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2020-10-23 05:56



Unite one
1 有一种理论,把对目的语的敏感性视作语言学习中最重要的因素之一。
One theory refers to the sensitivity to the target language as being one of the most important
factors in language learning
2 为帮助学生学习英语,图书馆已决定将应与原版电影出租给他们。
In order to help students in their study of English, the library has decided to lease English films in
the original to them
3 一到周末,如果有一家商店贴出减价广告,其他许多商店,无 论大小,都会跟着贴出更多的大减价的
On weekends, if one shop puts up discount notices, other shops, big or small, will come up with it
by putting up more discount notices.
4 当某一语言中的一些不符合语法的表达方式流行于社会时,这些表达方式往往会逐渐地被公众所接
When ungrammatical expressions of a language become prevalent in society they will gradually be
accepted by the public.
5 这家企业倒闭,并不是因为资金缺乏而是因为管理不善。
The closing of the company was not caused by a shortage of capital but by management deficiency.
6 广告通常以突出所宣传的产品或服务来招揽顾客。
Advertisements usually highlight the product or service they advertise to attract customers.
7 有争辩的说,我们应当抑制语言变化的速度,否则我们可能会每隔20年就得学习一种新的语言。
It is argued that we should withhold the speed of language change; otherwise we may have to
learn a new language every twenty years.
8 我很感谢他,因为每当我学习遇到困难时,他总是来帮助我。
I feel gratitude to him because every time I encountered difficulties in my study he would help me.
9 要改变这个厂的经济状况得花大力气。
It will take great pains to improvechange the financial situation of the factory.
10 那些主张语言唇精华的人是为了保护他们的文化而保护语言。
Those who advocate the purity of a language protect the language for the sake of their culture

Unite two
1 关于说谎是否总是坏的,是否应该避免,不同的人有不同的看法。
Different people have different opinions about whether lying is always bad and whether it
should be avoided.
2 伦敦最高的大楼同纽约的摩天大楼比较起来,仍然算小的。
The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York.
3 在可接受的谎言与恶意的谎言之间定界是因人而异,因文化而异的。
The point at which people draw the line between an acceptable lie and a bad lie varies from
individual to individual and culture to culture.
4 溺爱孩子的母亲常常会对自己孩子的过错睁一只眼闭一只眼。
Mothers who spoil their children often turn a blind eye, to the faults of their children.
5 当暴力行为发生的时候,这个国家需要一个能使人民团结一致的领袖。
The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together when violence breaks out
6 自私者将所有的人分成两类:他喜欢的人和他不喜欢的人。
A selfish man categorizes all people into two groups, those he likes and those he dislikes.
7 她对我的话感到恼火,但我无意去伤害她。
She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn't my intention to hurt her.
8 老师对调皮的学生抱有成见是错误的。
It is wrong for teachers to stereotype naughty students.
9 在有些 国家,一个人如果有意不想工作,可以很容易地退出一段时间,靠失业保险金和其他福利来维
In some foreign countries, a person who intentionally leaves his job can find it easy to step aside
for a while, supported by unemployment insurance and other benefits.

10 丈夫去世以后,使她经受了极大的痛苦。
She has gone through tremendous pain since her husband died

Unite three
1 与当今的年轻人不同,在我们还是十几岁的孩子时,就不得不承担起家庭的责任,帮助父母干家务活。
Unlike the young people today, we had to take on family responsibilities and help our parents with
housework when we were teenagers.
2 X这一代人对工作认真负责,但他们蔑视其父母及上司那种工作狂似的、拼命工作的心态。
Generation X'ers take work seriously, but they disdain the workaholic, slave to the job mentality
of their parents and bosses.
3 当今许多孩子都能独自地使用各种计算机软件程序工作并能很快地理解它们。
Many young kids today can work with a variety of software programs on their own and
comprehend them quickly.
4 因为他们的幻想破灭了,不知道在新获得的自由下该做些什么,因此被称为“失落的一代”。
They were referred to as the Lost Generation because they were disillusioned and did not know
what to do with their new liberties.
5 这些不同文化背景的年轻人都具有共同的爱好,喜欢同样的服饰、音乐和娱乐。
The young people of diverse cultural backgrounds all have in common a love for the same clothing
styles, music and entertainment.
6 X这一代人非常喜欢娱乐;因此无论在工作 岗位上、学校还是在家中,对他们来说,过得快活是最重
Generation X has a strong propensity for fun and enjoyment, and it is a priority for them to have a
good time whether they are at work, school or home.
7 在中国,许多人把自己的工作看作为自己的事业,因此对工作单位忠心耿耿,富有责任感。
Most people in China look upon their job as a career and have loyalty and commitment to the
8 这些年轻人渴望改变他们的处境,一旦可能有更好的职位,他们总是跳槽。
Young people desire to upgrade their situation and they are always jumping ship at the hint of a
better position.
9 X这一代人由于受到负罪感重而又常常不在家的父母的溺爱,在政治、教育和 经商等方面都没有做好
Being spoiled by their guilt-ridden, seldom-home parents, X'ers are not ready to take over in
politics, education and business
10 年轻的企业家受到激励,与同事携手,以不可匹敌的速度研究并创造新产品。
Young entrepreneurs are encouraged to team up with their colleagues to

do the research and
create new products at unparalleled rates.

Unite four
1 一个出身贫寒的青年梦想成为百万富翁,结果幻想彻底 破灭,因为他企图使用非法的电子交易手段达
A young man of humble origins dreamed of becoming a millionaire, but he was thoroughly
disillusioned because he tried to seek his fortune by means of a law- violating electronics acquisition.
2 她好不容易装出一副像是在满意地微笑的表情。
She managed what amounted to a smile of satisfaction.
3 他最终为解决这个多年来一直未能解决的问题设计出了软件。
He ended up designing a software program to solve this problem which had been unsolved for years
4 他在一位同学的陪伴下去火车站接他生病的母亲。
He went to the station in the company of his classmates to pick up his sick mother.
5 大学毕业后,他被授予一份政府奖学金继续深造,这是他做梦也远远没有想到的。
After graduation from university, he was granted a govemment scholarship to further his study, which
was far beyond his dream.
6 他是以为优秀教师;每当学生有困难时,他总是和他们在一起。
He was an excellent teacher who always stuck by his students whenever they had difficulties.
7 他在这城市里默默无闻,但我猜想他在自己村子里并非等闲之辈。

He is nobody here in the city, but I suppose he is a somebody in his own village.
8 她说,百万富翁是她爸爸而不是他本人,她要自己养活自己。
She said that it was her father, not herself, who was a millionaire, and that she would like to earn
her own living
9 恕我直言,我认为我们应该采取更为激烈的措施来控制通货膨胀。
Therefore I think we must, so to speak adopt more extreme measures to curb inflation.
10 他的公司因管理不善而失败以后,他决定在保险业方面碰碰运气。
After his company failed because of poor management, he decided to try his luck in insurance.

Unite five
1 当布莱克先生的太太每星期能挣1000美元时,他开始感到有些不安。
Mr. Black felt somewhat upset when his wife pulled down $$1000 a week
2 随着高新女性人数的增加,越来越多的男士会对妻子的成功感到理所当然。
With the increasing number of high-paid women, more and more men will be comfortable with their
spouses' success.
3 使职业妇女感到棘手的问题是:如何弥补她们对家庭承担的责任。
It is a tough problem for career women how to make up for the responsibility to the family that they
are supposed to take.
4 为了安慰病人,许多医生认为对其病情的严重性说得轻些事明智的。
In order to comfort the patient, the doctor thought it wise to play down the serious nature of his
5 如果一个人的自尊心主要来自他的工作或收入的话,那么他就会感到很难适应经济地位的变化。
It may be hard for a person to adapt to a shift in economic power if his or her self-esteem is derived
mostly from a career or income.
6 一项调查表明,夫妻之间的一些问题与传统的观念有关。
A survey shows that some problems between husband and wife are connected with traditional ideas.
7 由于传统观念,有些丈夫仍竭力阻止妻子从事家庭以外的工作。
Owing to the traditional idea, some husbands still try hard to hold their wives back from working
outside their houses.
8 我们应该让人人都明白,当一个人在生活上遇到问题时,以酗酒或寻 找婚外情的方式去解决是一种愚
We should make everybody realize that it is stupid to retaliate by drinking more or having an affair
when a person has some problems in life.
9 驻香港的总部曾提供给王女士一份很好的工作,但是她却拒绝了,因为她有一个刚满两岁的孩子。
Wang was offered a good job in the head office of Hong Kong, but she passed it up because she had
a two-year old infant.
10 一位著名影星11年来与她的丈夫一直以恩爱夫妻的姿态出想在公众场合,但最近她却宣布将要离婚。
A famous movie star kept up appearances in public with her husband for eleven years but recently
she has announced a divorce

Unite six
1 在这家公司工作了一段时间以后,大部分的雇员就公司的基本信条取得了一致看法。
Having worked in this company for a certain period of time, most employees came to agreement on its
basic beliefs.
2 每家公司都应保持而不是消除自己的特色,这样才能区别于其它公司。
Each company should keep its peculiarities which will differentiate one from another rather than strip
them away.
3 越来越多的企业家信封的是利润和社会效益,以便为企业所在的社区造福。
More and more entrepreneur

believe in managing for profit and the common good and contributing to
the well-being of the communities in which their companies are located.
4 作为国家的重点大学之一,它在发展社区文化方面起了重要的作用。
Being one of the nation's key universities, it is instrumental in developing the community's culture.
5 尊重顾客和提供优质服务,使我们在与提供打折扣商品的大型连锁店的竞争中更有竞争力。

Respecting customers and offering the best services have made us more and more competitive with large
discount chains.
6 他把自己奉献于社会工作并对自己所做的工作充满热情。
He has devoted himself to his work for the community and is passionate about what he is doing
7 有的人认为将国外的生产和管理技术一直到中国企业是没有意义的。
Some people believe that it does not make any sense to transplant foreign production and managerial
techniques into Chinese companies.
8 尽管我们在技术开发上取得了巨大成功,但是我们却为我们给环境所造成的破坏感到羞愧。
In spite of the fact that we have made a great success in the development of technology, we are ashar0ed
of the damage we have done to our environment.
9 毫无疑问,引入外资对当地的经济发展起了重要作用。
There is no doubt that the introduction of foreign investment has made a difference to the
local economic development.
10 这个新方案仅供讨论,有新的建设性意见可以增加进去。
The new scheme is open to discussion and new constructive suggestions can be

Unite seven
1 得知中国许多地方遭到严重的洪水灾害,演员们主动参加义演,向社会募捐。
Knowing many places in China were badly flooded, actors and actresses volunteered to perform
and appealed to charitable contributions from society.
2 如果你设法与史密斯先生取得联系,问题就容易解决了,因为他是这个领域的专家。
If you manage to get in touch with Mr. Smith, the problem will be solved easily because he is an
expert in this field.
3 导师原谅了他将两种化学物质混合在一起的错误,因为他毕竟是向帮助导师做事。
The advisor forgave him for mixing the two chemicals together; after all he had intended to help his
4 我想把我正在用的这台计算机扔了,因为他经常“死机”。
I want to throw away the computer I am using now for it gets stuck all the time
5 教师们为那些看似循规蹈矩的学生们感到担心。
Teachers are worried about students who seem to do everything by the book
6 有一段时间他心情不佳,所以感到周围的一切都乱糟糟的。
He was in a bad mood for some time and therefore he felt everything around him was screwed up
7 虽然他失败了十多次,但我们坚信他迟早会成功的。
We all believe that he will succeed sooner or later though he failed more than ten times.
8 十六岁以上的青年应对他们的言行负责任,因为他们有说和做正当事情的能力。
Teenagers over 16 years old should be responsible for what they say and do, because they are
considered to have the faculty for doing and saying the right thing,
9 他原以为一切都得心应手;而事实上,实验的结果却有争议。
He thought everything was within his grasp but in fact, the result of the experiment turned out to be
10 任何一台普通的传真机都能在眨眼之间将信息传送到大洋彼岸。
Any average good fax machine can send a message in an instant across the ocean.

Unite eight
1 年幼孩子们的父母常常感到压抑,单亲父母尤其如此。
Parents of young children often become depressed, and this is especially true of single parent
2 通过通讯卫星,我们几乎在同时就可以了解到世界另一边发生的事情。
Through communications satellites, we are able to be in touch with events on the other side of the
world almost as they happen.
3 看来那个变化一定会加剧通货膨胀,所以政府官员感到他们应该采取一切措施来缓和通货膨胀的势
That change seems certain to heat up inflation, so government officials felt that they should take
some measures to cool it off.

4 最严肃的政治家乃是能随时对社会变革做出最迅速反应的人。
The most serious politicians are those who respond most quickly to social changes
5 这张图标显示,这个地方的犯罪数据几乎与失业的人数成正比。
The chart shows that the level of crime in this area is almost always in direct proportion to the
number of the unemployed
6 她举止乖张,只好把她送进精神病医院。
She acted so strangely that she had to be put away.
7 如果你目前不需要这笔钱,便将它存在银行里,有点依靠的东西总是有用的。
If you don't need the money at present, put it in the bank. It's always useful to have something to
fall back on
8 反对派一直在指责政府腐败,而且他们是指名道姓的。
The opposition has consistently accused the government of corruption. What's more, they have
named names
9 由于判断失误,他铸成大错;考虑到他的年迈,他只被判了五年刑。
He was guilty of an important misjudgment. Given his old age, he was only sentenced to five years'
10 尽管这种产品被反复保证是安全的,许多人还是已经停止购买这种产品。
In the face of repeated assurances that the product is safe, many people have stopped buying it

Unite nine
1 由于家长对孩子的要求太多,所以许多孩子无法达到父母的期望。
Children can hardly live up to the expectations of their parents because their parents ask for too much.
2 你现在正在做的事情并不比你以前做过的事难。
What you are doing now is no more difficult than what have done before
3 有时人们以改变话题来回避问题。
Sometimes people try to get around the question by changing the subject.
4 毕业前夕,一些学生以在布告栏贴告示的方式处理掉他们用过的自行车或电脑。
Before graduation some students tried to sell their used bikes or computers by means of putting a notice
on the bulletin board.
5 这个项目的完成需要我们公司大家的共同努力。
The completion of the project calls for a joint effort of everyone in the company.
6 他做事有自己的原则,不在乎别人如何议评。
He has his own principles and doesn't care about what other people will say
7 他们的工作是记下实验所获得的数据并进行分析。
Their job is to write down the data that came out of the experiments and then to do the analysis.
8 当贸易双方都有意谈判时,就应安排会谈以便做成生意。
When both parties are in a position to negotiate, a meeting should be arranged in order to conclude a
9 选择适当的时候纠正错误是很重要的。否则,学生的积极性会受到挫折,以致不愿参加课堂活动。
Correction at the right time is very important; otherwise, students will be discouraged and held back in
class activities
10 随着社区服务的改善,许多人能从家务劳动中解脱出来,有更多的时间休息。
With the better service provided by the community, many people can be free of housework and have
more leisure time

Unite ten
1 只有当我在他背上拍了一下以后,他才发现我并高兴得叫起来。
Only after I slapped him on the back did he see me and cry happily
2 忧郁症有好几种类型,慢性轻度狂躁症是其中之一。
Depression comes in quite a number of forms, one of which is chronic hypomania
3 忧郁症可能成为一种可怕的、致命的疾病,甚至会毁灭失业和婚姻,但是它可以被治愈。
Depression can be a dreadful, fatal disease and can even screw up careers and marriage, but it can
be treated
4 高级资格培训课程的特点是将重点放在对教学的评估上。

The advanced teacher training course was characterized by its emphasis upon the evaluation of
teaching and learning.
5 她可能陷入了忧郁之中,因为她脸上的表情有些忧伤。
She may have fallen into depression because there was a touch of sadness on her face.
6 对海豹这样高度灵敏的动物而言,进行初级训练时容易的。
In the case of a highly intelligent animal like the seal, elementary training is easy
7 去年我去欧洲度假时,我的朋友把他的房子让给我随意使用。
When I spent my holiday in Europe last year, my friend left his house at my disposal.
8 开始他专攻画鸟,后来又写关于鸟类的文章。
He specialized first in painting birds and later in writing about them.
9 有人认为情绪沮丧在较贫穷或受教 育层次低的人中较为普遍。事实上,情绪沮丧常常侵袭那些最为雄
Some people think that depression is more prevalent among poorer or less educated people; in
fact, it often hits the most ambitious extra hard.
10 患轻度躁狂者可能在好几年中会具有过人的精力和对明显不相关的数据进行综合的天赋。
Hypomanics may go for years with extraordinary energy and a talent for synthesizing seemingly
disparate bits of data.

Unite eleven
1 如果这次考试你通不过,就麻烦了。很可能你的数学会不及格。
You will be up against it if you don't pass the test. You will probably fail in maths
2 为了更多地了解社会,学生们放学后自愿去商店帮忙。
In order to know more about society;, students voluntarily help out in the store after school.
3 你应学会如何独立;不要把所有的家务都留给你妈妈做。
You should learn how to be independent. Don't leave all the housework up to your mother
4 汤姆昨晚和同学聚会,直至今天凌晨四点钟才回来。过了这样一个夜晚,难怪他会迟到。
Tom had a party with his classmates and came back at four o'clock this morning. No wonder he is
late after such a night
5 由于管理和监督机制不健全才产生了这些官僚主义分子。
The mismanagement and inefficiency of systems have given birth to bureaucrats.
6 由于受到惊吓,有一只公象在村庄里狂奔,将大树连根拔起。
Shocked by noises, one of the big male elephants was running amok in the village, tearing up the
trees by their roots
7 一些人喜欢参加体育比赛,因为他们觉得与人竞争很刺激。
Some people love taking part in sports games because they feel it is exciting to compete with
8 为使政府向它屈服,反对党会做些什么呢?
What can the opposition party do to bring this government to its knees?
9 人们会一致认为,绕纽约兜一圈最快的方法是乘地铁。
People may agree that the quickest way to go about New York is by subway
10 工厂领导说明了本厂的问题所在,并号召工人们全力以赴地工作,争取按时完成任务。
The factory leader explained the factory's problem and asked the workers to take a big swing to
complete the task in time.

Unite twelve
1 如果你已经答应为你兄弟付学费,并许诺每年赠给你妹妹一百英镑购置衣服,你就是做了相当多的承
If you have agreed to pay your brother's school expenses, and give your sister

100 a year for
clothes, you have quite a lot of commitments.
2 她矫揉造作的举止与哈里特由衷的乐天派性格形成了鲜明的对照。
Her affected manners were in striking contrast with Harriet's spontaneous gaiety.
3 他的评论大量引用了他在那个国家的经历。
His remarks drew heavily upon his experiences in that country.

4 就其年轻与经验而言,他在此剧中的演出是相当出色的。
His acting in the play was remarkable, taking into account his youth and inexperience.
5 他振作起精神去继承父亲未竟的事业。
He exerted himself to take up where his father had left off
6 总统就位,军乐队奏起了国歌。
The President took his place on the platform, and the military band struck up the national
7 这两个国家间的友好交往可以追溯到唐代。
The friendly contacts between the two countries go back to the Tang Dynasty.
8 那种类型的人一辈子就做一种工作,从不变动。
That kind of people stay put in one job all their lives.
9 这项新任务是他潜在的才智得以充分发挥。
The new responsibilities drew out his latent talents.
10 总统的公开言论与他党内大多数人的观点显然很不协调。
The President's public statements are obviously out of step with the majority of his party.









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  • 爱心与尊严高中作文题库

    1.关于爱心和尊严的作文八百字 我们不必怀疑富翁的捐助,毕竟普施爱心,善莫大焉,它是一 种美;我们也不必指责苛求受捐者的冷漠的拒绝,因为人总是有尊 严的,这也是一种美。

  • 爱心与尊重的作文题库

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  • 爱心责任100字作文题库

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  • 爱心责任心的作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

  • 爱心责任作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它
