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2020-10-22 09:50



I. In the meeting 聚会用语
A. To sing 唱诗
1. Let’s sing hymn No. 135. 请唱大本诗歌第135首
2. No. 34 in the Supplement. 请唱小本诗歌第34首
3. Sing with our spirit. 用灵唱
4. Brothers, please sing 1st, 3rd, & 5th stanza. 请弟兄们唱第1、3、5节
5. Let’s sing together and release our spirit. 6. 释放灵同声唱
7. Sisters, please sing the last stanza. 请姊妹们唱最后一节
8. Let’s sing the 6th one altogether. 9. 同声唱第6节
10. Sing fast, (slower, higher, lower?). 唱快一点,11. 慢一点,12. 高一
点,13. 低一点。
14. Let’s sing it again. 再唱一遍
B. To read the Bible and pray-read it 读经和祷读
1. Let’s pray-read verses 10 to 15. 祷读第十节至第十五节
2. Let’s stand up and read it loudly. 站起来高声念
C. To pray 祷告
1. Let’s pray together. 2. 同声祷告
3. Let’s pray one by one. 一个一个祷告
4. We pray in the name of the Lord. 5. 奉主的名祷告
6. Any one of us who has a burden may stand up and pray. 有负担的请站起来祷

D. To share 分享
1. Now it’s time for sharing. 现在开始分享
2. We must be normal, proper, functioning members of the body. 我们在身体上
E. Short Phrases 词组
1. Praise the Lord. 赞美主。
2. Thank the Lord. 感谢主。
3. Jesus is Lord. 耶稣是主。
4. Call on His name. 5. 呼求主名。
6. Oh, Lord Jesus, Amen, Hallelujah. 哦!主耶稣!阿们!哈利路亚!
II. Concerning the church: 召会概况
3. We have brothers’ house and sisters’ house close to the campus. 大学附
4. We have about 200 saints on Sunday morning’s meeting. 主日上午聚会约有
5. Where do you come from? 你从哪里来?
6. How is the church life over there? 那里的召会生活怎样?
7. How many brothers and sisters are there in your church? 你们那里有多少弟
8. How is the gospel preaching and campus work there? 那里的福音工作和校园
9. Can you share something about the church life in your locality? 请问贵地

10. What is the present move of the Lord in your locality? 主在贵地有何新的
11. What impresses you the most in the church life? 在召会生活中您最摸着的点?
III. Spritual Fellowship 属灵交通
A. Concerning the spirit 灵
7. Release our spirit. 释放灵。
8. Exercise our spirit. 操练灵。
9. Use our spirit. 运用灵。
10. Set our spirit free. 让灵自由。
11. He is the all-inclusive Spirit. 12. 祂是包罗万有的灵。
13. Christ is the life-giving Spirit. 基督是赐生命的灵。
14. Get into the corporate spirit. 进入团体的灵。
15. Saturate us Lord with your Spirit. 主阿!将我们浸在灵里。
16. We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord. 17. 我们在灵里是一,
18. No more I, but Christ lives in me. 19. 不再是我,20. 乃是基督活在我里
21. We have a strong spirit and a sound mind. 我们有强的灵和清明的心思。
B. Church life 召会生活
22. Christ is my life and the Church is my living. 23. 基督是我的生命,召会
24. The church is our sweet home. 召会是甜美的家。
25. The church life is very practical. 召会生活是非常实际的。
26. In His recovery we are following the Lord. 27. 我们在主的恢复里跟
28. We must enter into the church life. 我们必须进入召会生活。
29. God’s Ordained Way 神命定之路
30. Increasing of districts group meetings 增区增排
31. Children group 儿童排
32. Young people meeting 青少年聚会
33. Door knocking 叩门
34. Morning Revival 35. 晨晨复兴
36. Morning Revival by phone 电话晨兴
37. District meeting 区聚会
38. Group meeting 排聚会
39. Every member functions. 人人尽功用
40. Stirring up saints organic function. 启发生机的功用
41. Gospel Priest 福音的祭司
C. Build up together 建造
42. I give myself to you brothers & sisters. 我将自己交给弟兄姊妹们。
43. We are living stones, and need to be build up together. 44. 我们是活石,必须
45. We are members of the body, and materials for the building. 46.我们是身体上

47. We are not built upon our human relationship, but rather on Spirit. 我们不48.
D. Minister 职事
49. Brother Lee is the oracle of God’s word in this age. 李弟兄是这时代的话
50. We shall go forward with this Ministry. 我们跟随职事往前去。
51. New age; New language. 新时代新语言
52. High peak truth 高峰的真理
53. God became Man to make man God. 54. 神成为人,人成为神。
E. Fellowship Conversation 一般交通
55. I would like to share with you. 我想和你交通。
56. Let’s have fellowship together. 我们一起交通。
57. When were you saved? 你何时得救?
58. Could you tell us how you were saved? 请你说说你得救的情形?
59. Do you have morning watch? 你们有没有晨兴?
60. How many meetings do you have in a week? 你在一周内有几个聚会?
61. Could you tell us about the things which you think are specially blessed by
the Lord? 能否告诉我,你认为什么是主特别祝福的事情?
62. Brother, may I have your name? 弟兄!请问贵姓?
63. From what country (state, city) do you come? 你从哪国(州、城市)来?
64. Are your family all saved? 你的家人得救了吗?
65. Praise the Lord. Yes, they are saved. 赞美主!他们都得救了。
F. Body 身体
66. In the Lord’s recovery, we must care for two things: The spirit and the Body.
68. We care for the oneness of the body. 我们看重身体的合一。
69. Go to the Lord directly and pray. 直接到主面去祷告。
70. We should come into the body, the fellowship is in the body. 71. 我们
72. Our way is to pray and to fellowship. 我们的路是祷告和交通。
73. The Lord’s recovery is mainly based upon the oneness. 74. 主的恢复主要
75. We only care for the unique oneness of the body. 我们只在意身体的合一。
76. The oneness of the body is “not”the unity in your locality, but the oneness
in the whole universe.
77. Unity means the universal oneness of the body. 78.合一是指身体在宇宙的一。
G. Flow 水流
79. There is only one stream, flowing forth from the throne of God and Lamb. 80.
81. This flow is brought out by prayers. 这流乃藉祷告带下。
82. The church is in the flow. 召会在流中。
83. The only way to be one is to be in the flow. 合一惟一的路是在流中。
84. Eating is a basic matter in the Bible. 吃是圣经里一件基本的事。

85. We are for the church, not for individual holiness and spirituality. 86.
我们是为召会,87. 不是为个人圣洁和属灵。
88. In the meeting, every member should function. 89.在聚会中,个个要尽功用。
90. Lord’s Recovery 91. 主的恢复
92. Eating the tree of Life; drinking the water of Life. 吃生命树﹔喝生命水
93. Seven Annual Trainings and Conferences 一年七次特会训练
94. Memorial Conference 国殇节特会
95. Thanksgiving Conference 感恩节特会
96. Winter Training 冬季训练
97. Elders and Responsible Ones’ Training 长老及负责弟兄训练
98. Chinese Speaking Conference 华语新春特会
IV. Appendix 附录
1. Hi, brother(sister), may I have some fellowship with you? 嗨!弟兄(姊妹)我
2. How long have you been saved? 你蒙恩多久了?
3. How about your family? Your parents and brothers and sisters? Are they saved?
4. Please tell me how you came to the Lord’s recovery? 请告诉我,你是如何进入
5. Do you live in the brothers’ (sisters’) house? 你住在弟兄(姊妹)之家?
6. Full-Time Training Center 全时间训练中心









本文更新与2020-10-22 09:50,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/418163.html


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