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英文解释离职原因 Reasons for Leaving

2020-10-22 11:55



Reasons for Leaving
如今 跳槽已是一个很普遍的现象,原因是多种多样的。应征者当被问及跳槽的原因时要
把握住一点,那就是你 要说出现在应聘的这个公司能为你提供原公司不能提供的方面,包括


for more specialized work 为更专门的工作

for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途

for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任

for wider experience 为扩大工作经验

due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭

due to expiry of employment 由于雇佣期满

offere a more challenging opportunity 获得了更有挑战性的工作机会

sought a better job 找到了更好的工作

to look for a more challengling apportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会

to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作

be of no challenge 不具有挑战性

promotion 升级,提升 challenging 有挑战性

contribution 贡献 unfortunately 不幸

accumulate 积累,积聚 trouble- shooting 解决难

contract 合同,契约 expiry 期满,终止

responsibility 责任,义务,职责 considerable 值得考虑

diversified 多样化的,多元化的 quit 离开,辞职




1)Why do you want to leave your present job and join us? 你为什么要辞去现在

2)What's the reason for you to leave your present job? 你为何要辞去你现在的

3)For what do you decide to leave your present job?你为何要辞去你现在的工作?

4)How would you evaluate your present firm? 你如何评价你现在的公司?(It's an
excellent company that afforded me many fine experiences.)

5)How do you feel about leaving all of your benefits? 你对失去所有的福利怎么
看?(Concerned but not panicked. )

6)What was your reason for leaving?你为什么要离开呢?

7)Do you enjoy your present job?你喜欢目前的工作吗?

8)What made you decide to change your job?什么原因使你决定换工作?

9)I know from your resume that you are working as an administration assistant
in a trading do you plan to change your job?我知道你正在一家贸易公司

10)Why have you changed you job so frequently?你为什么经常换工作?

11)What's the reason why you left your previous employer?你为何要离开原来的


1)The job is out of my majorfieldspecialtydomain. 我的工作不属于我的专业

2)I want to do a job that can offer me the opportunity for advancement. 我想

3)I am looking for a more challenging opportunity. 我想找一个更具挑战性的工

4)My former company has been bankrupt. 我原先那个公司已经破产了。

5)Because that company didn?t have a good future, so I needed to consider my
future. 因为那家公司没有什么前途,所以我必需考虑我的未来。

6)My reason for leaving my present employment is that I am desirous of getting
broader experience in trading. 本人离职的理由:希望在贸易方面,能获得更广泛的经

7)My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising
business. 本人去职原因,是希望在广告业方面发展。

8) I am leaving our office to be with my mother and care for my aged mother in
a distant city. 我为照顾住在远地的年老母亲,而申请辞职。

9)My reason for leaving my present emplyment is simple because I see no chance
of advancement. 本人离职的理由是这样:本人深知无升迁的机会。

10)I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an
exporter's office. 本人希望在出口公司能获得更多的经验,故愿转职。

11)I am desirous of leaving the employment in order to improve my position and
have more responsiblility. 由于希望获得更高的职位负更多的责任,而离开现职。

12)I left them a fortnight ago, owing to a disagreement with the president Mr.
Lau. 由于本人与董事长刘先生意见不合,两星期前去职。

13)I left the position with the desire of improving my position. 我为了找更

14)I left the office on acount of the discontinuance of the business. 由于所

15)I left the company because I found a full-time job after graduation. 毕业

16)The only reason why I am leaving the present position is I want an object
to better myself. 本人所准备离开目前的工作岗位,唯一理由是为谋求更高的职位。

17)Unfortunately I have had to leave my position, as my employers have been forced

to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity. 很不幸地,本

18)The only reason why I am leaving the present position is to gain more experience
in a trading office. 本人之所以离开目前的工作岗位,唯一的理由是希望能在一家贸易公

19)My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising
business. 本人离职的原因是希望在广告业方面有所发展。

20)I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business. 本人

21)I now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual
responsibility and judgment than here,and where there is more opportunity for
advancement. 目前,本人希望进入一家可以担负较大责任的公司,并希望能提供升迁机会。

22)I am working in a small company where further promotion is impossible.I am
capable of more responsibilies,so I decided to change my job.I'd like to find a job
which is more challenging.我 在一家小公司工作,所以晋级不大可能。我完全能够承担更
多的责任,所以我决定换工作。我希望做一个 更有挑战性的工作。

23)I would like to have a job that is more lively than my present s,
I would like to practise my English in my my present employer deals with China
trade only,there isn't much chance to speak English.因为我希 望找到一份较有活力的
工作。此外,我想在工作上多用英语。但我现时的雇主主要发展中国市场,所以很 少会使用

24)Because I am looking for a company that I really want to work for so that
I could settle down and make a long-term contribution.因为我想找到一家理想的公司,

25)I'm leaving the present situation just because of expiry of my employment
contract. 我离开现职是因为工作合同期满。

26)The work is not the salary is too small. 那份工作倒是不错,不过薪

27)To speak frankly,I did not enjoy the work very much because these was not
much for me to do at my post. 坦率地说,我不是很喜欢那份工作,因为我在这个职位上


在求职面试中,如果被问到以往失业的经历,你是否能应付自如? 电视上常用的借口--

If you have been fired, you may be afraid that your past will come back to haunt
you in your next job interview. After all, you want to impress a potential new employer,
and letting them know about a major failure isn't that impressive. But getting fired
is not automatically a deal breaker. 失败的经验往往可以激励一个人走向成功,世界上

So just how do you handle questions about your past? Here are a few strategies
to try that might keep you on the

1. Plan ahead to answer the question.

既然已经预料到是个棘手的问题,就更要提前准备好怎样回答。The best thing you can
do is to get ready to answer questions about your experience. Prepare in advance by
thinking about your negative work experience. Why were you fired? What did you learn
from the experience? What did you do right, and what did you do wrong? Try to look
at the situation objectively and from the employer's point of view, as well as your
own. 总是对被解雇耿耿于怀,你就不能在面试的时候冷静客观 地回答这个问题。而你的情绪

2. Don't volunteer the information.

招聘人员。It is acceptable - and advisable - to package the truth in a way that is
most favorable to you.

For example, you can say you
move on to your next position and what you accomplished there. Keep in mind, however,
that this tactic does not work in all situations. It works best if the firing was
several jobs ago and you have more relevant job experience to discuss.

3. Explain the situation briefly, then focus on the positive.

如果你实在无法避开这个问题的话,你就得简要的解释一下。For example: company
went through a great deal of change in the time that I was employed, as did my
department. Unfortunately, my new supervisor was in need of skills I did not possess
at that time.

Once you have explained why you were let go, then it's time to move to the positive.
For example:
a well-rounded contributor. I have taken additional computer classes, become involved
with the industry's trade association, and feel that this job experience made me a

better candidate in the long run.

重点是要指出你在失业的经验中学到了什么。你在哪些方面提高了自己。This means
learning from the past, but thinking about the future.

4. Stay positive, no matter what.

你被解雇可能是因为老板自身问题,也可能是被同事中伤。Even if you got the short
end of the stick (受到了不公平的待遇), it is your job in the interview to stay positive
and professional. 诋毁以前的公司和领导是非常不可取的。Again, if you are asked about
your former boss and have nothing good to say, bite your tongue(忍住不说) for a minute
and focus on your work and what you learned from the situation. 要记住:面试可不


(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)

【Dialogue 1】:

I: Why do you want to apply for a position in our company? Don?t you like the
present job?
A: I like the job and it is similar to the position I am applying for in your
company, but the salary of my present job is too low, so I decided to leave.
I: Is that the only reason why you are leaving?
A: No, another reason is that your operations are global, so I feel I can gain
the most from working in this kind of environment.
I: If you are hired, when will it be convenient for you to begin to work?
A: If you like, tomorrow is ok.

I: 为什么你要应聘我们公司这个职位,你不喜欢你目前这个工作吗?
A: 我喜欢目前这个工作 ,而且它和我在贵公司应聘的这个职位很相似,但是我目前这份
I: 这是你想离职的唯一原因吗?
I: 如果你被录用,什么时候方便来本公司上班呢?

【Dialogue 2】:

I: I know in your resume that you have worked in your present company for 3 years,
can you tell me why you want to leave your present job and join us?
A: Because the job I am doing in my present company is of no challenge, but I

like firm is a young organisation with many innovative ideas. It has
been very successful in an expanding market since its establishment 10 years ago.
Working for you would be exactly the sort of challenge I am looking for.
I: Why do you think you are qualified for this position?
A: I have excellent communication skills and I am familiar with the procedures
for the last company I worked for. Besides, I am a team player and have great
interpersonal skills.

I: 从你 的简历中,我知道你已经在现在这个公司工作3年了,能告诉我为什么你想辞去
现在这个工作来我们公司 吗?
A: 我离开这个公司是因为现在这个工作没有挑战性,但我喜欢挑战。贵公司是一家具 有
I: 为什么你认为你能胜任我们公司这个职位呢?
A: 我的人际交往能力很强。在我工作的上个公司,我熟练掌握了工作流程,而且我具有
团队精神和出 色的人际关系技能。

【Dialogue 3】:

I:Where are you employed?
A:I have been employed as a secretary at a trading company.
I:What do you think of your present job?
A:Yes,I find it interesting.
I:How do you get to office?
A:I go to the office by bus everyday.
I:What does your work consist of exactly?
A: My main responsibility is troubleshooting between top management and the
general employees.
I:Would you mind working overtime at night?
A:No,often my boss requires overtime work.
I:How much money are you making a month?
A:5000 yuan a month.
I: Why do you plan to change your job?
A:I would like to have a job that is more lively than my present s,
I would like to practise my English in my my present employer deals with China
trade only,there isn't much chance to speak English.
I:Why have you changed your job so frequently?
A:My first job was in a well established company where the division of labour
is very clear.I do not have much chance to enrich my I got an
opportunity to really broaden my experience with a new company that was starting up,
but unfortunately,they closed their service in three months' time.I have worked in
my present company for a considerable length of time and enjoy the job I am doing
I think I have accumulated enough experience to take up more challenging post
in a much larger and diversified company where I could make solid contribution.

了。后来我有机 会到一家刚成立的公司,以扩展我的经验,不幸的是,他们 在3个月内便倒
闭了。我在现时的公司已工 作了颇长的时间,虽然我喜欢现时的工作,但我认为我已积累了
足够经验在一家更具规模及多元化的公司 内工作,接受更 大挑战及做出实质贡献。

【Dialogue 4】:

I:What positions have you held before?
A:I have been a now,I can do public relations.
I:How many places have you worked altogether?
I:Would you tell me the general description of your present job?
A:I am in charge of the trading department. I'm handling in-voices,shipping
bills and computing freight costs;that's most of the documentation.
I:What time do you go to work?
A:I must be there no later than 8∶00.
I:What time does the office close?
A:I quit work whenever I get finished,usually about six O'clock.
I:Does your work involve a lot of paper filling and typing?
A:No,the secretary does 's not part of my job.
I:What made you decide to change your job?
A:I am working in a small company where further promotion is impossible,so I
decided to change my job.I'd like to find a job which is more challenging.


换工作。我希望 做一个更有挑战性的工作。
Joke of Today
Apples and Oranges
Big brother: All right, I'll help you with your homework. Now, if you had five
apples and I took one away, how many would you have?
Little sister: I don't know. In my class we do arithmetic with oranges.









本文更新与2020-10-22 11:55,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/418353.html

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