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PASS BEC 新编剑桥商务英语口试必备手册(中高级)

2020-10-21 19:06



第一单元 公司运作与管理
Teamwork 团队合作 1
Reducing Production Cost 降低生产成本 12
Internal Communications 内部沟通 8
Reducing Overheads 减少管理费用 18
How to Deal with a Heavy Workload 如何应对繁重的工作 23
Work Environment工作环境 27
Logistics物流 32
Business Ethics 商业道德
第二单元 人力资源管理 37
Recruiting & Selecting 人员招聘 42
Employee Training 员工培训
Career Development 职业发展
Promotion 晋升
Staff promotion 激励员工
Staff turnover 员工流失
Appraising and Improving Performance 绩效考核与改进绩效
Pay and benefits 薪酬与福利
Labor relations劳动关系
Work place safety and health 工作安全与职业保健
Time management 时间管理
Managing stress 缓解压力
第三单元 市场营销
Product development 产品开发
Setting price 产品定价
Product promotion 产品推广
Advertising 广告
Packaging 包装
Branding 品牌
Customer satisfaction 顾客满意度
Keeping Customers 留住顾客
Marketing channels 营销渠道
第四单元 商务旅行
Travel and transport 出行与交通工具
Travel and accommodation 差旅与住宿
Domestic travel 国内差旅
Travelling abroad 国际差旅
第五单元 企业公关
Corporate culture 企业文化
Company image 公司形象
Corporate gifting 公司送礼
Corporate sponsorship 企业赞助
Dress code 着装要求
Entertaining business clients 招待客户
第六单元 公司发展
Site location and relocation 公司选址和迁址
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Going global 全球营销 205
Franchise 特许经营 209
Meeting competition 应对竞争
第七单元 商务电子化与新型工作方式 213
Office automation 办公自动化 217
Setting up company website 建立公司网站 224
Internet marketing 互联网促销 230
Flexible patterns of work 弹性工作方式
第八单元 商务会议 235
Staging a meetingconference 举办会议 241
Attending a meetingconference 参加会议 247
Giving a presentation 大会发言 251
Trade fair and exhibitions 会展 257

UNIT ONE Company Operation and Management 第一单元 公司运作与管理
1.1 Teamwork 团队合作
Teamwork 团队合作,团队精神 Pre-building 团队建设
Team-based 以团队为基础的 Nurture 培养,教育,发展
Horizontal organization structure 横向企业结构 Nurture team dynamics 培养团队活力
Corporate goals 企业目标 Promote team spirit 提倡团队精神
Charter 规章,章程 Drive team success 驱使团队成功
Be accountable for 对…负有责任 Minimize 将…减少到最少,最小化
Creative innovation 创新改革,创新发明 创新精神 Inhibit 约束,抑止
Reward system 奖励制度 Liven up 使…有生气
Pay back 回报,报偿 Training session 一场训练,培训课期
Individuality 个性 Rafting 漂流
Independent thinking 独立的思想 Rock climbing 攀岩
Group decision-making 集体决策 Teammate 队友
Managerial skill 管理技能 Impact 影响,效果
Coordinate 使协调,调整 Complementary 补充的,互补的
Interpersonal relationship 人际关系 Revitalize 使新生,给予新的活力
Mutual trust 相互信任 Trait (个人性格方面的)特征,显著的特点
Bring out the potentials 充分发挥潜能 Commitment 敬业精神
Closely-knit (关系)密切的 Interpersonal communication skills 人际交际技能,亦作
Keep track of 跟踪,追踪 interpersonal skills
Time-consuming 花费时间的 Address 处理(事情)
Line manager 部门经理,业务经理(与行政经理相对) Creative innovation 创新精神

How to Make Teams Effective
People in every workplace talk about building the team, working as a team, and my team, but few understand how to
create the experience of teamwork or how to develop an effective team.
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在各种工作场合,人们都在谈论团队建设、团队合作、自己的团队,但是却很少有人真正 理解如何体验团队合作以及
Belonging to a team, in the broadest sense, is a result of feeling part of something larger than yourself.
It has a lot to do with your understanding of the mission or objectives of your organization.
In a team-oriented environment, you contribute to the overall success of the organization.
You work with fellow members of the organization to produce these results.
Even though you have a specific job function and you belong to a specific department, you are unified with other
organization members to accomplish the overall objectives.
The bigger picture drives your actions; your function exists to serve the bigger picture.
Therefore, executives, managers, and organization staff members universally explore ways to improve business
results and profitability.
Many view team-based, horizontal organization structures as the best design for involving all employees in creating
business success.
Successful team building requires attention to each of the following Twelve Cs.
Clear expectations: Do team members understand why the team was created?
Context: Can team members define their team’s importance to the accomplishment of corporate goals?
Commitment: Do team members perceive their service as valuable to the organization and to their own careers?
Competence: Does the team feel that its members have the knowledge, skill, and capability to address the issues
for which the team was formed?
团队能力:团队是否感知其成员拥有应对种种问题的知识、技能和实际能力?而团队组 建的目的就是为了解决这些问
Charter: Has the team taken its assigned area of responsibility and designed its own mission, vision, and strategies
to accomplish the mission?
Control: Do team members hold each other accountable for project timelines, commitments, and results?
Collaboration: Do team members cooperate to accomplish the team charter?
Communication: Do team members communicate clearly and honestly with each other?
Creative Innovation: Does the team value creative thinking, unique solutions, and new ideas?
Consequences: Is the organization designing reward systems that recognize both team and individual
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Coordination: Are teams coordinated by a central leadership that assists the groups to obtain what they need for
Cultural Change: Does the organization recognize that the more it can change its climate to support teams, the
more it will receive in pay back from the work of the teams?
改进文化:企业是否认识到越是通过改变企业氛围来支持团队 的工作,就越能够从团队的工作中得到回报?
Spend time and attention on each of these twelve tips to ensure your work teams contribute most effectively to your
business success.

PART ONE: Interview
(1) Do you like working in a team or on your own?(why?)
I like working in a team, as the proverb goes:” Two heads are better than one.” In a team, I can learn from my fellow
workers, get help from them when I’m under pressure. And the most important thing is : I can learn to communicate
with all sorts of people.

(2) How important is the central leadership of a team?
It’s very important. You need someone with managerial skills to lead within the team: he is able to see the big picture
of the work going on , to engage others, coordinate interpersonal relationship and organize resources effectively.

(3) Do you prefer to work in small teams or big teams?(why)
I prefer to work in a big team. You see, when you work with more people, you get a chance to listen to different points
of view, to learn to see things in different perspectives. It’s also more challenging as you have to coordinate with
more people,

(4) Is it necessary for a team to have regular meetings?
Yes, I think it’s absolutely necessary. Regular meetings can enable team members to keep track of work progress
and it’s a means of considering information and making collective decisions.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Evaluating the success of teamwork 衡量团队成功与否需要考虑哪些要点?
? Mutual trust 相互信任
? Full co- operation 通力合作

Mutual trust is the first secret of successful teamwork. When members share a trusting relationship, they will feel free
to express their views, understand each other’s capabilities and limitations, and communicate with each other timely.
This helps to bring out the potentials, experience and creativity of the individual and create good work environment.
Full co-operation among team members has a direct impact on the success or failure of the team. When team
members develop a strong awareness of cooperation, they would make collective efforts to achieve the common
objectives and ensure a higher level of quality and workmanship.
On top of that, timely communication and decision making will also help to improve work efficiency.

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PART THREE: Discussion
Your company is offering a brief training programme on team building for line managers. You have been asked to
help plan the programme. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? what issues should the programme focus on
? what kind of activities should be included
你们公司正在考虑为部门经理提供关于团队建设的短期培训课程。请你们协助策划这 一课程。讨论并决定:
? 该培训课程应集中在哪些问题上
? 应包含哪些活动
A: Well, I think it’s a good idea that our company is planning to offer a training programme on team building for all line
B:Yes. We need to work out the focus of this programme.
A: In my opinion, we should , first of all, focus on issues like how to form an effective team and how to improve
communication within the team. These are the most important things we need to consider when holding a training
B: Yes, I quite agree with you. Understanding these issues is the pre-requisite of successful team-building. Besides
that, how to nurture team dynamics should be another focus of our training programme, I mean, analyse and
encourage the dynamics that drive team success and minimize the factors that inhibit the healthy functioning of the
A: Yes, only when all team members are motivated, and they give good performance in work.
B: So we can include in our programme, the activities that help to promote team spirit, activities that help develop
employee motivation and improve communication.
A: Well, we can provide team building games, and outdoor activities that liven up the training sessions.
B: I’m quite with you here. We can organize outdoor adventures like rafting, sailing and rock climbing. These events
serve to increase personal awareness of abilities and complementary skills in your teammates.
A: it’s a very good idea. These exciting activities not only encourage team participation, problem soving and revitalize
morale, they also add some fun and variation to our programme.
B: And in fulfilling their potentials, everyone in the team learns to understand other people’s capacities and learns to
appreciate the impact of their traits on team dynamics.
A: Yes, mutual understanding and mutual trust are indispensable to effective team building.
Follow-up questions:
(1) What are the characteristics of a good team?
Characteristics like mutual trust, co-operation, commitment, openness of expression among team members are
essential to a good team. Besides, a team should also be clear about the common goals they aim to attain.

(2) What might be the disadvantages of working in a team environment?
Sometimes, team membership requires you to give up some individuality in order for the team to function as a whole.
Sometimes you feel your own contribution to the team cannot be measured, so you work less than you would

(3) Would you like to take part in a programme for developing teamwork?(Why)
Yes, of course. It offers me opportunities to develop better interpersonal communication skills, and these are
essential in my business career.
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(4) How might a company measure the success of a training programme?
To evaluate the impact of a training programme, we can see if the training has helped to address the issues in the
work, to see if there’s any improvement in the work performance of the staff and if it encourages creative innovation
and teamwork.

(5) Do you think a company will always benefit from staff training?(Why?Why not?)
I think a company can benefit much from staff training. Through training, employees will have a better understanding
of their work objectives, have greater commitment in their work, and acquire practical working skills.

1.2 Internal Communications 内部沟通
Be committed to 致力于 Mettle 勇气,精神
Be engaged in 投身于…,忙于 Initiative 主动性
Delivery 传输,传送 Management message 管理信息
Corporate information 公司信息 Performance excellence 优异表现
Vision 设想,远见 Subordinate 下级,下属
Openness 坦诚,公开 E-mail newsletter 电邮通讯,电子邮件通讯,亦作
Integrity 诚信,诚实 E-newsletter, E-news-letter
Paramount 极为重要的 Tangible performance standards 具体的工作标准
-wide (后缀,与名词一起构成形容词或副词)全…范围Annual performance reviews (对员工的)年度业绩考核,
的 年度绩效评估
Opinion survey 意见调查 Staff appraisal (对员工的)业绩评估,业绩考核
Put in place 实施,到位 Two-way communication 双向交流
Audience- driven 以受众为导向的 Voice one’s opinions about 就…发表自己的意见
Communications approach 沟通方式 Column (报纸、杂志的)专栏
Segmentation 分割,切断 Layout 版面设计
Customization 根据对方需要制作,量身定做 Cartoon picture 漫画
Integrated platform 集成的(信息)平台 Company logo 公司标识
Cost efficiency 成本效率 A sense of belonging 归属感
Digital media 数码媒介 Work station 工作站,工作处
Intranet 企业内部互联网 Information equality 信息均等
Notice-board 布告牌 Have access to 有权使用…
Resentment 愤恨,不满 Channel 渠道,通道
Open-minded 胸襟开阔的 Opinion poll 民意测验
Out-going 爽直的,乐于助人的,外向的

Internal communications
Nokia is committed to a strong internal communications culture and practice.
Its broad range of communications activities, channels and media strive to help employees manage and use
corporate information they receive in their work and organizational relationships and in doing so,
诺基亚公司通过各种广泛的沟通活动以及丰富的沟通渠道和媒介,尽力帮助员工管理和运用他 们在工作中以及在企业
be fully engaged in the delivery of the company’s strategy and the Nokia Way.
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Nokia promotes a culture where good communications practice is integrated into every day interaction with and
between employees and where shared vision and goals, shared knowledge, openness, speed and integrity are
诺基亚公司倡导 这样一种公司文化:将良好的沟通习惯融入公司于员工以及员工与员工之间的日常交往之中。在这一
公司 文化中,共同的期望和目标、共享的知识、坦诚、高效和诚信高于一切。
The company measures its performance in internal communications through the company-wide annual employee
opinion survey as well as targeted surveys around specific communications activities.
诺基亚公司通过在公司上下进行一年一度的员工意见调查,以及针对具体沟通活动的目标调查,衡量公司 内部沟通方
Nokia is putting in place an audience-driven communications approach to meet the diverse needs of its employees
for information and communication, with emphasis on segmentation, customization and choice of access.
诺基亚公司正在实施以受众为导向的沟通方式,以满足员工对信息和交流的不同需要,着重强调沟通职能 的切分、量
This work is supported by the development and use of common and integrated platforms and processes which will
encourage cost efficiency in the use of internal and external resources and adoption over time of digital media.
这项工作得以展开是通过开发和使用了普通以及集成 的信息平台和处理程序,在运用内外资源的过程中激励成本效率,
There are three primary channels for communicating with employee. Nokia people magazine is published in the four
most common languages in Nokia: English, Finnish, Chinese and German. Nokia News Service offers daily online
news from around the organization, and the Intranet contains a vast amount of detailed company information.
诺基亚公司和员工的沟通有三种不同的渠道。《诺基亚人》杂志采用四种语 言出版:英语、芬兰语、汉语和德语;诺基
亚新闻服务网每天提供在线的公司新闻;还有企业内部互联网 ,提供大量详细的公司信息。

PART ONE Interview
(1) What are the methods of communication to staff in most companies?大多数公司采用什么方式和员工进行沟通?
The most popular communication methods include: face-to- face communication, E-mails, telephone, notice- boards,
etc. nowadays, the Intranet is a very effective method of communication.

(2) Do you think you are good at communicating with your boss?(Why?Why not?)你觉得自己善于和上司沟通吗?
Yes. I think I’m quite good at communicating with people. Whenever I have some new ideas or resentment about my
work. I’ll talk to my boss face to face. I’m very frank and open-minded, ready to accept different opinions.

(3) Is it important to let your manager know your ideas about work?(Why)
I think it’s very important. You see, I often make suggestions to my boss about internal development, and discuss
areas I would like to improve on. In this way, I’m contributing to the overall improvement of the company.

(4) Do you think people can be trained to communicate more efficiently (Why)
Yes. I think it will be very helpful if employees get chances to attend training courses on interpersonal skills. Such
training will enable them to communicate more effectively.

Part Two: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Communciating management messages to the staff
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? Overall purpose 整体目标
? Feedback on performance 对工作表现的反馈
First of all , I think it’s important to clearly state your overall purpose and expectations. In this way, employee know
exactly what they should do to meet work requirements and to achieve performance excellence.
In addition to this, providing feedback on their performance is also important. On the managerial part, performance
reviews help managers to keep track of possible problems in their own work. On the part of the employees, they get
encouraged for their hard work and are given chances to correct mistakes made on the job.
Besides, managers should be more open in sharing information with their subordinates. They should let employees
know in advance any proposed changes before they actually occur. This will enhance mutual understanding and

PART THREE Discussion
E-mail Newsletter
You company would like to introduce an E-mail newsletter to send to all members regularly. You have been asked to
help co- ordinate the project. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? what kinds of articles and information should be included
? what the newsletter should look like and how often it should be sent
? 电子邮件快讯中应包含哪些文章和信息
? 电子邮件快讯的版式、发送周期
A:You see, our company is designing an E-mail newsletter for all staff members. It certainly is a very good channel
for internal communication.
B: Yes. What information should be included, in your opinion?
A: It should carry articles about the tangible performance standards for staff to follow, and information about any
changes in the company, such as new policies, new projects and new managers, etc. this will help to reduce the
chance for confusion and misinterpretation of key corporate polices and decisions.
B: Yes, I’m quite with you here. Information of this kind will help staff members better adjust themselves to the work
environment and achieve higher level of performance.
A: There should also be information about the latest achievements of the company as well.
B: I agree with you. But…
A: And about annual performance reviews and staff appraisals, just to reward hardworking people and look at
problems in work. You see…
B: Well, you are quite right. But I think we should place emphasis on two-way communication. The newsletter should
also focus on the employee side. We should allow our employees to voice their opinions about day-to-day work and
corporate development. They should also have a chance to comment on the performance of the managers and point
out problems in their work.
A: That’s a good idea. So let’s put in this column” Voice from the Staff”.
B: Besides the contents, the layout is also important. We can use some photos, people usually like to see pictures of
themselves and people they know. So it will be able to attract more readers. We can also use cartoon pictures to help
illustrate our ideas.
A: Good. And don’t forget our company logo, it will help to promote a sense of belonging and loyalty. And let’s also
insert some humour, to make it more readable.
B: Finally, I think it should be sent to our employees every other week.
A: Well, er…you see, this is a competitive age, news and information keep changing. Why not make it once in every
ten days, three different issues every month.
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B: Alright. And let’s make it short, so people don’t have to spend too much time reading each issue.
A: I agree.

Follow-up questions
(1) Do you think it’s important that managers listen to complaints from employees?(whywhy not?)
Yes. Complaints from employees usually reflect the problems within the firm, some even show problems of the
management. Listening to the complaints helps managers to find problems and ways to resolve them.

(2) Do you communicate with your colleague often and how?
Yes. I often communicate with my colleagues, we share corporate information together, exchange news and views.
In most cases, we chat with each other, sometimes we E-mail to each other.

(3) What are the advantages of management communications?
Management communications can enhance mutual trust, promote employee commitment, boost morale. On top of
that, it helps to improve productivity.

(4) Is it necessary for the manager to have personal contacts with his employees?
Yes. It is better for the manager go to an employee’s work station rather than make phone calls. Face-to-face
discussion shows your sincerity and what’s more, it’s more open and direct.

(5) How important is it to develop the intranet of the company?
In this information age, company intranet tends to be a very effective channel of communication. It’s speedy in
relaying the corporate news, management messages, internal changes, etc. and it promotes information equality, as
everyone has access to it.

1.3 Reducing Production Cost 降低生产成本

Result in 导致,造成 Customer satisfaction 客户满意度
Cut corners 抄近路,走捷径,偷工减料 Cost effective (有)成本效益的
Greener pastures 更绿的牧场(比喻更好的谋生去处,Competitive edge 竞争优势,竞争力
更好的工作、职位) Cost-efficient 成本效益高的
Deadwood 枯枝,朽木;无用的人 Cost management 成本管理
Nuisance 讨厌的人或事,麻烦事 Cut down 削减,减少
Ex-customer 过去的顾客,以前的顾客 Raw material 原料
In the short run 在短期内 To a large extent 在很大程度上
Go through the roof 大大增加,上涨到处乎意料的程度 Cost-conscious 注重节约成本的
TQM (total quality management) 全面质量管理 Production line 生产线,流水线
Under the umbrella of 在…的保护下 Ergonomics 功效学
Cost accountant 成本会计师 Specialist 专家
Cost control 成本控制 User-friendly 方便用户的
Prognosis 预告 预言 Shift work 倒班制,轮班工作(一半指三班倒,即day shift,
Customer service 客户服务中心,客户服务 evening shift,以及night shift)
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Permanent schedule 固定班(亦称 fixed schedule) Night shift blues 夜班忧郁症
Rotating schedule 轮班制 All this 所有这一切
Out of step with 与…步调不一致 Health counseling facilities 健康咨询设施
Adjust to 对…适应 Health facilities 健身设备
Fight off 竭力避免 Round the clock 24小时
Body rhythm 生理节奏 Translate to 转化为
Stressful (心理、生理或情绪上的)紧张、压力 Hazard 危害,公害
Out of step with 与…不协调,失调 Adequate lighting 充分的照明,足够的照明
Consultancy service 咨询服务 Proper heat 适当的室温

Reducing Business Costs
Cost reduction is an important factor in improving the state of a business.
It can obviously result in higher profits and a stronger enterprise.
Most business leaders and managers would like to reduce costs, but many find it difficult to do the right things.
There are several methods business leaders or managers use to reduce costs that can be damaging to the health of
the organization.
These include downsizing, reducing customer service, and cutting corners in production methods.
Some company leaders feel they can reduce costs by simply downsizing or reducing the number of workers or
middle managers.
If this is done after applying ISO 9000. and defining the exact role of everyone, it may be a necessary and effective
如果是在实施ISO9000质量体系之后, 并已对每个成员的角色做出了细致的规定之后,这有可能不失为必要并且有效
Unfortunately, most companies that downsize do so without really knowing the impact on the company’s operations.
但遗憾的是大多数削减规模的公司采用了裁员这种方法,但并不真正知道这种 方法对公司运作所产生的影响。
One of the biggest effects of downsizing to reduce costs is that the good employees quickly leave the company for
greener pastures.
Thus the company is left with the deadwood employees, who are supposed to do twice the work as before.
Reducing Customer Service
Customer service can be a nuisance and is often expensive.
Sometimes companies will reduce or eliminate the service they give to the customers. Unfortunately,
a neglected customer is an ex-customer.
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Cutting Corners
A quick way to cut costs is by cutting corners in production or service methods.
Some company leaders feel that by using cheaper materials and labor, and by eliminating part and steps, they can
cut costs and save money.
It is true that costs may be cut in the short run, but often the product or service is of such a low quality that repair and
rework costs go through the roof.
诚然,这样做在短期内可以削减成本,但是往往会使产品和服务 的质量低下,结果是补救、返工的成本奇高无比。
Also customers may be come unhappy with the low quality and move on to another supplier.
Effective way to reduce costs include training your workers, getting quality goods from suppliers, and using Total
Quality Management(TQM)tools.
降低成本的有效方法包括对员工进行培训、从供应商处 购买优质的产品,以及启用全面质量管理(TQM)工具。
Because to reduce costs means to reduce waste. That is wasted materials, wasted effort, and wasted time.
Train Workers
In these days of changing technologies and methods, it is necessary to train your workers to keep them up to date.
Get Quality from Suppliers
Low quality goods from suppliers is a major source of waste.
You should not only try to get quality suppliers but also work with your suppliers to help them improve their operations
and quality of output.
TQM Tools
There are a number of improvement methods that can be placed under the umbrella of Total Quality
In conclusion, crude methods to reduce costs—such as downsizing—are not effective and can actually harm a
Helping your suppliers, training your workers, and using TQM-type improvement tools can help to eliminate waste
and improve the profits of your business.
为你的供应商提供帮助,对员工进行培训,并启用全面质量管理型改进 工具,这些将有助于减少浪费,提高企业的盈

PART ONE: Interview
(1) Is it important to consult a cost accountant when starting a new project?(WhyWhy not)
(2) 启动新项目时,向成本会计师咨询是否重要?(为什么?)
Yes. It’s paramount in cost control. The cost accountant can prepare budgets and give a prognosis for the project. His
advice is essential in deciding whether to undertake or abandon the planned project.

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(3) In what ways is customer service related to cost reduction?客户服务在哪些方面与降低成本有关?
Customer service can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Good customer relationship helps to improve your
company image and boost sales. As a result, large scale production will be cost effective for your company.

(4) Do you think people can be trained to work more efficiently?(WhyWhy not?)
(5) 你认为人们通过培训可以提高工作效率么?
Yes. I think staff training is extremely important nowadays. You see, technologies keep changing and if employees
get regular training, they would be able to work more efficiently. It’s the competence of the workforce that sharpens
the competitive edge of the company.

(6) What changes in cost management do you expect will happen in the future?
I expect it will head towards more cost-efficient methods, involving more parties in the process of production: not only
corporate management and staff, but also suppliers, retailers and even customers.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Aiming to control production cost 要控制生产成本需要考虑哪些要点?
*Quality supplier 高质量的供货商
*Efficiency of production line 生产线的效率
In cost management, it’s important to cut down the cost of raw materials, as to a large extent, it helps to determine
the product prices. Cost-conscious companies always seek to work with good suppliers who can offer quality raw
materials with reasonable prices. Low quality materials from suppliers are actually a waste of money.
Efficiency of production line is another important thing to consider. When introducing a production line, it is important
to consult an ergonomics specialist and see that it’s user- friendly and will not cause too much physical stress and
strain. Meanwhile, workers should get full-trained to work more efficiently on the line.
Measures should also be taken to eliminate waste. On top of that, management should develop good benefits
system to boost the morale of the workers.

PART THREE: Discussion
Introducing Shift Work
Your company would like to introduce shift work operation to optimize the production process. You have been asked
to help co-ordinate the project. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? how to arrange the work schedule
? how to match staff to this new work requirement
? 怎样安排工作时间表
? 怎样使工人达到这一新的工作要求
A: When introducing shift work, the most important thing is to work out good work schedules. I think we can divide
our twenty-four hour operation into three shifts: day shift, evening shift and night shift. And we’ll have the permanent
schedule. It’s tough to work at night, but once you get used to it, it’s easier to fight off the night-time fatigue.
B: Well, I partly agree with you. I mean “ the three shifts” is a good idea, but I think it would be better if we adopt the
rotating schedule. You see, shift-work disrupts the body rhythm and is very stressful. Besides, it affects home life, the
night shift worker is out of step with his family.
A: That’s the problem. Night shifts really affect our health conditions. So you’re right, the rotating schedule has more
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advantages over the fixed schedule.
B: All right. So we’ll adopt the rotating schedule, three shifts and the day shift is from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with a
lunch-break. And evening shift, 5:00 pm to 1:00 am including coffee breaks, and then…
A: And night shift from 1:00 am to 8:00 am, also with a coffee break.
B: Right. We should also provide our shift workers with training programmes to help them better adjust to this new
work requirement. We should inform them of the harmful effects of night shifts and give them tips on how to prevent
and fight off these hazards.
A: Yes. We can arrange health specialists to give them training courses and provide online consultancy service for
the convenience of our shift workers. And I think we should also provide psychological consultancy just in case they
get too stressed. We need to help them to cope with night shift blues.
B: Good. It’s also important to provide some nutritious food during the evening and night shifts.
Follow-up questions
(1) What benefits will your company gain from shift work operation?
If we keep our equipment operating round the clock, we’ll be able to use our productive equipment to its fullest
potential, that would help to optimize the production process. You see, improved productivity translates directly to
higher profits.

(2) How important is it to inform workers of the hazards of night shift?
It’s certainly of great importance. Employees’ well-being and security should be the first priority of the management.
When shift workers are fully aware of the hazards, they will take better care of themselves.

(3) Do you think companies should provide health counseling facilities?(Why?Why not?)
In my opinion, it’s a must in this highly competitive age. Employees often become stressful and develop health
problems. Management should provide health counseling facilities to help improve the physical and mental health of
the staff and boost their morale.

(4) Should work environment be taken into consideration when designing shift work?(Why? Why not?)
Poor working conditions add to the strain of shift work. Adequate lighting, clean air, proper heat, air-conditioning and
reduced noise will help to reduce the shiftworker’s burden.

(5) Is regular exercise important for shift workers?(Why?Why not?)
Physical exercises are extremely important for night shift workers. Jogging, walking, cycling or swimming will help
them to relax and to minimize stress. You see, shift work disrupts the body rhythm and is very harmful to your health.

1.4 Reducing Overheads
Activity 经营项目 In the short term 短期内
Research and development 研发 Devastating 毁灭性的,破坏性的
Property costs 财产耗费、物业费用 Insecure 不可靠的,不安全的
Capital goods 资本货物 Redundancy 失业、多余
Balance sheet 资产负债表 Drastic 激烈的,猛烈地,彻底的
Redundancy payment 失业金 Temporary measure 权宜之计
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Let out 出租 Generic brand 普通品牌
Premises (复数)经营场地,生产场地,办公场所 Group purchasing 团购
Mortgage 抵押 Bulk price 批发价
Sublet 转租,分租 Mail-order 邮购
Hotel bill 旅馆住宿费用 Rough draft 草稿
Public transportation fares 公交费用 Put in a word 说一句话,插一句话
Expenses claims system 报销制度 Disposable 一次性用品
Abuse 滥用,妄用 Printer cartridge 打印机墨盒
Malpractice 失职行为,玩忽职守 Rechargeable battery 可充电电池
Discount air ticket 打折机票 Comply with 遵守
Electric rates 电费 Profitability 盈利能力,获利能力
Apportion 分摊,分配 In the long run 从长远来看
Over-expenditure 超支 Diversify 使多样化,做多样性的投资
Office supplies 办公用品 Might as well do sth. 不妨做… …
Stationery 文具 Abide by 遵守
Paper clip 回形针,曲别针 Paperless office 无纸化办公
Name-brand 知名品牌

Reducing overheads
It’s a good idea to review overheads regularly.
It becomes even more important if you are having problems generating cash.
You may need to make big cuts in overheads, but try to avoid slashing costs to a level where it is difficult to operate.
Advertising, as well as research and development, are often the first activities to be cut because they can be reduced
almost instantly.
Cutting overheads such as property costs or capital goods will take much longer to have an effect on the balance
You can also cut staff costs by reducing your number of employees, though redundancy payments will increase costs
in the short term.
你也 可以通过裁员来削减员工费用,虽然支付失业费在短期内会增加开支,但这样做的结果可能十分糟糕。
The consequences can be devastating, particularly for small businesses and morale suffers after redundancies.
Key employees may feel insecure and choose to leave your business.
It can be useful to talk to employees before taking such action.
They may suggest less drastic ways of cutting costs.
You can also reduce overheads, for example by delaying purchases of new equipment, although this is a temporary
Investment is crucial if you want to grow your business and ensure it remains competitive.
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Other short-term measures for cutting costs include:
? Letting out part of your business premises but check first with the owner or mortgage company that sub-letting is
allowed—approval may be needed.
? Leasing new equipment rather than buying it outright
? Renegotiating your contracts with suppliers

PART ONE Interview
(1) What expense do people typically incur on a business trip?
Expenses on a business trip include hotel bills, traveling expenses, public transportation fares, fax or telephone
charges and client entertainment expenses, etc.

(2) How should companies control business travel expenses?
Companies should develop a sound expenses claims system to prevent any system abuse and possible

(3) Do you think it’s necessary to have control over the usage of electricity?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Electricity costs are a very important component of overheads, if a company can keep electric rates low, it will
certainly be very helpful in overheads reduction.

(4) Is it important to involve employees in overheads reduction project?(Why?)
Yes. Overheads are the indirect cost of business, they are closely related to the welfare of all staff members, so
concerted efforts are needed from both managers and staff to implement the overheads reduction project.

PART TWO: Mini- presentation
What’s important when…?
Aiming to slash business overheads 要削减管理费用需要考虑哪些要点?
? Budget and management 预算和管理
? Long-term effects 长期效果

First of all ,business overhead expenditure needs to be budgeted and apportioned as fairly as possible to different
departments of the business. Once we have set a clear budget plan, we’ll be able to manage the overheads costs by
limiting budget spending and improving overhead productivity. And in case an over- expenditure occurs, we’ll be able
to track the cause and check it in time.
Meanwhile, long- term effects should also be considered. In reducing overheads costs, we should not aim to seek
instant success, we should put our overheads reduction plan in a greater perspective and evaluate their overall
effects. Reduction measures should enable the company to tap its potential productivity and ensure its future
In addition to that, we also need to involve our staff member into the overheads reduction project, and try to see if
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they have anything to contribute to it.

PART THREE: Discussion
Introducing new ways to save on office supplies
The company you work for has decided to introduce new ways to save on office supplies, as a part of the overheads
reduction plan. You have been asked to make suggestions about it. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? what are the ways to save office expenses
? how to motivate the staff
作为削减管理费用计划的一部分,你们公司 正在考虑实行节省办公用品的新方法。请你们协助策划这一计划。讨论并
? 节省办公开支有哪些方法
? 怎样激发员工的热情

A: To keep office expenses down, we can start from office stationery. Items like pens, paper, paper clips, and pencils
do not cost a lot individually, but we use them in large quantities, so there is potential for huge savings.
B: I’m with you here. You see, there is a great difference in price between the name-brand and generic brand
stationery, so if we look for cheaper sources, we’ll end up saving hundreds of pounds a year.
A: Yes, cheaper sources are important, we can get much cheaper prices on office suppliers through group
purchasing. If we pool our orders with other businesses, we can buy in large quantity and receive lower bulk prices.
B: Indeed. We can also use mail-order. Mail-order office supply companies are convenient because they deliver to
your door, and it saves both gas and time.
A: We should also encourage staff to recycle used paper, and ask our staff to edit on the screen as much as possible,
print one final rough draft to proofread on paper. That’s a very effective way to reduce paper consumption.
B: And buying used office furniture is also an important way of cutting overheads. But to motivate our staff members,
there should be measures to monitor their performance regularly. We can…
A: I’d like to put in a word here, never use disposables in the office, use recycled printer cartridges and rechargeable
B: Yes, that’s especially important. We should involve all office staff into our cost saving plan. For example, we
should ask staff members to turn off the air- conditioner half an hour before they leave the office, so as to cut some
electricity bills.
A: You’re right. To make sure that our staff voluntarily comply with the overheads expenditure reduction rules, we can
include that in our staff appraisals. I mean whether staff members are supportive in our overheads reduction project.
B: I agree. And we can also award those who are most supportive in our project.
A: That’s good.

Follow-up questions
(1) How important is it for companies to keep overheads down? 公司削减管理开支有何重要意义?
Keeping costs under control and overheads down is a priority for all organizations, because overheads costs are
directly related to the company’s profitability and welfare of the staff members.

(2) Is it a good idea to cut investment to reduce overheads?用减少投资的办法来削减管理费用好么?(为什么?)
No. cutting investment to reduce costs is a short-term measure. In the long run, it is unfavourable to company
development, as limited scale and productivity weakens a company’s competitive edge.

(3) Might there be some measures that would not be effective?有些措施是否可能无效?(为什么?)
Yes. If you set a very low limit on telephone bills, employees might fail to maintain regular contact with their clients or
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customers for fear of over-expenses.

(4) What do you think the manager should do in overheads cutting project?
I think the manager is responsible for budgeting overheads and carefully tracking the costs, minimizing expenditure
at all time. He should also see to it that staff members abide by the rules as required.

(5) What new ideas do you have to keep overheads costs down in a company?
Companies can make use of the internet, conducting routine office work through digital media. We can convert every
single paper process into a digital one, the so-called “paperless office”. It lowers overheads very effectively.

1.5 How to Deal with a Heavy Workload 如何应对繁重的工作
Perks 额外津贴,补贴 (为perquisites 的随略形式) Stamina 耐力,毅力,持久力
Nicety 精美之物 Dexterity 灵巧,机敏
High blood pressure 高血压 Athletic ability 运动才能
Ulcer 溃疡 Locate a contract 得到一份合同
Health care benefits 医保福利 Work through lunch 不吃午饭继续工作
Campus 场地 校园 Downshift (汽车等)条低速档,放慢速度
Coffee break 工间休息 Have easy access to 可方便地使用…
Soda 汽水,冰欺凌苏打 Burnout 耗尽体力
Pastry 糕点 Benefit system 福利制度
Eldercare program 老年保健计划 Nutritious refreshment 富含营养的食物和饮料
Locate nursing care facilities 查找老年护理设施,老年护Childcare vouchers 托儿券
理机构 Retail voucher 购物券
Aging parents 年事越来越高的双亲 Annual leave 年假
Exercise physiologist 运动生理学家 Take up a hobby 培养一种业余爱好
Wellness 健康,处于好的身体与精神状况之中(尤指通Get off the treadmill 摆脱单调乏味的工作
过适当的饮食、锻炼及良好的习惯而达到的健康状况) Joy Gang 搞笑人员(专门提供以讲笑话或滑稽表演等方
Turnover rate 员工流动率 式让工作人员放松的服务)
Norm 标准,规范 Flexible working 弹性工作制
Low spirits 情绪低落 Flexitime 弹性工作(上班)时间,亦作 flextime
Paperwork 文书工作 Homeworking 在家中上班(尤指利用家中电脑终端与中
Meet deadline 赶期限 心办公室通讯,或在离家不远的卫星办公室上班。亦作
Be susceptible to 易感染….疾病,易受….影响 flexplace,flexplace或 flex-place
Tactical 战术上的,善于筹划的 Pay-back 回报,收益

Perks and Fitness: No Longer a Nicety but a Necessity
Managers know that stress is a barrier to motivating the workforce.
They also recognize that stress can result in stress-related illnesses, such as high blood pressure, ulcers, and
These illnesses translate into higher benefits costs for the company as employees more frequently use health care
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A number of companies use nontraditional benefits and perks to help employees cope with stress.
At each of its 20 buildings at its 200-acre campus in Raleigh, North Carolina, SAS Institute provides coffee break
rooms stocked with free soda, fresh fruit, M&Ms and pastries.
案件软件研究所位于北卡罗来 纳州首府罗利市,它占地200英亩,有20栋楼。公司在每一栋楼里都设有咖啡屋,免费
提供汽水、新 鲜水果、巧克力和点心。
SAS employs a full-time ergonomics specialist to select office furniture that will reduce physical stress and strain.
腮赛仕软件研究所还聘 请了一位全职生物工程专家,帮助公司挑选能够减轻对身体造成压力和损伤的办公家具。
SAS provides a free health clinic as well as an eldercare program that helps employees locate nursing care facilities
for aging parents.
Many companies provide benefits that help employees cope with the stresses and demands of balancing work and
Cigna Insurance Company offers employees the option of placing take-out meal orders with the company chef.
Employees who don’t have the energy to prepare meals after a long or difficult workday can take home a prepared
The company also offers an exercise physiologist to help employees suffering from stress.
Companies are also offering wellness and exercise programs to help employees alleviate stress and enhance their
health at the same time.
Coca-Cola found that employees who participated in wellness and exercise programs used fewer sick days and
tended to be more productive on their jobs.
Are companies providing these services to look good to the community or because they are financially successful?
Not really. It is shrewd business operations.
For example, it is estimated that SAS turnover rate is 4 percent compared to the industry norm of more than 20
percent per year.
While the free health clinic costs $$1 million to operate, it is $$500 000 less than the costs the company would realize if
employees were treated elsewhere.

PART ONE : Interview
(1) Do you ever feel overworked?(Why?Why not?) 你是否曾感到工作过于疲劳?(为什么?)
Yes. Sometimes I am really overwhelmed with the heavy workload and feel tired and fatigued. As a secretary in the
company, I have so much paperwork to do and often have to rush to meet tight deadlines. And I never seem to have
time to take a holiday.

(2) What problems do staff usually have when they are under the burden of a heavy workload?
When they are under the burden of a heavy workload, employees will often feel frustrated or depressed. This would
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result in stress-related illnesses, such as high blood pressure and fatigue. Employees will be in very low morale and
give very poor performance in their work.

(3) Do you think companies should provide sports facilities for their staff?(Why?)
Yes. I think it’s wise for companies to provide sports facilities for their staff. Employees can make the best use of
these facilities to keep fit, so they can have better performance in their work. It’s very rewarding.

(4) What types of sports do you like watching or playing?(Why?)
My favorite sport is table tennis. It’s a moderate exercise, but it requires great skills both tactical and technical. You
have to have speed, stamina, dexterity, shrewdness and quickness in decision-making. (速度,耐力,灵巧,精明和
快速决策) It’s the most popular sports game in China I think.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Coping with a heavy workload 应对繁重的工作需要考虑哪些要点?
? Benefits system 福利制度
? Time management 时间管理
In the face of a heavy workload, I think companies can introduce more benefits programmes. They can offer wellness
and exercise programme, and provide exercise facilities to enhance employees’ health. They can also introduce
more flexible benefits programmes like childcare and nursing care for aging parents, etc. so that employees can
balance work and nonwork.
Time management is also important. Companies can provide training programs to help employees better manage
their time. In this way, employees will become more organized and feel more at ease with their routine work.
Apart from these, companies should also care about the employees’ mental health. They can provide psychological
consultancy advice, so that employees can better adjust themselves to their work pressure.

PART THREE Discussion
Addressing the Problem of Overwork
Your manager has noticed the signs that employees in your company are overburdened with heavy workloads. You
have been asked to make suggestions about how to improve this situation. Discuss the situation together, and
? what signs of overwork do the staff show
? what measures should be taken to reduce stress at work
? 员工表现出哪些过劳症状
? 应采取什么措施来减少工作压力
A:Well, I think employees in our company are overburdened though they do not tell you how they feel. But most of
them show signs like consistently working late, working through lunch, coming to work even when ill, bringing work
home, rushing to meet very tight deadlines and signs like…er…
B: Like expressing frustration, feeling guilty when they leave work on time and not taking holidays.
A: Yes. You’re quite right.
B: This situation has to be improved. You know, the consequences of this overload can be stress, burnout, and
illness. For the company, it can result in high turnover and poor performance.
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A: So it’s time we should get started with some downshifting plans to help our staff relax and get over stress from
B: I think we can provide some flexible benefits to help employees balance their personal life and work. For example,
we can offer childcare vouchers, retail vouchers, critical illness insurance and any…er, well, I mean annual leave.
A: We should also provide some sports facilities and organize sports activities to enhance employees’ health.
B: That’s a good idea. We can also provide coffee rooms and nutritious refreshments, so that our staff can relax
themselves there during the break.
A: I quite agree with you . and encouraging staff to take up a hobby is another way to get off the treadmill.
B:Yes, recently, some other companies have organized “Joy Gang”, to generate workplace fun. You see, laughter is
the best medicine for those who are in low spirits. And it help to boost the morale of our staff.
Follow –up questions
(1) What facilities should companies provide in workplace to alleviate stress at work?
Company can provide childcare facilities, eldercare facilities or transportation facilities to help employees cope with
these responsibilities, in this way, employees don’t have to worry too much about these things, so they can take
things easy.

(2) How important is it for employees to have time outside work?
It’s very important. You see, if they have more time outside work, they can relax, do physical exercises, take up
hobbies, travel, etc. they will feel less stressed and happier both at work and at home.

(3) What other options are available to balance employees’ work and life?
Companies can introduce flexible working, or flextime or homeworking so that there’s less conflict between work and
home life.

(4) Do you think time management helps to reduce stress at work?(Why?)
Certainly. If you can manage your time well, you can work more efficiently, and find more time to refresh yourself and
you can retain a healthy balance between work and life.

(5) What are the major pay-backs of reducing stress of the overworked staff?
It’s highly rewarding. It will benefit both the company and the employees. It helps employees to live a happier life and
it also helps to boost their morale and enhance employee commitment to the company.

1.6 Work Environment工作环境
Work environment 工作环境,亦作 working Underestimate 低估,过低估计
environment Incidence 发生,出现的行为或事件
Determinant 决定因素 Disablement benefit 伤残救济金
European Community 欧洲共同体(欧盟 Dermatitis 皮炎
(European Union)的前身) Extrapolation 推断
ECU 欧洲货币单位 (European Currency Unit 欧Drudgery 辛苦乏味的工作,苦工
元(Euro-dollar 的前身) Obligation 义务,职责,责任
Occupational disease 职业疾病 Take precaution 采取防范措施
Industrial injury 工伤 Ensure worker comfort 保证工人的舒适度
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Office appliances 办公设备 Telephone cord 电话线
Copier 复印机 Wiring 配线
Fax machine 传真机 Ream 令(量词,500张为1令)
Out of date 过时 Xerox paper 复印纸
Service contract 服务合同 Frayed 磨损的
Obsolete 过时的,废弃的 Tape down 用带子捆住,用胶布把…粘住
Spatial design 空间设计 Rubber protector 橡胶防护罩,橡胶保护装置
Accessible 容易取得的,容易接近的 Tack down 钉住,钉牢
File system 文件橱柜 Slip-resistant 防滑的
Surplus office supplies 多余的办公用品 Ventilation 通风
Ambient light 背景光照明,环境光照明 Sore throat 喉咙痛
Task light 岗位操作照明 Safety inspection 安全检查
Work station 工作区 Individual creativity 个人的创造力
Defective illumination 不良照明 Smoke detector (预报火警的)烟雾探测器
A filing cabinet 文件橱柜 A working fire extinguisher 功能良好的灭火器
Over-3-day injury 请假三天以上的工伤 Acquaint sb. With sth. 让某人了解熟悉
Computer cable 电脑线 Rules and regulations 规章制度

ILL-health and the work environment
Work is an important determinate of health. It can influence health positively or negatively.
We are now focusing on the adverse effects of work on health, although the positive effects of appropriate work
on health and well-being are no less important.
Every year, about 10 million of the 150 million workers in the European Community are affected by incidents,”
accidents” or diseases at work.
每年,欧共体的1.5亿工人中大约有1000万工人由于工作中出现的时间、意 外事故或工作引发的疾病而使健康受
Direct compensation costs are estimated at 20 billion ECU per year.
According to UK official statistics, every year about 2000 lives are lost through occupational disease or injury,
about 20,000 major industrial injuries occur (e.g. skull fracture, loss of sight) and there are about 200,000 injuries
resulting in a work disability of 3 days or more.
根据英国官方的统计数据,每年大 约有2000人因为职业疾病或伤害而丧命,每年大约发生2万起重大工伤事故(如
脑部骨折、失明等) ,有20万工伤事故导致工人在3天或者更长时间内丧失劳动能力。
These figures are gross underestimates of the true incidence of occupational ill-health.
Thus for example the “true” figure of occupational cancer deaths alone in the U.K. may be to the order of 5,000
per year.
While only about 300 workers receive disablement benefit for industrial dermatitis every year, there may be
between 15,000 and 60,000 new cases of this condition every year.
然而,每年只有300名工人因职业引发的皮肤炎症得到伤残救济金,而实际上每年都有1.5万~6万人得皮 肤疾病。
Extrapolation from the UK Labour Force Survey suggests that in a year at least one million people believed they
had ill health caused by work and a further million believed they had ill health made worse by work.
据英国劳工部调查统计推 断,一年内至少有100万人认为他们患有职业引起的病害,另有上百万人认为他们的身
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PART ONE Interview
(1) Why should companies create a pleasant working environment?
Companies should seek to create appealing working environment, so that employee will look forward to coming
work each day. And a business-casual professional environment enables employees to be more productive.

(2) How important is it to consider health and safety when planning workplace layout?
Accidents can happen in the workplace and cause injuries to the employees. So companies have health and
safety obligations and should take precautions to provide a safe work environment for their employees.

(3) Do you think cost is the most important thing to consider when buying office furniture?(WhyWhy not?)
No. I think the most important thing to consider is to ensure work comfort, so as to minimize the drudgery of work
and increase productivity.

(4) Is it a good idea to rent office equipment instead of buying them?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. The speed of technological change is faster than ever, office equipment like copier, fax machines become
out of date soon. So I think it’s better to rent office equipment rather than buying them. What’s more, you get the
service contract when you rent equipment.

PART two :Mini- presentation
What’s important when…?
Designing the layout of an office 设计办公室布局需要考虑哪些要点?
? Appropriate use of space 空间的合理使用
? Amount of light 光线

First of all, we have to consider spatial design when setting up office. We should establish primary and secondary
work areas for paper work, computer activities and accessible file systems, and allocate space for storage of surplus
office supplies. Make the best use of space and respect the privacy of our staff members.
Lighting is also critical. We should consider how much lighting and what type of lighting is needed to work more
efficiently and effectively. Besides natural light, we also need to provide ambient light overhead and task light on work
stations, as you see, defective illumination reduces work efficiency.
On top of that, when we’re structuring the layout of our office, it’s also important to consider health and safety,
calculate future growth and space needs, and apply ergonomics to adapt work or working conditions to suit our staff.

PART THREE:Discussion
Health and Safety Precautions
Two accidents happened in your office in the past year that resulted in bodily injuries to some staff members. Your
line manager is revising health and safety precautions to eliminate the causes of office injuries. You have been asked
to make suggestions. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? what unsafe conditions there are in the office
? what precautions should be taken
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去年你们办公室发生了两起事故,导致一些员工身体受伤害。经理正在重新修订健康和安 全防范措施以减少伤害。请
? 办公室中存在哪些不安全的因素
? 应采取什么防范措施
A: You see, there were two over 3-day injuries in our office last year: Tom got his fingers broken when he slammed
his fingers in the file drawer and Jane bumped her head over the edge of a filing cabinet and got a few stitches. It’s
really time we reconsidered our safety precautions.
B: Yes. We need to make a checklist of unsafe conditions in the office. They might cause further injuries in our office.
For example, our computer cables and telephone cords sprawl on the floor, and if anyone trips over them, they are
likely to sprain ankles and backs on even worse, break their legs.
A: And the wiring all clutter up on desks, that might spill cups of hot coffee or tea, someone might get burned.
B: It’s dangerous to stack reams of Xerox paper onto the filing cabinet, in case they fall, people nearby will be hurt. I
have also noticed that some of our electrical cords are already frayed or cracked, it’s most dangerous.
A: Safety is our first priority. We should take measures immediately to eliminate these hazards. The first thing to do is
to replace all frayed electrical cords, all electrical cords, all electrical and telephone cords running into walk areas
must be taped down or inserted through rubber protectors to prevent tripping hazards.
B: Yes, wiring on the desks should be arranged neatly. And we should allocate special space for Xerox paper instead
of stacking them high on the filing cabinet. For reaching high shelves, there should be a stable step stool with a
handrail to grasp.
A: Carpets in the office should be tacked down and slip-resistant, particularly in wet weather, to prevent any slipping
or tripping accidents.
B: You see we have to walk through a dark area before we reach the switch, so we should reinstall the switch to
prevent tripping accident, and we should make sure that our work areas are well lighted.
A: We also need to improve the ventilation in our office to help prevent headaches, smells, sore throats, stuffiness
and dustiness. And at least one smoke detector should be properly installed in the office.
B: You’re right. A working fire extinguisher should be available to handle small fires, and all staff members should
know how to use it. Finally, we must entrust a manager with safety responsibilities and conduct safety inspections
Follow-up questions
(1) What are the advantages of a pleasant working environment?
People will become more productive and efficient in pleasant work environment, and good working conditions will
help to bring out individual creativity.

(2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving to new offices?
The advantages include better working conditions, more spacious and pleasant environment. The disadvantages are:
you’re not used to the new environment and the newly furnished office might be toxic (有毒)and harmful to health.
(3) Do you think employees work more efficiently in spacious office?(Why?)
Of course. I think a spacious office is conducive(有利于) to having fun in the work while the employees become more
productive and maintain quality and effectiveness of work.

(4) What should companies do to increase employees’ work safety awareness?
Companies should offer training programmes and acquaint their employees with work safety rules and regulations.
All employees must be given safety information and accident prevention instructions.
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(5) In what ways will offices change in the future?
In the future, I think all office equipment will be digitalized and work efficiency will be further improved. Or perhaps
staff members can make better use of the Internet and work at home, I think home offices will be popular.

1.7 .Logistics物流
Logistics strategy 物流战略 Supply chain 供应链
Logistics system 物流系统 Domestically (合乎)内地地
Tangible product 有形产品 Operational efficiency 经营效率
Intangible product 无形产品 Procurement 采购,调拨,调配
Encompass 包含,包括 Misstep 失策,错误
Transport of goods 货物运输 Target market 目标市场
For-profit industry 盈利行业 Have impact on 对…有影响
Non-profit organization 非营利性机构 Social values 社会价值观
Final goods 成品 亦作 finished goods Become sensitive to 对…敏感
The end of the production line 生产终端 Mindset 思想倾向,心态
Physical distribution 销售物流(简称PD) Open-minded 胸徽宽广的
Embrace 包含,包括 Cultural taboo 文化禁忌
Material management 材料管理 Perspective 观点,视点,看法
Logistics: the Modern Perspective
At its heart, logistics deals with satisfying the customer.
This implies that management must first understand what those requirements are before a logistic strategy can be
developed and implemented to meet them. Customer service is the most important output of an organisation’s
logistics system.
这意味着管理 层在开发、实施物流战略之前必须首先了解客户的各种需求,客户服务是企业物流体系最重要的内容。
In a more practical sense, logistics refers to the systematic management of the various activities required to move
benefits from their point of production to the customer.
从更 加实际的意义上看,在将生产产生的利益转移给客户的过程中,涉及诸多不同环节,物流就是指对这些环节进行< br>系统化管理。
Often these benefits are in the form of a tangible product that must be manufactured and moved to the user;
sometimes these benefits are intangible and are known as services.
有时候这些利益是有形的产品,需要把它们生产出来并运达用户;有时候这些利益是无形的产品,指各种 服务。
They too must be produced and made available to the final customer.
But logistics encompasses much more than just the transport of goods.
The concept of benefits is a multifaceted one that goes beyond the product or service itself to include issues
regarding timing, quantity, supporting services, location and cost.
利益这一概念含义广泛,它超越了产 品服务本身,包含了时间调配、数量、辅助服务、地点和成本等问题。
So a basic definition of logistics is the continuous process of meeting customer needs by ensuring the availability of
the right benefits for the right customer, in the quantity and condition desired by that customer, at the time and place
the customer wants them, all for a price the buyer is willing to pay.
因此物流的基本定义是:按客户满意支付的价 格,在客户期望的时间和地点,以客户期望的数量和条件确保为适当的
客户提供适当的利益,从而满足客 户需求的持续过程。
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These concepts apply equally well to for-profit industries and non-profit organizations.
However, logistics can mean different things to different organizations.
Some firms are more concerned with producing the benefits: their management focus is on the flow of raw materials
into the production process rather than on delivering the final goods to the user.
Some companies are much more concerned with the flow of finished goods from the end of the production line to the
Logistics in this situation is sometimes referred to as physical distribution.
Finally, some firms view logistics as embracing both material management and physical distribution.
This broader view of logistics integrates materials management and physical distribution tasks into a single supply
chain that links the customer with all aspects of the firm, sometimes it is referred to as supply chain management.
这种广义上的物流概念将材料管理和产品分销等任务整合成一个单一的供应链 ,把客户和企业的各个方面连接在一起,

PART ONE : Interview
(1) Do you think logistics is equally important for both small and large businesses?(Why?Why not)
Logistics aims to improve the efficiency of materials management and physical distribution, and deals with customer
satisfaction. So it is a concept valuable to any firm regardless of size.

(2) Is it important for managers of global organizations to understand logistics?
Managers of global organizations are faced with the challenge to expand their markets beyond their home boarders.
Naturally, logistics becomes even more critical to the firm’s success globally than it is domestically. To improve their
operational efficiency, they have to understand logistics.

(3) What do you think companies can do improve their customer service?
Companies can regularly conduct customer satisfaction surveys to get necessary feedback on their services, so that
they know the needs and expectations of their customers. And they can also implement a system to monitor the
performance of their employees and reward outstanding performers to maintain high level customer service.

(4) Do you think you would like to work in customer services?(WhyWhy not?)
Yes. I think I’m the right person to be a front-line service employee. First of all, I like to take challenging jobs, I mean,
to communicate face to face with customers is a rather challenging one. And secondly, I’m a very active yet patient
person, good at interacting with people. Finally, by working front-line, I’m able to influence the decisions of our

Part two: Mini- presentation
What’s important when…?
Developing logistics strategies 制定物流策略需要考虑哪些要点?
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? Customer service levels 客户服务水平
? Information management 信息管理
Well, you see, customer service is actually where supply chain management or logistics starts. Customer service
sets the specification for logistics system design. Because next to product quality, customer service is another
important factor why customers decide to do business with you. You have to know exactly the needs and
expectations of your customers, so that you can design the logistics system necessary to deliver the required level of
Logistics is about managing the flow of materials and the flow of information. Decisions cannot be made without
having appropriate information. And information is also important in tracking product flow through the logistics
pipelines. So designing and implementing information systems to support the logistics network is critical.
To ensure logistics success, you also need to consider other factors like order-processing, warehouse
management, inventory and material management, procurement, transportation, etc.

PART THREE: Discussion
Cultural issues in global logistics
The company you work for is relocating some logistics managers abroad and is designing a training course for
them on cultural issues in logistics. You have been asked to advise on this training course. Discuss the situation
together, and decide:
? how important it is to consider cultural differences in the logistics process
? what cultural aspects should be included in the training course
你们公司拟调派一些物流经理到国外工作,现正在就物流中的文化问题 为他们设计培训课程。请你们为这一培训课程
? 物流过程中考虑文化差异的重要性
? 培训课程中应包含哪些文化因素
A: when doing business internationally, it’s very easy to take a misstep if you don’t understand the culture of the
target market.
B: Yes. Culture difference can add layers of challenges to global logistics and supply chain management. If
companies aim to become competent globally, they have to take cultural difference into consideration. Logistics
managers must understand the cultural make-up of the customers that comprise the markets.
A: Yes. Cultural differences have impact on different areas of logistics. For example, people from different cultural
backgrounds have different working styles, and in going global, you need to learn their ways of looking at things and
their ways of interpreting business relationships.
B: Yes. Understanding the needs of customers in each market is essential in logistics success. But we can’t just
throw our logistics experts into another country without training them. You see, no matter how smart they are, they
will make all sorts of mistakes unless they become sensitive to cultural differences.
A: Certainly. We should focus our training programme on promoting the global mindset, being open-minded and
tolerant of a different culture is the most important thing.
B: We should include training items on thought patterns, buyer-seller relationships, shopping habits, etc.
A: Of course, logistics system can’t clash with the culture of the target market and respect for the native culture is
extremely important. So we also need to consider cultural taboos. For example, in countries like Japan and China,
customers don’t like goods packed in four together, as “four” is regarded as an unlucky number.
B: You’re right. Different shopping habits should also be included in our training programme. In some countries,
people rely on public transportation, so goods must come in small packages that can be easily carried on the bus.
But in countries where people rely on personal automobiles, goods in large packages are more attractive.
A: Besides that, we should also acquaint our logistics professionals with differences in language , laws and social
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Follow-up questions
(1) Is it a good idea for companies to provide cultural training courses to their employees?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Cultural training courses can help employees find out differences among people, including cultural, historical,
language, laws and social values. Understanding differences can enhance mutual trust. It’s important in promoting
business abroad.

(2) Is it important for companies to anticipate cultural barriers in their services?(Why?Why not)
Sure. If companies are sensitive to cultural differences and can anticipate cultural barriers in international business,
they would be more prepared for any possible difficulties and would certainly become globally competent.

(3) Do you think that in future English will become the official language of the business world?(Why?Why not?)
I think it will. As a matter of fact, more and more multinational companies use English as their official corporate
language nowadays. English has become an international language.

(4) How important is it for employees in multinational companies to learn a foreign language?
Learning a foreign language enables people to be more open-minded, to see things in the perspectives of other
people. And that would enhance cultural exchange and promote mutual understanding.

(5) What should companies do to improve staff awareness of cultural differences?
Companies can offer cultural training courses or foreign language courses to their employees. Or they can also
design some exchange programmes, or relocate some of their employees to work abroad.

1.8 Business Ethics 商业道德
Credo 信条 Cyanide 氰化物
Contradiction 矛盾 Caplet 囊片(指为防不良物质掺入而设计的一种椭圆胶
Integrity 诚信,正直 囊形糖衣药片)
Pharmaceutical 制药的 Touch off 引发
Place a high priority on… 对…高度重视 Fraud 欺骗,欺诈
Over-the- counter 非处方(药),无需医生处方就可出售Tax-avoidance 逃税
的 Offer bribery 行贿
Analgesic 止痛剂 Take bribery 受贿
Subsidiary 子公司 Secret commission 私拿回扣
Executive 主管人员,执行官 Insider trading 内幕交易
Dilemma 进退两难的局面,困难的选择 Erode 侵蚀,腐蚀
Recall 召回 Corporate performance 企业运作,亦作 company
Contaminate 污染 performance
The public 公众 turnover 营业额
Off-chance 万分之一的可能 dividend 红利,股息
Tamper-resistant 可抗不良物质掺入的(包装) pay off 盈利,还清(债务等)
Tamperproof 可防不良物质掺入的(包装) mitigate 减轻
Capsule 胶囊 in compliance with 遵从
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confectionary 糖果厂 boardroom (总称)董事会
gel candy 果冻(糖果) corporate social responsibility 企业的社会责任(简称
hit the headlines 成为头条新闻 CSR)
safety notice 安全告示 well-being 利益,福利
dissolve 溶解,融化 clash 冲突
ingredient 成分 let alone 更不用说
competitive advantage 竞争优势 J&J 美国强生公司
shop floor (总称)工人

What Do Business Ethics Bring to J&J
To some people, the concept of business ethics may be a contradiction.
In other words, they may view business managers as responsible only for making profits, not for upholding standards
of integrity.
But in two major company crises. They international pharmaceutical company Johnson&Johnson found that placing
a high priority on ethics can turn out to be good for business.
Tyienol is a leading over-the-counter analgesic produced by a subsidiary of Johnson&Johnson.
When people who took Tyienol to relieve pain ended up dying from the product, J&J executives were faced with a
should they spend millions to recall the product and perhaps encourage similar crimes, or should they simply replace
the product in people’s homes and hope that no other bottles of Tyienol were contaminated?
是应该花费上百万美元召回该产品,但有可能怂恿类似(投毒)犯罪;还 是仅仅替换人们家中的药品,侥幸地希望其
The answer came from the company’s credo. J&J president David Clare stated:” First and foremost, we had to
protect the public.”
解决问题的答案来自于强生公司的信条。强生公司总裁大卫 克莱尔声明:“最重要的是,我们必须保护公众。”
To do this, the company withdrew millions of bottles and replace millions more without cost to the customer, on the
off-chance that other bottles might be poisoned.
为此,公司收回了数以万计的止痛药,此外,为避免其他药片也有万分之一被污染 的可能,还免费为消费者替换了数
After the first crisis, the U.S. Federal Drug administration imposed new regulations to make drug packaging
No packaging, however, can be tamperproof, which was sadly proven by the second crisis.
Another person died from swallowing Tyienol capsules laced with cyanide.
At this point, J&J executives were again guided by their company credo.
They imposed their own higher standard, and changed from making capsules to caplets, in order to provide a safer
他们强制实施了自己制定的更为严格的 标准,将胶囊改为可防不良物质掺入的胶囊形糖衣片,以提供更为安全的产品。
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Both crises touched off a debate on business ethics and integrity.
Yet, after each one, J&J executives managed to restored public confidence and Tyienol made a comeback.
J&J showed the public that it cared about the customer, and the product increased its market share.

PART ONE : Interview
(1) Do you think companies should place high priority on business ethics?(Why? Why not?)
Yes. Companies should follow moral principles when they conduct business, because their decisions can affect
society, and they have responsibility to their customers, employees, stockholders and creditors, etc. So operating in
an ethical manner is essential to company success.

(2) Is it necessary for every company to have clearly stated business ethics?(Why? Why not?)
It is essential that every company should establish a specific code of business ethics and responsibilities that sets
guidelines for business activities. All employees must keep that in mind that constantly apply it to the performance of
all activities for the company.

(3) How important is integrity in business operation?
Companies should apply the highest standards of integrity to everything they do. You see, without integrity, a
company cannot possibly gain the trust of customers, clients and public, as a result, it will certainly fail to survive in
this highly competitive age.

(4) What are the usual unethical behavior in business activities?
Major unethical behavior in business include fraud, tax- avoidance cheating, lying and corrupt practices like offering
and taking bribery, secret commissions, insider trading,etc. These things erode the principle of integrity that lies at
the heart of our business organizations.

Part TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Measuring corporate performance 衡量企业绩效需要考虑哪些要点?
? Business ethics 商业道德
? Environmental protection 道德保护
Well, measuring company performance is not just a case of looking at turnover, profits and dividends. We should also
evaluate it in terms of its business ethics. Code of ethics is the core of company culture and is an important tool for
companies striving for long-term prospects and growth. You see, ethical behavior pays off in financial returns.
Business activities can have environmental impacts. Companies have the social responsibility to protect the
environment. We should also see if companies have tried their best to mitigating their own environmental impacts, for
instance, to see if they have tried their best to minimize waste in their operations and efficient management of
Besides these, it’s also important to examine if the company has conducted their business with integrity and in
compliance with applicable laws and regulatory requirements.
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PART THREE: Discussion
Solving the Food Safety Crisis
The confectionary you work for is now facing a serious safety crisis: a small kid was choke on the gel candies you
have marketed to children. You have been asked to help solve the problem. Discuss the situation together, and
? what should be done with it
? how to improve the product
你们所在的糖果厂正面临着严峻的安全危机:一个小孩食用你们专为儿童生 产的果冻时被噎住了。请你们协助解决这
? 公司应该做些什么
? 如何改进该产品
A: I’m most sorry to hear that a five-year-old girl was choked yesterday on our gel candy. Thank goodness she didn’t
B: Yes. The choking hazard hit the headlines, and everybody is talking about that. We should do something
A: I’m quite with you. First of all, we should go visit the girl, offer compensation to her parents, and of course, bring
some gifts to the poor girl.
B: Yes. We should stop selling the candies immediately, I mean, to recall all the product from the market to prevent
possible tragedies. We should also warn people and ask them to get rid of the product, particularly those small
grocery stores that may stock the candies.
A: You’re right. It’s really time we re-examine the safety of our product. You see, the candy that the girl choked on is
our new product, the sweet gel that comes with a piece of fruit inside a shell of jelly.
B: Yes, I see. We should add choking safety notices on the labels of our products, just to warn parents of choking
A: Well, it doesn’t help much I’m afraid. As a manufacturer, we’re entirely responsible for that accident, we should
seek to improve our products. You know, the gel in the candy doesn’t readily dissolve, so it’s not safe for young
children, we should replace the gel with some other ingredient.
B: Oh, I see, that’s really a good idea, and the piece of fruit should be chopped into bits. In this way, it will certainly
prevent risks for choking injury and death. I always believe that food producers could save the lives of dozens of kids
each year by turning out safe products.
A: And I think the packing also needs to be improved. Our gel candy is packed in a small, soft plastic cup, but the size
of the gel is a bit too small, the kids can just readily swallow it. We should make it lager, so that it will take a few bites
to eat it up.
B: Or the parents can cut it up for small kids.
Follow-up questions
(1) How important is the issue of ethics in the workplace?
The issue of ethics in the workplace is of vital importance. In today’s competitive market, any company without a
coherent ethics policy cannot possible survive, they would certainly lose their competitive advantage to their rivals.

(2) What should be done to ensure that all company staff follow the code of conduct set by the company?
The issue of ethics should be put into company development programmes for all employees, from the shop floor to
the boardroom. Companies need to offer training courses, lectures, case analysis to make sure that all staff act in
compliance with the highest standards.
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(3) What do you think integrity will bring to the company?
Integrity will surely create wealth. If you act with integrity in business, you can enjoy good reputation and a good
public image. That would keep good people in your employ, and keep customers coming back for your products or

(4) What corporate responsibility objectives should companies set for themselves?
Companies should not just seek profits only, they also have social obligations, or what is called corporate social
responsibility. They should be concerned with the well-being of the society, they’re responsible for environmental
protection and upholding the principle of integrity.

(5) Do you think emphasizing business ethics is contradictory to making profits?(Why?)
No. I don’t think business and ethics clash. Indeed, good ethics means good management. If companies ignore
moral concerns, violate laws, or act unethically, they cannot possibly survive, let alone making any profits.

UNIT TWO Human Resources Management 第二单元: 人力资源管理
2.1 Recruiting & Selecting 人员招聘
Accountability 负有责任;应作解释,可说明性 Job openingvacancy 职位空缺
Appreciate (充分)意识到,领会,体会,察觉 Look out for 为…筹措
Astounding 令人震惊的,令人震撼的 Luck out 逢凶化吉,靠运气
Cafeteria 自助餐厅,任凭自选的东西 Layoff 下岗,失业
Cafeteria questionnaire 自选问答题 Mainstay 主要依靠,主要资源
CEO 首席执行官 Orientation 新员工培训,迎新情况介绍
Clone 克隆,复制 Panel interview 小组面试
Edge 优势,优越之处 Pertinent 相关的,有关系的
Entail 需要 Poise 镇定,镇静
Fortune 美国《财富》杂志 Predictor 语言性的事物;预报性的事物。
Fortune 500 companies 《财富》500强公司 Recognition 赏识;表彰;报偿
Golden handcuffs <复>金手铐(指诱人安于现职而不另Revitalize 给予…新的活力
觅高就的津贴等) Scale 合同规定的最低工资,工资等级表规定的工资
Handsome 客观的,相当大的 Underutilize 未充分利用;浪费地使用;使用…不当
Hard 实际的,十分现实的,理性的 Woo 争取;努力说服,央求

Top six recruiting tips
By Susan M. Heathfield
Finding the best possible people who can fit within your culture and contribute within your organization is a challenge
and an opportunity.
Keeping the best people, once you find them, is easy if you do the right things right.
These (the following)special features will help you recruit and retain all the talents you need. Here are six tips for
better recruiting.
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Improve your candidate pool
Companies that select new staff members from the candidates who walk in your door or answer an ad in the paper or
online are missing the best candidates.
从自动上门的求职者或从被报纸、网络上的广告引吸来的应聘者中挑选新员 工,往往会错失最好的求职者。
They’re usually working for someone else and they may not even he be looking for a new position.
Invest time in developing relationships with university placement offices, recruiters and executive search firms.
Enable current staff members to actively participate in industry professional associations and conferences where
they are likely to meet candidates you may successfully woo.
Watch the online job boards for potential candidates who may have resumes online even if they’re not currently
Use professional association Web sites and magazines to advertise for professional staff.
The key is to build your candidate pool before you need it.
Hire the Sure Thing
Bruce N Pfau and Ira T. Kay, authors of the Human Capital Edge, are convinced that you should hire a person who
has done this “exact job, in this exact industry, in this particular business climate, from a company with a very similar
culture.” < br>《人力资本优势》一书的坐着,布鲁斯*N*普发和艾拉*T*凯,认为应该招聘这样的人才—他她曾“在 特定的商业环境下,
They believe that “ past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior” and suggest that this is the strategy that
will enable you to hire winners.
They say that you must hire the candidates whom you believe can hit the ground running in your company.
You can’t afford the time to train a possibly successful candidate.
Look First at in-house candidates
Providing promotional and lateral opportunities for current employees positively boosts morale and makes your
current staff members feel their talents, capabilities, and accomplishments and appreciated.
给现有员工提供晋升和横向(调动)的机会肯定会提高士气,这回让员工感觉到他们的才智、能力以及成 绩受到赏识。
Always post positions internally first. Give potential candidates an interview. It’s a chance for you to know them
(每当公司有 职位空缺)总是首先在内部张贴职位招聘公告,给予潜在求职者一个面试的机会。这个机会有助于你更
好 地了解你的员工。
They learn more about the goals and needs of the organization. Sometimes, a good fit is found between your needs
and theirs.
Be known as a great employer
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Pfau and Kay make a strong case for not just being a great employer, but letting people know you are a great
Take a look at your employee practices for retention, motivation, accountability, reward, recognition, flexibility in
work-life balance, promotion, and involvement.
审视一下公司的举措—留住人才的措施、员工激励机制、责任机制、奖赏机制、表彰机制、保持工作- 生活平衡的弹性
These are your key areas for becoming an employer of choice.
You want your employees bragging that your organization is a great place to work.
People will believe them before they believe the corporate literature.
Involve your employees in the hiring process
You have three opportunities to involve your employees in the hiring process.
They can recommend excellent candidates to your firm.
They can assist you to review resumes and qualifications of potential candidates.
They can help you interview people to assess their potential “fit” within your company.
Organizations that fail to use employees to assess potential employee are underutilizing one of their most important
People who participate in the selection process are committed to helping the new employee succeed.
It can’t get any better than that for you and the new employee.
Pay better than your competitor
Yes, you get what you pay for in the job market.
Survey your local job market and take a hard look at the compensation people in your industry attract.
You want to pay better than the average to attract and keep the best candidates.
Seems obvious, doesn’t it? It’s not.
I listen to employers every day who talk about how to get employees cheaply.
It’s a bad practice.
Did I say,” you get what you pay for in the job market?”
sure , you can luck out at attract a person who has golden handcuffs because they are following their spouse to a
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new community or need you benefits.
当然你可能会侥幸吸引到戴“金手铐”的员工,因为他们或者是随他们的配偶到一个新环境,或者是需要你的津 贴。
But, they will resent their pay scale, feel unappreciated, and leave you for their first good offer.
但是,他们会憎恶合同规定的最低工资,会感觉到自己不被赏识,一旦有好 的选择,他们就会义无反顾地弃你而去。
I have seen employee- replacement costs that range from two to three times the person’s salary.
Did I say that you get what you are willing to pay for in the job market?

PART ONE: Interview
(1) Are there any advantages of filling openings from internal sources(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Promotion-from-within has some motivational value. It is a kind of reward for employees for their past
performance and will encourage them to continue their efforts and also give other employees anticipation of
promotion for similar efforts. This can improve morale within the organization.

(2) What do you think of recruiting employees through the internet?
It is a new and modern source of recruitment and is becoming popular. Undoubtedly, internet recruiting is of low cost
and wide coverage, which can reach a large audience of possible applicants and is very convenient.

(3) Are there any advantages of external recruitment?(Why Why not?)
Yes. It is essential for revitalizing the organizations. Applicants hired from the outside can be a source of new ideas
and may bring along with them the latest knowledge acquired from their previous employment.

(4) When interviewing candidates, which do you prefer, traditional one-to-one interview or the panel interview?
I prefer the panel interview, because decision made by three to five interviewers can avoid bias and discrimination
and thus be more reliable and acceptable. In addition, the panel interview can be more efficient by shortening
decision time.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Selecting an employment interviewer 选择面试考官,需要考虑哪些因素?
? Personal quality 个人素质
? Interviewing skills 面试技巧
When selecting an employment interviewer, personal qualities are important, which can ensure hisher decision
sound and fair. Qualities desirable include humility, the ability to think objectively and poise. For example, to think
objectively can prevent extreme opinions and biases, thus avoiding employment discrimination.
In addition to qualities, interviewing skills, such as the skill to raise questions, is also important. For instance,
questions concerning maritalfamily status are generally recognized as inappropriate. But there are some cases
when you have to get some information of the applicant’s maritalfamily status, so with the necessary skill, you can
ask in this way--- What is the name, address and telephone number of a person we may contact in case of an
emergency? This question is perfectly legal and appropriate.
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In addition, experience in associating with people from various backgrounds is also important because the workforce
of a company is varied and diverse. Training, of course, can not be neglected.

PART THREE: Discussion
Advertising for a job opening
Your company is going to fill the job vacancy of personnel manager by advertising. You have been asked to make
recommendations. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? what type of publication to choose
? what should be included in the advertisement
? 应选择什么样的刊物
? 招聘广告应涉及哪些内容

A: You see, the former personnel manager resigned two weeks ago, we just cannot manage without a personnel
manager. To fill the vacancy, we are going to advertise the post.
B: Good idea! Nowadays advertising is one of the most common methods of attracting applicants. When advertising
a job opening, the choice of publication is important.
A: I agree with you. When choosing a publication, we should consider its readers. We should make sure whether it is
directed to a wide range of reader or just to a particular group. Besides, it’s also important to consider advertising fee.
The advertising cost should be reasonable and affordable, somewhere around the company’s budget.
B: Exactly. So, in our case, we should choose a local publication instead of a national one. As a commercial and
cultural center, we have a lot of talents here. What do you think of an influential local newspaper?
A: It’s undoubtedly an ideal choice. Newspaper advertising is the cheapest way of reaching large numbers of readers
of various backgrounds, including the general public, our potential job applicants and clients.
B: Yes. Besides, as an influential newspaper, its advertising staff’s ability and creativity can be guaranteed. Then the
money we invest will surely pay off.
A:Yes. It’s important to insure that our advertisement effort is cost-effective. To recruit the right person, we should
also consider the contents of the advertisement.
B: In my opinion, beside the basic information as time, place and contact address, the description of applicants’
qualification and the specifications of the openings should be included, because it can cut down the number of
applicants, attract the desirable ones and thus reduce staff turnover.
A: Yeah, to attract ideal applicants, it’s also necessary for our job advertisement to show the responsiveness of our
company to the job and career needs of the applicants.
B: Exactly. Besides, this is also a chance to publicise the image of our company. To publicise our company, the
advertisement should be well-designed and cover general information of our company.
A: I cannot agree more.

Follow-up questions
(1) Do you think it’s important to consider potentiality of the company when deciding to accept a job
offer?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. In a company with potentiality, you can expect new opportunities for career advancement, handsome salary and
other material success which ensure comfortable life.

(2) Is it necessary to consider challenge when deciding to accept a job offer?(Why?Why not?)
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Yes. A challenging job will get you improved and competitive in your range of knowledge, abilities and skills. Being
competitive will then bring you new chances and success in the society with fierce competition.

(3) How important is working environment to people in their choice of work?
Whether the working setting is healthy, comfortable or not is crucial, because it will affect physical health and work

(4) Would you consider salary when choosing a new job?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Salary is important for bread and milk and should be reasonable and match what I’ve contributed to the

(5) Is it important to consider qualification when selecting a job applicant?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Certificates can at least prove a person’s abilities, knowledge or techniques pertinent (有关)to that job. And
companies don’t have to prepare further training for them and thus reduce costs.

2.2 Employee Training 员工培训
Benchmark 基准,标准尺度;用标准问题测试(计算机Momentum 冲力,势头;动力
系统等) Optimum 最佳的,最优的
Demanding 需要技能的,苛求的 Orientation 新员工培训,迎新情况介绍
Disability 残疾 Pilot 试用,试验
Eligible 有资格当选的,有条件被选中的;在法律上(或Premises 生产场所,经营场址
道德上)合格的 Quality circle (工种相同的职工为提高生产力和产品质
Ethics 伦理学,道德学 量而自愿定期聚会提出建议的)质量研究小组
Facilitate 促进;助长 Retention 保留,保持
Impartial 不偏不倚的,公正的,无偏见的 Hire 聘用的员工
KSAs (knowledge, skills and abilities) 知识、技能与能力 Visual aids 直观教具

Employee training and development: reasons and benefits
Training involves an expert working with learners to transfer to them certain areas of knowledge or skills to improve in
their current jobs.
Development is a broad, ongoing multifaceted set of activities (training activities among them)to bring someone or
an organization up to another threshold of performance, often to perform some job or new role in the future.
发展是广泛的、持续的、多方面的 系列活动(培训活动只是其中之一),目的在于将某个人活着某个组织的的业绩提高
到一个层次,通常是 为将来从事某一工作或承担新的角色做准备。
Typical Reasons for Employee Training and Development
Training and development can be initiated for a variety of reasons for an employee or group of employee, e.g.:
(1) When a performance appraisal indicates performance improvement is needed
(2) To “ benchmark” the status of improvement so far in a performance improvement effort.
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(3) As part of an overall professional development program
(4) As part of succession planning to help an employee be eligible for a planned change in role in the organization
(5) To “pilot”, or test, the operation of a new performance management system.
(6) To train about a specific topic (see below)
(7) 就某个特别专题进行培训(见下文)
Typical topics of employee training
(1) Communications: the increasing diversity of today’s workforce brings a wide variety of languages and customs.
(2) Computer skills: Computer skills are becoming a necessity for conducting administrative and office tasks.
(3) Customer service: increased competition in today’s global marketplace makes it critical that employees
understand and meet the needs of customers.
(4) Diversity: Diversity training usually includes explanation about how people have different perspectives and views,
and includes techniques to value diversity.
(5) Ethics: Today’s society has increasing expectations about corporate social responsibility. Also, today’s diverse
workforce brings a wide variety of values and morals to the workplace.
伦理道德:当今社会对企业社会责任的期待与日 俱增。同时,当今的劳动力来自不同的文化背景,(因而)给工作场所
(6) Human relations: the increased stresses of today’s workplace can include misunderstandings and conflict.
Training can make people get along in the workplace.
(7) Quality initiatives: Initiatives such as Total Quality Management. Quality Circles, benchmarking, etc.
质量措施:质量措施如全面质量管理、质量研讨小组、衡量质量的标准尺度等的实施都需要进 行关于质量概念、质量
(8) Safety: Safety training is critical where working with heavy equipment, hazardous chemicals, repetitive activities,
etc. but can also be useful with practical advice for avoiding assaults, etc.
安 全:设计重型设备、危险化学品、令人厌烦的重复性操作等的工作场所,对员工进行安全培训很关键。安全培训给
(9) Sexual harassment: Sexual harassment training usually includes careful description of the organisation’s policies
about sexual harassment, especially about what are inappropriate behaviors.
防止性骚扰: 防止性骚扰培训通常包括详细传达公司关于性骚扰的政策,有其得明示哪些行为属于侵犯行为。
General Benefits from Employee Training and Development
There are numerous sources of on-line information about training and development.
Several of these sites suggest reasons for supervisors to conduct training among employees. These reasons
(1) Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees.
(2) Increased employee motivation.
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(3) Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain.
(4) Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods.
(5) Increased innovation in strategies and products.
(6) Reduced employee turnover.
(7) Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethics training (not a good reason for ethics training).
(8) Risk management, e.g., training about sexual harassment, diversity training.

PART ONE: Interview
(1) How do you think a supervisor should select employees for training courses?
As a supervisor, you must be impartial(公平的) in selecting employees for training. You should base your training
decisions on sound management practices without regard to factors such as race, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, national origin, disability, or age.

(2) Is it important for you to be offered opportunities for training in a job?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, training is important for me to handle new and more demanding assignments, maintain effective and satisfactory
performance. Offering employees training should be the obligation of modern organizations.

(3) How to make a training course successful?
To make training effective, you should consider location, making sure that you choose an appropriate location for
your presentation, and eliminate environmental distractions, such as noise, poor seating arrangements, poor lighting,

(4) Who do you think should contribute towards the cost of employees’ training, the employees or the
The employer should pay for the training, because employees are the greatest asset of modern organization and
paying for training is just a kind of investment.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…
Choosing a training program to attend 挑选培训课程时,需要考虑哪些点:
? Contentsubjects covered 培训内容
? Trainer 培训教师
When choosing a training program, it’s important to consider the training content. As we know, the purpose of training
is to improve your knowledge, skills and abilities needed for high quality performance and optimum contributions to
the goals and objectives of your organization, so whether the subjects covered is targeted at your KSA of your job
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and whether the content is above your level are crucial. Otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.
In addition to content, trainers’ qualification and status are important. To make a training course effective, trainers
play an important role. Qualification and status can at least prove that trainers’ KSA are of higher level, if not
profound level, while trainers’ experience can guarantee effective training techniques and strategies, thus ensuring
interesting, responsive and quality training.
Besides, location of training cannot be overlooked. Place of interest is preferable. Experts, together with beautiful
scenery, make the training more attractive to trainees. Everyone would agree that it is a good idea to kill two birds
with one stone.
Length of training cannot be ignored either, training shouldn’t last too long or too short. Lengthy training will be boring
and tiring, while too short training inadequate.

PART THREE discussion
Planning a Formal Orientation Program
Your company are discussing about a formal orientation program for new staff. You have been asked to make
recommendations about the orientation program. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? whether it’s necessary to organize a formal orientation
? what should be covered in the orientation program
? 新员工培训有没有必要
? 新员工培训应涉及哪些内容

A:You see, our company are currently discussing about a formal orientation program for new staff. People’s opinions
are various. Some are enthusiastically for it, others are violently against it, and still others stand between them.
What’s your opinion?
B: In my opinion, to get new employees off to a good start, providing them formal orientation is necessary and
important. Since formal orientation will get them familiar with the organization, their work units and their jobs.
A: I cannot agree more. The more time and efforts we spent in helping new employees, the more likely they are to
identify with our company and become valuable members of it.
B: Precisely. Besides, a well- planned orientation program is effective in helping to retain and motivate employees.
A: In addition to motivation, there are still many other benefits, like increasing productivity, reducing the new
employees’ anxiety, improving employee morale etc.
B: So it’s really worthy to put effort and time on the planning of the orientation.
A: Of course. Firstly, it is essential to consider topics to be covered while planning.
B: Yes. We should introduce our company’s history, company’s purpose and strategic goals, a framework of
job-related tasks, specific job goals and descriptions, appraisal criteria…
A: And job duties and responsibilities. Discussing responsibility can give the new comers a clear idea of their future
job and obligations, and can help them on the right track in no time.
B: Yes. Besides topics, what do you think of methods of organizing and presenting them?
A: They cannot be ignore either. Effective methods ensure effective orientation. For instance, it would be a good idea
for the supervisors or other managerial personnel to arrange co-workers to welcome the newcomers and show them
around the premises.
B: Good idea! Showing the new hires around the premises will give them a concrete map of the whole company, and
get them familiar with the layout of the organization. Familiarity with the premises undoubtedly contributes to the
efficiency of their future job.
A: Furthermore, showing the new hires around the premises will give the new staff a sense of being valued , which
will result in retention.
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FOLLOW-up questions
(1) What training would you hope to have in the future?(Why?)
The training of foreign languages, such as English. The globalization of economy and the wide-spread international
cooperation all need the bridge of a common language. And English is one of the most widely-used languages.

(2) Is it better to attend a full-time or a part-time training course?(Why?)
A part- time training is preferable. Since I can not only improve my skills and knowledge, but also take care of my job
and my family at the same time.

(3) Do you think companies should provide training for all their staff? (Why? Why not?)
Yes. Colleagues should be treated equal. Their knowledge and skills need to be improved.

(4) Do you think companies will use external agencies to run their staff training program more in the
future?(Why?Why not?)
It’s difficult to predict. It depends on the development and reputation of the external agency, on people’s attitudes
toward training agency, on the finance of the companies, ect.

(5) Are there any disadvantages of turning to an external agency to run staff training program?(Why? Why
Yes. Using external agency to train staff involves a great deal of investigation and can be risky. And inexperienced
external agency will not only cost time but also waste money.

2.3 Career Development 职业发展
Aptitude 天资,才能 marketable 可出售的,适合在市场销售的;有销路的,
demotion 降级 畅销的
disability 限制,不利条件 organization man 组织人(指把组织看得高于一切而失
empowerment 授权 去个人本体的驯顺成员,如大公司中听话的职员)
fast-track 最佳的,最优的 protean 变化多端的,能扮演多种角色的
flexibility 变通,灵活 perceive 觉察到,认识到,意识到
flounder (因糊涂而)犯错误 place premium on 高度重视,高度评价
fluctuate 波动,涨落,起伏 proactive 积极主动(去改善现状)的
hand 人手 succession planning 接替计划,继任计划
hierarchy 等级体系,分级体系 spur 促进,激励鞭策,鼓励
invaluable 极为宝贵的 transformative 有改革能力的;起改造作用的

Family Functioning and Career Development
The family is a place in which children learn to interpret reality.
Parents serve as significant interpreters for children of information about the world and children’s abilities.
Researchers have studied the influence of parents and the family on children’s career choice and development.
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Some researchers demonstrate links between career development and such factors as socioeconomic status,
parents’ educational and occupational attainment, and cultural background.
And others consider the effects of family relationships and looks at the ways in which parenting styles, family
functioning, and parent-child interaction influence career development.
另一些研究注重家庭关系(对职业发展)的影响,并研究父母的养育风格、 家庭作用、父母与子女之间的沟通如何影
Overall family functioning, a broader concept that encompasses parenting style, parental support and guidance,
positive or negative environmental influences, and family members’ interaction styles.
总的来说,家 庭的作用是一个较广义的概念,包括父母的养育风格、父母的支持和指点、正面或负面的环境影响以及
家 庭成员的相互影响。
Family functioning has a greater influence on career development than either family structure (size, birth order,
number of parents) or parents’ educational and occupational status.
家庭的作用比家庭结构(大小、出声阶层、是否单亲家庭)和父母所受的教育程度及职 业地位对子女的职业发展影响
Parental support and guidance can include specific career or educational suggestions as well as experiences that
indirectly support career development, such as family vocation, provision of resources such as books, and modeling
of paid and non- paid work roles.
父母的支持和指点可以包括具体的职业教育建议和对职业发展有 直接指导作用的经验,比如家族职业、资源的供应(如
The absence of support, guidance, and encouragement can lead to “floundering,” the inability to develop and pursue
a specific career focus.
Lack of support can also take the form of conflict, when a parent pressures a child toward a particular career and may
withdraw financial and emotional support for a career path not of the parent’s choosing.
当父母施压强制子女从事某一职业,或当子女违背父母的意愿 另择职业时,父母就有可能撤回经济与精神上的支持,
Family functioning also includes the response to circumstances such as poverty, alcoholism, marital instability, and
illness or death of family members.
Sometimes an individual may respond to a stressful or negative family environment by making hasty, unreflective
career choices in an attempt to escape or survive.
On the other hand, critical life events can spur a transformative learning experience that may shape a career and
life direction.
Interactions between parents and children and among siblings are a powerful influence.
Interactions can include positive behaviors such as showing support and interest and communicating openly, or
negative behaviors such as pushing and controlling.
相互影响可以包括正面的行为,如表示支持、表示感兴趣和坦率地交流;或 有负面影响的行为,如逼迫和控制。
By sharing workplace stories, expressing concern for children’s future, and modeling work behaviors, parents serve
as a context for interpreting the realities of work. 通过分享工作场所的故事,表达对孩子未来的关心和树立工作行为的榜样,父母为子女提供了一个诠释工作现 实问题
Parent-child connectedness facilitates risk taking and exploration, which are needed for identity formation in general
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as well as for the formation of vocational identity.
Siblings can be a source of challenge and competition and a basis for comparison of abilities, thus providing a
context for identity formation.
Because career development is a lifelong process, “family of origin development is a lifelong process”, “family of
origin continues to have an influence through the life span”.
由于职业发展是一个终身 的过程,(由于)“在出身家庭的成长是一个终身的过程”,(因此)“出身家庭对一个人的影响
会持续 一辈子”。
Understanding early family experiences and relationships can help adults identify barriers to their career progress.
The research reviewed here demonstrates the strong influence that parenting behavior and family functioning have
on career development.
The findings suggest that career counselors and career educators should
(1)shift the focus from the individual to the family system;
(2) develop a new and richer view of parent involvement in schools;
(3) help families become more proactive;
and (4) consider ways of duplicating helpful types of family functioning in schools, especially for children whose
families are not proactive.

PART ONE: Interview
(1) Do you prefer to start and stay with the same organization for your whole life long?(Why? Why not?)
No. I don’t like to be the old-fashioned “organization man”, starting and staying with the same company. I prefer a
“protean” (变化多端的)career, a more flexible career model. Since one must do a lot of searching and changing to
find a career path that is psychologically and financially satisfying.

(2) What do you think of job rotation?
Both employers and employees benefit from job rotation. After carrying out different jobs, the employees will develop
multi-skills and because more competitive. For employers, they can move people across when they are short of
hands in one area.

(3) What do you need to consider when making a self- evaluation for a successful career development?
In making a self- evaluation for a successful career development, one needs to consider such external factors as
family values and expectations, economic conditions, employment trends, job market information and perceived
effect of physical and psychological disabilities on success.

(4) Do you think people think should take career counseling when planning their careers?(Why?Why not?)
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Yes, career counseling from managers, supervisors, and consultants is necessary. Their professional advice on the
individual’s current job activities and performance, personal and career interests and goal, skills and suitable career
development objectives, etc. can be very useful and helpful.

Part two min- presention
What’s important when…?
Choosing a new career chance 选择新的就业机会需要注意哪些要点?
? Location 地点
? Starting salary 起步工资
When choosing an employer, it’s important to consider location, especially for one who is married and has children. If
the new job means relocation, moving to a strange city, it can be a great threat to one’s family life, and various
problems will arise, such as the conflict between the desire to advance career and family root, children adaptability
and education, etc. Besides, people just have to consider whether the climate. The food, and the culture there fit
them or not.
As for starting salary, I don’t think it important, because salary fluctuates with your job performance. What is
important is the opportunity for further promotion, since promotion normally provides an increase in pay and status
and brings you a sense of career achievement.
In addition, whether your new job fits you or not is also an important factor in your choice of an employer. As we know,
employees who fit into the climate of an organization are rewarded more and are more satisfied than those who fit in
less well.

PART THREE: Discussion
Losing Managerial Staff
Some managers are leaving your company in recent years, and your company is worried about the situation. You
have been asked to make recommendations about the situation. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? why some managers are leaving your company
? how to improve the situation
? 经理们相继辞职的原因
? 如何扭转这种局势

A:You see, more and more managers are quitting our company. It’s high time for us to face the problem. Otherwise
we will lose more talents and will suffer heavier loss.
B: Yes. It’s really impending. So many managers joined us and resigned in the past years and there must be some
reasons behind. What do you think are responsible?
A: The reasons can be various. Perhaps some are quitting just for individual reasons, such as private problems
concerning family, career growth, etc. You know, nowadays more and more people are pursuing boundary- less
careers. They move from one employer, occupation, or industry to another, since during the process they can
develop and utilize their marketable skills.
B: I see. These individuals place premium on flexibility and the capacity to do several different types of tasks, to learn
new jobs, and to adjust quickly to different group setting and organizational culture.
A: Precisely. For this group, it’s really difficult and impossible to keep them stay.
B: I think so, too, for they no longer identify career success with ascending a corporate hierarchy. Besides individual
reasons, there must be, in my opinion, some problems concerning the management style of our company.
A: Definitely. We should examine our succession planning, our motivation system, system for performance
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appraisals, etc.
B: Yeah. You see, our job of managing talents seems quite poor, several times we failed to promote high-potential
managerial staffs to a higher position, besides we should make full use of job rotation and transfer to motivate the
A: I cannot agree more, as to retaining young managers with high potential, we may offer a fast- track program. This
can enable them to advance more rapidly than those with less potential.
B: Good idea! Beside, we can offer them meaningful assignments that are interesting and involve challenge,
responsibility, and a sense of empowerment.
A: Yes that is also important and helpful. In fact, we can do a lot to win back the talents.
B: Yes, if we determine to. You know, where there is a will, there is a way.
Follow-up questions
(1) Is career planning important for people?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Career planning is important. A successful career planning can lead people to a satisfying and rewarding

(2) Is further study or training important to managerial staff for career development?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Further study and further training will improve skills, knowledge and strengths which are important for career

(3) How important is flexible working management for you when considering a career change?(Why?)
Flexible working management is important to me, because it allows me a certain degree of freedom.

(4) How important is first impression when taking a new career chance?(Why?)
First impression counts. The impact you make in the first days and weeks in a new job can have a lasting effect. A
positive impact is necessary for your salary increase, promotion and career development in the company.

(5) How important is it for a new manager to have good relationships within the team?(Why?)
Building good relationshipsnetwork within the team is invaluable for a new manager to carry out work successfully
and to move up the career ladder smoothly, since colleagues can offer the necessary support and cooperation.

2.4 Promotion 晋升
Confine 限制,使局限于(to) Marshal 元帅
Credibility 可靠性,可信性 Merits 功绩,功劳
Employee cloning 员工克隆现象 Promotion-from-within 内部晋升
Entail 需要 Standing 地位,身份,名声
Eradicate 根除,杜绝 Seniority 资深,资历
Green hand 新手 Sidestep 回避,规避(问题,人等)
Inbreed (由于社会和文化联系狭隘而)变得纯而又纯;Standing 名声
变得枯竭 Substantiate 证实;实现,展示
Know the ropes(口)在行,懂行 Undermine 逐渐削弱
Locate 找到,探明

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The Extras Can Get You Promoted
Dress and look the part
If you want to get ahead in an organization, dress as if you work at the level you hope to reach next.
This is not always possible, but at the very least be clean and presentable. Wear clothes that fit well and look good
on you.
Copy the clothing styles of others in the organization who are successful.
Even when you co-workers see you away from work, present the image you want for yourself at work.
Another good tip is to work early each day. Use this time to list what you plan to get done that day.
At the end of the day, leave at least a few minutes after quitting time.
Let the boss know that you are willing to stay late to meet an important deadline.
If you do stay late, let the boss know!
Some employers may not want you to work beyond your regular hours.
They hear problems with governmental agencies that may force them to pay overtime wages.
If this is so, do what your employer wants you to do, but make it clear that you are willing to help in any way needed.
如果是这样的话,你还是得按老板的意愿行事,不过要让你老 板知道在任何时候需要你时,你都乐意随叫随到。
Be Enthusiastic
Go out of your way to find ways to enjoy your job.
Tell others what you like about it, particularly those you work with.
Emphasize those parts of your job that you like to do and do well.
Share this enthusiasm even in conversations with your friends.
Go out of your way to tell your supervisor what you like about your job.
This will help you focus on the parts of your job you do best and want to develop.
It also will help others notice that you do those things well.
Be willing to take on more responsibility.
Let the boss know you want to move up.
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As soon as you begin a new job, look for ways to learn new things.
Volunteer to help out in ways you feel will make you more valuable to the organization.
And ask for advice about what you can do to be more valuable to the organization.
In your first week on the job, ask your supervisor to see you for about thirty minutes of private time.
When you have his or her attention, say that you want to be more valuable to the organization.
Ask what you can do to get a raise within a reasonable amount of time.
Request special assignments to help develop your skills.
Before you leave, ask for a specific future date to go over your progress.
Make sure you know what you have to do to get the raise.
Ask the boss to give you feedback on your progress from time to time.
Ask for training
Get as much training as possible!
Take any training that is available from your employer.
Even if it is not in your area of responsibility, it may help you gain new skills in other areas.
Define what training you need to do your job better.
If it is not available through your employer, explain to your supervisor how the training will help the organization.
Ask for help in finding the best training source.
Decide what you need to learn to get ahead or to get the job you want.
Take evening classes.
Instead of watching TV at home, read books and magazines on related subjects.
Stay up with what is going on in your field.
Computer skills and the use of new technologies are very important.
If your job does not require you to develop these skills, it is most important that you go out and learn them outside of
your job.
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Then look for ways to use these new technologies and skills in your present job.

PART ONE :Interview
(1) Would you promote a competent but self-centered candidate to the position of a sales manager?(Why?Why
Absolutely no. a competent, self-centered candidate will make a terrific salesman but not a sales manager.

(2) Are there any disadvantages of internal recruitment?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, especially for small organizations and newly-set-up corporations, since their internal human resources are
limited. Even for the established organizations, excessive reliance upon internal source will lead to inbreeding of
ideas and attitudes, thus creating the risk of “employee cloning”.

(3) Do you wish to be promoted? Will you accept a promotion?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, definitely. A solder who doesn’t wish to become a marshal isn’t a good soldier. Besides, promotion brings higher
salary, sense of fulfillment, more opportunity and more responsibility.

(4) What is the most important factor when you accept a promotion?(Why?)
Salary. Whether the salary is reasonable or not will influence my attitude towards work. You know if I am not well-paid,
I have to find a part-time job to support my family and won’t be able to concentrate on my new post.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…
Thinking about going for a promotion 希望获得晋升,需要注意哪些要点?
? Work-related qualities 专业素质
? Personal qualities 人品
When aiming for promotion, developing work-related qualities are important. These qualities include qualifications,
training, skills and abilities. Qualifications and training prepare us the necessary knowledge and theory for any job.
Constant and relevant training, therefore, is necessary for further development. Professional skills and abilities
guarantee excellent work performance, while managerial skills and abilities contribute to effective team performance.
In addition to work-related qualities, relevant personal qualities are important as well, such as loyalty to the company,
responsibility and so on, since these qualities can establish your credibility and integrity among colleague. In one
word you should be and should present yourself as a contributor to the company, as a person of high personal
standing with a capacity for leadership.
Of course, it’s also important to know and accept your strengths and weaknesses so as to promote your strengths
and make up for the weaknesses with a goal. Showing the sustained pattern of your achievements and giving a
sense of how you will continue to achieve and develop in the future cannot be ignored either.

PART THREE: Discussion
Make a good and sound promotion policy
There is a job opening for sales manager in your company. And it is decided that the opening should be filled from
within the company. You have been asked to make recommendations about the promotion policy. Discuss the
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situation together, and decide:
? why to have promotion-from-with instead of external recruitment
? how to make a good and a sound promotion decision
你们所在公 司的销售部经理这个职位空缺,公司已决定从公司内部提拔。请你们就提拔政策提出建议。讨论并决定:
? 不从外部招聘而选择内部提拔的理由
? 如何制定合理的提拔政策
A: As you know, there is a job opening for sales manager in our company and it is decided that the opening should be
filled from within the company.
B: It is a sound decision, isn’t it ? you see, our company is a big and well-established corporation. There are
abundant human resources we can make full use of .
A: Yes, I completely agree with you, since external recruitment will entail more cost for orientation and training, and
it’s sometimes difficult to determine whether the efforts to locate promising talents are effective and cost-efficient.
B: Furthermore recruiting external candidates will discourageundermine the morale and productivity of our
employees, while promoting someone from within has motivational value.
A: Yes. Promotion-from-within can serve as a reward for the sales staff with ability and outstanding work performance
and encourage them to continue their efforts.
B: Precisely.
A: Undoubtedly, promotion-from-within contributes to both the career development of individual and the overall
growth and success of our corporation. However, you know, as a coin has two sides, promotion-from-within,
sometimes, can lead to internal conflict among employees.
B: Yes, I see. But we can manage to sidestep this issue.
A: Oh! How to manage it?
B: By carrying out an effective, just and fair promotion policy with clear description of qualifications, experience,
merits, personal qualities required.
A: I see. So when selecting a sales manager, we should make an investigation of all related aspects of the
candidates, such as experience in communicating with people of various backgrounds and past performance, and
their ability in expanding market and so on.
B: Quite right.
A: Besides, we should also make sure that our promotion decisions are based only on qualifications, demonstrated
performance, and skill base of the applicant and not on race, sex, seniority or other irrelevant criteria.
B: Yes, the existence of discrimination can undermine both the morale and productivity of its victims.
A: it’s really crucial to eradicateavoid all form of discrimination in promotion when making a good and sound
promotion decision.
B: Of course.
Follow-up questons
(1) Is the leadership quality important for a sales manager? (Why?Why not?)
Yes. Leadership cannot be neglected, since a sales manager should make sure that not only he himself but the
whole department do a fabulous job. The large part of a manager’s job is about supervising and the job is best done
by people who know the ropes.

(2) Is satisfying performance important when selecting a sales manager from sale staff? (Why?Why not?)
Yes. Successful performance can at least demonstrate and substantiate(展示和证实)some aspects of the
candidate’s ability, such as communicative skills, sales experiences and so on.

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(3) Would you consider a well-educated candidate when promoting a sales manager?(Why?)
Yes. A well- educated and well-trained candidate is furnished with rich theory and knowledge. Heshe can adapt
himselfherself easily to hisher new role.

(4) Is it important for a sales manager to be ambitious? (Why?Why not?)
Yes. Ambition will push or encourage one to work harder and better and is necessary for great success.

(5) Would you consider a competent candidate who is a stranger in sales when filling the vacancy of sales
manager? (Why?Why not?)
No. without experience, it is impossible for himher to direct hisher fellow colleague. We just cannot afford the time to
wait for the green hand to be experienced and mature in the line.

2.5 Staff promotion 激励员工
Accommodate 给…提供方便,调节 Morale 士气,精神面貌
Aspire 追求,有志于(to) On the side (口)《美》作为兼职,正事一万;《英》作为
A double-track wage system 双轨工资制度 副业
Anchor 锚;定位;固定桩,系缚物;精神支柱,靠山 Pay-for-performance philosophy 绩效哲学(一种报酬哲
Boost 推动,提高,增强 学)
Bottleneck 瓶颈;阻碍进展的人(或事物、情况等);障Perk (常作~s) 《英口》=perquisite
碍 Perquisites 特殊待遇,特权
Bottom-line 基本的,实际的,现实的,只关注成本(或Piecework 纪检工作
利润)的 Pinpoint 准确描述,确认,确定
Comparable 类似的 Price concession 价格让步
Chauffeur (受雇于私人或公司的) Professional talents 专业人才,专业人士
Commission 佣金 Reward 奖赏,奖励
Concession 让步 Shareholder 股东
Edge 优势,优越之处 Slump 暴跌
Elusive 难以捉摸的,令人困惑的 Stake 利害关系
Excel in 胜过他人,优于 Stock option 股票期权
Exert 运用,行使,发挥 Turnover 营业额,销售比率
Incentive 刺激,鼓励,奖励 Variable pay 浮动工资
Infringe 侵犯,侵害 Accommodate 使符合,使适应
Line 行业 Depends 等于 itthat depends
Margin 利润,盈余

The Eight Career Anchors
By Anne Field
Motivated employees are crucial to a company’s success- this has never been truer than today, when margins are
thin (or nonexistent) and economic recovery remains elusive.
激励员工对公司的成功十分关键—这在任何时代都没有当今年代 来的真切,(因为)当今利润薄(或没有利润空间),
These hard bottom-line realities may also mean that managers can’t rely as much as they might have in the past on
using financial incentives to drive employee engagement.
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So how do you keep people motivated and productive?
One answer lies in the concept of the career anchor, first developed some thirty years ago by Edgar Schein of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
答案就在于“职业锚”或“职业定位”这一观念,30年前,麻省理工学院的埃德加 施恩首先提出这一概念。
Schein says that people are primarily motivated by one of eight anchors- priorities that define how they see
themselves and how they see their work.
施恩提出,人们主要被八大“职业锚“ 中的某一个所激励—即人们选择和发展自己的事业时所围绕的中心。
The eight anchors:
Technicalfunctional competence. The key for a person with this career anchor is a desire to excel in a chosen line
of work.
Money and promotions don’t matter as much as the opportunity to consistently hone his craft.
While such professions as engineering and software design attract a lot of people with this particular bent, you can
also find them just about anywhere, from the financial analyst excited by the chance to solve complicated investment
problems to the teacher happy to continually fine-tune classroom performance.
虽然工程、软件设计这样的行业吸引不少有这种特别 倾向的员工,但这种类型的人在其他任何领域也能见到。从金融
分析师到教师等任何职业都会有这一类型 的员工。金融分析师会因为有机会去解决复杂的投资问题而兴奋不已,教师
则会由于持续有效的课堂教学 而欣慰快乐。
General managerial competence. Someone with this anchor is most closely allied with the traditional career path of
the corporation.
She is the polar opposite of the person for whom technicalfunctional competence is preeminent.
She wants to learn how to do many functions, synthesize information from multiple sources, supervise increasingly
larger groups of employees, and use her considerable interpersonal skills.
What she craves is to climb the ladder, getting ever-bigger promotions and salary increases.
Autonomyindependence. Like Great Garbo, individuals with this career anchor just want to be alone.
自主或独立性职业锚。如格里塔 嘉宝所言,以此为职业锚的人总是要求独立自主。
They’re most satisfied operating according to their own rules and procedures; they don’t want to be told what to do.
Freedom rather than prestige is their goal. 能按照自己的原则和程序进行操作,他们就知足了。他们不需要别人指点。他们追求的目标是自由,而不是声 望。
Securitystability. Employees with this career anchor value above all a predictable environment, one in which tasks
and policies are clearly codified and defined.
They identify strongly with their organization, whatever their level of responsibility.
Entrepreneurial creativity. The folks in this category want to create something of their own and run it.
They are, in fact, obsessed with the need to create and will become easily bored if they feel thwarted.
As you’d expect, someone with this career anchor tends to start her own business, or at the least run something on
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the side while still keeping her day job.
Sense of service. The need to focus work around a specific set of value is the major issue for employees with this
career anchor.
服务 型职业锚。对于以此为职业锚的员工而言,最重要的是能围绕一套特定的价值体系集中精力于某项工作。
But that doesn’t just mean social workers, say nurses.
It can also include anyone from a human resources specialist interested in affirmative action programs to a
researcher working on developing a new drug.
Money isn’t the main event; it’s the chance to focus on a particular cause.
Pure challenge. People with this career anchor seek ever-tougher challenges to conquer.
Lifestyle. These folks organize themselves around their private lives.
Their most pressing concern is for their jobs to give them the freedom to balance those other concerns with their
Once you understand what each anchor is, you can determine the career anchor for each employee in your
In today’s uncertain and turbulent business climate, pinpointing employees’ career anchors is an especially useful
tool because it allows you to do two crucial things:
tailor your communication style to fit employees’ individual needs and drive improved performance by choosing the
most effective way to recognize and reward accomplishments.
By identifying employees’ career anchors and communicating with them in a way that speaks to what’s most
important to them, you can help employees find that meaning in their work- and boost your unit’s productivity, too.
通过确定员工的职业 锚,通过交流了解对于员工什么最重要,你可以帮助员工找到工作的意义,并提高部门员工的工

PART ONE: Interview
(1) What do you think contribute to the work efficiency of employees?
There are many and various contributable factors, such as financial benefitsbonus, effective training, promising
career, cozy working environment, paid holiday, profit-sharing plan, stock options, constant communication between
the employer and the employee, flexible work hours, compliments and respect from the supervisor and so on.
(2) Why are more and more corporations turning away from fixed forms of compensation in favor of variable pay?
Because variable pay for employees is based entirely on a pay-for-performance philosophy. In order to qualify for
variable pay, employees must reach a minimum level of performance, and this brings pressure and stress to
employees to work harder for the organizational performance and success.

(3) What’s your opinion of motivating salespeople by salary based on a percentage of sales?
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It’s a good idea to push salespersons by a straight commission plan. Commission provides maximum incentive,
exerting sufficient effort in maximizing their sales volume. Besides it is easy to compute and understand.

(4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of motivating producing workers by piecework?
The most obvious advantage is the increase of production. Under straight piecework, employees tend to harder and
quicker for larger amount of products for they receive a certain rate for each unit produced.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Motivating senior executives 激励高级管理人员时,需注意哪些要点?
? Stock options 股票期权
? Perquisitesspecial benefits 特殊待遇
When motivating top executives, the offer of stock options is important. Stock options belong to the long-term
incentive. With stock ownership, senior executives will have a significant stake in the success of the business. Their
fortune will rise and fall with the value they create for share holders, thus linking their efforts to the long-term stock
performance and motivating them to develop and use their abilities and contribute their energies to the fullest
possible extent.
To motivate senior executives, perquisites or special benefits are also important. Perquisites, such as the company
car, mobile phone, first-class air travel, large insurance policies, country club membership, company-paid parking,
chauffeur service, etc. can be used as a means of demonstrating the executives’ importance to the organization
while giving them an incentive to improve their performance. Besides, perks serve as a status symbol inside and
outside the company and provide a tax saving to the executives.
In addition, base salary, short-term incentives or bonus are also helpful in motivating senior executives.

PART THREE: Discussion
Motivating Professional Employees
Your company is going to carry out an inventive program to motivate professional employees. You have been asked
to make recommendations about this. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? What are your opinions of promoting professional employees
? How to motivate professional employees
? 你们对晋升专业人才有何看法
? 如何激励专业人才
A: You see, engineers in our company play an important role. Like other salaried workers, they also need to be
motivated to perform to their full capacity. So we are going to carry out an incentive program to motivate professional
employees. Up to now many people suggest promotion. What’s your opinion?
B: Promotion is a traditional incentive and widely used to motivate professional employees. Normally when an
engineer made a great achievement, heshe would be promoted to be a senior administrator.
A: But you know some problems may occur. When taking an administrative assignment, the engineer can no longer
fully concentrate on hisher professional field. In the process, the organization may lose a good engineer and gain a
poor administrator.
B: That’s unfortunate, isn’t it? Don’t worry! There is a way out.
A: What is it?
B: A double-track wage system! While offering promotion, we can introduce the double-track wage system.
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A: What do you mean by double-track wage system?
B: Let me explain it in this way. If the professionals who are not interested in management and do not aspire to
become administrators, then it’s OK, they will remain in their former job. To reward them, they will be offered the
comparable sum of salary instead.
A: Good idea! Besides the double-track system, we may try performance-based incentive programs.
B: For instance?
A: Such as profit sharing or stock ownership. Take profit sharing as an example, it gives our engineers opportunity to
increase their earnings by improving product quality, reducing operating costs and improving work methods and so
B: Wonderful idea! In this way we can encourage greater levels of individual performance, stimulate them to think
and feel more like partners in the companies and boost morale.
A: Exactly!
B: Besides, to reward engineers who complete projects on or before deadline dates, or meet professional licensing
standards, or are granted patents, etc, we can still offer cash bonuses, paid holiday, and training abroad.
A: Yes. They can be effective.
Follow-up question
(1) Is flexible schedule important to motivate staff? (Why?Why not?)
Yes, it’s an effective reward especially for those who work to live. Since they don’t live to work, they care a lot about
their balanced lifestyle, and flexible schedule which enable them to accommodate their requests conveniently and

(2) Is training effective in motivating professional talents?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, it’s an effective reward. To professional talents, technical competence is most important for them. And training
can help them to keep up with the latest developments. With training, they can always maintain their edge over
others and keep on being the best.

(3) Which do you think is more important to people, a good salary or good work conditions?(Why?)
A good salary. Nobody is willing to accept a low salary. A good salary is necessary for a decent and comfortable life.

(4) Is it important for supervisors to praise an employee in public?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. For a visible progress, whether small or big, public praise can be a supplementary means of motivation, since
public recognition brings along the honor and a sense of satisfaction.

(5) In what other ways can companies show they value their professional talents?
To some, you can offer them holidays with their spouse abroad. To others, you may just grant them more
challengeable work. And to still others, you should give them luxury and precious gifts such as a new house or a new

2.6 Staff turnover 员工流失
A blessing in disguise 貌似灾祸实际使人得福之事 Commitment 献身、介入
Alteration 改变、改动、更改 Consensus (意见等的)一致
Breathing space 活动(或工作的)空间 Constructive 建设性的,有积极助益的
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Employable 适宜雇用的,达到雇用条件的 Penny-wise 小数目上节约的,小事上精明的
Empowerment 授权 Penny-wise and pound-foolish 大处不算小处算的,小事
Engagement 信奉,支持 精明大事糊涂的
Enhance 提高,增强,增进 Perspective (观察问题的)视角;观点;想法
Established 知名的,老牌的;已确立的,已被确认的 Retention 保留,保持
Induce 引起,导致 Shame 憾事
Infuse 把…注入,(向…)灌输 Stick around 逗留,留下
Intangible 触不到的,无形的 Tangible 有形的,有实体的
Mobility 流动性,移动性 The survival of the fittest 适者生存
Morale 士气,精神面貌 Vital 致命的
Nomad 游牧部落的一员,流浪者 Workload 工作量,工作负担

Knowledge nomads and commitment
By Mallory Stark
Knowledge nomads are highly mobile workers. Like nomadic people, they move frequently from place to place.
No one organization is their home or life. But also like nomadic people they build homes.
Increasing employee mobility- the degree to which workers change companies-appears to be a fact of corporate life
in the 21
But are such workers less committed to their employers as a result?
The common perception is that workers who hop from job to job are less committed; perhaps even suffer from an
inability to commit.
However, according to Todd L. Pittinsky and Margaret J. Shjh, in Knowledge Nomads: Organisational Commitment
and Worker Mobility in Positive Perspective from the February issue of American Behavioral Scentist, the reality is
that this new generation of “knowledge nomads,” while moving frequently, do form attachments and commit to
employers when they stop.
然而,根据托德 L 彼丁斯基和玛格丽特 J 西发表在《美国行为科学家》二月刊上的文章《知识型游牧民:从肯定的
视角 看敬业与员工流动》,这些新兴的知识游牧族,尽管不断地跳槽,但一旦在某家公司逗留,他们事实上也对雇主负
They are motivated to work hard, and commit themselves strongly to the companies in which they sojourn.
But these commitments do not prevent the workers from moving again.
They form commitments when and where they stop.
According to Todd L. Pittinsky, workers who are highly mobile (who move to new companies frequently) can be as
committed to companies as workers who stay put in a single company.
根据托德 L 彼丁斯基的观点,流动频繁的员工(即 频繁更换公司的员工)和终生待在一家公司的员工一样的忠诚于所
Employee commitment and employee mobility are wholly separate.
Study by Todd L. Pittinsky and Margaret J. Shih shows that there was no inverse relationship between employee
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commitment and employee mobility.
It was important to demonstrate this because there is a deeply ingrained belief among managers and management
researchers that committed workers stay in companies and do not move.
阐明这一点很重要,因为经理们和从事管 理研究的研究人员都坚信,有奉献精神的员工会长期待在一家公司,不会不
They tested the relationship multiple ways, and ran multiple statistical analyses, and found something very different
and exciting.
他们的 研究从多角度测试两者的关系,从多角度进行数据分析,结果(与大众观点)完全不同,这令人兴奋不已。
It was found that commitment to company can coexist with high mobility.
Moving between companies a lot does not prevent workers from committing to companies.
It is very common for folks to say today that workers are committed to their projects or to their own career, and not to
companies. Nonsense.
Employees can be committed to both themselves and to their companies.

PART ONE: Interview
(1) What do you think can encourage employees to stick around?
To keep workforce stable is a challenge for every company. Opportunities for growth in the company, a good work
relationship, career plans for employees, providing or paying for training, a sense of empowerment, open
communication and even praising employees can help retain employees.

(2) What do you think of staff turnover?
Staff turnover is not a problem, but a symptom. There appears nowadays a race of knowledge nomads, hopping from
one job to another, making contribution and commitment to each company they work. Increasing employee mobility
appears to be a fact of corporate life in the 21

(3) Are financial incentives the most important thing to retain employees?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, definitely. Since people work primarily to earn bread and milk. Financial incentives undoubtedly contribute to a
decent and comfortable life, which in turn will enhance commitment and boost morale and retention. Nobody will
leave a job, if reasonably paid.

(4) Is it important to involve staff in decision-making in the company?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, definitely. Involving staff in decision- making in the company gives the employees a sense of empowerment and
ensures the active participation of the staff, which can be very helpful and contributable to low turnover, democratic
atmosphere and high productivity.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Aiming to retain good staff 吸引并留住员工,需要考虑哪些要点?
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? Pleasing work environment 令人愉悦的工作环境
? Career opportunity 职业发展机会
When aiming to keep good staff, creating a pleasing workplace plays an important role in job satisfaction. A
pleasing workplace includes everything from having the right tools available to provide basic comfort, such as proper
lighting and noise control, etc. Besides, by creating a work environment that allows for flexibility, growth, and
development, you promote loyalty among good employees and build their commitment.
Furthermore, career plans for employees are also important. Employees will remain with their current employer
if career opportunities are presented. Career plans for those who want to move upward in the company undoubtedly
improve morale and boost engagement. Even McDonald’s, which thrives on high turnover, has career plans for
employees who want to stay with the company.
Besides, paying employees for training cannot be neglected, since training can keep their skills current and
up- dated, thus getting employable and being competitive throughout their lives. It’s critical that adequate time and
resources and dedicated to providing proper training and improving the skills of new staff members.

PART THREE: Discussion
Reducing Staff Turnover
The consultancy firm you work for has been asked to advise a client company which currently has a problem in
keeping staff. You have been asked to prepare ideas to help the client company to keep staff turnover low. Discuss
the situation together, and decide:
? how could the client company recruit the appropriate applicants
? what sorts of benefits would encourage staff to stay
你们在一家咨询公司工作,某公司人员流失严重,到你们所在的公 司咨询。公司让你们出主意,帮助客户减少员工流
? 客户如何才能招聘到合适的人选
? 什么样的福利能鼓励员工久留
A: You see, in the past year one of our clients kept losing staff and suffered a heavy loss. They worry a lot and turn to
us. Have you got any constructive suggestions?
B: Yes. Our client should first examine their staff recruiting. There must be something wrong with their recruiting
A: Why?
B: You know, keeping staff turnover low begins with hiring staff members who are a good match for the practice and
the position. So it can be beneficial for the client company to change its idea from “ attracting and retaining the best
employees” to “ attracting and recruiting the best employees”
A: Good idea! By recruiting the appropriate new staff, our client builds the employees’ commitment and retention will
necessarily follow.
B: Exactly.
A: Then how to recruit the right staff is crucial to our client.
B: Yes. To recruit the appropriate new hires, it’s important to advertise the job vacancy in the newspapers and
magazines targeting at the ideal candidates.
A: To ensure that a candidate’s skills match the job, it’s also important to limit the conditions and requirements of
candidates on the job advertisement.
B: Yes. Besides, it’s better for our client to conduct thorough reference checks and find out why a candidate left a
previous job.
A: Yeah, that’s important. Still there are other contributable factors that our client should consider, such as providing
information of the current state of their future work environment, offering staff with proper training, talking to staff
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members and solving problems as they emerge. All these can be important in keeping staff turnover low.
B: You are right. Furthermore, the client company should strive to provide superior leadership in their practice, such
as keeping communication lines open, periodically taking time to examine the workplace from the employee’s
perspective, and continually seeking to improve it.
A: Yeah, that will help to create and maintain a place where people want to work and stay. In addition, giving the
employees a sense of empowerment should not be ignored.
B: For example?
A: Such as providing a breathing space to take risks, to use their own best judgement and to be accountable for the
decisions they’ve made etc.
B: Yeah, that surely works.
Follow-up queions
(1) Do you think it will be easier for people to work abroad in the future?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, I think so. With the combination of technology advances and increasing globalization, more and more people
will have chances to work in other countries.

(2) Which aspect of job are most interesting to you?(Why?)
The opportunity for improvement of knowledge and skills are most important to me, since I have to competitive and
employable in the labor market.

(3) Do you think you will spend your career working for just one company?(Why?Why not ?)
No, I don’t think so. I belong to the race of nomads. I can’t imagine spending my whole life in one company and in
one place. I just can’t stand tedious and dull life.

(4) Who, do you think, is easier to retain staff, large companies or small ones?(Why?)
Large companies. Since large companies are more powerful in finance and experience to focus on not only the profit
and development, but also the scientific management of human resources.

(5) What are the disadvantages to a company of high staff turnover?
High staff turnover will induce replacement cost and training costs, increase workload, cause stress and tension,
decline employee morale and decrease productivity.

2.7 Appraising and Improving Performance 绩效考核与改进绩效
Peer appraisal 同事间相互考核 Connote 包含,意味着,暗示
Align 结盟 Discharge 开除,解雇
Autocratic 独裁的,专制的 Disciplinary action 惩戒行动
Be in a position to do sth. (由于客观或主观条件)可(能)Follow-up 增补的,后续的
做某事 First-line 最重要的,头等的
Bias 偏见 HRM human resources management 人力资源管理
Breakdown 破裂,分裂 Light (观察人、物等的) 角度,眼光
Dimension 方面,部分 Lenient 宽大的,温和的
Coach 训练,指导 Monitor 监督,监视
Compensation 补偿(或赔偿)物,补偿(或赔偿)金 Multifaceted 多方面的
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Peer rating 同事评估
Persist 持续,存留
Rate 评估,考核
Rater 考核者,评估者
Rater bias 评估者偏见

Team environment 团结的环境
Transfer 调动,转职
Subordinate 下属
Peer evaluation 同事间相互评估
360-Degree Assessment 360度反馈评价
Typically, performance appraisal has been limited to a feedback process between employees and supervisors.
However, with the increased focus on teamwork, employee development, and customer service, the emphasis has
shifted to employee feedback from the full circle of sources.
然而,随着企业对团队合作、员工开发 及客户服务与日俱增的重视,员工考核的重心已转向全方位的反馈评价。
This multiple-input approach to performance feedback is sometimes called”360-degree assessment” to connote that
full circle.
There are no prohibitions in law or regulation against using a variety of rating sources, in addition to the employee’s
supervisor, for assessing performance.
Research has shown assessment approaches with multiple rating sources provide more accurate, reliable, and
credible information.
For this reason, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management supports the use of multiple rating sources as an
effective method of assessing performance for formal appraisal and other evaluative and developmental purposes.
因此,美国人事管理局支持采用多源反馈评价方 法进行正式绩效考核以及其他以评估或发展为目标的考核。
The 360-degree feedback process has become pervasive in management and human resource development
Reported statistics on 360-degree use suggest that it has gone from almost unheard of in the 1980s to widespread
use in 2000.
The circle, or perhaps more accurately the sphere, of feedback sources consists of supervisors, peers, subordinates,
customers, and one’s self.
It is not necessary, or always appropriate, to include all of the feedback sources in a particular appraisal program.
The organizational culture and mission must be considered, and the purpose of feedback will differ with each source.
For example, subordinate assessments of a supervisor’s performance can provide valuable developmental
guidance, peer feedback can be the heart of excellence in teamwork, and customer service feedback focuses on the
quality of the team’s or agency’s results.
举个例子,下属对上级的绩效评估可提供极有价值的发 展引导,同事的反馈特别适合评估团队合作精神,而客户的反
馈则重点集中于一个团队或机构的服务质量 。
The objectives of performance appraisal and the particular aspects of performance that are to be assessed must be
established before determining which sources are appropriate.

PART ONE: Interview
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(1) Do you think it necessary to evaluate staff performance regularly?( Why?Why not?)
No, I don’t think so. Performance appraisals frequently focus on individual achievement and produce a self-focus
rather than a team-focus and discourage teamwork.

(2) What do you think are responsible for the failure of performance appraisal?(Why?)
The reasons can be many and various, such as lack of the support of top management, rater bias, unclear
performance standards, too many forms to complete, rating personality rather than performance, no follow-up
coaching after the evaluation, etc.

(3) What are the advantages of peer appraisal?(Why?)
Fellow employees often see different dimensions of performance and can readily identify leadership and
interpersonal skills along with other strengths and weaknesses of their co-workers, thus furnishing more accurate
and valid information than appraisals by superiors.

(4) Are there any drawbacks of self-appraisal?(Why? Why not?)
Yes. Self-raters are more lenient than managers in their assessments and tend to present themselves in a highly
favorable light. For this reason, self- appraisals may be best for developmental purposes rather than for
administrative decisions.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Managing ineffective performance 改善员工绩效,需要考虑哪些要点?
? Training 培训
? Transfer 工作轮换调动
When managing ineffective performance, providing training is important. Offering relevant and effective training
would improve the employees’ ability, increase the knowledge and skills needed for effective performance.
Besides, transfer to another job or department can be important and useful too. As we know, an outstanding
scientist can be a poor manager, so one who is clumsy and nervous in one job may be skilled and easy in another.
Transfer can help to make full use of an employee’s strengths, while avoiding weaknesses. Transfer can provide the
employee with freshness, excitement, expectation and confidence. In one word, transfer can give an employee a
chance to become a more effective member of the organization.
In addition to training and transfer, ways to motivate the individuals are important as well, since well-motivate
employees undoubtedly guarantee effective performance. If ineffective performance persists, it’s necessary to take
disciplinary action or to discharge the person from the company.

PART THREE: Discussion
Conducting an effective performance appraisal
Your company is going to evaluate the performance of sales representatives. You have been asked to make
recommendations on how to make the performance appraisal effective.
Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? who would be chosen to evaluate the performance of sales representatives.
? What should be evaluated and why
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你们所在的公司准备对销售代表进行绩效考核 。请你们就如何制定行之有效的考核方案提出建议。讨论并决定:
? 应选择谁来对销售代表进行绩效考核
? 应进行哪些方面的考核,为什么要考核这些方面

A: You see, our company is going to evaluate the performance of sales representatives. To make the performance
appraisal effective, the choice of raters is crucial.
B: Yes, that’s important. In my opinion, external customers are in a good position to evaluate sales representatives,
since they are in frequent and direct contact with sales representatives and can observe many sales-related
A: Besides, if sales representatives’ performance review includes customer’s survey data, the customers tend to be
more satisfied, and the business performance tends to be better.
B: That’s for sure.
A: Undoubtedly customers are one of the appropriate appraisers. But have you ever hit upon such an idea, the
combination of various raters? For example, if customer appraisal is used along with self- appraisal, the performance
appraisal will surely be more objective and beneficial.
B: Definitely, since self-appraisal gets the individual involved in the review process. So when setting a future
performance goal, it will be more acceptable and fair for both the manager and the sales representatives to establish
it jointly.
A: In fact, jobs are multifaceted and different eyes see different aspects. To make evaluation effective and accurate,
we’d better get input from as various angles as possible, such as supervisors, peers, customers and the like.
B: I couldn’t agree more. As to what should be evaluated, I tend to evaluate sales representative’s accomplishments.
Since evaluating a salesperson on the basis of their sales volume involves less subjectivity and therefore may be
less open to bias. Besides results appraisal can directly align the employee’s goal with the organizational goal.
A: It may be a good idea. But if the same criteria apply to sales representatives who have extremely had market, it
would be unfair to hold these employees accountable for results caused by external factors. There are sometimes
circumstances beyond control.
B: Yes, that’s why we need to consider the role of market when establishing different yet fair criteria.
Follow-up queions
(1) What kind of qualities should an appraiser possess?
To be a rater, one should be fair, objective, responsible, good at observing and communicating and well-trained.

(2) What do you think of the superior’s evaluation?
Appraisal programs that rely solely on ratings of superiors often aren’t as reliable and valid as expected. It’s
better if they are supplemented by a variety of other rating sources.

(3) Are there any disadvantages of peer evaluation?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Depending on the culture of the organization, peer ratings can have the potential for creating tension and
breakdown rather than fostering cooperation (促进合作)and support.

(4) What are the shortcomings of customer appraisal?
Conducting customer surveys is an expensive and time-consuming process. The time and money are best spent
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developing customer feedback systems that focus on the organization or work unit as a whole.

(5) What do you think of subordinate evaluation?
The feedback from subordinates is particularly effective in evaluating the supervisor’s interpersonal skills.
However, it may not be as appropriate or valid for evaluating task- oriented skills.

2.8 Pay and benefits 薪酬与福利
Base salary 基本工资 Payroll budget 工资预算
Celebration 庆祝活动,庆典 Pay inequality 不公平薪酬
Compensation (美)工资,报酬 Payoff (一系列事件、行动等的)结果;报偿
Confidential 保密的,机密的 Pool(人等的)具有相同需要的一群
Departure 离开,启程,出发 Applicant pool 求职群体
Discount (价格等的)折扣 Stick 长久保留
Fitness center 健身中心 Sticky reward 粘性(具有持久影响的)奖励,粘性
Fleeting 短暂的,飞逝的 奖品
Fringe benefit 附加福利;附带的好处 Thereby 因此,由此,从而
Impinge upon 影响,起作用 Translate 转化,转变
Inhibit 抑制,约束

Employee Benefits 员工福利
——Cater McMamara, MBA, PhD卡特 麦克纳马拉(工商管理学博士)
Employee benefits typically refers to retirement plans, health life insurance, life insurance, disability insurance,
vacation, employee stock ownership plans, etc.
Benefits are increasingly expensive for businesses to provide to employees, so the range and options of benefits
are changing rapidly to include, for example, flexible benefit plans.
Benefits are forms of value, other than payment, that are provided to the employee in return for their contribution
to the organization, that is, for doing their job.
Some benefits, such as unemployment and worker’s compensation, are federally required.(Worker’s
compensation is really a worker’s right, rather than a benefit.)
Prominent examples of benefits are insurance (medical, life, dental, disability, unemployment and worker’s
compensation), vacation pay, holiday pay, and maternity leave, contribution to retirement(pension pay). Profit
sharing, stock options, and bonuses. (Some people would consider profit sharing, stock options and bonuses as
forms of compensation.)
主要的福利有保险(医疗保险、人寿保险 、牙科保险、伤残保险、失业保险和劳动补助)、休假薪酬、节日薪酬、
产假、退休保障(养老金支付) 、利润分享、股票期权和奖金(有些人认为利润分享、股票期权和奖金属于薪酬范
You might think of benefits as being tangible or intangible. The benefits listed previously are tangible benefits.
Intangible benefits are less direct, for example, appreciation from a boss, likelihood for promotion, nice office,
People sometimes talk of fringe benefits, usually referring to tangible benefits, but sometimes meaning both
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kinds of benefits.
You might also think of benefits as company- paid and employee-paid.
While the company usually pays for most types of benefits(holiday pay, vacation pay, etc.), some benefits, such
as medical insurance, are often paid, at least in part, by employees because of the high costs of medical
福利还可分 为公司支付和员工支付的福利。虽然公司通常支付大部分类型的福利(如节日工资、休假工资等),但
是 有些福利,如医疗保险,由于保费高,通常由员工支付,至少支付部分保险费。

PART ONE: Interview
(1) Will you accept pay inequity?(Why?Why not?)你能接受不公平薪酬吗?(为什么?)
No. If I am paid less than my colleagues for the same job value contributed, I will speak to my immediate
supervisor about it and try to change the situation. If the situation is beyond my power, I will quit the job
immediately, you know, I cannot stand inequality and unfairness.

(2) Is flexible work hour important to you?(Why?Why not?) 弹性工作时间对你重要吗?(为什么?)
Yes. With flexible work hour, I can vary my arrival and departure time. I can work from home and avoid traffic jam,
and what’s more important is that I will have more personal time and improve my work efficiency.

(3) Do you think that organization should keep the employee’s pay secret?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, definitely. Income should be treated as something private and confidential. As far as I am concerned, I hate
people prying into(窥探,探问) my privacy as family, marriage, age, income, etc. , so I don’t like my salary open to
the public.

(4) Do you think that taking paid holidays will improve employees’ effectiveness in work?(Why?Why not ?)
Yes. A break helps people momentarily(暂时地) forget the monotony(单调) and stress of work. After having had
a paid holiday, people will be physically and psychologically relaxed, and be energetic, fresh and more prepared
for the challenge of their work.

PART TWO: Mini- presentation
What’s important when…?
Deciding base salary 制定基本工资工资水准,需要考虑哪些要点:
? Salary level of comparable companies 同行业的工资水平
? Availability of local workforce 劳动力的供给情况

When deciding base salary, comparison with other companies is important, since that involves the issue of
external pay equity. If your starting salary is lower than other enterprises in your area, it will be difficult to attract a
sufficient number of job applicants to staffing requirements, or it will appear unfair for your employees and will
ultimately result in high turnover. If your rates of pay are higher, then it will create a large applicant pool and your
organization may choose to raise selection standards and hire better-qualified employees, thus in turn reducing
training costs and turnover. Comparison with other companies is just in search of competitive advantage.
Besides, availability of local workforce also exerts great influence on the base salary. The linkage of pay levels to
labor markets serves to attract or retain valuable employees. If there is a short of local workforce, in order to attract or
keep qualified employees to stay, you’ll have no choice but to raise your pay rate, otherwise you will lose in the
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talents battle.
In addition, company finance and compensation policy should also be taken into consideration, since a company’s
payroll budget depends on the company finance. It’s essential to keep labor costs at an acceptable level. And other
supplemental compensations also help to enhance motivation, growth and competitiveness.

PART THREE: Discussion
Company Gifts to Employees
Your company will soon be celebrating the 25
anniversary and has decided to spend a sum of money on something
that will benefit the staff. You have been asked to make recommendations about how to use the money. Discuss the
situation together, and decide:
? what are the advantages and disadvantages of cash gift
? what other ways the money could be used to celebrate the event, while still benefiting the staff
你 们所在公司将举办25周年庆典,并决定拨款作为员工的庆典福利。现在公司向你们征求意见,如何花费这笔钱? 讨
? 直接发钱有何利弊
? 除了直接发钱之外,有没有其他更好的方式,既达到庆贺的目的,又让员工受益

A:Good news! Our company will soon be celebrating the 25
anniversary and has decided to spend a sum of money
on something that will benefit the staff. What do you expect to have?
B: Cash gift, of course. You see, cash gift is simple and convenient to the employer. To the staff, they can make
flexible use of the money. Different people’s needs, concerns and interests are different and various. With cash, the
staff can buy something they need and like indeed. Cash gift is to the advantage of employees. What do you think of
A: Though cash gift has some advantage, I don’t think it’s a good idea to offer employees cash gift only. You see,
benefits should also provide advantage for the employees and do not necessarily have staying power, inspire action,
or automatically translate to improved work performance. Instead, I’d suggest sticky rewards.
B: Sticky rewards? What do you mean by sticky rewards?
A: Hmm. That means gifts that can stick in the minds of recipients, such as a trip, special gift, paid holiday and so on.
Sticky gifts not only reward the employees, but at the same time benefit givers.
B: That sounds nice and interesting. Sticky gifts are surely more memorable and can thereby provide a long-term
payoff for the company and employees.
A: Precisely, an all-expense-paid trip for an employee and hisher spouse to Paris, for instance, is likely to be a
unique experience, and more impressive than a cash gift, and helps attract and retain quality employees.
B: Or we may offer physical health check-up for the staff, memberships or discounts on membership fees at health
clubs and fitness centers, since staff’s health is of mutual benefits to the employer and the employee.
A: Yes, they are all wonderful suggestions.
Follow-up questions
(1) Do you think formal company celebrations are good thing?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Formal company celebrations can be an opportunity to promote company image and a chance to boost the
morale of the staff.

(2) Do you think it is beneficial to take part in social events with colleagues?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Attending social events with colleagues can help employee understand one another, improve relationship, and
even enhance team work.
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(3) How important is it to consider company finance when organizing social activities for staff?
The costs of social activities should be planned and set aside according to company budget. The total expense
shouldn’t be a financial burden for the company and shouldn’t affect the normal producing activities.

(4) What are the advantages for companies to organize social activities for staff?
Organizing social activities for staff, such as sports, can not only improve the health of staff, but also encourage
employee loyalty and devotion.

(5) Is it a good idea to use company anniversary celebrations as a marketing tool?
Yes. Through celebrations, companies can publicize their products, service and image by gift-giving, or

2.9 Labor relations劳动关系
Allege 断言,声称 Probation 试用(期)
Bosom (=bosom friend) 知心朋友 Problem employee 问题员工
Bread-and-butter 谋生的,为了糊口的,维持生活所需的 Put off 敷衍,把…搪塞过去
Charge 控告,指控 Resort 采用的手段或办法
Collective bargaining 集体谈判 Shift 轮班
Disgrace 丢脸,耻辱,不光彩 Single out 选出,挑出,使突出
Dismissal 解雇 Surveillance 监督,检查,监管
Infraction (法规等的)违犯,违背 Suspension 暂令停职,(权利的)暂时剥夺;(作为一种
Lawsuit 诉讼(尤指非刑事案件) 处分的)(活动的)暂令停止参加
Massive 巨大的,大规模的,大量的 Union 公会
Pornographic 淫秽作品的,色情 Veritable 名副其实的,十足的
Pornographic web-sites 黄色网站 Wrongful employment termination 不公正解雇,非法

Better Listening 更为有效的倾听
——Mardy Grothe, PhD
No matter how many people work for you or whether you like or dislike them, how well you communicate with your
coworkers plays a huge role in the success of your business.
Good communication requires good listening. The common mistakes employers make with listening include:
Not doing it at all. One of my favorite sayings about listening is:” people don’t care how much bosses know until
they know how much bosses care.”
拒绝倾听。就倾听而言,我最喜欢的一句话是“只有了解到老板在乎员 工,员工才会在意老板对员工的了解”
When you don’t listen to your people- by putting them off until later or by listening without hearing what they’re
saying- you send a message that you don’t really care about them.
当你搪塞敷衍员工,没有倾听他们的心声,或是只听而没有听进他们说什么 ,你等于向员工传递了一个信息---事实上,
Next thing you know, they don’t care about you or your business…or what you have to say, either.
Talking first, listening second. Listening is an unnatural act.
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When you have a problem with an employee, your first inclination is to take himher aside, explain how you feel and
give instructions on how to solve the problem.
当你与某一员工有问题要谈时,你首先倾向于将他她叫到一边,然后解释你的看法,并指出该如何解决问 题。
An employee who is approached that way is likely to feel singled out and therefore may become defensive and
resistant to your demands.
So it’s better to approach with a question that starts a dialogue, like:” How’s the job going?... What’s going well, and
what’s not going well? ”
This invites the employee to share his perceptions and concerns about the job.
It also provides a natural lead-in for your observations and suggestions for improvement.
Automatically assuming you have heard correctly.
No matter who’s talking or who’s talking or who’s listening, the message sent isn’t necessarily the message received.
To avoid misunderstanding, listen carefully as your employee speaks.
Then, give what I call a “read-back”---a simple verbal summary of what you think the other person has said to you.
然后就员工刚才所说的话,做简要的口头概括 ----我把它称为“复述”。
This helps you improve your listening skills- and assures employees that you care about what they have to say.
Doing too many things at once.
Trying to listen to someone while you’re checking your E-mail or reviewing your daily to-do list makes the person
you’re speaking to feel unimportant.
And when people feel you’re not paying attention to what they’re saying, they spend four times as long saying it.
So it’s better to make an appointment with an employee who needs to speak with you, and agree—ahead of
time—on a start time end time for your meeting a coworker, too.

PART ONE: Interview
(1) What do you think can help improve the relationship between employers and employees?(Why?Why not?)
There are many contributable measures, such as honoring employee rights, providing a safe workplace, avoiding
wrongful discharge, offering a sound benefits program, providing chances for training and career development,
getting employees involved in company decisions, and respecting employees, etc.

(2) Would you like to join Union?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, definitely. The Union can help employees to achieve results they cannot achieve when acting individually. When
negotiating with employers, collective bargaining can be more powerful and effective in improving their economic
needs, organization’s managerial practices and in fulfilling social and status needs.
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(3) Do you think that employers should monitor the conduct of employees through surveillance techniques during
work hours?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, it is a trend and is now common in restaurants, hotels and airports. Through surveillance techniques, employees
can be disciplined or stopped for the inappropriate use of company times, thus improving work efficiency and
productivity. Besides it can also ensure the safety of employees.

(4) Do you like your employer to contact you after work hours?(Why?Why not?)
It depends on the situation and frequency. In case of emergency and urgency, I don’t mind if my employer contacts
me after work hours. Anybody should be ready to help those in need, if possible. But if my employer keeps bothering
me, I can’t stand it.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Dealing with problem employee employee misconduct
? Role of immediate supervisor 直接监管上司的作用
? Discipline 纪律

When dealing with problem employee employee misconduct, the role of immediate supervisor can be very
important. The primary responsibility for preventing or correcting employee misconduct rests with an employee’s
immediate supervisor, since immediate supervisor is best able to observe evidence of unsatisfactory behavior or
performance, to find out the underlying causes, and then to discuss the matter with the employee to correct the
problem immediately.
Besides, to correct employee infractions, discipline also plays an important role. Discipline can not only be taken as
punishment for repeated offences, but also motivate employees to practice self-control and respect organizational
rules. As a punishment for repeated offences, discharge should be used only as the last resort after oral warning,
written warning and suspension without a pay to demonstrate the power and force of discipline.
In addition, colleagues’ assistance, especially bosom fellow-workers’ help is also important because they know
the problem employee quite well and understand hisher situation, thus their suggestions and advice can be easily
and readily accepted.

PART THREE: Discussion
Avoiding wrongful employment termination lawsuit
Your company just faced a charge with wrongful and unjust discharge from a former employee dismissed and lost the
lawsuit. You have been asked to make recommendations about how to avoid such kind of lawsuit. Discuss the
situation together, and decide:
? how the lawsuit affected the company
? how to avoid unjust dismissal
你们所在的公司刚刚因非法解雇,被前员工告上法庭,并输了官 司。公司向你们征求意见,如何避免此类诉讼。讨论
? 法律诉讼对公司有何影响
? 如何避免不公正解雇
A: You see, our company financially suffered a heavy loss from the lawsuit concerning wrongful and unjust
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B: Yeah. What’s more, our company’s reputation is to some extent damaged. It’s high time for us to take the problem
serious. Don’t you think so.
A: Yes, it’s really urgent. First of all, we should study the related law and have a clear idea of the cases of wrongful
and unjust discharge. It’s important for the company to offer the relevant training to those concerned.
B: You are to the point. Besides, we should improve the dismissing procedure, such as the introduction of
pre- warning. You see, pre-warning just gives the problem employee a chance to correct hisher misconduct, and
pre-warning can be made orally or in written form.
A: A good suggestion. And we should make it a rule and clear to every employee that if the employee failed to
improve performance after several pre- warnings, heshe will take the consequence, that is discharge.
B: Precisely. So pre-warning is preferable divided into several steps, such as oral warning, written warning, financial
punishment and suspension. If the employee repeatedly commit offences in spite of repeated warning, then heshe
will inevitably face discharge.
A: Yes. Besides, to avoid unjust dismissal, it’s important to take an equal and fair dismissing policy towards all
employees of different race, different sex, different nationality, different age, and different level in the company. They
should be granted with equal chances to improve, with the same level of punishment.
B: Yes, to avoid unjust dismissal, it’s essential that every body be treated equally. Finally and most importantly, when
infraction occurs, the employee should be given the chance to tell hisher side of story regarding the alleged
infraction of organizational rules.
A: Yeah, it cannot be ignored, since this ensures a full and fair investigation of employee misconduct and is crucial to
avoid unjust dismissal.

Follow-up questions
(1) Is it important for employers to honor employee right?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, the failure of employers to honor employee rights can result in costly lawsuits, damage the organization’s
reputation, and hurt employee morale, thus slowing down the organization’s growth and development.

(2) Why is it important to recruit the right person?
Employing the right person can reduce staff turnover, cut down the number of problem employees and improve work
efficiency and labor relationship.

(3) How will discharge influence an employee?
Discharging is both a punishment and lesson for an employee, which may be an incentive to a dramatic and
improved change, thus becoming a blessing in disguise.(福)

(4) What does unemployment mean to you?
Unemployment means failure and trouble. Without means of earning bread and milk, life will be a veritable(名副其实
的) struggle for survival.

(5) Besides discharge, what do you think can improve problem employees?
To some employees, punishment like discharge may work. But to others, understanding, appropriate encouragement,
timely support of their family can be more effective.
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2.10 Work place safety and health 工作安全与职工保健
Periodic medical examinations 定期体检 Sense of participation 参与感
Corrective 其纠正作用的,改正的 Pay off 盈利 得到好结果
Absenteeism (尤指无故或一贯的)矿工,旷课 Penalty 处罚
Accountable 负有责任的 Peril 危险
Attributable 可归因的,可归属的 Plant (处于生产或生活的)成套设备,成套装置,成套
Boil down to 归结为 机械
Bulletin board (美)布告板,布告牌 Poster 海报,布告
Champion 捍卫,支持,拥护 Strategic Location 重要位置,显要位置
Cramped 狭窄的,受限制的 Ranger 巡逻队员
First aid 急救 Danger ranger 防范危险巡逻员
Forklift 铲车,叉车 Safeguard 保护,维护,捍卫
Hazardous chemicals 危险化学品 Staggering 巨大的,大得惊人的
Heighten 增加,增强 Suggestible 可建议的,可提出的
Instructional program 教学方案 Ventilation 通风,空气流通
Near-miss 侥幸逃脱的 Workable 可操作的,可使用的,可行的,切合实际的
On the brink of 处于…的边缘
Train and Supervise Staff培训与监督员工
Why should you bother worrying about workplace health and safety?
It is the law—the Health and Safety in Employment Act says that you have to look after the safety and welfare of
people in your workplace.
It is good for business—a focus on health and safety can avoid the human and business costs of workplace injuries.
It can also improve productivity.
这对企业也有益处,重视安全与健康问题可以避免因工作场所伤害所造成 的员工伤残费与企业损失费,同时还有助于
Then what you can do to make your workplace safer and how it can benefit your business?
It all boils down to four key actions: Manage hazards (Managing hazards is the single most effective thing you and
your workers can do to prevent injuries. It’s also one of the easiest to achieve).
可归结为四个主要 步骤:风险管理(风险管理是你和你的员工防止伤害最有效的唯一措施,也是最简单易行的措施)
Train and supervise staff (Ensure all your workers are aware of hazards and follow safe work procedures).
Prepare for emergencies(Don’t leave it too late, and don’t forget about first aid).
Investigate injuries and incidents (Accidents will happen. But you can learn from what went wrong). Here we will
focus on training and supervising staff.
It makes sense to get your staff trained and involved in health and safety.
Your workers are the one who will be actually making a safer workplace—as an employer, you can only create the
right conditions for it to happen.
对员工进行培训,让员工参与安全与健康管理是由意义的。实际上,只有员工才能保证工作场所的安全— 作为雇主,
Workers who have not been adequately trained can cause serious injuries or even death. So you need to :
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? Inform and train all employees in health and safety issues in your workplace.
? Make sure employees have specific knowledge about hazards to which they are exposed at work.
? Supervise employees (especially those who are new and less skilled) to make sure they work safely.
? To see how well you train and supervise staff in health and safety, ask yourself and your staff the following

(1) Do you discuss health and safety with staff and health and safety representatives, listen to their concerns, and
keep records of discussions?
你与你的员工及健康与安全代表探讨过健康与安全问题吗? 你有没有倾听员工所关心的问题,并做讨论记录?
(2) Have you informed staff about hazards( and their controls) in the workplace?
(3) Have you trained staff in safe work procedures?
(4) Have you trained staff in emergency procedures?
(5) Do staff know how to use and maintain personal protective equipment?
(6) Do you and your staff have up-to-date certificates and licenses to use plants and equipment(e.g. current license
for driving a forklift, current first aid certificate)?
(7) Are new staff introduced to the workplace via an induction or orientation that includes health and safety?
(8) Do you have a training plan to keep track of what health and safety training your staff require, and keep records
of training that has been completed?
你有跟踪了解员工所需的健康与安全培训的培训计划吗? 你对已完成的培训有记录在案吗?
(9) Are new and less skilled staff supervised until they can work safely?
If you answered “ Yes” to all of the questions applicable to your business, congratulations—you are doing very well
with health and safety training and supervision. If you answered “No” to any of the questions, you should note down
the actions you and your staff need to take.
如果你的企业对以上问题的回答是“有或者是能”,那么祝贺你---你的企业在安全与健康的培训与监 督方面做得很好。如

PART ONE: Interview
(1) Do you think that employers should create healthy and safe working conditions for employees? (Why? Why not?)
Yes, definitely. It is require by law that employers ensure a work environment that protects employees from physical
hazards, unhealthy conditions, and unsafe acts of other personnel. Law safeguards employees’ physical and
emotional well-being.

(2) Do you think that smoking should be banned in workplace?(Why?Why not?)
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Yes, employers should eliminate tobacco smoke from workplace and create a smoke-free and healthy office. As we
know, smoking is harmful to health and can bring both smokers and nonsmokers deadly diseases, which will
ultimately influence the productivity and efficiency of employees.

(3) Are you satisfied with your work environmentsetting?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. My work setting is safe and healthy. My office is also comfortable, because it is large, spacious, clean, quite,
well-equipped, well-organized and is of good ventilation. I am very efficient and productive in such a work

(4) Is it necessary for employers to provide employees with periodic medical examinations?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Periodic medical examinations can help detect any health problem to which an employee’s particular lifestyle or
health habits may contribute. Better health not only benefits the individual, but also pays off for the organization in
reduced absenteeism, increased efficiency, better morale, and other savings.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Planning health and safety training for employees
? Selecting training contents 选择培训内容
? Staff involvement 员工参与

When planning health and safety training for employees, it is important to select the right and related topics. Take
chemical training as an example, relevant and important topic should be included, such as the methods used to
detect the presence or release of hazardous chemicals, the physical and health problems posed by hazardous
chemicals, and the ways by which employees can protect themselves from chemical dangers and so on. Right topics
achieve purposes.
In addition to selecting topics, staff involvement in designing and implementing the training program is also
important. Since employees can offer valuable ideas regarding specific safety and health topics to cover,
instructional methods, and proper teaching techniques. Furthermore, acceptance for safety training is heightened
when employees feel a sense of participation in the instructional program.
Besides, the length of training and opportunity for re-training can be important as well because safety and health
knowledge needs to be emphasized and reinforced from time to time, and lengthy training can be boring and have
negative effects on trainees.

PART THREE: Discussion
Enforcing Safety Rules
The employees in your company recently violated safety rules frequently. You have been asked to make
recommendations. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? what are the reasons behind the violation
? how to effectively enforce safety rules
? 违规操作的原因
? 如何有效地执行安全制度
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A:These days, some employees frequently violated regulations and rules concerning safety and several times are
on the brink of accident. It can be very risky.
B: Yes, very dangerous. This is nothing occasional. In my view, this is because of our lack of effective means of
safety communication.
A: Yes, that is accountable. So far we just make use of bulletin board notices, employee handbooks, manuals of
standard operating procedures and signs attached to equipment to instruct our employees the safety rules. The
problem is that they pay little attention to them.
B: To attract their attention, we may turn to posters. And it’s important to display posters in strategic locations where
workers will be sure to see them. Besides, safety meeting and training can also be effective in promoting safety
awareness if they are organized and held regularly.
A: That is workable. Besides the ineffective communication means, supervisors and managers should be responsible
for the situation, too. You see, some of the immediate supervisors just failed to explain thoroughly the proper work
procedures, potential hazards, and the use of protective clothing and devices.
B: So, we should make it a rule that managers be responsible for and punished for the rule-breaking of their staff.
Then they will do their best to observe employees at work, reinforce safe practices, and foster a team spirit of safety
among the work group.
A: Good idea! Discipline and penaltiespunishment definitely help enforce safety rules and regulations effectively.
Penalties should include an oral or written warning for first violation, suspension for repeated violations and dismissal
as the last resort.
B: Though penalties may force employees to work safely, the most effective enforcement of safety rules is that
employees willingly obey and support safety rules and procedures.
A: Exactly. So it’s important to offer chances for employees to participate and get involved in all aspects of the
organization’s safety program, such as recruiting employees in accident investigation, inviting employees as danger
rangers to spot near miss accidents and take corrective action, etc.
Follow-up questions
(1) Is safety training important to employees?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, especially for those handling hazardous chemicals or working in environment with potential dangers. Safety
training will help then sidestep unnecessary perils(极大的危险) or help them successfully deal with risky situations.

(2) Is punishment effective when dealing with employees violating safety rules?
Yes. It’s important to teach them a lesson. Severe punishment will leave them deep impression. Otherwise, they will
commit the same mistake again.

(3) Is workplace safety important to you when accepting a new job?
Yes. Safety is the number one of the basic needs of human being. I will never consider jobs with potential hazards,
even though I am offered a luring(吸引人的)staggering(令人吃惊的) salary.
(4) What kind of work setting do you hope to work in?
My ideal work setting should be healthy, danger-free, comfortable, spacious, clean, convenient, well- equipped, and

(5) How should employees contribute to healthy work environment?
To create a healthy work environment, there are many thinks they can do, such as keeping office tidy, respecting
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safety rules, avoiding smoking in public, taking part in safety training and so on.

2.11 Time Management 时间管理
All walk of life 各行各业 Optimum 最合适的,最优的,最佳的
Amass 积聚(财富),积累 Optional 可选择的,非强制的
Block inout 草拟(大纲等);画出…..的草图,勾出(大Pinnacle (喻)顶峰,顶点
样) Prioritise 按优先顺序列出;确定(事项)的优先次序
Contingency 可能发生的事情;不测事件;紧急情况 Procrastination 拖延,耽搁;因循
Cluttered 凌乱的,杂乱的 Refreshments 茶点,点心,饮料
Distraction 分散注意力或分心的事情 Stick to 坚守,坚持;忠于,信守
Flag 用标记表明 Tip 指点,指导;忠告
Frenzy 狂乱 Trick 技巧,技艺,窍门
Logistics 物流,后勤 Trivial 琐碎的,不重要的
Loathe 延误,憎恨《口》不喜欢 Whiz (z) (口)极其聪明的人;有特长的人;非同寻常的人;
Make sense 《口》言之有理,是合情合理的,是明智的 (杰出的)专家;奇才
Night owl 晚睡的人,夜里工作者

9 Tips for More Effective Time Management
(1) Spend time planning and organizing. 花时间做计划、作安排。
Using time to think and plan is time well-spent.
In fact, if you tail to take time for planning, you are, in effect, planning to fail.
Organize in a way that makes sense to you.
If you need color and pictures, use a lot on your calendar or planning book.
Some people need to have papers filed away; other get their creative energy from their piles.
So forget the “shoulds” and organize your way.
(2) Set goals. 设立目标
Goals give your life, and the way you spend your time, direction.
When asked the secret to amassing such a fortune, one of the famous Hunt brothers from Texas replied:” First
you’ve got to decide what you want.”
当人们问 德克萨斯州闻名遐迩的亨特兄弟:“积聚如此巨大的财富有何秘诀?“亨特兄弟(之一)回答道:“首先,你得< br>决定你要什么。”
Set goals which are specific, measurable, realistic and achievable.
Your optimum goals are those which cause you to “stretch” but not “break” as you strive for achievement.
Goals can give creative people a much-needed sense of direction.
(3) Use a To Do list. 采用计划表,列出要做的事项。
Some people thrive using a daily To Do list which they construct either the last thing the previous day or first thing in
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the morning.
有些人每天将要做的事项(从前一天的最后一件 事情或当天的第一件事情开始)列表,并依当日计划表行动。
Such people may combine a To Do list with a calendar or schedule.
Others prefer a “running” To Do list which is continuously being updated.
Or, you may prefer a combination of the two previously described To Do lists.
Whatever method works is best for you.
Don’t be afraid to try a new system?
You just might find one that works even better than your present one!
(4) Be flexible. 留出灵活支配的时间。
Allow time for interruptions and distractions.
Time management experts often suggest planning for just 50 percent or less of one’s time.
With only 50 percent of your time planned, you will have the flexibility to handle interruptions and the unplanned”
When you expect to be interrupted, schedule routine tasks.
Save (or make) larger blocks of time for your priorities.
When interrupted, ask Alan Lakein’s crucial question, “ What is the most important thing I can be doing with my time
right now?” to help you get back on track fast.
如果受干扰分心,就用艾伦 莱肯的决定性问题来问问自己:“这会儿做哪件事对我最重要?”以帮助你迅速回归正轨。
(5) Eliminate the urgent. 解决紧急问题
Urgent tasks have short-term consequences while important tasks are those with long-term, goal-related
Work towards reducing the urgent things you must do so you’ll have time for your important priorities.
Flagging or highlighting items on your To Do list or attaching a deadline to each item may help keep important items
from becoming urgent emergencies.
在计划表上对一些事项做些突出的标记或在每一件事项后加注最后期限,可 以使重要的事情不至于演变成紧急事件。
(6) Practice the art of intelligent neglect. 学会忽视的艺术。
Eliminate from your life trivial tasks or those tasks which do not have long-term consequences for you.
Can you delegate or eliminate any of your To Do list?
Work on those tasks which you alone can do.
(7) Avoid being a perfectionist. 避免完美主义倾向。
In the Malaysian culture, only the gods are considered capable of producing anything perfect.
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Whenever something is made, a flaw is left on purpose so the gods will not be offended.
Yes, some things need to be closer to perfect than others, but perfectionism, paying unnecessary attention to detail,
can be a form of procrastination.
毫无疑问,有些事情需要尽可能做到接近完美,但是绝对的完美主义(过分注重细节,做没必要的挑剔),在某 种意义
(8) Conquer procrastination. 克服拖延
One technique to try is the “Swiss cheese” method described by Alan Lakein.
技巧之一就是尝试艾伦 莱肯描述的“瑞士干酪”法。
When you are avoiding something, break it into smaller tasks and do just one of the smaller tasks or set a timer and
work on the big task for just 15 minutes.
每当你要面对不愿意干的事情时,将此工作细分,每次完成其中的一个小任务,或 者设定时间,只用15分钟来完成一
By doing a little at a time, eventually you’ll reach a point where you’ll want to finish.
(9) Learn to say “ no”. 学会说“不”
Such a small word? And so hard to say.
Focusing on your goals may help.
Blocking time for important, but often not scheduled, priorities such as family and friends can also help.
But first you must be convinced that you and your priorities are important.
That seems to be the hardest part in learning to say “no”.
Once convinced of their importance, saying “no” to the unimportant in life gets easier.

PART ONE: Interview
(1) How important is it to manage time effectively?(Why?)
According to Benjamin Franklin, time is money. Like money, time must be explicitly managed. Besides, time is limited
and life is limited, so nobody can afford to waste time. To some extent, wasting time is wasting life and wasting

(2) Do you think it is valuable to set goals?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. By setting goals, you know precisely what you want to achieve, what you have to concentrate on and what is
merely a distraction. It gives you long- term vision and short-term motivation.

(3) What do you think can contribute to effective goal setting?(Why?)
To set goals effectively, it’s important to set realistic goal. You need to objectively evaluate yourself, knowing not only
the obstacles in the way and your strengths. Don’t set your goal either too high or too low.

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(4) Is it important to set aside time for exercise when managing a busy schedule?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. As the saying goes, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. If you set aside time for exercise, you will
improve your overall physical health, sleep and work efficiency, and also better manage your stress.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Managing a busy schedule 处理繁忙日程时,需考虑哪些要点?
? Time management skills 时间管理技巧
? Others’ cooperation 与他人的合作

When managing a busy schedule, time management skills are important. They are essential skills for effective
people. Keeping to-do lists would remind you of all essential tasks to be finished. It’s a powerful method of organizing
yourself and a way of reducing stress. Deciding work priorities can help you concentrate on the right things which are
important and urgent. Tackling problems in order of importance allows you to separate important jobs from the many
time-wasting trivial ones.
In addition to time management skills, it’s also important to get corporation from those around you. Let your
colleagues, spouse, family members, and others know about your effects to manage a busy schedule, and thus you
can be free from interruption. Sometimes it may be a good idea for a busy bee to turn to other people.
Besides, use of technology can be important as well. Voice-mail, conference, Google and digital library through
computers and the internet now enable you to contact clients, doing business, search information in office or at home
instead of the time-consuming travelling to other citiescountries, bookstores and libraries. New technology brings us
convenience and high- efficiency.

PART THREE: Discussion
Managing time effectively
Some colleagues in your office spend their days in a frenzy of activity and feel overburdened with work, but
achieve very little. You have been asked to make recommendations about how to improve the situation. Discuss the
situation together, and decide:
? what caused the inefficiency
? how to manage time effectively
? 效率低的原因
? 如何有效地管理时间
A: You see, some colleagues spend their days in a frenzy of activity, but achieve very little. Do you know why?
B: The reason may be various. Heavy workload cannot be neglected. As you know, three people have left for a
better-paid position. We are short of hands here.
A: So, to change the situation, perhaps more employees should be recruited to shoulder and divide the numerous
B: Definitely. Besides, bad time management maybe responsible too. To improve the situation, it’s important to train
the colleagues how to manage time effectively.
A: I cannot agree more. As to manage time effectively, I’d like to share my experience with them. Normally, when I
have to deal with overwhelming problems, I always keep a list of all necessary tasks that need to carry out. In this
way I never feel out of control.
B: So they may have a try.
A: Yes, why not. Then I prioritize all tasks in order of importance and urgency. This allows me to tackle the most
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important jobs first, and not to waste time on trivial tasks, and helps me avoid getting stressed by a large number of
unimportant jobs.
B: That can be very practical. In this way, they will naturally concentrate on results instead of on being busy.
A: Yes, exactly.
B: Your experience reminds me of Benjamin Franklin. Once he said, “ Let all your things have their places and let
each part of your business have its time.” To manage time successful, it’s important to let each part of your business
have its time.
A: Yes, from Benjamin’s achievements and my experience, we can see the importance of identifying the time
B: By the way, when are you most efficient in one day?
A: In the early morning.
B: So, you are a “ morning person “. As you know, every body has hisher biological prime time, some maybe
“morning persons” like you, some maybe” night owls” and other maybe “late afternoon whizzes”. So when scheduling,
it’s also important to find creative time for priorities. In creative time, you can achieve 80% of results with only 20% of
the effort.
A: So whatever you are, set aside your best time for your priorities.
B: Yes. Besides, we should also block in appropriate contingencyflexible time for unpredictable interruptions.
A: Lastly, it’s also beneficial to pay attention to office logistics. Always make office and desk neat and comfortable for
yourself, and optionally tidy and comfortable for others.
B:I cannot agree more. Letting all your things have their places surely help you manage time effectively.
Follow-up questions
(1) Is it essential to keep paperwork in a file system?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. To keep paperwork in a good file system instead of cluttered files on desks can keep offices from being messy
and can help manage time effectively.
(2) Is it important to know about your talents and weaknesses when finding a job?
Yes. Because it makes a lot of sense to find a job that suits your strengths, and where your weaknesses do not
matter. With a job of your strengths, you are sure to be more efficient, productive and successful.

(3) Would you volunteer to do things that other people should do in an office?
No. it’s a sign of time-wasting and bad time management, since everybody has his -her focus and responsibility.

(4) If you are unable to concentrate, what would you do?(Why?)
I won’t force myself to concentrate, instead I will take a break immediately, have some refreshments or soft drinks to
make myself energetic again, or have some exercise, or listen to music.

(5) Is it important to learn to love your job?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, if you don’t want to quit your present job. For people are much more likely to do their job effectively if they enjoy
and love it than if they dislike and loathe(厌恶) it. And it’s important for your own quality of life.

2.12 Managing Stress 缓解压力
Bankruptcy 破产 Downsizing (机构等的)精简
Dejected 沮丧的,垂头丧气的,情绪低落的 Heavy workload 繁重的工作压力
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Insomnia 失眠 Tie in (up in ) knots 使紧张,使不安;使困惑;使混乱
Keep…on edge 使…紧张不安,烦躁,恼怒 Result in 导致,结果造成
Layoff 下岗 Stressor 压力源
Merger 公司(企业等的)合并 Take into account考虑到,估计;体谅
On edge 紧张不安,烦躁;恼怒 Upset (身体、胃肠等的)不适
Prioritise 确定(事项)的优先次序 Wear and tear 磨损,消耗,损耗;(喻)折磨
Thrive 茁壮成长

Stress Management压力管理
Everyone experiences stress from time to time, so it is perfectly normal.
However, normal doesn’t necessarily mean healthy. Nor is it inevitable!
Believe it or not, you can learn how to largely eliminate stress.
I don’t mean eliminate the pressures in your life --- those will probably persist.
我所说的消除压力并不是指消除你人生中的困扰 ---它们也许将会伴随你一生。
The way I think of it, pressure is what is happening to you, but stress is how you react to those pressure.
So, you can keep the pressure and get rid of the stress.
A good example of this comes from the study of stress in executives.
Several studies have shown that low and middle level executives show many stress symptoms, like ulcers, high
blood pressure, tension, burn-out and so on.
Top executives, however, as a group show much fewer stress signs.
There are exceptions in both directions, of course why do big wigs show fewer signs of stress?
There may be many reasons, like more control over their lives, but it is hard to believe they don’t have pressures.
So why don’t they get as stressed out?
Probably the main reason is that they are either naturally stress resistant or have learned how to handle the pressure
without letting it eat them up.
It’s like the old saying,” If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”.
Fortunately, stress management is largely a learnable skill.
Most people can learn how to take the heat in their lives.
Before we talk about how, let’s consider what stress is in more detail.
The way I think of it, stress is a “false alarm”. What I mean is that it is that erroneous activation of the “danger alarm”
system of the brain.
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I visualize it as a big red fire alarm inside the head.
This is a system we are all born with and it is a good thing to have.
However, the biological purpose of this system is to help prepare us for dealing with real physical danger.
When the danger alarm is turned on, it produces a physiological response called the “ fight or flight” reaction, which
helps us to fight the danger or flee it.

PART ONE: Interview
(1) Have you ever been stressed out at work?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Not only I but workers at every level are experiencing increased tension and uncertainty. In today’s economic
upheavals(巨变), downsizing, layoff, merger, and bankruptcies have cost thousands of workers their jobs. To
maintain the current economic status, we must to competitive, work longer and harder and improve ourselves.

(2) What do you think managers can do to help staff relieve work stress?
Employees report that they are often stressed when they have too little or too much to do. So managers need to
divide responsibilities and help employees prioritize work that must be done and take into account the cost of stress
before increasing anyone’s workload or hire more people.

(3) How to deal with it when you feel nervous and physically upset?
I will manage to relax by taking a slow and deep breath or laughing out loud. If the psychological problems worsen
into physical illness, then I will go to see the doctor and take medicine.

(4) Are there any advantages in working under stress?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Stress adds anticipation and excitement to life, and we all thrive under a certain amount of stress. Competitions,
confrontations(对抗), and even our frustrations and sorrows enrich our lives. Without stress, we sometimes may feel
bored and dejected.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Managing job stress 缓解工作压力需要注意哪些要点?
? Hobbies 兴趣爱好
? Job target 工作目标

In relieving job stress, developing hobbies is very important. Hobbies can divert your attentionfocus and help
you temporarily forget your worries. Sports, for instance, like tennis, badminton, swimming, jogging,
mountain- climbing, etc. will get you mentally relaxed after a day of stressful working and make you physically fit. One
saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So everybody should learn to mix leisure with work.
In addition to hobbies, your job target is also important. Re- examine your job goals. Pursue realistic goals that are
meaningful to you, rather than goals others have for you that you do not share. Pursue reasonable goals that are not
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too high and difficult for you to reach.
In addition, getting enough sleep, eating well-balanced and nutritious food, developing some mutually supportive
friendshipsrelationships and developing positive emotions are important as well.

PART THREE: Discussion
Managing Stress
Your line manager is concerned that some staff are in low spirits and not doing their work efficiently. You have been
asked to make recommendations about how to improve this situation. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? why staff are less efficient in their job
? how to help staff to manage their stress
在你们所在的部门,部分员工最近情绪低落,工作效率布告,部门经 理对此甚是关心。请你们就如何改善该局面提出
? 员工为何工作效率下降
? 如何帮助员工缓解压力
A:You see, some colleagues aren’t as active and efficient in their job as usual and few made progress in their
business in the passing months.
B: Yes, this is a situation that has to be improved. First of all, we should find out reasons behind this, especially
work-related stressors.
A: That’s important. As far as I know, personality clashed among co-workers seem to be responsible. We’d better
organize social activities, such as a basketball match, then colleagues can learn to help and cooperate with one
B: That would be a good idea. Work setting can create physical and mental stress too. You see, the office is a bit
over-crowded and workers here just cannot enjoy privacy. We should think of moving to offices big and cozy enough.
A: Exactly. So many colleagues became passive in their work. Leadership style cannot be ignored. The manager
should communicate with his or her staff about the leadership style through questionnaire to find out the problems
and timely adjust the policies related.
B: Yes, that is very crucial. In addition, the company management should be concerned about the employees’ health
and life, such as providing well-balanced free lunch.
A: Good suggestion. Besides, fierce competition and work overburden is undoubtedly responsible too. You just
cannot sidestep it.
B: Definitely. One way out is to offer them training opportunities to improve their KSAs, such as time management
training to help deal with heavy workload. Besides, we can organize sports to help them get relaxed after work.
A: Talking about overburden reminds me of a popular saying---“ In a well-managed company, no one should feel that
he has to burn himself out.” So you see, management knowledge and skills are really essential and crucial.
B: You are to the point. Effective managers understand that stress control is a leadership responsibility and give it
just as much attention as any other management function.
Follow-up questions
(1) Would you welcome stress when you are targeting at your goal?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. A reasonable amount of stress will push me forward a bit faster.

(2) Do you think companies should arrange leisure activities for the staff?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Arranging leisure activities as sports will help the staff better manage stress, make them healthy and strong,
enhance team spirit and boost morale.

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(3) Can people avoid stress during their life time?(Why?Why not?)
Absolutely no. stress and relaxation are like twins and are the hard fact of life. In one’s life, one will encounter this or
that kind of stress due to the fierce competition of modern society. What’s important for people is to learn to cope with

(4) How do you deal with stress in your daily life?
When I am stressful under heavy workload or study load, I will divert my attention for a moment to something I enjoy,
such as going to the cinema or a concert, having sports, or just go shopping, etc.

(5) Is time management important when dealing with stress?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Managing time skillfully can help you out of your disordered and chaotic life. Every part of your business
including play, work and study should have its time. And life will be fabulous.

Unit Three Marketing
第三单元 市场营销

3.1 Product Development 产品开发
Product life cycle 产品生命周期 Sales quota 销售定额
Marketing research 市场调研 Niche market 专门市场,有利可图的市场,缝隙市场
Ongoing 不间断的,继续存在的 Launch a product into market 将产品投放市场
Idea 创意 Market share 市场份额
Screening 创意筛选 Product line extension 产品线的延伸
Product concept 产品概念 Market penetration 市场渗透
Product image 产品形象 Product diversification 产品多样化
Business analysis 商业分析 Razor 剃须刀
Test marketing 市场试销,市场测试 Market orientation 市场导向
Commercialization 商品化 Modify 更改,修改;改变
Proactive 预先性的 Disrupt 破坏
Reactive 反射性的 Premium 赠品,优惠,过高价值
Breakthrough (知识领域或技术方面等的)突破,重大Trading stamps 交易印花(顾客在特定的商店购物时可
进展(或发现) 得到印花,然后持印花兑换商品)

Marketing Research市场调研
Marketing research is the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of information for guiding marketing
Firms conducted research in response to problems, such as decreasing profits, failure to reach sales quotas, or
customers lost to a competitor.
But today many firms realize that research should be ongoing.
Successful firms, regardless of size, continually talk to customers and study the market.
Marketing research can be proactive to prevent “ breakdowns” or reactive to respond to a problem and try to fix it.
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公司的市场调研可为预先性的,即为避免导致公司出现严重问题而预先采取的措施,也可 为反射性的,也可为反应性
Unfortunately marketing research conducted after serious problems emerge may be too late.
Forward- looking companies take a proactive stand to help keep ahead of the competition.
Marketing research is an essential first step in all product development.
There is little point in developing a new product unless you can sell it.
The marketing research process consists of six steps: defining the problems, creating a research design, collecting
data, analyzing data, interpreting the research information, and drawing a conclusion.
市场调研过程由六个步骤组成:确定问题、设计调研计划、收集数据、分 析数据、阐明调研信息和得出结论。

PART ONE: Interview
(1) Do you think product development important for a company?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. Because new products are the lifeblood of any business, if the company is to survive, it must develop new

(2) Do all new products involve major technological breakthroughs?(Why?Why not?)
No, only some new products involve major technological breakthroughs, many new products are simply product line

(3) What do you think affect a company’s product development strategy?
I think this may include the company’s existing product mix and the current market positon of its products.

(4) What strategies can a company use to develop products?
A company can have four strategies to develop products, namely, market penetration, market development, product
development, and product diversification.

PART TWO: Mini- presentation
What is important when…?
Developing new products 开发新产品时应注意哪些要点?
? Market research 市场调查
? Screening (创意)筛选

In developing new products, I think market research is very important. By carrying out market research, a company
can get such information as whether there exists a niche market for a new product, and what are customers’ needs
and tastes for new product, therefore the new product will sell well when it is launched into market.
Next, I think screening is also important, because it separates ideas with potential from those that cannot meet
company objectives. Poor screening may lead to product failure.
Finally, I think pricing is also important. A product’s price is a very important factor in determining whether
customers will buy it or not. The new product’s price must be reasonable and competitive.
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PART THREE: Discussion
Keeping Market Share
Your company is losing its share in razor market recently. You have been asked to look into this situation. Discuss the
situation together, and decide:
? what are the reasons behind your company’s losing market share
? what measures can be taken to improve the situation
? 公司剃须刀市场份额减少的原因有哪些
? 应该采取什么措施来提高剃须刀的市场份额

A: Our company is losing the market share in razor products recently. We carried out a market survey last week and
these are the results of the survey. Let’s look at them and decide what are the reasons why we are losing the razor
market share.
B: All right. From the survey, I can see that 20% of customers think that they do not have a big choice for our
products, so our product range is not wide enough.
A: Yes, I agree. Another problem is that our products are not so easy to handle, you see, 10% of our customers think
B: And last month, a new competitor entered the market. In a very short period, it has captured 8% of market share.
A: No wonder our market share is falling.
B: Now, let’s look at what measures we should take in order to improve the situation. It seems that we must widen our
present product range to maintain our market position.
A: That’s true. We must increase our product variety. But it’s not enough, we still must modify our products to improve
customer satisfaction. What else can we do?
B: We can develop a completely new product. You see, the competition is very fierce, in order to stay competitive, we
have to develop new products.
A: You’re right. We must do so, although developing new products is risky and costly.
B: Should we cut the price of our products?
A: I don’t think this measure will do. Cutting price will affect our product image. But we can use trading stamps,
premiums, free samples, etc. to increase sales.
A: Yeah, sales promotion will be very useful to keep the market share of razor.
Follow-up questions
(1) Do you think it necessary to set up a new product committee in developing new products?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, it’s quite necessary to set up a new product committee, because successful products development requires an
effective organizational structure to stimulate and coordinate new product development.

(2) Do you think it important to find new markets for existing products? (Why?Why not?)
Yes, because one of the product development strategies is market development, it concentrates on finding new
markets for existing products.

(3) Do you know why many new products fail?
I think new products fail for a number of reasons, such as inadequate market assessment, lack of a market
orientation, poor screening and project evaluation, product defects, and inadequate launch efforts.

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(4) What do you think are the sources of ideas for new product development?
There are many source, like the sales force, customer feedback, employees, research and development specialists,
suppliers, retailers, and independent inventors, etc.

(5) What do you think are the problems for test marketing?
It’s expensive, and competitors may disrupt the findings by reducing the prices of their products in the area. Also it
communicates company plans to competitors prior to its introduction.

3.2 Setting Prices 产品定价
Perception 观念 便迅速占领市场)
Brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 Price skimming 市场撇脂价(设尽可能最高的价格以便
Reliability (产品的)性能可靠度 迅速收回成本)
Cash discounts 现金折扣 Odd-even pricing 单数或偶数价格
Seasonal discounts 季节折扣 Coupons 优惠券
Trade discounts 商业折扣 Cost-oriented pricing 依据成本的定价方式
Fixed costs 固定成本 Point-of-sale displays 售点陈设
Variable costs 可变成本 Incur 引起,带来
Penetration pricing 市场渗透价(设低于竞争者的价格以

Factors in Pricing Decisions 影响价格制定的因素
A firm cannot determine a product’s price without considering several factors that affect price.
Managers must take into account the use of price and non- price competition, supply and demand, and consumer
perceptions of price.
Price and Non-price Competition
The pricing decision is influenced by the extent to which firms decide to use price as a competitive tool.
Firms competing based on price competition generally set prices equal to or lower than competitor’s prices.
They must be prepared to change prices quickly and frequently in response to competitors’ price changes.
One drawback to this strategy is that competitors can easily reduce their prices to counter it.
Non-price competition involves competing based on factors other than price, such as quality or service.
This strategy is useful in building brand loyalty.
Customers who prefer a brand for reasons other than price are less likely to switch to a brand that costs less.
Supply and Demand
The price of a product is also influenced by the economic forces of supply and demand.
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For most products, the quantity demanded goes up as the price goes down; demand goes down as the price goes
On the contrary, the quantity supplied increases as price goes up; supply goes down as price goes down.
Consumer Perception of Price
Price may be the top consideration in the buying decision of some consumers, while to others it may be much less
对一些顾客来说,价格可能是他们做出购买决定的首要考 虑因素,但对于另一些顾客来说,价格又显得不那么重要。
The importance of price varies a great deal for different products and different target markets.
Buyers generally believe price is closely related to quality.
For products such as wine, jewelry, and perfume, a higher price signals higher quality to the target market.
In such cases, firm can use price to establish an image of product superiority.

PART ONE: Interview
(1) Do you think price is the only factor that you consider when you are deciding to buy a product?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, I always compare the price of the sale goods produced by different manufacturers and choose the cheapest
goods. If a product at a lower price can perform the same functions as much more expensive one, why not choose it?
(2) Do you think companies should take competition into consideration when setting prices for products? (Why?Why
Yes. If a company wants its new products to be competitive, it must take competition into consideration. It must set
the prices equal or lower to its competitors’.

(3) Do you think price discounting is an effective strategy for companies to increase sales?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, it’s effective. When demand is low, companies can use cash discounts, quantity discounts, seasonal discounts,
and trade discounts etc. to increase sales. This practice is common and effective to simulate demand.

(4) How do you think a company should set the price for a new product if it wants to build sales quickly?
It should set the price of the new product below what its competitors charge if it want to gain a substantial market
share quickly.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What’s important when…?
Setting prices for new products 给新产品制定价格时应注意哪些要点?
? Costs 成本
? Demand 需求
In setting price for new products, the first thing we must take into account is costs. Prices should cover fixed
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costs—expenses such as insurance, rent and equipment that remain constant regardless of the number of units
produced, variable costs such as raw materials and labor which change depending on the number of units produced
and marketing costs.
Demand is also important. When demand is strong, we can set high prices, when demand is weak, we can set lower
prices. Firms must estimate the quantities of a product that consumers will demand and then set the price for the new
In addition, quality is of great importance. If the new products are of better quality and can perform more functions
than competitors’, then the prices can be high.

PART THREE: discussion
Capturing a Large Market Share
Your company has just developed a new product of cosmetics. You are asked by your manager to help develop
strategies to capture a large market share for the product. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? what should be the pricing strategy
? what should be the promotional strategy
你们公司刚开发了一种新的 化妆品。你们的经理请你们帮助出谋划策如何使该新产品获取大的市场份额。讨论并决定:
? 应该有什么样的定价策略
? 应采取什么样的促销策略
A: You see, our company has just developed a new product of cosmetics and our objective is to capture a large
market share. Now it’s important to develop a right pricing strategy.
B: I think we’d better use penetration pricing. We must consider our competitors’ prices, and charge our products
lower than our competitors’.
A: In that case, how can we recover costs quickly? As you know, we have invested a lot in developing this product.
B: But the competition in cosmetics is very fierce. There have existed a lot of well- known brands of cosmetics. If we
sell our products at a lower price than our competitors, we can seize a large market share quickly. Then, large sales
volume can help our company reduce production costs and achieve higher profits.
A: It sounds reasonable. But consumers usually relate quality to prices. Will they think our product is of low quality?
B: We can offer samples for consumers to test our product. I think we can convince our consumers that our product
has good value for money.
A: All right, we’ll use penetration pricing strategy. Apart from setting the price low, we must launch an advertising
campaign to capture a large market share. I think we can advertise our product on television.
B: That’s true, television advertising can reach large audiences. In addition, we can also use sales promotions such
as free samples, coupons, premiums, point-of- sale displays to boost sales volume.
Follow-up questions
(1) Why do some companies set high prices for new products?
The purpose I think is to “skim” the best buyers from the top of the market---those willing to pay a high price.

(2) Do marketers consider customers’ psychology when setting prices?
Yes, marketers sometimes try to influence buyers’ perceptions of price by using certain numbers like odd or even

(3) When do you think companies will use competition-oriented pricing?
When fierce price competition exists in the market or when competing products show little difference.
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(4) Are costs important in setting prices for products?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, many companies such as supermarkets, department stores and discounts stores often use a cost-oriented
pricing method. They calculate the price by determining a product’s total cost, additional expenses incurred in
marketing a product and a profit they want to make.

(5) Should companies consider demand when setting prices for products?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, because demand influences prices, when demand is strong, price are high; and when demand is weak, prices
are lower.

3.3 Product Promotion 产品推广
Promotion mix 营销传播组合 Free sample 免费样品
Advertising 广告(总称) Trade shows 商业展览会
Sales promotion 销售促进 Refund 折让,折扣(购物完毕后提供减价,而不是在零
Personal selling 人员推销 售店购买时)
Public relations and publicity 公共关系与宣传 Rebate 折扣,回扣
Direct marketing 直接营销 Sweepstake 抽奖
Marketer 营销人员 Trade shows 商业展览会
Target market 目标市场 Potential consumer 潜在顾客
Geographic distribution 地理分布 Incentive 鼓励,奖励,刺激
Demographic characteristics 人口特征 Loyalty scheme 顾客忠诚计划,光顾奖励

Selection of promotion mix elements营销传播工具的选择
Various aspects of a product influence a firm’s selection of promotion mix elements.
Firms selling industrial products generally emphasize personal selling in their promotion mixes and use advertising,
sales promotion, and publicity to support personal selling efforts.
For consumer products, advertising is the primary element.
Firms offering consumer convenience products promote them heavily with advertising and sales promotion.
The size, geographic distribution, and demographic characteristics of a firm’s target market greatly influence the
choice of promotion elements.
Personal selling will likely be an important element for the target that has a limited number of potential customers,
while advertising and sales promotion usually dominate the promotion mix designed to reach millions of people at a
low cost per person,
对于一个潜在客户有限的目标市场来说,人员推销就成为重要的 营销传播工具,而如果产品要以较低的人均成本传播
到广大的受众,广告和促销活动则是主要的营销传播 工具。
similarly, personal selling is generally more practical when a firm’s customers are concentrated in a small area;
advertising and sales promotion, which are much more flexible, can be easily geared to markets in any geographic
region whether small and precisely defined or large.
同样的道理,如果公司的顾客集中在一个较小的区域,人员推销则是一个较为可行的营销 传播工具;广告和促销活动
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A target market’s demographics- age, income, education, social class, occupation—also influence the promotion mix.
目标市场的人口特征,即年龄、收入 、受教育情况、所属社会阶层以及职业等特征,也会影响到营销传播工具的选择。
A firm marketing to teenagers would emphasize advertising, especially on television, but rely less on personal selling,
sales promotion, or publicity.
目标市场为青少年的公司应主要运用广告,尤其是电视广告作为营销传播工具, 而应较少的使用人员推销、促销活动
A firm targeting educated, financially well off consumers aged 35 and older would use personal selling, advertising,
and perhaps, publicity but not consumer sales promotion activities, since coupons, refunds, and sweepstakes are
more important to lower-and middle-income families.
而如果目标市场为年龄在35岁或35岁以上、受 过良好教育而且富有的顾客,则应选用人员推销、广告或公共宣传,
但不应选择促销活动,因为优惠券、 折让和抽奖对中低收入的家庭更为适用。

(1) What do you think is the basic objective underlying all promotion?
I think it’s to provide information. Firms want to tell customers about themselves as well as what products are
available, where they can be purchased, and for what prices.

(2) What do you think are the most commonly used advertising media?
They are newspapers, television, direct mail, radio, magazines, and out-door displays.

(3) Do you think advertising cost-effective?(Why?Why not?)
I don’t think so, because advertising especially using national media with immense audiences is very expensive.

(4) What do you think companies use sales promotion?
Sales promotion can provide direct incentives to customers, motivate sales-people, and stimulate dealers to be
interested and involved in distributing a product.

PART TWO: Mini- presentation
What is important when…
Promoting a product 促销产品时应该注意哪些要点?
? Advertising 广告
? Sales promotion 促销活动

When promoting a product, advertising is very important. It can reach millions of people at a low cost per
person. By placing an ad with a mass medium, such as television, radio, newspaper, and magazines, etc., a
company can aim at its target market and promote a product effectively.
It addition to advertising, sales promotion is also important. Companies can use coupons, free samples, premiums,
trading stamps, loyalty schemes, contests, point-of-sale displays and trade shows, etc. to attract existing and
potential customers and boost the sales of a product.
Apart from the two points, I think direct marketing is also important, direct mail, telephone, and the internet are
nowadays used by companies to promote a product.

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Promoting a Product
Your company has launched a new medicine into market and now decides to increase sales. You have been asked
for your views about how to promote the product. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? what are the promotional strategies
? what promotional gifts can be offered and what are the cost and quality of promotional gifts
你们的公司已将一种新药投放市场,现在公司决定要提高该药的销售量。请你们就如 何促销该产品提出建议。讨论并
? 应采取哪些促销策略
? 可以提供哪些促销礼品,他们的成本和质量应如何
A:I think the most effective promotional strategy is advertising, since advertising can reach large audiences in a wide
B: I agree with you. Our product is a new product, we should tell customers that we have launched a new medicine
and what kinds of diseases it cures. Advertising can fulfill all these objectives very well.
A: That’s right. We should place an ad on television or in a national newspaper, in that way, a large number of people
will know our product, although the advertising will be expensive.
B: That’s true. We can also put up posters and arrange point-of-sale displays to attract potential customers.
A: Apart from advertising, we can also promote our medicine by personal selling. We can employ some experienced
salespeople to sell the medicine to hospitals and chemist’s shops.
B: Yes, personal selling would be very effective for promoting our product. In addition, we can also use sales
promotion to boost sales.
A: We can offer promotional gifts to customers who buy this medicine. Any idea for what gifts to offer? I don’t think we
should spend a lot of money on gifts, so we may offer small gifts.
B: Yes, we can’t afford very expensive gifts. I think we may offer umbrellas and T-shirts, etc., they are cheap and it
will be easy for us to advertise our product on these gifts.
A: That’s good idea. And I think we can also offer raincoats with our product’s ad on to customers. In rainy days, the
ad is quite eye-catching.
B: What about the quality of these promotional gifts? Do you think they should be of high quality?
A: Yes, high quality signals good image of our company. If these gifts are of low quality, customers may have low
opinions of our company, and of course, it will affect the sales of the product.
B: I’m quite with you on that. If these gifts are of durable materials, then, they may bear our product ad longer and I
think it will help boost the sales.
Follow-up questions
(1) What do you think is an effective strategy for image building?
Publicity is an effective strategy for image building.

(2) Will you be a salesperson?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, because sales representatives can get substantial financial rewards.

(3) Do you think the use of coupons effective in promoting sales?
Yes, coupons can encourage consumers to try new products and reverse a decline in sales of a product.
(4) What do you think are the most common promotion methods?
I think they are coupons, rebates, samples, gifts, trading stamps, contests and sweepstakes.
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(5) What are the advantages of positive publicity?
A newspaper or magazine article or television or radio broadcast can reach large and diverse audiences at no cost to
an organization.

3.4 Advertising 广告
Online marketing 网上营销 Lead time (产品)从决定生产(或开始设计)到实际投产
Internet (netonline) advertising 网络广告 (或完成生产所间隔的时间;从订货到交货的间隔时间
Target audience 销售对象,目标受众 Classified section (报纸的)分类广告栏
Broadcast media 广告媒体 Recall rate 回忆率
Print media 印刷媒体 Banner ad (网页上方呈现的) 标题广告
Media selection 媒体选择 Pop-up ad 自动弹出广告(当你访问某些网站时自动弹出
Poster 海报 的广告)
Billboard 广告牌 Click 点击
Outdoor displays 户外广告 Asset 优点,长处,有益的东西
Direct mail 直接邮寄广告 Pinpoint 确认,确定
Informative advertising 通知性广告 Slot (在组织、名单、程序等中的)位置
Persuasive advertising 说服性广告
Reminder advertising 提醒性广告
Media Selection媒体选择
One of the most important decisions in developing an advertising strategy is the media through which the ad transits
the firm’s message.
The media the marketer selects must be capable of accomplishing the communications objectives of informing,
persuading, and reminding potential customers of the products.
营销人员所选择的媒体必须能够完成这样的传播目的---- 告知或提醒潜在的顾客,让他们了解产品的存在并说服他们购
Market research should identify the target market and determine its size, geographic distribution, and demographic
characteristics and then match the advertisement and the available media with the target audience.
通过市场调查可以确定目标市场及其大小、地理分布状况和人口特 征,然后再采用与目标受众相匹配的广告和媒体。
Finally, alternative costs should be compared to determine the best possible media purchase.
Broadcast media include television and radio.
Newspapers, magazines, outdoor advertising(such as posters and bulletins etc.) represent the major types of print
The internet is a new medium.
Nowadays, many companies jump to advertise on the Internet.
Internet advertising can assist in raising awareness of brands, it is most successful when combined with traditional
advertising such as TV or print.

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(1) Do you think television advertising is the most effective form of advertising?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, I think so, because television is widely-used as a means for entertainment, therefore television advertising can
reach vast audiences, what’s more, television allows creative use of action, color, and sound not possible in any
other medium.

(2) Do you think the Internet is a good place for marketing a company’s products?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, it is. With more and more people using the internet, advertisements on the internet can reach large audiences.
And there is no time limit as how long an ad can stay on the computer screen.

(3) Do you think the Internet advertising will be more important than other forms of advertising in the
future?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, it is. Internet advertising has a lack of regulation. It’s the only place where tobacco and alcohol can be
advertised. And advertisers are not bound to fit into 30 or 60 second time slot as they are for TV commercials.

(4) Will you choose a newspaper to advertise a product?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, newspapers are well suited for immediate needs since they can run ads with little lead time, and I can choose
ads of any size, from a few lines in the classified section to full pages.

PART TWO:Mini-presentation
What is important when…?
Aiming to increase sales of a product 要提高产品的销售量应注意哪些要点?
? Advertising 广告
? Bonus for sales staff 销售人员的奖金
When aiming to increase sales of a product, it’s important to advertise the product because advertising can inform,
persuade and remind potential customers of the product. Marketers can launch an advertising campaign to attract a
large number of consumers. And effective advertising can enhance consumer perceptions of quality in the product,
thus encouraging customers to buy this product repeatedly.
In addition, it is also important to offer bonus for sales staff. For many companies, sales staff play an important role in
selling goods or services. They help buyers satisfy their wants and needs, they know the product and can effectively
communicate their knowledge to buyers face to face. So, if a company wants to increase sales, it should offer bonus
for sales staff to reward their work and encourage them to make greater efforts.
Apart from these two points, I think cutting prices is also important. Cutting prices is very effective, especially when
demand is low. Customers are stimulated by lower prices, and products that they previously couldn’t afford now
become affordable to them.

Advertising a product
Your company has developed a new luxury toothpaste Forever. You have been asked to make recommendations as
how to advertise this product. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? what is the target market
? what media the company can choose in order to advertise this product
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你们的公司刚开发了一种新的豪华牙膏---“恒久”牌。请你们就如何为该产品做广告 宣传提出建议。讨论并决定:
? 该产品的目标市场是什么
? 公司可以选择什么媒体为该产品进行广告宣传
A: Although our forever toothpaste is of high quality and of different flavors, it is much more expensive than ordinary
toothpastes, I think the advertising should aim at fashionable people.
B: I agree, those low-income families would not pay a lot for a luxury toothpaste.
A: it seems we hold the same opinion as to what the target market for the toothpaste should be. Now let’s consider
media selection. Should we choose television advertising?
B: I think we can advertise on television. Although advertising is incredibly expensive, many young people watch a lot
of television, so television advertising can target our target market.
A: What about fashion magazines? They can reach directly to our target customers and an ad in a fashion magazine
is not so expensive as television advertising.
B: It is worth considering. We should also advertise our product in a fashion magazine.
A: Are there any other media that we could place our ad with?
B: Yes, fashionable people often read Sunday newspapers, so an ad in a national Sunday newspaper will be
effective for advertising our product.
A: What about the Internet?
B: Net ads are found to be annoying by many people.
A: But they will be effective to reach young fashionable people. And it’s cost-effective.
B: All right, we’ll place an ad on television, in a fashion magazine, a national Sunday newspaper and on the Internet.
Follow-up questions
(1) What do you think are the major drawbacks of television advertising?
The major drawbacks of TV advertising are the high cost and the difficulty in determining the audience that actually
sees the commercials.

(2) Do you think direct mail targets customers well?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, because direct mail advertisers can get the mailing list of the target market either by developing or buying it.

(3) What do you think are the advantages of magazine advertising?
Magazines offer high- quality color reproduction, which is a valuable asset in promoting products. Magazines provide
a more permanent message than do the other media, since subscribers often keep their favorites in their homes or
workplaces for weeks or months and pass them along to friends.

(4) Do you think outdoor displays useful in promoting products? (Why? Why not?)
I think they are useful especially in high traffic areas, because they can catch passersby’s attention.

(5) What do you think are the advantagesdisadvantages of radio advertising?
Radio advertising is inexpensive and can easily pinpoint target audience. But it can’t last for long time, and messages
are limited because radio relies only on the sense of hearing.

3.5 Packaging 包装
Spoilage 损坏 Graphic design 图案设计
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Typeface (印出的)文字 Aseptic 无菌的;防感染的
Icon 图像;图符;画像,肖像 Patent 专利 申请专利
Pump dispenser (食品、化妆品等)压泵式包装 Pilferage 小偷小摸,窃得物
Facilitate 使便利;使变得更加容易 Biodegradable 可生物降解的
Microwave pack 微波包装(采用这种包装的食品从冰箱Shoplift 混在顾客群中在商店扒窃(货物)的行为
中取出就可以直接进入微波炉烘烤,能耐受230℃高温) Oversized 过大的,超大型的
Mustard 芥末 Landfill 废渣填埋地;垃圾填筑地;废渣填埋(法)
Insect repellent 驱虫剂 Graphics computer 可制图的电脑
Squeezable 可挤压的 Transit 运输,运送
Jelly 果冻 Single-use pack 一次性使用包装
Dessert toppings 甜点心上的装饰配料 Brand insistence 品牌忠诚(坚持使用同一品牌)
Ketchup 番茄酱 upmarket (商品、服务等)质优价高的;高档的,昂贵的

Packaging 包装
Packaging involve designing a product container that will identify the product, protect it, and attract the attention of
It is important to both consumers and manufacturers.
Originally, packages were designed mostly for their functional value: they protect products from damage or spoilage.
Today packaging also has significance as a marketing tool.
To develop an appealing package that will catch the buyer’s eye, marketers consider not only function but also shape,
color, size, and graphic design.
为了使包装能吸引顾客的注意力,营销者不仅要考虑包装的功能还要考虑包装的形状 、色彩、大小以及图案设计等等。
In a grocery store containing thousands of different items, a product must capture the shoppers’ attention.
Studies show that more consumer buying decisions are being made at the point of purchase and that the time spent
during each shopping trip is decreasing.
研究结果表明,人们在很多时候只是在购买的一瞬间才决定购买某种商品,同时人们在购物上所花的时间 越来越少。
Through the use of color, size, shape, graphics, and typefaces, marketers design packages to establish distinct
identities that set their products apart from those of competitors. 营销者通过运用色彩、大小、形状、图案和文字设计包装以使产品具有鲜明的特点并与竞争者的产品区分开来 。
Packaging needs to be clean and obvious.
Marketers needs strong brands and icons that people can identify with.
Greater emphasis is also being placed on product innovations such as single-use packs, microwave packs and
zip-up products.
Packages can also offer the buyer convenience.
Pump dispenser can facilitate the use of products ranging from mustard to insect repellent.
Squeezable bottles of jellies, dessert toppings, and ketchup make the products easier to use and store.
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Packaging plays a key part in convenience foods such as microwave meals and snacks and juice drinks in aseptic
Like brand names, packages should evoke the product’s image and communicate its value.
Some companies are patenting their package designs because they feel that their packaging plays a crucial role in
consumers’ brand insistence. < br>一些公司认为其产品包装对于顾客的高度品牌忠诚度起到了很重要的作用,因此他们正对其产品的包装申请 专利。

(1) Are you influenced by packaging of products when you are deciding to buy a product?(Why?Why not?)
Yes. I’m easily influenced by it. Many times I find that I am attracted by the unusual shape, graphics of products
without considering the quality of the products. So I have bought many useless things.

(2) What impact do you think packaging has on the environment?

I think packaging has produced lots of waste, packages especially those from foods and consumer goods can make
up tons of waste dumped into landfills each day.

(3) Do you think technology help marketers design packages?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, more and more package designers are using special computer graphics that create three-dimensional images in
thousands of colors, shapes, and typefaces.

(4) Do you think packaging plays an important role in protecting products?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, I think packaging plays an important role in protecting products. Products are handled several times between
their manufacturers and consumers. Packaging can protect the contents from damage.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What is important when…?
Deciding packaging for a products 决定产品的包装时应注意哪些要点?
? Image 产品形象
? Packaging design 包装设计

In deciding packaging for a product, it’s very important to choose the color, texture and design that provide the best
image of the product. A firm can create desirable images and associations by designing a package that conveys
impressions of richness, luxury, and exclusiveness. Many manufacturers have upgraded the packaging of their
products in order to convey higher-quality images.
Next, I think the packaging design is also important. In order to set a particular product apart form other products, the
packaging should catch buyers’ eyes. The design of shape, color, size, graphic and typefaces plays an important role
in making the product appealing.
Finally, I think it is also important to offer consumers convenience. Packaging should be designed in such as way to
make it easier for consumers to open the container and use the product.

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PART THREE: Discussion
Packaging Designing
Your company has developed a new lipstick. You have been asked to help design the package of the new product.
Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? what factors should be taken into account
? what should be the cost of the package
? 设计包装时应考虑哪些因素
? 包装的成本
A: There are a lot of factors we should take into account in order to design the package of the new product. First of all,
I think, we should consider the production process. The product will be handled for many times during its production
process, so the packaging material we use should be strong enough to resist any damage.
B: That’s right. We should also consider the transit process so that the package we design will protect the product
against spoilage.
A: It’s true. Then, I think the most important factor we should consider is the product image. The package we design
should convey the high-quality image to our customers. Therefore, we should choose the color, shape, graphics and
typefaces that can create the impressions of luxury, richness, and exclusiveness.
B: And the package should be appealing enough to make it distinct from other lipsticks and attract consumers’
A: What about the cost of the package? Should the package be cheap.
B: Our lipstick is an upmarket product and our package shouldn’t be cheap. The richness of the package will signal
the quality of the product.
A: But the packaging will cost us a lot.
B: But it pays. Such a package will boost sales and in turn, the revenue will cover the cost of the packaging.
A: All right, then we should spend considerable amount of money on the packaging of our product.
Follow-up questions
(1) Do you think packaging helps companies broaden market share?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, because appealing packages capture buyers’ attention, therefore, buyers are more likely to pick up the goods
with appealing packages from a variety of goods.

(2) What do you think are the reasons why companies patent their packages?
To stop competitors from selling products in similar packages and maintain the brand’s distinctive look.

(3) What do you think manufacturers should do to reduce the impact of packaging on environment?
I think manufacturers can use less packaging so long as the oackage can protect the product from damage. And they
can also use packages that are biodegradable and recyclable.
(4) Do you think packaging plays an important role in prevention of pilferage? (Why?Why not?)
Yes, because shoplifts and employees theft cost retailers a lot of money, products that are packaged with oversized
cardboard backings will be too large to fit into a shoplifer’s pocket or purse.

(5) Should packaging offer consumers convenience?(Why?Why not?)
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Yes, I think packaging should offer convenience to cunsumers. Packaging should make it easy and convenient for
cunsumers to open containers and use products.

3.6 Branding 品牌
Registered trademark 注册商标 Suntan lotion 防晒霜
Brand awareness 品牌知晓度 Generic 一般的,普通的,通用的;非商标的,不受商标
Brand acceptability 品牌接受度 注册保护的
Brand preference 品牌偏好度 Reliability 可靠度高的
Brand extension (brandstretching)品牌延伸 Performance (机器等的)工作性能
Brand licensing 品牌许可(允许其他厂家使用该品牌,Household appliance 家用电器
但必须付费) State-of-the-art 最新型的,最优良的
Equity 资产权益 Saturated 饱和的
Acute 尖锐的,棘手的;剧烈的,严重的 Brand strength 品牌优势
Tailor 为特定目的(或需要)制作;修改,使适应 Product entry 产品的进入(某一市场)
Specialized 专门的;专科的 Counterfeit 仿造,伪造(货币、手迹等)
Protectable 可被保护的

Brand Names品牌名称
Effective brand names are easy to pronounce, recognize, and remember.
Short names such as Nike and Shell meet these requirements.
Marketers try to overcome the problem of easily mispronounced brand names by teaching consumers how to
pronounce them correctly.
Global marketers face a particularly acute problem in selecting brand names: an excellent brand name in one
country may prove disastrous in another.
国际营销者们在选择品牌名称时通常会遇到一个棘手的问题:在某一国家是 优秀的品牌名称在另一国却可能是糟透的
Firms marketing a product in many countries must decide whether to use a single brand name universally or tailor
the name to individual countries.
Because of differences in language and culture, some firms create brand names to fit local markets.
In eastern Europe the Yellow Pages telephone directory is called the Golden Pages to connote an image of quality.
Brand names should also give buyers the correct connotation of the product’s image.
Specialized Bicycles carry the image of champion bicyclists.
美国著名高级运动自行车品牌“Specialized Bicycles”让人联想到冠军车手的形象。
VISA suggests a credit card with global use.
The brand name must also be legally protectable.
The Lanham Act of 1946 states registered trademarks must not contain word or phrases in general use, such as
automobile or suntan lotion.
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These generic words actually describe a particular type of product and cannot be granted exclusively to any
It is becoming more difficult for companies to coin effective brand names, due to the multitude of competitors who are
rushing to find brand names for their own products.
公司要取一个好的品牌名称现在变 得越来越难了,这是因为众多的竞争者都迫不及待地要为他们的产品寻找好的品牌
Some companies register names even if they don’t yet have products to fit them in order to stop competitors from
using them.
This forces firms to spend more time and money finding effective brand names that are still available.

(1) Are you influenced by brands when you choose products or services?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, I always choose products or services of well-known brands. I think they are of better quality than those of
unknown brands, furthermore, they can offer better aftersales service.

(2) Would you consider buying a new brand of product newly introduced to the market?(Why?Why not?)
I would. Products of a new brand may be technologically advanced since they are newly developed, what’s more,
they are usually at lower prices than those of well-known brands.

(3) What do you think a company should do to create brand awareness for a new brand?
I think the company can launch an advertising campaign, put ads on television or with other media, besides, it can
also offer free samples or discounts or coupons etc. once consumers have used it or have seen it advertised, it
moves from the unknown to the known brand.

(4) Do you think brand equity provides a competitive advantage for a company?
Yes, because people are more likely to buy a product that carries a respected, well-known brand name.

PART TWO: Mini-presentation
What is important when…?
Choosing household appliances 选择家用电器时应注意哪些要点?
? Brand names 品牌
? Technology 所有的技术
Brand names are very important in choosing household appliances, because well-known brand names signal high
quality. Apart from this, they may offer better after-sales services and may be more reliable and user-friendly. We use
household applicances every day, and they generally cost us a lot of money, of course, we would like to buy good
It is also important to see whether state-of-the-art technology is employed in producing the household applicances.
The household applicances you choose should reflect the newest development of technology in that field, such
household appliances may be safer and may work better.
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In addition, price is also important, for many consumers, price is the top consideration in the buying decision, prices
of same products produced by different companies vary a lot. It is reasonable to choose a product which offers good
value for money.

Increasing the price of a product
Your company is considering whether to increase the price of a product. You have been asked for your views about it.
Discuss the situation together, and decide:
? under what market conditions can the company increase the price of the product
? which aspects of the product should be considered
? 在什么市场情况下公司可以提高该产品的价格
? 公司需要考虑该产品的哪些方面
A:When we are considering whether to increase the price of a product, I think,first of all, we should consider market
conditions. There are not many brands of the same product in the market, in other words, the supply is low, so I think
we can increase the price of our product.
B: And as the statistics of the market research show, this product is in great need. Since demand is hign, of course,
we can increase the price.
A: That’s right. So far, the competition is not fierce, and the market is not saturated, therefore, we can increase the
price of our product.
B: Not only market conditions should we take into account, we must also consider the brand strength of our product.
Our brand is respected and well known. For this reason, more people are likely to buy our brand of product.
A: It’s true. Due to the strength of our brand, customers are not likely to switch to other brands if we increase the
price of the product.
B: So we can sell our product at a higher price than our competitors. Besides, we should also consider the quality of
our product. Compared with most of the products of the same category, our product is of better quality, which is
shown in the survey—80% of customers are more satisfied with our product than with products of other
A: Yeah, it’s true. Our product is more durable and reliable. It seldom goes wrong. Few customers complain about
our product. Therefore, we can increase the price a bit.
B: In addition, we should also consider the after-sales services. Our company offers a longer guarantee for this
product than other companies. Base on this, I think we can increase the price of the product.
Follow-up questions
(1) Do you think brands with high equity convey a financial advantage for a company?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, because market share and profits margins for this company are likely to be greater.

(2) What are characteristics of effective brand names?
Effective brand names are easy to pronounce, recognize and remember. They give buyers the correct connotation of
the product’s image.

(3) How can brand loyalty be measured?
Brand loyalty can be measured in four stages: brand awareness, brand acceptability,brand preference and brand
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(4) What do you think are the commonly used brand strategies of companies?
One is brand extension, that is the use of a popular brand name for a new product entry in any unrelated category;
the other is brand licensing which means companies allow other companies to use their brand name for fee

(5) Do you think it a problem for companies to protect their trademarks in foreign countries?(Why?Why not?)
I think it is a problem. When a company’s trademark becomes world- known, many companies in foreign countries will
counterfeit this company’s products.

Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意度
Boost 提高,增加;推动,增强 Aggressive 侵略的;放肆的,过分自信的
Compile 编辑、汇编资料,收集 Collected (作品等)集成的;镇定的,泰然自若的
Retain 保持,保留 Monitor 检测,监测;监视,监督
Toll 通行费;服务费,电信费 Solicit 征求,征集
Survey 民意调查(或测验) Professional 专业人员,内行; 职业的,从事特定专业
Render 给予,提供(帮助等) 的
Pose 使摆好姿势;摆样子,假装 Diagnose 诊断(疾病);调查分析(问题等)的原因(或
Appraisal 估量,估计,评价 性质),断定
Innovative idea 创意 Value-based pricing 价格体现价值的定价方式
Negative 反面的,消极的 Image pricing 体现产品形象的定价方式
Switch to 转变,改变,转移

Obtaining customer feedback获取顾客的反馈意见
At a first step in boosting customer satisfaction, a company must compile feedback regarding its present
By understanding the differences between satisfied and dissatisfied customers, a company can learn how to retain
customers, how to get more business from existing customers, and how to attract new customers.
公司必须学会区分满意的顾客和不满意的顾客,这 样公司才能学会如何留住顾客,如何扩大对现有顾客的业务,如何
This is often a challenging task, as it can be difficult to determine the best way to obtain and measure clients’
Most firms use reactive methods such as toll- free customer service telephone lines to monitor customer feedback.
Far fewer companies use proactive approaches—visiting clients, calling them, or sending out written surveys—to find
out how satisfied their customers really are.
而很少公司使用积极主动的方法,如通过拜访顾客、打 电话给顾客或者发给顾客书面调查问卷,来发现顾客真正的满
A few companies may even go to the length of hiring mystery shoppers, professional who visit or call business posing
as routine customers and evaluate services rendered.
有些公司甚至雇佣“神秘购物者”对公 司所提供的服务进行评估,有些神秘购物者是佯装成日常顾客的专业人士。
These appraisals are carried out to monitor employees, diagnose problems areas in customer service, and measure
the impact of employee training.
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进行这些评估的目的是对员工进行监督,发现顾客服务领域存在的问题并对员工培训的效 果进行评估。
Any method that makes it easier for customers to complain benefits a firm.
Customer complaint offer organizations the opportunity to overcome problems and prove commitments to service.
Customers often have stronger commitments to a company after a conflict has been resolved than they would have
if they had never complained at all.
Businesses benefit from trating complaints as welcome resource and opportunities to gain innovative ideas for
After all, studies show that, while 95 percent of customers don’t complain to the company, each dissatisfied customer
ends up telling 11 friends andor business acquaintances about the negative experience.
总之,研究结果表明,尽管95%的顾客未向公司投诉, 但每一位心怀不满的顾客最终都会把他(她)不愉快的经理告

(1) Which do you frefer when you do shopping, large department stores or small shops?(Why?)
I prefer large stores because quality of goods is better than that in small shops, generally speaking, there are no fake
goods there. What’s more, the after- sales service is much better.

(2) What do you think a company can do to find out the needs and wants of customers?
The company can conduct a market research to find out what customers want and need.

(3) Do you complain about the poor service to the management?(Why?Why not?)
Yes, whenever I’m not satisfied with the service, I’ll complain to the management to let them know that there are
some problems with their customer services, then they will take measures to improve their services. Otherwise, I’ll
still get poor services.

(4) Why do businesses invest so much money in the product or service development?
Because customers’ tastes and preferences may change, so businesses have to invest in developing new products
or service in order to meet the new needs and wants of customers.

What is important when…?
Dealing with customer complaints 处理顾客投诉应注意哪些要点
? Remaining calm 保持冷静
? Suggesting a solution to the problem 提出解决问题的方法
When customers complain, it’s important that staff should apologize first, because customers must be very upset
when they are dissatisfied with the product or service, some may even go to the length to be aggressive. At this time,
employees should remain calm and collected, listen to the complaints and apologize for the problem, then the
customers may feel that they are taken good care of .
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Suggesting a solution to the problem is also important. An apology is not enough, employees should also try to deal
with the existing problems, if they suggest a solution to the problem, customers may not be so dissatisfied, and they
may not take their business elsewhere.
It’s also important that employees should not make any promises that they cannot keep. If employees can not keep
promises, customers may get disappointed, then, they may switch to other producers.

Customer service
Your company is deciding to monitor the quality of service provided. You have been asked to help with this. Discuss
the situation together, and decide:
? what are the ways to monitor the quality of service
? what measures the company can take to improve the quality of service
? 可以采取哪些方法对服务质量进行监督
? 公司可以采用哪些措施来提高服务质量
A: It’s very important for a company to monitor the quality of service. If customers are not satisfied with the
company’s service, then the company will lose customers. I think one way of monitoring the quality of service is to
obtain feedback from customers to see how the business has met customer expectations.
B: You are right. We should know where our company has fallen short in providing value for customers. We can visit
our customers, call them, send out written questionnaires and set up a hot line for customers to air their opinions
about our service.
A: Good ideas. In addition to getting feedback from customers, we can also check sales figures regularly. Sales
figures can indicate the degree of customer satisfaction, if sales figures go down, then there may be some problem
with our service, because we are losing customers.
B:What can we do if we want to improve the quality of our service? I think one effective way is to train our staff. We
must invite some experts to train our staff to improve staff friendliness, the speed of service and learn to deal with
customer complaints.
A: We can also hire experts to pose as routine customers to evaluate the quality of service. Another way to improve
the quality of service is to offer timely service. We must provide the product precisely when it is promised and in the
minimum amount of time.
B: We must also make sure that customers get the product in the place where they want.
A: Right. And the product we provide must be the right product our customers want, in other words, the design, size,
or the model of the product must meet customers’ needs and expectations, therefore, customers will be happy.
B: Customers will remain loyal and our company will keep high sales figures.
Follow-up questions
(1) How can a company provide value to its customers?
It can provide value by making its products more durable, more reliable, easier to use or easier to maintain; by
offering disounts;by training employees to provide satisfactory service; and by delivering the products more timely,

(2) What do you think a company can do to solicit feedback from customers?
It may visit customers, call them, or send out written surveys---to find out how satisfied their customers really are. It
may even hire mystery shoppers to evaluate services.

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