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2020-10-23 19:57



一、Part Ⅰ Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)
2. 节约使用是缓解能源短缺的手段之一。
3. 但最好的解决办法是开发新的能源。

______________________________________________ ____________________________________________
China was sweating a lot over the last summer, not only because of the continual heat waves. Lack
of coal and oil also resulted in a power shortage. According to news reports, many cities had
to restrict the power usage for air conditioning and illumination, and thousands of manufacturers
in Shanghai had to reschedule their production to evenings or weekends.
As it is, energy has become one of the biggest problems the world is faced with today. Many
scientists and economists point out that our natural resources are very much limited. If we keep
consuming our resources at the present rate, they warn, the world will soon be running out of
oil, coal and metals, and this will certainly lead to a serious energy crisis threatening mankind's
The majority of the world's people have responded with a clamor for more strict conservation of
our natural resources. This is urgently necessary, indeed. It must be realized that much of our
energy, in the form of oil, coal, gas, or electricity, has been wantonly consumed. If things go
on like that, we will eventually leave for our descendants a devastated world, a vast stretch
of wasteland. So, from now on, we will have to make serious efforts to enhance energy efficiency,
reduce the number of high energy-consuming projects, and cut down energy waste of any form so
as to slow down the present drain on our limited resources.
But conservation alone is not all the answer. It is obvious that, even if we save much energy
by using it carefully, our natural resources, however abundant, will run out ultimately. And when
they are gone they are gone for ever, for resources can not reproduce themselves. In the long
run, developing new sources of energy and increasing the use of new and renewable energy are more
important ways to solve the energy problem. As we know, governments of some European countries,
such as Germany and Italy, have worked out all sorts of incentive programs to encourage people
to use solar energy. And recently some scientists have asserted that China has abundant wind energy
re serve, which could be vital to properly solve the country's energy issue. So, searching
unexplored areas for new supplies seems to be the only way out of our energy-shortage predicament.)
二、Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
三、The Magic of Memory(总题数:10,分数:70.00)
important discovery recently made in memory research is that remembering is closely related
to electrical activity inside the brain.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:N)

is chemical as well as electrical in nature.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Y)
memory researchers agree that our brains record—and remember at some level—everything
that happens to us.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Y)
is scientific evidence that the

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:NG)
y people retain their ability to remember information briefly but are unable to turn it
into 1.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:long-term memory)
findings also indicate that 1 helps us keep memory at its height.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:constant intellectual stimulation)
memories are our most important properties in that 1.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:they belong to us exclusively—they not only determine
our personalities but also help shape our outlook on life)
magic of memory lies in 1.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:its amazing capacity, its accuracy, and its fascination
as a tantalizing mystery)

this article, the author relies chiefly on 1 to support his main ideas.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:research findings over the past decade)
author compares our memory first to cabinets(Paragraph 5) and then to an

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:analogy)
四、Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
五、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
六、Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(总题
d and wife.
and patient. √
r and student.
and nurse.
M: Now, what seems to be the trouble, Mrs. Stephens?
W: I've been very dizzy lately, and last night I had some chest pain.
Q: What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?
do whatever the committee asks of him.
make decisions in agreement with the committee.
run the committee according to his own ideas. √
elect the committee chairman himself.
W: Was Robert elected to the committee?
M: Yes, in fact he was made chairman but he only agreed to take the job if they'll let him make
all the decisions himself.
Q: What does Robert intend to do?
8:35. √
W: Have Chris and Sally left for school yet? It's a quarter to nine now.
M: Sally left at 8:15 a.m., and Chris hurried off twenty minutes later.
Q: What time did Chris leave home?
man would understand if he had Frank's job. √
could help him get a job on an airplane.
g on tables is an enjoyable job.
is tired of waiting for him there.

M: Frank is always complaining about his job.
W: Maybe if you tried waiting on tables, you'd see what it's like.
Q: What does the woman mean?
's not important how he dances. √
's too crowded to dance anyway.
he's careful, no one will notice.
one knows the steps to the dance.
M: I'd love to dance, but I don't know the steps.
W: It doesn't matter; no one will be looking at us in this crowd.
Q: What does the woman mean?
leaves the office by 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon.
sends her employees for regular checkups.
pays her employees by check.
inspects her employees' work several times a day. √
M: Does the boss check up on you often?
W: Indeed she does. It seems as though she's in here three or four times an hour, although I'm
sure it's not that often.
Q: What does the boss do?
doesn't know whether the film is good or not.
film is hard to understand.
saw the film from beginning to end.
saw only the last part of the film. √
M: Was the movie as good as you expected?
W: It's hard to say. I only saw the tail end of the film.
Q: What does the woman mean?
the doctor's office.
the hospital.
the drugstore. √
the department store.
W: I'd like to leave this prescription to be filled please.
M: Certainly Mrs. Brown. By the way Mr. Brown telephoned a few minutes ago. He wanted me to remind
you to buy toothpaste, soap and some cough medicine.
Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?
七、Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(总题
A.A little known actress and a literary critic.
B.A well-known actress and a newspaper editor. √
C.A movie star and one of her fans.
D.A movie star and a TV interviewer.
W: I think there should be greater restrictions placed on the press and the stories they print.
I can't open a newspaper or magazine without reading stories full of false information about myself
or people I know. It's get ting...

M: Sorry, but I can't believe that you're actually complaining about free publicity. I mean I
remember, Shelley, before you were famous, you were begging us to write features about
W: If you would just let me finish of course the press have been important. I'm an actress and
I understand the power of the press. But the thing is, I rarely seem to read anything true about
myself these days... The point I'm trying to make here is that famous people have families with
M: Oh, sorry. You're really hurt by that particular article last week.
W: To increase circulation and make more money, certain newspapers continue to print those stories
when it's obvious that they're not true.
M: But I think we have to consider the relationship between fame, the public and the press. The
public are fascinated by fame and scandal, and they love to read about their favorite stars.
W: I'm sick of gutter-press making up stories. It's irresponsible and it messes up people's life.
M: The problem is, it's not always clear what's true and what isn't. I mean, if a newspaper prints
something scandalous or embarrassing about a famous person, they're bound to deny it, but that
doesn't mean it's not true.
W: Are you trying to say...
M: No smoke without fire, if you ask me.
19. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
show greater interest in scandals than truth.
help young actors and actresses establish their fame.
are interested in the spread of false information about celebrities. √
ignore the journalistic ethics they should act upon.
What does the woman think of the press?
people can become famous without the help of the press.
ship is of vital importance to newspapers.
often than not, so-called
true or must be partly true. √
stars tend to become ungrateful to the press when they have become famous.
What does the man suggest at the end of conversation?
八、Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(总题
A.A comparison of unconscious behavior patterns.
trends in psychology.
s for certain behavior problems. √
of anxiety.
W: Mark really needs to see this article in Psychology Weekly.
M: Why? What's it on?
W: Reasons for negative behavior patterns—like habitual lateness...
M: You're right. That's Mark. He's never on time. So what does it say?
W: That people who are always late often do it for a reason—either conscious or unconscious.
It could be an expression of anger and resentment—or a way of resisting authority. It could even
be anxiety.
M: Well, I don't know. In Mark's case, I think it's because he wants to be noticed.
W: That's the next reason in the article—the need for attention. They give the example of movie

stars who used to make these grand entrances.
M: That's not really Mark's style though—he's so quiet.
W: What gets me is that he's late for his friends all the time—but not for other things, like
M: Well...but they might deduct pay for that.
W: Exactly. You know, sometimes I'm tempted to tell him to come at, say, seven, and everybody
else at 7: 15. Then maybe we wouldn't have to wait so long.
M: We have to try something. You know, he confessed to me one day that he was even late for his
sister's wedding. She was really angry.
W: I remember that. He was in the wedding so they couldn't start until he got there.
M: Maybe you should slip that magazine under his door. And hope he gets the message.
22. What is the main subject of the magazine article?
feels angry.
wants attention. √
's too quiet.
's very nervous.
What do Mark's friends think is the reason for his problem?
's late for social occasions but not for work. √
's a quiet person but likes to make grand entrances.
expects others to be on time but is usually late himself.
loses pay for being late to work but doesn't seem to mind.
What do the speakers say about Mark's recent behavior?
to get Mark to talk about his problem.
g Mark relax and be more comfortable in a group.
g fifteen minutes and then leaving without Mark.
g Mark to come earlier than the planned meeting time. √
What solution does the woman consider?
九、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
十、Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.(总题数:1,分
an island. √
the mountains.
a city.
the sea.
I knew it wouldn't be long before they discovered my escape from the boat house where they had
locked me up, but now I had no choice except to go on. I stumbled up the path which rose steeply
to the top of the cliff. Once there, I stopped for a moment to get my breath back, looking out
as I did so across the sea. I could see the steamer which came across once a week from the mainland
making its way towards the harbour. From where I stood, it looked like a toy or model someone
had built. I began waving my arms in the air, then I removed my jacket and used that too to attract
attention. But it all seemed hopeless as the steamer sailed steadily on towards the mouth of the
harbour. I began to shout, in a last desperate attempt to stop her, and when my throat was quite

dry, and my arms aching from the effort I had made, then at the last moment the miracle happened.
The steamer began to slow up, and then to move in, away from the harbour and what awaited her
26. Where did the story take place?
couldn't see the steamer clearly.
failed to attract the attention of the steamer. √
steamer refused to help him.
cliff was too steep for him to climb.
Why did the speaker feel hopeless?
steamer took him to the harbor.
was left alone there.
was saved. √
of the above.
What happened in the end of the story?
十一、Passage Two
Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.(总题数:1,分
A.A driver's license.
B.A passport. √
international credit card.
D.A deposit.
A good way to see the USA is by car. Americans love their automobiles and in the past fifty years
they have developed a vast network of roads and freeways to help them reach their destinations.
As few visitors have their own cars, renting one is the next best thing. You will need a valid
driver's license and either international credit cards, or a deposit.
You should start out with a working knowledge of the road. Regulations vary from state to state
and this can be very confusing to a newcomer. For ex ample, in some states it is legal to turn
right at a red light if there is no approaching traffic, while in other states you will be fined
for this action. Throughout the country it is forbidden to pass a school bus when it has stopped
to let off children.
The size of the country may startle you at first and you may be surprised at the spectacular physical
beauty. When the first pioneers began to expand west into the wildness, the natural resources
of the land seemed inexhaustible. Nearly 1,000 million acres of land was covered by virgin forest.
Much of this was burnt off for farmland and it soon became apparent that the government would
have to take action or the natural beauty of the land would be lost forever.
29. What is not needed for a visitor to rent a car?
g right at a red light.
g in freeways without a local driver's license.
g a school bus that is letting off children. √
of the above.
What is forbidden when one is driving in America?
A. √

What may startle you at first when you're traveling in America by car?
e nearly 1,000 million acres of land was burned off.
e natural resources are being used up.
e animals and plants arc in danger of extinction.
e natural beauty of the land would be ruined. √
Why would the government have to take some actions?
十二、Passage Three
Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.(总题数:1,分
symbolic significance of a specific color.
subtle cultural connotation of colors. √
influence of Westernization on Asian people's outlook.
ive lessons Western businessmen learned in Asia.
Hong Kong is a city inclined toward red; in Thailand the color is yellow; India leans toward reds
and oranges. To an Asian colors are infused with beliefs, religious and otherwise. To the Chinese,
red is very lucky, but to Thais yellow brings good fortune. The combination of blue, black, and
white is, to the Chinese, suggestive of a funeral.
Many Western businessmen believe that most Asians have become Westernized in their outlook, but
Westernization and education do not usually completely replace the culture and beliefs of an
Asian's forefathers. They tend instead to make a more intricate alliance between his culture and
religious bonds. The approach required to sell an Asian any commodity must follow the basic formula
of catering to national pride, acknowledging equality, and understanding the Asian's beliefs.
Color is a touchy thing. Advertisers are advised to take into consideration the religious and
superstitious beliefs connected with colors before using them. The color combinations of green
and purple are acceptable throughout Asia, but using one or both of these colors is no guarantee
of sales, as a prominent manufacturer of water-recreation products learned in Malaysia. its home
office received heated requests from its Malaysian distributors to stop shipments on all products
colored green. The distributors reported that numerous customers associated the color green with
the jungle and illness.
33. What does the speaker emphasize in his talk?
. √
combination of green and purple.
What color do the Thais think may bring good luck?
ness and illness. √
D.A funeral.
What did Malaysians associate the green color with?

十三、Section C(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
十四、London is the center of the international art market and Sothehy's, which has
its (36) there, is the world's biggest and oldest seller of art and antiques.(总
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:headquarters)
London is the center of the international art market and Sotheby's, which has its (36) headquarters
there, is the world's biggest and oldest seller of art and antiques. If you were lucky enough
to own a priceless
to sell it, you would probably put it up for auction at Sotheby's.
Sotheby's auctions are (38) attended by some of the world's richest people, who spend millions
of pounds on art and antiques each year. (39) Consequently, the company is very proud of its status
and its 250-year-old (40) reputation. But, earlier this year, that reputation came under threat,
when a journalist (41) accused Sotheby's staff of bringing art treasures to London illegally.
If these (42) allegations are true, they will severely damage London's (43) credibility as a center
of the world's art trade.
As if that were not bad enough, (44) London's art dealers and auction houses are facing an even
bigger threat from European Union regulations. If passed in Britain, the EU laws would make London
a much less attractive place to purchase art treasures. Buyers and sellers would then look
elsewhere for the best prices and could stop coming to London altogether.
The problems began last year, (45) when a journalist from Britain's Times newspaper, Peter Watson,
claimed that senior staff at Sotheby's were at the center of a widespread smuggling operation.
He made his allegations in a book and television program, which used hidden camera to film Sotheby's
staff. Watson says (46) the program, which was shown last February, proves that art treasures
were being illegally exported to London on a regular basis, and that the international art trade
needs to be cleaned up.
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:valuable)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:attended)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Consequently)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:reputation)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:accused)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:allegations)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:credibility)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:London's art dealers and auction houses are facing a
bigger threat)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:when a newspaper reporter claimed that Sotheby's was
involved in smuggling)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the program shows Sotheby's got illegally imported art
treasures regularly)

十五、Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
十六、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
十七、In the twentieth century, and particularly in the last 20 years, the old
footpaths of the wandering scholars have become vast highways.(总题数:5,分数:
does the author mainly discuss in this passage?

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:The rapid growth in academic contact and international
co- operation.)
has academic work become more specialised?

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:A great variety of subjects is studied.)
writer thinks that the growth of specialist societies and periodicals has helped scholars
to 1.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:keep up with current developments)
pments in international co-operation are often, it is suggested, the result of 1.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:friendships formed by scholars at meetings)
does the author think that interdisciplinary studies are important?

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:They make scholars aware of problems outside their own
十八、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
十九、Passage One(总题数:5,分数:44.50)

and grades

ments expressed by numbers √
al statistics
of the following statements best expresses the main idea of this passage?

American students today are lacking in readiness for active participation in learning.
prevalent passivity of American students has much to do with the existing educational
system. √
bureaucratic structure of American schools has negatively affected administrators,
teachers, and students.
solution to the problem of student passivity lies in humanizing schools.
ing to the passage, American schools today have turned into ______.

A.a typically bureaucratic organization, highly rigid and impersonal √
efficient means of supervising educational curricular and ensuring uniformity
C.a well organized system competent enough to meet the educational demands of the vast and
complex society
of the above
of the following is NOT mentioned as a serious problem prevalent in today's school systems?

erence to cultural difference within local communities.
ence on numerical ratings of performance.
expectations of all students.
of funding and specialized personnel. √
this passage the author points out that bureaucracy in American schools not only discourages
initiative and creativity on the part of students, but also ______.

es teachers of freedom of opinion or action
teachers passive and unimaginative
s doubts about the values of education among teachers
A and B √
二十、Passage Two(总题数:5,分数:44.50)
who remember their dreams do so because they ______.


the content relevant √
awakened suddenly
retentive memories
regular dreamers
people are unaware that they dream because ______.

dreams fade very quickly
do not recall their dreams √
sleep too heavily
wake up frequently
author believes 'that, in Western society, dreams arc considered to be ______.

rtant √
who recall their dreams tend to be ______.

ative √
REM periods, people ______.

up more easily √
er their dreams more clearly
ence discomfort
二十一、Part Ⅴ Error Correction (总题数:0,分数:0.00)
二十二、As we mentioned earlier, there is a wide variety of
sports activities available to the United States both to 6 ______
watch and play.(总题数:10,分数:70.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:to→in)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:depend→depending)







(正确答案:news→infor mation)
(正确答案:with→i n)
(正确答案:do ∧→so)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:they→there)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Informations→Information)
二十三、Part Ⅵ Translation(总题数:5,分数:35.00)
usual, the correspondent is required to 1 (在写报道前核对所有的事实).

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:check up all the facts before he writes a report)
waltz and tango are obviously out of fashion now. Things like the twist, jerk and hip-hop
1 (才似乎是年轻人真正感兴趣的东西).

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:seem to be about all that young people are really
interested in)
39.(幸好我带了足够的钱) 1: it is more expensive than I expected.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:It's just as well I've brought plenty of money)
a foreign student, 1 (他没能领会中文老师所说的笑话).

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:he did not catch on to the joke made by the Chinese teacher)
41.(要不是你的大力支持) 1 , we might not have faced up to the challenge.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:But for your strong support)









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