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大学英语三级A级 160

2020-10-24 17:22





一、Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)

The iMOVE database (数据库) is a foreign-language information platform for persons interested
in job opportunities offered by German companies. The information can be obtained in seven
languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Arabic.
All programs in the area of professional training are carried out by German training providers.
All these programs have a clear content to meet your special needs.
Programs which take place in Germany are carried out in English. Many of the German training
providers have started their training activities towards the international market. Therefore,
they also offer courses abroad. These courses are taught in English or the language of the target
country. Providers will be glad to supply you with additional information on these courses. You
can contact the provider directly to find out more about a program and the training provider.
To guarantee high standards in the database, iMOVE has developed quality standards for training
providers and their services. All of the training facilities in the iMOVE database have to follow
these quality criteria (标准). All training providers who publish their international training
programs in the iMOVE database have recognized our General Terms and Conditions.(分数:20.00)
(1).The iMOVE database is intended for persons who ______.(分数:4.00)
a job as a language translator
interested in the German language
to be employed by German companies √
to work for professional training providers
解析:[解析] 事实细节题。本题询问iMOVE数据库 的使用群体。定位到文章第1段第1句,可知这个平台专门为想在
德国公司谋职的人士提供外语资讯,故 正确选项为C。其他选项文中没有提到。
(2).The iMOVE programs are carried out by ______.(分数:4.00)
ge training centers
training providers √
l service developers
as employment advisers
解析:[解析] 事实细节题。本题询问iMOVE培训项目由谁提供。定位到文章第2段第1句,可知 所有职业培训项目都
由德国培训提供商提供。故正确选项为B。文章提出的多种语言是培训课的授课语言 ,并不是要培训内容,故选项A(语
(3).The training programs held in Germany are taught in ______.(分数:4.00)

h √

解析:[解析] 事实细节题。本题询问在德国进行的培训项目所用的授课语言。定位 到文章第3段第1句,在德国开设
的培训项目使用英语授课,故正确选项为B。其他选项均为iMOVE 使用的三种语言,但授课语言,不符合问题要求。
(4).Which of the following measures has iMOVE taken to guarantee its high standards?(分数:4.00)

ng different language courses.
ing modern training facilities.
ng training courses overseas.

ping quality standards. √
解析:[解析] 事实细节题。本题询问iMOVE为确保高质量所采取的措施。定位到第4段第1句, 为了确保数据库的高
质量,iMOVE已经形成了评价培训提供商和服务的质量标准体系。故正确选项为 D。选项A(提供不同语言课程)对原文理
解有误,iMOVE没有提供语言教学课程,只是用不同语言 提供信息;选项B(提供现代化培训设备)在文中没有提到;选
项C(开设海外培训课程)不是为确保高 质量所采取的措施。
(5).The purpose of the passage is to ______.(分数:4.00)
ise the iMOVE database √
German companies more popular
overseas employees to work in Germany
age people to learn more foreign languages
解析:[解析] 理解判断题。本题询问本文的写作目的。全文围绕iMOVE数据库展开,依次介绍了 其目的、内容、发展
状况、评判标准等方面。正确选项A(推销iMOVE数据库)概括了全文意思。选 项B(让德国公司更受欢迎)、选项D(鼓励
人们学习更多的外语)文章中都没有提到;选项C(聘用海 外雇员到德国工作)是iMOVE的目的之一,但是全文重点在于介
绍iMOVE提供的职业培训,C项 以偏概全。
A well-documented body of information exists showing that noise can affect human in both
physiological and psychological ways.
Hearing losses in particular occupations such as boiler-making and construction work are well
known. In fact, however, we all find hearing more difficult as we age. Young ears can distinguish
a wide range of sounds from low to very high frequencies, while older ears lose the ability to
distinguish high-pitched sounds. A comparison of some industrialized versus non-industrialized
people suggests that this hearing loss may not be the must-be result of old age.
Furthermore, a closer examination of other data reveals economic effects. For instance, airports
are currently operating at less capacity because of noise regulations which restrict their hours
of operation. Job performance can be seriously affected by loud noise, especially if accuracy
and mental effort are involved. The use of outdoor areas for conversation is not possible for
an estimated 5 to 10 million people who live or work in urban areas. When interference with
television or speech or sleep is included, as many as 22 to 44 million people can be said to have
lost part of the use of their homes and grounds because of noise. Thus noise pollution is a serious
environmental concern. Much more effort should be made to warn people of the grave effects which
may stem from an excessively noisy environment.(分数:5.00)
(1).Boiler-making and construction work are given as examples of ______.(分数:1.00)
and hearing-affecting working environment √
sful control of noise pollution
of very low or high frequencies
s of high-pitched sound
解析:[解析] 事实细节题。定位到原文第二段开头hearing losses in particular occupations such as
boiler-making and construction work are well known及段尾people suggests that this hearing loss
may not be the must-be result of old age,可知是作为噪音产生和影响听觉的工作环境的例子。
(2).According to the passage, the fact that many people have poorer hearing when they grow old
is ______.(分数:1.00)

must-be result of old age
ly related to the long- time exposure to loud noise √
e they cannot distinguish high-pitched sounds
e their ears are no longer young
解析:[解析] 事实细节题。第二段段末A comparison of some industrialized versus non- industrialized
people suggests that this hearing loss may not be the must-be result of old age,可知工业对听觉丧失有很
大的影响,而工业产生的噪音是根本原因,所以选B。C和D只是陈述 现象而不是原因。
(3).Because of the noise pollution, many airports ______.(分数:1.00)
to operate for a longer time

operate any longer
to reduce their operation hours √
to close earlier than usual
解析:[解析] 事实细节题。定位到第三段开头airports are currently operating at less capacity because
of noise regulations which restrict their hours of operation,可知飞机被噪音限制减少了工作时间,故选C。
(4).Because of the loud noise, millions of people in urban areas ______.(分数:1.00)
watch TV
have normal conversations in outdoor areas √
sleep at night
give speech to others
解析:[解析] 事实细节题。第三段me use of outdoor areas for conversation is not possible for an
estimated 5 to 10 million people who live or work in urban areas,故选B。
(5).The best title for the passage might be ______.(分数:1.00)
ic Consequences of Noise
of Controlling Noise
s of Loud Noise
Pollution √
解析:[解析] 主旨大意题。文章讲了噪音的来源、噪音的影响和控制噪音的措施,多个方面都以噪音为中心。故选D。


I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it were so.
At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on
your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are
all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking
out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at one anothers hands for reassurance.
They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off
in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up huddled round listening to the same record.
Their reason for thinking or acting in thus- and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They
have come out of their cocoon (茧)——into a larger cocoon.
It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to
go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager
can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. And many of todays parents
have come to award high marks for the popularity of the children. All this adds up to a great
barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.
But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to

classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else
is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don care to share at once with your
classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come——with the people
who respect you for who you are. Thats the only kind of popularity that really counts.(分数:5.00)
(1).The authors purpose in writing this passage is to tell ______.(分数:1.00)
s how to be popular with people around
s how to control and guide their children
people how to learn to decide things for themselves √
ers how to understand and respect each other
解析:young people how to learn to decide things for themselves.C选择项等同于“wants to find
n path”。其余三项不是作者的真实意图。his or her ow
(2).According to the author, most of the teenagers who want to act on their own actually ______.(分数:
it difficult to understand each other
confidence in themselves √
very afraid of getting lost
not to handle problems all by themselves
解析:lack confidence in themselves. 根据“most of them are clutching at one anothers hands for
(3).Which of the following is NOT true according to the author?(分数:1.00)
parents are in fact hindering their children from finding their own paths.
not necessarily bad for teenagers to disagree with their parents.
teenagers claiming they want to do what they like are in fact doing the same.
is no popularity that really counts. √
解析:There is no popularity that really counts. 用排除法。
(4).The author thinks of advertisements as ______.(分数:1.00)
ntial √
解析:influential. 根据词义来辨析,再结合作者的表述,正确答案选A。
(5).During the teenage years, one should learn to ______.(分数:1.00)
from others in as many ways as possible
up with the trends and become popular
ones own self √
against ones parents and the popularity wave
解析:find ones own self. 根据最后一段得出。
Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street comer and tell you what they see.
Chances are you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each
perceives something different about it. Perceiving goes on in our minds. Of the three people who
look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a cyclist a ticket. Another may
say that he sees a rush- hour traffic jam at the intersection. The third may tell you that he sees
a woman trying to cross the street with four children in tow. For perception is the minds
interpretation of what the senses-in this case our eyes-tell us.

Many psychologists today are working to try to determine just how a person experiences or perceives
the world around him. Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up experiments in which
they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments,
they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally different things about
the same scene.(分数:5.00)
(1).According to the passage, when three people look out the same window, ______ .(分数:1.00)
will give three different answers √
will see three different scenes
cannot see clearly
can only see the busy traffic
解析:[解析] 题干意为“根据这篇文章,当三个人朝同一扇窗外望去时…”。该题为细节题。由第一段第二句可知答案。
(2).Three people see the same scene but perceive something different, because ______ .(分数:1.00)
A.a policeman was giving a cyclist a ticket
was a traffic jam at the intersection

C.a woman was trying to cross the street with four children
Perceptions of what they see are different √
解析:[解析] 题干意为“三个人看着相同的东西,但感受却完全不同,是因为…”。该题为细节题。 由第一、第二段:
三个人从同一个窗口看到街上同一个景象而得到三个不同的结果,说明了人们对同一个 事物有不同领悟。
(3).The word icket (Line 4, Para. 1) probably means ______ .(分数:1.00)
A.a slip of paper with which you are permitted to enter a theater
B.a notice issued to someone who has violated a traffic regulation √
C.a slip of paper with which you can see a film
D.a notice that shows your right to do something
解析:[解析] 题干意为“第二段中‘ticket'一词可能意为…”。该题为语义题。从文中第一 段第五句的“policemen”
和“cyclist”推断,“ticket”应与违章罚款有关, 所以“ticket”在句中应当理解为“罚单”。
(4).According to the last paragraph, a psychologist is like ______ .(分数:1.00)
A.a writer
B.a student
C.a scientist √
D.a policeman
解析:[解析] 题干意为“由最后一段可知,心理学家像…”。该题为推断题。心理学家为了设法发现 使不同的人领悟同
样景象得出完全不同的结果的原因,根据科学原理进行了实验。由此推断他们就像科学 家。
(5).This passage mainly discusses ______ .(分数:1.00)
problem of different opinions
argument among three people
different people perceive totally different things about the same scene √
to solve the problems of the people when they have different opinions
解析:[解析] 题干意为“这篇文章主要谈了…”。该题为主旨题。综合全文,可知应选C。


TO: Transportation Directors, Service Managers, and Parts Managers
FROM: Charlie Hood
DATE: December 11, 2003

SUBJECT: The 15th Annual Service and Parts Managers Meeting
As many of you are already aware, the upcoming 15th Annual Service and Parts Managers Meeting
will be held in Tampa, Florida on January 14th and 15th , 2004, at the Park Plaza Hotel at Tampa
This is not a conference, but will consist of working sessions (会议) related to school bus product
technical information, and service and parts management training. Please see the attached meeting
agenda and hotel location maps. There is no limit to the number of participants your district
may send, and no advanced registration or registration fee is required. There are a limited number
of meeting rooms reserved for the use of Florida Association for Pupil Transportation (FAPT)
committees on January 13th and 15th. Please call either Mike Starzinski or Bud Fletcher at (850)
245-9795 to reserve committee meeting space.
Guest rooms have been reserved for this meeting at a rate of MYM79.00 per night ( single or double),
plus 12% tax. When calling for reservations, please let the hotel know you will be attending the

th Annual Service and Parts Managers Meeting. Please reserve early; rooms will only be
available at this rate until December 17, 2003. After this date, remaining rooms will be available
at the hotels regular rate of MYM140 per night.
The 15th Annual Service and Parts Managers Meeting
Place: at the 1 at Tampa Airport Westshore, Tampa, Florida.

Date: on 13th and 15th, January.
Topics of the sessions: 2 technical information, and service and parts manage ment training.

Information for participants: no limit to the 3 , no advanced 4 required a limited number of meeting

rooms reserved for the use of Florida Association.
Rate of guest rooms: 1. MYM79. 00 per night, plus 5 until December 17, 2003.

2. MYM140 per night after December 17, 2003.(分数:5.00)
解析:Park Plaza Hotel
解析:school bus product
解析:number of participants
解析:registrationregistration fee
解析:12% tax [解析] 一次会议的备忘录。
要注意备 忘录的内容是一次会议,因此要留意该活动的时间、地点、主题、参加者和其他注意事项或要求等信息。
In order to write better business reports, you should bear in mind some important factors.
First of all, although there is usually overlap between the different types of business reports,
there are also important differences. For example, do they want: a business proposal, a strategic
plan, or what? Knowing exactly what type of final report is expected from the outset.
Secondly, once you know exactly what the client wants, and the specific type of report they are
looking for, you are ready to conduct your initial pre-report research. This stage may be as simple
as collecting and reading a few background documents supplied by the client, or it could involve
developing questionnaires and conducting detailed interviews with the appropriate people.
A trick I always use when working with MS-Word is to create a skeleton document first. That is,
before you actually write any of the text, enter the entire Table of Contents that you have already
developed into MS-Word, heading by heading, including sub-headings,
Finally, once the skeleton framework is in-place, writing the actual report becomes almost like

filling in the blanks.
Subject: this lecture is about the tips for writing 6 .

Stages for writing:
1. knowing exactly 7 is expected from the outset

2. conduct the initial 8

3. to work with the MS-Word to create 9

4. writing the actual report by filling in 10 (分数:5.00)

解析:business reports
解析:what report
解析:pre-report research
解析:a skeleton document
解析:the blanks


A—to hold a meeting
B—working party
C—meeting in cinema
D—opening sitting
E—final sitting
F—formal sitting
G—plenary meeting
H—study group
I—budget committee
drafting committee
K—committee of experts
L—advisory committee
M—board of directors
N—executive council
O—standing body
(1). 1起草委员会 2专家委员会(分数:1.00)
(2). 1预算委员会 2闭幕会(分数:1.00)
(3). 1常设机构 2工作小组(分数:1.00)
(4). 1秘密会议 2执行委员会(分数:1.00)
(5). 1咨询委员会 2全会(分数:1.00)
A--Windows 98 at a Glance B--Resources Included with Windows 98
C--Additional Resources D--Running Windows 98 Setup
E--Selecting Setup Options F--Logging on to Windows 98
G--Exploring your Computer H--Network Neighborhood

I--Working with Programs J--Managing Fries and Folders
K--Choosing a Desktop Style L--Choosing Custom Settings
M--Delivering Web Control to your Desktop N--Using Multiple Monitors
O-- Connecting to the Internet(分数:4.00)
(1). 1选择自定义设置(分数:0.80)
(2). 1浏览计算机(分数:0.80)
(3). 1其他资源(分数:0.80)
(4). 1使用多功能监视器(分数:0.80)
(5). 1网上邻居(分数:0.80)









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