜欢吃什么?
. What do they usually eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?他们早饭、午饭和晚饭通常吃什
. How often do they exercise?他们多久锻炼一次?
Give information about shopping.给出更多关于购物的信息。
. How much pocket money do students usually get every month?
·学生们每个月通常能得到多少零花钱?What do they buy with their pocket money?
Talk about fashions and clothes.谈论时装和衣服。
. What kinds of clothes do students like?学生们喜欢什么种类的衣服?
. What is the fashion now?现在流行什么?
Talk about festivals.谈论节日。
. Do your classmates like celebrating festivals?你的同学们喜欢庆祝节目吗?
.What festival do they like best?他们最喜欢哪个节日?









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