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2020-10-06 04:52



Module 2 No Drugs
1.The rate of interest ________ (影响) us all.
2.She was ________ (禁止) from athletics for two years after failing in a drug
3.It's more than ________ (可能的) that I'll see Ben this week.
4.This shirt was greatly ________ (减少) in the sale.
5.It seems common in China that some stars are ________ (上瘾) to taking drugs.
6.It is ________ (违法的) to drive a car that is not taxed and insured.
7.I respect the president but I ________ (不同意) with his decision.
8.A group of gunmen attacked a prison and set nine ________ (罪犯) free in Inner
9.You must leave immediately. You're in great ________ (危险) here.
10.Reports show that nicotine is more ________ (有功效的) than cocaine.
答案:s d ed
6.illegal ee als ul
The number of people invited to the meeting ____________________________ 50.
It __________________ snow heavily this night.
I __________________ beautiful house.
Mary is ____________________________________ we all like her.
Your opinion will not __________________.
The book ____________________________ is on the desk.
答案: reduced to likely to never seen a more lovely
a girl thatsuch a lovely girl that my decision ing to me
1.(2013·周口市高三第四次月考)The notices outside our teaching building
________ what we students showed an interest in when I was a schoolboy.

A.had always been banned
B.were always banning
C.were always banned
D.had always been banning
答案:B 考查ban的时态和语态。根据排除法,what引导名词性从句,因此排除A, C
两项,它们都是被动语态。又根据when I was a schoolboy可知主句谓语动词应 用一般过
2.If a northerner lives in the south, he will probably feel that ________.
A.he disagrees to the climate there
B.the climate disagrees with him
C.he disagrees with the climate there
D.the climate disagrees to him
答案:B disagree with表示“不同意,(食物,气候等)不适宜”。此处指这 种气候
3.(2012·宝鸡模拟)Facing the global financial crisis, the Chinese government
has taken many measures ________ people's life to deal with it.
B.related to
D.relating to
答案:B 考查非谓语动 词。句意:面对全球金融危机,中国政府已经采取了和人们的
生活相关的许多措施来应对它。(be) related to 表示“与……有关”,related to people's
4.When he returned from his vacation, he found his apartment ________ and a
lot of things ________.
A.breaking into; stealing
B.broken into; stolen
C.breaking in; stolen
D.broken in; stealing
答案:B break into和break in都表示“破门而入”,但后者不能接宾语,不能用
于被动语态。此处break into与his apartment以及steal与a lot of things之间都是
逻辑上的被动关系,故都用过去分词的形式。broken into与stolen在此处作宾语补足语。
5.So ________ that everybody wants to take a photo with him.
A.a well?known man he is
B.well?known he is a man

C.a well?known man is he
D.well?known a man is he
答案:D 句意:他是那样一个著名的 人以至于每个人都想与他合影。so与单数可数名
.+a an+
6.The matter ________ your study surely requires ________ carefully.
A.related to; dealing with
B.relating to; dealt with
C.related to; being dealt with
D.relating to; have dealt with
答案:A 第一个空用related to作定语,表示“与……有关的”;require表示“需
要”时,后接doing,相当于to be done,所以第二个空用dealing with。故A项正确。
7.________ miss the early train, we should start right now.
A.So as to not
C.In order to not
B.To not
D.In order not to
答案:D 考查目的状语的表示方法。so as to不放在句首,in order to用于否定句
8.The ________ soldier told us his story before long he ______. His ________
made us very sad.
A.dying; died; death
C.dead; died; dying
B.dying; death; died
D.died; dead; death
答案:A dying 表示“快要死的;临终的”;die为动词;dead为形容词“死的”;
9.—I found the mark rather frightening.
—________ It frightened me to death just now.
A.That's reasonable advice.
B.Isn't it a good idea?
C.Do you think so?
D.I can't agree more.
答案:D 考查交际用语。That's reasonable advice.那是合理的建议;Isn't it a good
idea?这不是个好主意吗?Do you think so?你这样认为吗?I can't agree more.我完全
同意。根据It frightened me to death just now.可知第二个说话者同意第一个人的看法。
10.I thought I ________ my wife's voice as soon as I entered it though many
people were talking in the room.

答案:A 考查动词词义辨析。recognise 认出;know认识,知道;recite背诵;find
发现。句意:虽然很多人在房间里说话,但我 认为一走进房间我就听出了我妻子的声音。此
11.She runs about 15 miles every day, ________ the weather is like.
答案:D 考查连词。句意:不管天气怎样,她每天都跑大约15英里。whatever the
weather is like=no matter what the weather is like。
12.All children's shoes are now ________ to $$20 a pair so it's a real bargain.
答案:B 考查动词辨析。根据it's a real bargain可知童鞋降价了。reduce...to...
13.(2012·济宁模拟)She's very ________ to ring me tonight so I will have the
mobile phone on all the time.
答案:C .+be+likely to do sth.某人或某物可能会做某事。possible和
14.With little time left, I had to ________ this difficult math problem I failed
to work out and started checking.
A.give in
C.give up
B.give back
D.give off
答案:C 考查give短语的辨析。give in“屈服;让步”;give back“归还;恢复”;
give up“放弃”; give off“发出(蒸气,光等)”。句 意:考试剩下的时间不多了,我只
15.—Are you satisfied with her answer?
—Not at all. It couldn't have been ________.
B.so bad
D.the worst
答案:A “can'tcouldn't...+比较级”表示肯定的意义,意为“非常……”。根据
语境Not at all可知很不满意,所以用A项表示“非常糟糕”。

Amanda took whatever pills she could get, largely because she was finding life
hard to take. “There were a lot of problems,” she says. She had just found out
that her parents were splitting (分开). It took her by surprise—and she was shocked.
“I woke up one morning, and they told me. ”
On a few occasions during her two years of going to pharming parties(品药聚
会). “My heart would race so fast that it felt like it was going to explode. I felt
weak and confused sometimes and even passed_out several times,” she recalls. “But
I picked up from the ground because I had a lot of pride in my drinking and drugging.
I was really crazy about it and proud of the fact that I could take more than a lot
of people. I could come home and have a conversation with my parents.”
Finally, though, things got out of control. “I couldn't go a day without taking
something,” she recalls, “and after a while, the pills upset my stomach;it hurt
all the time, and I hardly ate. Finally, I couldn't take it any more. I went to my
parents and told them I needed help.”
Amanda entered a treatment program and has been calm since her release last
January. “Detox(戒瘾)was the worst four days of my entire life,”she says.“I was
throwing up all the food and had the shakes.”
She doesn't care about drugs. “I'm so hurt from this,” says Amanda,who has
uleers(溃疡)and damaged kidneys from the drugs and alcohol. “I have to struggle
daily to stay calm. But in some ways,I feel lucky I went through it, and I'm out
of it now.” Amanda wrote a song called “Goodnight to the Moonlight”. Amanda says,
“It's about how it feels to be taking drugs and alcohol, how it hurts, how it makes
you feel like you're losing yourself.”
1. What is the purpose of writing the passage?
A. To tell us that parents have a great influence on their children.
B. To warn us that drugs are a danger to our health and mind.
C. To tell us once you pick up bad habits,it is hard to get rid of.
D. To tell us that as long as you are determined,you will overcome any difficulty.
答案:D 主旨大意题。本文叙述了阿曼达受父母离婚的影响,对生活失去希 望并开始
2.The underlined expression “passed out” ( Paragraph 2)probably means

A. left out
B. suddenly became senseless
C. suddenly kicked out
D. wanted to give up
答案:B 词义猜测题。由下文“But I picked up from the ground because I had a
lot of pride in my drinking and drugging.”可知passed out的意思为“昏厥,晕倒”,
3. From the second paragraph we can learn that ________.
A. she was bored with her behaviour
B. she never felt frightened or ashamed of taking pills
C. she took pride in the fact that she could take much more drugs
D. she was so strong in body that she never felt tired
答案:C 细节理解题。由文章第二段可知,吸毒使阿曼达的心脏加速,甚至出现昏迷
的情况, 但是她为自己能比别人吸食更多的毒品而感到自豪。故答案为C项。
4. Which of the following is NOT the side effect of taking drugs on her health?
A. Her stomach felt upset and she couldn't eat anything.
B. She became addicted to drugs and couldn't live without them.
C. She felt confused and almost broke down.
D. She was able to help herself even though she was addicted.
答案:D 细节理解题。由第三段中“Finally, though, things got out of control.”
和“Finally, I couldn't take it any more. I went to my parents and told them I needed
help.”可知阿曼达吸毒已达到无法控制的程度 ,她需要父母的帮助。故D项表述错误。其
5.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________.
A.Amanda had such a strong will that she didn't lose herself
B.her song expressed her thanks and delight
C.Detox was not really a success to Amanda
D.drugs and alcohol ruined her health as well as her spirit
答案:A 推理判断题。最后 一段说,阿曼达努力地保持冷静,关键时候没有丧失理智,
她感到很幸运,尽管经历了吸毒和痛苦的戒毒 ,但最终成功了。由此可以推出她意志坚强,
In the United States,train transportation is unpopular compared with cars and
people like traveling by car or by air.

Officials of the United States Department of Transportation made a study in
study is about how many miles Americans traveled by different means of
only studied trips longer than 50 study showed that
fifty?six percnen of all miles were traveled in personal ?one percent
were traveled in an percent were traveled in a less than one
percent of miles were traveled in a train.
Amtrak is the national provider of train transportation in the United
the past ten number of its passengers has increased by eighteen
gh the number of passengers has increased,it is still very small
countries such as ,or Japan,more people use trains.
There are several reasons why many people __________________.
Firstly,Americans love to drive their own high ways,cars can travel
as fast as highways connect all major cities in ly,
many travelers like to be they use their own cars they can decide
when to y,many buses travel between major travel is less
costly than train travel.
In a huge country like the United States:cities are far away from each
some cases,travel from one city to another by train may take more than a nes
can carry passengers over long distances much
long_time_trave ling_by_train_decide_to__these_people_saving_time_ is_the_
1.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)
___________________________________ ____________________
2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
It's convenient for people to decide the start-off time when they travel in
their own cars.
________________________________________ _______________
3.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases
to complete the sentence.( Please answer within 10 words.)
____________________________ ___________________________
4.What means of transportation do you like best when traveling, trains, cars,
or planes? Why? ( Please answer within 30 words)
_____________________________ __________________________

5.Translate the underlined sentences in the last paragraph into Chinese.
________________________________ _______________________
1.Train transportation in the USA is less popular.
2.When they use their own cars they can decide when to travel.
3.don't like to travel by train
4.Usually I'd like to travel by car, because I can decide when to travel.
If it is a long distance, I'll travel by air, because it is faster.
如今,在我们身边,父母均在 外打工的留守儿童比比皆是。关注留守儿童,是构建和谐
社会的重要内容。请就此现象写一篇短文,谈谈 你自己的看法。
参考词汇:留守儿童left?behind children,孤僻unsociable
Nowadays, there are many left?behind children whose parents work away from their
hometowns. Most of them are from the countryside, and you know, they have many
problems. They are always lonely and stressed out because they are short of their
parents' love. At the same time, they are easy to make mistakes even do some thing
against the laws, because they're short of their families' care.
How should we do to solve their problems? In my opinion, the government can set
up a parents school for these children on holidays, you can organize “hand?in?hand”
activity to call on more people to help them. You can also raise money to donate
to these children. As the song says:“If everyone gives their love, the world will
be better.” It's very important for us to pay more attention to these children if
we want to build a harmonious society.







高中数学题目-高中数学辅助角公式 百度文库


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