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2020-10-22 04:22



(2012重庆卷,34) 儿童早期的睡眠问题很有可能在他们长大的
时候 还会继续这一证据已经在数年研究后被发现了。
Evidence has been found through years of study that
children’s early sleeping problems are likely to
continue when they grow up.

It doesn’t matter whether you turn right or left at
the crossing ---both roads lead to the park.

Scientists study how human brains work to make

There is much truth in the idea that kindness is
usually served by frankness.

(2012上海卷,38)--- 我们只有这个小书柜,那样可以么?
--- 不行的,我要找的是个更大更结实的东

- We've only got this small bookcase. Will that do?
- No, what I am looking for is something much bigger
and stronger.

(2012陕西卷,20)提供了有多大五个的课程 ,而且你可以选择任
As many as five courses are provided, and you are free
to choose whichever suits you best.

It doesn’t matter whether you pay by cash or credit
card in this store.

It is by no means clear what the president can do
to end the strike.

The newcomer went to the library the other day and

searched for whatever he could find about Mark Twain.

It suddenly occurred to him that he had left his keys
in the office.

The notice came around two in the afternoon that the
meeting would be postponed.

Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesn’t
matter whether you have lived there for a short or
a long time.

We promise whoever attends the party a chance to have
a photo taken with the movie star.

(2012北京卷,24)Jerry 并不后悔做了那个评论,但是他感觉
Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt that
he could have expressed it differently.

就定好了,但是是否他能够达 到这个极限将取决于环境。
The limits of a person’s intelligence, generally
speaking, are fixed at birth, but whether he reaches
these limits will depend on his environment.

(2012浙江卷, 4)我给自己做出了一个承诺,今年,也就是我高
I made a promise to myself that this year, my first
year in high school, would be different.

(2011北京卷 22)芭芭拉琼斯带给她的粉丝的是诚实和快乐。
What Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and

(2011北京卷 31)这个令人震惊的消息让我意识到我们将要面对

The shocking news made me realize what terrible
problems we would face.

(2011上海卷 35)有明显证据表明最难演绎的痛苦就是身体上的疼
There is clear evidence that the most difficult
feeling of all to interpret is bodily pain.

(2011上海卷 38)你想要通过言语传递的信息可能正好和别人理
The message you intend to convey through words may
be the exact opposite of what others actually

(2011山东卷 26)恐怕与其说他是个行动者还不如说他是个空谈
I am afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which
is why he never finishes anything.
(2011山东卷 33)我们已经给她提供了份工作,但是我不知道她
We’ve offered her the job, but I don’t know whether

she’ll accept it.

(2011江西卷 26)村民们已经知道我们将要做的就是重建这个桥。
The villagers have already known what we’ll do is to
rebuild the bridge.

(2011江苏卷 26)这个人并没有很快报导这个事故,这个从来并
It was never clear that the man hadn’t reported the
accident sooner.

(2011安徽卷 33)他的书写如此地令人困惑以至于我们很难弄清
His writing is so confusing that it’s difficult to
make out what it is he is trying to express.

(2011四川卷 10)我们老师总是告诉我们,如果我们想要成功的
Our teachers always tell us to believe in what we do
and who we are if we want to succeed.

(2011辽宁卷 23)20个学生想要参加这个旨在教人们如何快速阅

Twenty students want to attend the class that aims
to teach how to read fast.

(2011辽宁卷 32)当战争爆发的消息传来之后,他决定去参军
When the news came that the war broke out, he decided
to serve in the army.

(2011天津卷 13)现代科技已经明确证实了吸烟会导致很多疾病
Modern science has given clear evidence that smoking
can lead to many diseases.

(2011陕西卷 15)我想要开始自己的事业----这就是如果我有钱
I’d like to start my own business–that’s what I’d do
if I had the money.

(2011重庆卷 22)是否那个就的车站要被一个现代的酒店取代仍
It is still under discussion whether the old bus
station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.

(2011重庆卷 34)通常对公众来说都不太容易看清一项新的发明
It is not always easy for the public to see what use
a new invention can be of to human life.

Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious
what the problem itself is.

We should respect food and think about the people who
don’t have what we have here and treat food nicely.

(10湖南)Cindy 猛地把门关上了,并且突然哭了起来。办公室没
Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears.
No one in the office knew why she was so angry.

(10天津)作为一个新的毕业生,他不知道需要 花费什么来开始一
As a new graduate, he doesn’t know what it takes to
start a business here.

What some people regard as a drawback is seen as a
plus by many others.

(10浙江)---- 我们这周去野营怎么样,仅仅是为了改变了
---- 好吧,你要怎样就怎样
—How about camping this weekend, just for a change?
—OK, whatever you want.

(10浙江)尽管大约有2 000个病人已经吃个这个药,但是这药物
It is uncertain what side effect the medicine will
bring about, although about two thousand patients
have taken it.

(10上海)她 偏爱城市生活的一个原因就是他可以很方便就去像商

One reason for her preference for city life is that
she can have easy access to places like shops and

The news that the housing price will fall has caused
many people to sell their houses at lower prices.

Before the sales start, I make a list of what my kids
will need for the coming season.

其他司机知道他 要转的车道。
When changing lanes, a driver should use his turning
signal to let other drivers know which lane he is

谁去,是和朋友去还是和亲戚去 。
How much one enjoys himself traveling depends largely
on who he goes with, whether his friends or relatives.

We haven’t discussed yet where we are going to place
our new furniture.

(10湖北)I want to be liked and loved for what I am

(10全国Ⅱ)----- 你已经读完那本书了么?
----- 没有,我已经读到了小孩发现秘密洞穴那里了
—Have you finished the book?
---No, I’ve read up to where the children discover
the secret cave.

(10江苏)----- 在周末的时候,我喜欢整天把自己关在房间里,

----- 那就是我不同意的地方,你应该有一个更加积极
—I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music
all day on Sundays.
—That’s where I don’t agree. You should have a more
active life.

(10北京)查尔斯狄更斯喜欢他自己的小说,Copperfield, 的
Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel,
David Copperfield, was that it was rather closely
modeled on his own life.

She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do
whatever it takes to save her life.

The fact has worried many scientists that the earth
is becoming warmer and warmer these years.

At first he hated the new job but decided to give
himself a few months to see if it got any better.

Could I speak to whoever is in charge of International
Sales please?

One of the most important questions they had to
consider was that of public health.

(09陕西)《how- to》这本书对任何一个想要干这个工作的人都很
The how-to book can be of help to whoever wants to
do the job.
As a new diplomat, he often thinks of how he can react
more appropriately on such occasions.

News came from the school office that Wang Lin had
been admitted to Beijing University.

It is obvious to the students that they should get
well prepared for their future.

-Is there any possibility that you could pick me up
at the airport?
-No problem.

We should consider the students’ request that the
school library provide more books on popular science.


Many young people in the West are expected to leave
what could be life’s most important
decision—marriage—almost entirely up to luck.

The little girl who got lost decided to remain where
she was and wait for her mother.

The companies are working together to create what they
hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st

The last time we had great fun was when we were
visiting the Water Park.

Students are always interested in finding out how far
they can go with a new teacher.

When asked what they needed most, the kids said they
wanted to feel important and loved.

Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. Have you got any idea
where the party is to be held?

People in Chongqing are proud of what they have
achieved in the past ten years.

Some children want to challenge themselves by
learning a language different from what their parents
speak at home.

What is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games

will take place in Beijing.

What was most important to her, she told me, was her

What matters most in learning English is enough

( 07天津)这边的海滩每年夏天都吸引了大量的游客,温暖的阳光
The seaside here draws a lot of tourists every summer.

You can only be sure of what you have at present;
you cannot be sure of something you might get in the


Having checked the doors were closed, and that all
the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his

what parents say and do has a life-long effect on their

Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? That’s where

It is none of your business what other people think
about you. Believe yourself.

Choosing the right dictionary depends on what you want


See the flags on top of the building? That was what
we did this morning.

--- 他们总是让我做我认为我应该做的事情

(06北京) ---你能帮我一个忙么?

What we used to think was impossible now does seem


Whichever team wins on Saturday will go through to
the national championships.

A warm thought suddenly came to me that I might use
the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s

(06四川)--- 我们已经30年没见面了。

—But I still remember the story, believe it or not,

What makes this shop different is that it offers more
personal services.


Mary wrote an article on why the team had failed to
win the game.

Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an
object and whether it is rough or smooth.

Do you have any idea what is actually going on in the

(05山东)The shopkeeper did not want to sell for what
he thought was not enough.

Danby left word with my secretary that he would call
again in the afternoon.

Mum is coming. What present do you expect for your


(05湖南)I was surprised by her words, which made
me recognize what silly mistakes I had made.

(05重庆) 那个老太太的手抖的很频繁。她向医生解释这个抖手半
年前是怎样开始的,并且正是由于这个,她又是怎 么样被迫放弃她的
The old lady’s hand shook frequently. She explained
to her doctor how this shaking had begun half a year
before, and how , only because of this, she had been
forced to give up her job.

The way he

个学校了,那时候它的设 备是如此的破旧。
Great changes have taken place in that school. It is
no longer what it was 20 years ago, when it was so
poorly equipped.

Parents are taught to understand how important
education is to their children’s future.

You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this
is whereI disagree.
The road is covered with snow. I can’t understand why
they insist on going by motorbike.


A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland
ten years ago.

We can’t figure out why quite a number of insects,
birds, an

I think father would like to know what I’ve been up

The other day, my brother drove his car down the street
at what I thought was a dangerous speed.

Along with the letter was his promise that he would
visit me this coming Christmas.

It is pretty well understood what controls the flow
of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.


What made the school proud was that more than 90% of
the students had been admitted to key universities.

People have heard what the president has said; they
are waiting to see what he will do.

--- Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?
--- Oh, that’s what makes me feel excited.

When you answer questions in a job interview, please
remember the golden rule. Always give the monkey what
he wants.


-- I think it is going to be a big problem.
--- Yes, it could be.
--- I wonder what we can do about it.

(02上海)There’s a feeling in me that we’ll never know
what a UFO is—not ever.

Perseverance is a kind of quality --- and that’s what
it takes to do anything well.


That fashion differs from country to country may
reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.

There is a new problem involved in the popularity of

private cars that road conditions need to be improved.

What the doctors really doubt is whether my mother
will recover from the serious disease soon.

Little Tommy was reluctant to tell the school
master what he had done the day before.









本文更新与2020-10-22 04:22,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/417559.html
