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面试翻译 职场英语100句

2020-10-21 10:54



1. 怎么拼写你的名字?-How do you spell your name?
2. 打扰一下, 你是做什么的?- Excuse me. What do you do?
3. 我是一个建筑师,你是一个学生。- I’m an architect, you’re a student.

1. 你来自哪里?我来自法国。-Where are you from? I’m from France.
2. 她几岁了?她四岁,今天是她的生日。- How old is she? She’s four years
old. Today is her birthday.
3. 这是Jane 的照片, 她是我姐姐, 她结婚了。- This is a photo of Jane,
she’s my sister. She’s married.
4. 这是我的哥哥, 他22岁, 他是单身。-This is my brother, he’s 22 years
old. He’s single.

1. 这咖啡太糟糕了!-The coffee is horrible.
2. 打扰一下, 先生, 那些是我的车钥匙。- Excuse me, sir. Those are my
car keys.
3. 我认为你需要一副新眼镜。- I think you need new glasses.
4. 你的手机是什么颜色?它是灰色的吗?— What colour is your mobile
phone? Is it grey?

1. 这件夹克是谁的?-Whose jacket is this?
2. 他有双可爱的棕色眼睛和金黄的头发。- He’s got lovely brown eyes and
fair hair.
3. 穿好衣服, 你那件蓝色的套装在手提箱里面。- Get dressed, your blue
suit is in the suitcase.
4. 我们热爱自己的工作,对学生也很有耐心。-We love our jobs and we’re
very patient with children.

Task 1

The harder I study, the better my English will be.
This company is our regular customer.
3. 20路车会带你去医院。
The number 20 bus will take you to the hospital.
4. 长途旅行后, 你一定很累了。
You must be very tired after such a long trip.
5. 欢迎来到我们的展位。 您对哪些产品感兴趣?

Welcome to our booth. Which items are you interested in ?
6. 这家店以独特的烹鱼技艺而出名。
This restaurant is famous for its special way of cooking fish.
7. 为我们洽谈成功干杯!
Let’s drink to the success of our negotiations.
This old couple walked because they could not afford a taxi.
9.不管你有多忙, 多花点时间陪陪父母。
No matter how busy you are, share some time with your parents.
The company has offered him a high salary.
Task 2

Now I’d like to give you an outline of our company.
Are you doing anything special tonight? I’d like to drop by your place.
On behalf of our company, I’d like to present to you a gift for your
excellent work.
Don’t worry. Everything will turn out all right.
There is nothing I dislike more than lying.
I wonder if we could meet sometime next week.
This is a new model. It’s only been on the market for a month.
Books are not to be taken away from the library.
It is said that he will leave for Shanghai next month.
Hangzhou is known for it’s beautiful sceneries.

Task 3

Do you have this shirt in a smaller size?
Your price is higher than those we got from elsewhere.
Yiwu Fair provides 1,500 international standard booths.

Yiwu is a city that enjoys a long history and rich culture.
Yiwu has become a new immigrant city.
Yiwu International Trade Mart is a modernized market.
I suggest the meeting (should) be called off.
Friend should help each other.
As a rule, I get home by seven o’clock.
So I did come after all.

Task 4

The Chinese dietary has a long history.
The Chinese food features a package of color, flavor and taste.
I don’t think it’s necessary for us to discuss this question any further.
The room has a big closet. You can put your baggage in it.
I would have had a much better holiday if I had stayed at home.
China is one of the most active countries in the world.
At last his hard work led him to success.
I would like to sail around the world.
She dressed in a hurry.
He had to retire because of ill health.

Task 5

1. 这个孩子还不会写。
The child is not yet able to write.
2. 他激动地说不出话来。
He was so exited that he could hardly spoke a word.
3. 我不会再相信他。

I no longer trust him.
4. 谢谢你帮助我学习英语。
Thanks for helping me with my English.
I have the honor to introduce these two young engineers to you.
6. 玛丽是那家合资企业的接待员吗?
Is Mary a receptionist of that joint venture?
They are going to employ some new employees.
We can leave whenever you are ready.
Xiao Wang wants to be a member of the library of Yiwu Industrial &
Commercial College.
I share a room with Mary.

Task 6

He waved us goodbye.
2. 让我们商量一下暑假去哪里
Let’s decide where we want to go on vacation this summer.
3. 你能设想我们在旅途中的生活吗?
Can you imagine the life on our journey?
Would you bring me another cup of coffee?
Would you mind filling in this form?
6. 有什么我可以帮你做的事吗?
Is there anything I can do for you?
7. 学校在马路的右边。
The school is on the right of the road.
8. 街对面有一家银行。
There is a bank across the road.
9. 我把这抽屉腾出来是为了放新买的书。
I emptied the drawer to make room for newly- bought books.
He considers himself an expert on the subject.

Task 7

1. 那就是他缺席的原因。
That’s why he was absent.

2. 你空闲时经常做些什么?
What do you usually do in your spare time?
3. 盼尽早回信。
I am looking forward to your early reply.
4. 他现在不在,要留言吗?
He is not available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
5. 我们把一切都安排好了。
We have got everything arranged.
6. 如果方便的话,请通知我一下。
If it is convenient, tell me please.
7. 来之前,你最好预约一下。
You’d better make an appointment before you come.
8. 他们正打电话讨论此事。
They are discussing it on the telephone.
9. 他在我失业的时候帮我很多。
He helped me out when I lost my job.
10. 别担心我,我会照顾好自己的。
Don’t worry about me, I’ll take care of myself.

Task 8

1. 对不起,让您久等了。
I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
2. 我能抽烟吗?不能,这里禁止抽烟。
Would you mind my smoking? Yes. No smoking is allowed here.
3. 节日期间有许多人来北京参观。
There are many visitors to Beijing during the holiday.
4. 所有的工作都是手工完成的。
All the work has been done by hand.
5. 这部电影感动了那些像我这样的年轻人。
The film moved those young people like me.
6. 现在人们之间的沟通容易了。
Nowadays communication between people has become easier.
7. 他在这家公司的贸易部工作。
He works in the Trade Department of the company.
8. 今天晚上我想预订一桌酒席。
I’d like to reserve a table for this evening.
9. 单人房间房价是多少。
How much is it for the single room.
10. 好久没有收到你的来信了。
I haven’t heard from you for quite a long time.

Task 9

1. 我们的房间配有空调。
We provide rooms with air-conditioners.
2. 秘书起码要会说一门语言。
A secretary should be able to speak at least one language.
3. 老板想知道你的事紧急吗?
The boss wants to know whether your business is urgent.
The exact time of the meeting is still to be decided.
My mother sent me a new bike on my birthday.
6. 如果你太忙的话,我可以带她去。
I don’t mind taking her if you’re too busy.
7. 她可以从旅行社获得一些有用的信息。
He can get some useful information from travel agency.
8. 你能给我提些建议,如何安排出国旅行吗?
Could you give me some suggestions on how to arrange for a tour
9. 他们昨天宣布了婚期。
They announced the date of their wedding yesterday.
10. 我们可以为30人提供房间。
We can provide rooms for thirty people.

Task 10

The plane took off despite the fog.
2. 在英国各种各样的酒馆受到来自世界各地游客的欢迎。
Pubs in Britain are popular with the visitors around the world..
3. 他们说10点30分会在车站接我们。
They said they would meet us at 10:30 at the station.
Could you give me the schedule of China Xinhua Airlines?
5. 三乘以三等于九。
Three times three is nine.
6.在休假前, 我把所有的业务都做好了安排。
I arranged all my business affairs before going on holiday.
7. 据说一百年前这里有个大湖。
It’s said that there was a big lake here 100 years ago.
8. 我们酒店配有中餐厅及西餐厅。
There are both a Western restaurant and a Chinese restaurant in our
9. 这张照片使她看上去比她实际老淂多。
The photo makes her look much older than she really is.
10. 在中国电视广告已经变得越来越流行了。

Advertisement on TV has become more popular in China.

Task 11

1. 我们城市有三种交通运输方式:公共汽车、出租车和地铁。
There are three ways of transportation in our city: by bus, taxi and subway.
2. 我想买一件红色夹克衫, 你能告诉我去哪儿买吗?
I’d love to go for a red jacket. Could you tell me where to buy it?
3. 依我看, 这件瓷器是给你父亲最理想的礼物。
In my opinion, this china would be an ideal gift for your father.
4. 我国经济的迅猛发展使中国越来越强大。
The rapid development of our economy has made China stronger and stronger.
5. 这件连衣裙你在哪儿买的,跳蚤市场还是在廉价商店。
Where did you buy this dress, in the flea market or the thrift market?
6. 虽然这辆车是二手货,但车况依然挺好。
Although the car is second-hand, it is still in good condition.
7. 像往常那样,他6点钟悄悄起了床。
As usual, he got up quietly at six o’clock.
8. 读完那本科学书,我无法入睡。
I could hardly fall asleep after finishing the science book.
9. 对不起,我看一下那件短袖男衬衣好吗?
Excuse me, may I have a look at the shirt with short sleeves?
10. 请您用漂亮的纸把它包起来好吗?
Could you wrap it up in beautiful paper?

Task 12

1. 我想用信用卡付账可以吗?
I want to pay for it by credit card. Is that OK?
2. 我把这两件礼物分别装在两个盒子里。
I will pack these two gifts in two boxes separately.
3. 上周我买了一个旅行包, 可是现在它的拉链坏了。
Last week I bought a travel bag. But now the zip is broken.
4. 这首歌听起来有点伤感。
This song sounds a bit sad.
5. 那家商店的女鞋在降价销售。
The women’s shoes are on sale now in that store.
6. 逛商店是又费时又耗体力的事。
Shopping around is time- consuming and energy consuming.
7. 买3袋糖果可免费得到一袋炸薯片。
Buy three bags of sweets and you can get a bag of chips for free.
8. 他考试能够得满分一点也不奇怪。
It is not surprising that he got a full mark in the exam.
9. 厨房太脏了,把这些空袋子拿走。

The kitchen is very dirty. Take the empty bags away.
10. 我了解她越多,我就越喜欢她。
The more I know her, the more I like her.

Task 13

1. 我很喜欢意大利,尤其是在夏天。
I love Italy, especially in summer.
2. 他是班上最高的学生。
He is by far the tallest student in the class
3. 他寄给我一封信,外加一些钱
He sent me a letter and some money as well.
4. 那个委员会(committee)由十五个委员组成。
The committee is composed of fifteen members.
5. 选择了一种爱好,你就可以在属于自己的时间里尽情享受。
Choose a hobby that you can enjoy in the amount of time that you have.
6. 你应该向他道歉。
You should apologize to him。
7. 他会开车却不会骑自行车。
He can drive, but he cannot ride a bicycle.
8. 这个班是由15个男生和14个女生组成。
This class is composed of fifteen boys and fourteen girls
9. 除了一些拼写错误之外,这篇文章写得不错。
The essay is good apart from a couple of spelling mistakes.
His speech holds everyone’s attention.









本文更新与2020-10-21 10:54,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/415881.html

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