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2020-10-23 22:49





Hello! My name is Chen Danqing。 My English name is Joy。 I'm
14 years old。 I'm a happy girl。 I have a happy family。 My
father and my mother are both office workers。 They're busy。 But
at weekends, they always cook nice food for me。 I'm happy in
the family。 I love my parents and they love me very much。

I'm a student at Dongzhou Middle School。 It is very big and
beautiful。 There are many classroom buildings and office buildings。
Besides the buildings, there is a big playground。 After school,
there are lots of boys playing basketball on it。 I think they are
happy。 There are a lot of flowers and trees in my school。 They are
beautiful。 I like my school。 In my school, I have many friends。
All my friends are polite and helpful。 My friends are all nice to
me。 They can make me happy。 So I like playing with them。

My hobbies are listening to music and reading。 I like pop music
very much。 I dislike sports because I'm not strong。 It's
hard for me。

I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice
friends。 I enjoy every day。


My name is ________。 I am graduate from ________ seniorhigh
school and major in ________。 There are ________ people in my
family。 My father works in a puter pany。 And my mother is a
housewife。 I am the youngest one in my family。

In my spare time, I like to read novels。 I think reading could
enlargemy knowledge。 As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like
such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master。 In addition to
reading, I also like to play PC games。 A lot of grownups think
playing PC games hinders the students from learning。 But I think PC
games could motivate me to learn something such as English or
Japanese。My favorite course is English because I think it is
interesting to say one thing via different sounds。 I wish my
English could be improved in the next four years and be able to
speak fluent English in the future。


Hello, My mame is Ada。 I am 11 years old。 I am a quiet girl。 I
study in Lin Pu No。1 Primary School。 My favourite food is ice

cream。 Its sour。 My favourite teacher is art teacher。 My favourite
class is art class。 My favourite animal is squirrels。 My favourite
drink is juice。 My favourite fruit is strawberries, because its
sour。I am helpful at home。 I can sweep the floor, cook the meals,
clean the bedroom, water the flowers, empty the trash, set the
table, make the bed, do the dishes, wash the clothes and put away
the clothes。

Can you be my friend ?



My name is Winnie。Im a 15 years old girl。 I live in the
beautiful city of Rizhao。

Im an active,lovely and clever girl。In the school,my favourite
subject is maths。Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study
well。But I like it。I belive that if you try your best,everything
can be done well。

I also like sports very much。Such as,running,volleyball and so

Im kind-hearted。 If you need help,please e to me 。

I hope we can be good friends!

OK。This is me 。A sunny girl。


Hello, My mame is Ada。 I am 11 years old。 I am a quiet girl。 I
study in Lin Pu No。1 Primary School。 My favourite food is ice
cream。 Its sour。 My favourite teacher is art teacher。 My favourite
class is art class。 My favourite animal is squirrels。 My favourite
drink is juice。 My favourite fruit is strawberries, because its
sour。I am helpful at home。 I can sweep the floor, cook the meals,
clean the bedroom, water the flowers, empty the trash, set the
table, make the bed, do the dishes, wash the clothes and put away
the clothes。

Can you be my friend ?


Hello , everybody! Do you know me ? My name is Liang Qikun。 My
English name is Jenny。 I am from China 。 I am ten years old 。 I am

a clever girl 。 I have short black hair , big black eyes , big
ears , a small nose and a small mouth 。 I am not very tall and not
very thin 。 My hobby is reading books 。 My favourite sport is
adventuring。 I can play the piano very well 。 This is me。


I am a boy。My name is Sheng Qiyun。I am a pupil in Pingjiang
school in Suzhong。I like play table tennis very much,and I like
swimming,too。I go to school five days every week。 My school is not
far from my home,and it is a nice school。There are 3000 teachers
and 7000 students in my school。There are 300 classes in my school。
My English teacher is tall, my PE teacher is tall,too。I love them
a lot。Wele to my school。


Hello! My name is Chen Danqing。 My English name is Joy。 I'm
14 years old。 I'm a happy girl。 I have a happy family。 My
father and my mother are both office workers。 They're busy。 But
at weekends, they always cook nice food for me。 I'm happy in
the family。 I love my parents and they love me very much。

I'm a student at Dongzhou Middle School。 It is very big and
beautiful。 There are many classroom buildings and office buildings。
Besides the buildings, there is a big playground。 After school,
there are lots of boys playing basketball on it。 I think they are
happy。 There are a lot of flowers and trees in my school。 They are
beautiful。 I like my school。 In my school, I have many friends。
All my friends are polite and helpful。 My friends are all nice to
me。 They can make me happy。 So I like playing with them。

My hobbies are listening to music and reading。 I like pop music
very much。 I dislike sports because I'm not strong。 It's
hard for me。

I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice
friends。 I enjoy every day。


To introduce myself(介绍我自我)

Hello,every one!(大家好)

My name is **** 。 (我叫****)

I'm a 15 years old boy。 (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体状况自我改)

I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao。(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你能
够把Rizhao改成自我家乡的城市的名称的 拼音)

I'm an active ,lovely and clever boy。(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的

In the school , my favourite subject is maths 。 (在学校,我最喜欢

Perhaps someone thinks it's difficult to study well 。(也许有

But I like it。(但我喜欢他)

I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done

I also like sports very much。(我也很喜欢运动)

Such as,running,volleyball and so on。 (像跑步、排球等等)

I'm kind-hearted。(我很热心)

If you need help ,please e to me 。(如果你需要帮忙,就来找我)

I hope we can be good friends!(我期望我们能成为好朋友)

OK。This is me 。A sunny boy。(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩)


My name is 。 I am from 。 There are people in my family。 My
father works in a puter pany。 He is a puter engineer。 My mother
works in a international trade pany。 She is also a busy woman。 I
have a older sister and a younger brother。 My sister is a junior in
National Taiwan University。 She majors in English。 My brother is an
elementary school student。 He is 8 years old。

Because of my father, I love surfing the Internet very much。 I
play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day。 I wish I could
be a puter program designer in the future。 And that is why I am
applying for the electronics program in your school。


My name is 。 There are 4 people in my family。 My father is a
Chemistryteacher。 He teaches chemistry in senior high school。 My
mother is an English teacher。 She teaches English in the

university。 I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school
student and is preparing for the entrance exam。

I like to read English story books in my free time。 Sometimes I
surf the Internet and download the E- books to read。 Reading E-
books is fun。 In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words
because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations。

I hope to study both English and puter technology because I am
interested in both of the subjects。 Maybe one day I could bine both
of them and apply to my research in the future。


I am 。 I was born in 。 I graduate from senior high school and
major in English。 I started learning English since I was 12 years
old。 My parents have a lot of American friends。 Thats why I have no
problem municating with Americans or others by speaking English。

In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such
as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV
programs, or even attending the activities held by some English
clubs or institutes。 I used to go abroad for a short- term English
study。 During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and
saw a lot of different things。

I think language is very interesting。 I could express one
substanceby using different sounds。 So I wish I could study and
read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge。

人生,是一个人大几十 年的生命历程,在这一段漫长的生命旅程中,我们不要急着奔赴目的地。有的人走得太快,所以,他们并不快乐。 因此,我们要懂得这样一个道理:人生,只要方向对头,就
在求学的路上,我 们曾想急匆匆地冲进大学之门,毕业后,找个高薪的职业,开始了赚钱、养家糊口、追求荣华富贵或者更高理想的 奔跑。其实,大可不必,首先,我们要明白,学习,是一个漫长
的历程。有的人,上了初中或者高中之后 ,就出来打工或者创业,他们完全抛弃了学业,甚至连基本的文学书籍,他们也看不下去了,这虽然是一种遗憾, 但其实也是生活所逼。一个累到连说话都
不想的人,哪有什么心情读书呢?但是,我这里讲的是学习,不 单单是知识,有时候,还是一种技能,所以,出来打拼,我们一定要学会一技之长。有了熟练的一技之长,哪怕你 只是一个普通的砌
砖师傅,都有可能月入万元。这不是吹,我们的身边的技术熟练的老师傅,基本都能赚 到这个数。 讲更高一点层面的,有的人大学毕业之后,有了工作,就抛弃了学习或者阅读,他们每日钻研如何巴结权贵,如何让自己官场得意,财产倍增,而忽略了对自身的要求。因为方向的不正确,所以,他们往往 在某个方面得了便宜,却卖不了乖,到了一定的阶段,不擅长学习的,不喜欢脚踏实地
走自己本分道路的 ,必将在自己的人生路上摔一些跟头。所以,出来工作,找对方向非常重要,而找对方向后,就要脚踏实地,十年 磨一剑,下些功夫,花点时间,慢慢琢磨,认真学习技能,或者
坐冷板凳来钻研自己的业务专长,才能让 自己立于主动的地位。在自己的人生追求上,我们也要懂得找对方向,然后慢慢前行。有人说:出名要趁早。我觉 得,这是一种过度追求虚荣和利益的心
理。在这个熙熙攘攘的世界里,那些成名比较早的人,到了最后, 真正能大有作为的,或者依然名声显赫,并没有留下多少。而真正的大师,往往是那些在自己人生路上龟行的跋涉 者,那些人,才
是真正的大器晚成,而大器晚成的人,就是在自己人生路上,找准方向,不断努力,不断 缓慢前行的人。所以,如果你在创业,你一定要明确自己未来的方向,找准路子,不怕失败,慢慢前行,直
到成功;如果你在钻研业务,也一定要清晰自己人生方向,把握好自己的专业,通过不断地学习、钻研,把自己 的专业方向做细、做强。只有这样,等时间成熟的时候,等机会来到的时候,你才可
能一鸣惊人,在自己 的理想世界里,达到成功的彼岸。在爱情的路上,我们也要找准自己的方向,定位好自己对情感问题的幸福指数。 我们希望我们组建家庭后,能身体健康,略有积蓄,丈夫体贴
(妻子善解人意),孩子听话,有一份真正 喜欢的工作,还有自己的兴趣爱好,不必成名,也不必发财。所以,有了这个方向,我们就不要想七想八了,顺着 这个方向,我们慢慢前进,锻炼身体,
做好本职工作,爱自己的丈夫(妻子)和孩子,慢慢地,陪着,十 年、二十年、三十年、四十年、五十年……一直到老。人生路上,为了家人,和家人一起,这样的慢慢行走,才是 真正的幸福,才
有真正的意义。点赞最高的答复是“大约是由于懒,学习的苦需求自动去吃,日子的苦… …你躺着不动它就来了……”学习的苦,是需求咱们自动去“吃”,而这吃了这些苦之后,短期内还看不到
成效;而关于日子的苦,咱们每个人都是被迫接受者,仅仅每个人接受的“苦”是不一样的。物竞天择,适者生 存。在咱们成长过程中,咱们其实是被环境影响和塑造的,而有时分咱们对自己的生
存环境底子没有挑选 权。一个从小日子在贫困家庭的人,一个从来没有看过外面国际是怎样精彩的人,一个常常遭受痛苦的人……被这 样环境的影响,慢慢地他就现已习惯了这样的环境了,没有比
照就没有伤害,就像《天堂电影院》里说的 “假如你不走出去,你就以为这就是全国际。”就像发问者提到的那个16岁的少年,假如在他之前的阅历中有由 于学习就让他轻松的得到了某个东西或
取得某个成果,他就不会以为当服务员轻松。由于在他的认知里, 学习不一定让他不喫苦,所以他甘愿吃日子的苦你底子没有见过好的东西,所以你就会以为自己现在的就是最好的 。在这样的环境
下待久了,你或许都忘了究竟什么是“苦”,什么不苦了,由于关于日子的“苦”,你现 已“习惯”了。杨绛说“年青的时分以为读书不足以了解人生,直到后来才发现假如不了解人生,是读不懂
书的,读书的含义大约就是用日子所感去读书,用读书所得去日子吧!”没有读太多书,没有开阔的认知格式, 也就只能在自己仅有的认知规模去挑选自己以为不那么苦的日子。在咱们年青的时
分,咱们总是面临许多 引诱,读书的时分觉得除了读书,一切作业都比读书高兴,比方打游戏,追肥皂剧……前段时刻有一个高中同学俄 然给我发信息问我“你能够引荐一些兼职么?”我问她能够
做哪方面的,她说淘宝刷单啊,能够线上做的 都能够。我问她可不能够做一些技能类的,比方规划、写作等,她说她现在在一家公司当文员,时刻挺多,就想做 点简单的,技能类的做不了。我惋惜
的给她说现在没有合适她做的兼职,她也没有再回复我音讯。记住刚 结业的时分咱们还常常聊天,那时我从事平面规划作业,她听了之后满怀信心的给我说“我觉得平面规划很不错, 我计划闲暇时
刻也学习学习,今后就去广告公司上班。”那时分我也是对她鼓舞有加,学习力是一个人在 任何时分都不能缺失的东西。但是几年过去了,她仍是曾经那个她,仍是从事着天天无聊备至的文员作
业 ,即使是现在人人都能够干自己喜爱作业的自媒体年代,她也依然苍茫而找学习苦吗?苦!若不苦有哪会有那么多 人挑选当下的闲适呢?日子苦不苦?苦!若不是由于日子太苦,有哪会有那么多
挑选尽力奋斗让今后的自 己少吃一点苦呢?日子很苦,为什么许多人情愿吃日子的苦也不情愿吃学习的苦呢?除了人道的缺点之一懒之外, 更首要的仍是身处环境的限制,本身知道的格式与认知。
刚结业的时分,拿着两三千的薪酬,每次回老家 近邻的大妈就会时不时的探问“你现在多少钱一个月啊!”我笑笑不说话,她开始喃喃自语“咱们女儿初中结业就 出去打工了,现在五千一个月,再
怎么说你这个读了大学的,应该比我女儿薪酬高哦?”“大妈,我刚结 业出来,还没有太多社会实践和经历,薪酬没有你女儿高”我说。“哎哟哟,书仍是白读了,仍是不读书好,还免 了几年膏
火”说着一脸不屑的走出我家大门。后来她的女儿很早就嫁人了,儿子也高中结业辍学了。由于 在他们家的观念里“不读书,也能够挣钱,又何必要糟蹋那么贵的膏火?”在这样的环境中,在他们
认知 里,一个月五千比起一个月两千其实就是不喫苦了,他们就很底子不知道那些由于学习而让自己日子不那么苦的人 究竟拿多高的薪酬,过多好的日子。所以,他们或许觉得他们日子并不大学的
时分在校宣传部知道一位赵 姑凉,不管校园什么活动她都积极组织,参与,后来更是由于一同参与全国大学生自强之星而了解。赵姑凉的家庭 也很一般,但是她的爸爸妈妈一向鼓舞她好好读书,要

走出去看看外面的国际,她也一向 知道自己要什么,平常除了参与活动,她就是尽力读书,为了考上研究生,她有半年时刻是早上六点起往来不断教 学楼读英语,风雨无阻的坚持了半年,半年下来
她瘦了十斤。你说这样的日子不苦吗?苦,可是她坚持过 来了,她考上了研究生 仍是那句话“假如不对自己狠,日子就会对你狠”今年年初看她的朋友圈,她现已去了波 兰做交流生,做起了代
购,日子现已是另一番容貌。我于上一年8月中旬开始认真写作,自己不断写,不 断学习,不断与自己死磕,这大半年以来,不管是邀约讲课或许修改引荐出书,我收成了许多,成长了许多,由于
我知道,你把时刻花在哪里,成果就在哪里。仅仅想尽力一点,再尽力一点,让自己今后的日子好一点, 让爸爸妈妈的日子好一点。翻开自己的认知格式,你要的日子远不止眼前的苟且,还有远方
的诗。学习不 会一向苦,当你有了学习的成果,找到了学习的趣味,那就不是苦,但假如你不学习,可能日子会让你更苦。日子 很苦,学习也很苦,但请你不要怕喫苦。最怕你终身碌碌无能,还安
慰自己普通可贵你就是这样毁了你的 终身与层次不同的人争论,就是糟蹋时吃力运营人脉,不如用心运营自己









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