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2020-09-12 11:46


abelian group:阿贝尔群; absolute geometry:绝对几何; absolute value:绝对值; abstract
algebra:抽象代数; addition:加法; algebra:代数; algebraic closure:代数闭包; algebraic
geometry:代数几何; algebraic geometry and analytic geometry:代数几何和解析几何;
algebraic numbers:代数数; algorithm:算法; almost all:绝大多数; analytic function:
解析函数; analytic geometry:解析几何; and:且; angle:角度; anticommutative:
反交换律; antisymmetric relation:反对称关系; antisymmetry:反对称性; approximately
equal:约等于; Archimedean field:阿基米德域; Archimedean group:阿基米德群; area:
面积; arithmetic:算术; associative algebra:结合代数; associativity:结合律; axiom:
公理; axiom of constructibility:可构造公理; axiom of empty set:空集公理; axiom of
extensionality:外延公理; axiom of foundation:正则公理; axiom of pairing:对集公理;
axiom of regularity:正则公理; axiom of replacement:代换公理; axiom of union:并
集公理; axiom schema of separation:分离公理; axiom schema of specification:分离
公理; axiomatic set theory:公理集合论; axiomatic system:公理系统;
Baire space:贝利空间; basis:基; Bézout's identity:贝祖恒等式; Bernoulli's inequality:
伯努利不等式 ; Big O notation:大O符号; bilinear operator:双线性算子; binary
operation:二元运算; binary predicate:二元谓词; binary relation:二元关系; Boolean
algebra:布尔代数; Boolean logic:布尔逻辑; Boolean ring:布尔环; boundary:边
界; boundary point:边界点; bounded lattice:有界格;
calculus:微积分学; Cantor's diagonal argument:康托尔对角线方法; cardinal number:
基数; cardinality:势; cardinality of the continuum:连续统的势; Cartesian coordinate
system:直角坐标系; Cartesian product:笛卡尔积; category:范畴; Cauchy sequence:
柯西序列; Cauchy- Schwarz inequality:柯西不等式; Ceva's Theorem:塞瓦定理;
characteristic:特征; characteristic polynomial:特征多项式; circle:圆; class:类; closed:
闭集; closure:封闭性 或 闭包; closure algebra:闭包代数; combinatorial identities:
组合恒等式; commutative group:交换群; commutative ring:交换环; commutativity::
交换律; compact:紧致的; compact set:紧致集合; compact space:紧致空间;
complement:补集 或 补运算; complete lattice:完备格; complete metric space:完
备的度量空间; complete space:完备空间; complex manifold:复流形; complex plane:
复平面; congruence:同余; congruent:全等; connected space:连通空间; constructible
universe:可构造全集; constructions of the real numbers:实数的构造; continued
fraction:连分数; continuous:连续; continuum hypothesis:连续统假设; contractible
space:可缩空间; convergence space:收敛空间; cosine:余弦; countable:可数;
countable set:可数集; cross product:叉积; cycle space:圈空间; cyclic group:循
de Morgan's laws:德·摩根律; Dedekind completion:戴德金完备性; Dedekind cut:戴
德金分割; del:微分算子; dense:稠密; densely ordered:稠密排列; derivative:
导数; determinant:行列式; diffeomorphism:可微同构; difference:差; differentiable
manifold:可微流形; differential calculus:微分学; dimension:维数; directed graph:
有向图; discrete space:离散空间; discriminant:判别式; distance:距离; distributivity:
分配律; dividend:被除数; dividing:除; divisibility:整除; division:除法; divisor:
除数; dot product:点积;
eigenvalue:特征值; eigenvector:特征向量; element:元素; elementary algebra:
初等代数; empty function:空函数; empty set:空集; empty product:空积; equal:
等于; equality:等式 或 等于; equation:方程; equivalence relation:等价关系;
Euclidean geometry:欧几里德几何; Euclidean metric:欧几里德度量; Euclidean space:
欧几里德空间; Euler's identity:欧拉恒等式; even number:偶数; event:事件; existential
quantifier:存在量词; exponential function:指数函数; exponential identities:指数恒
等式; expression:表达式; extended real number line:扩展的实数轴;
false:假; field:域; finite:有限; finite field:有限域; finite set:有限集合; first-countable
space:第一可数空间; first order logic:一阶逻辑; foundations of mathematics:数学
基础; function:函数; functional analysis:泛函分析; functional predicate:函数谓词;
fundamental theorem of algebra:代数基本定理; fraction:分数;
gauge space:规格空间; general linear group:一般线性群; geometry:几何学; gradient:
梯度; graph:图; graph of a relation:关系图; graph theory:图论; greatest element:
最大元; group:群; group homomorphism:群同态;
Hausdorff space:豪斯多夫空间; hereditarily finite set:遗传有限集合; Heron's formula:
海伦公式; Hilbert space:希尔伯特空间; Hilbert's axioms:希尔伯特公理系统; Hodge
decomposition:霍奇分解; Hodge Laplacian:霍奇拉普拉斯算子; homeomorphism:同
胚; horizontal:水平; hyperbolic function identities:双曲线函数恒等式; hypergeometric
function identities:超几何函数恒等式; hyperreal number:超实数;
identical:同一的; identity:恒等式; identity element:单位元; identity matrix:单位
矩阵; idempotent:幂等; if:若; if and only if:当且仅当; iff:当且仅当; imaginary
number:虚数; inclusion:包含; index set:索引集合; indiscrete space:非离散空间;
inequality:不等式 或 不等; inequality of arithmetic and geometric means:平均数不等
式; infimum:下确界; infinite series:无穷级数; infinite:无穷大; infinitesimal:无
穷小; infinity:无穷大; initial object:初始对象; inner angle:内角; inner product:
内积; inner product space:内积空间; integer:整数; integer sequence:整数列; integral:
积分; integral domain:整数环; interior:内部; interior algebra:内部代数; interior
point:内点; intersection:交集; inverse element:逆元; invertible matrix:可逆矩阵;
interval:区间; involution:回旋; irrational number:无理数; isolated point:孤点;
Jacobi identity:雅可比恒等式; join:并运算;
格式: Kuratowski closure axioms:Kuratowski 闭包公理;
least element:最小元; Lebesgue measure:勒贝格测度; Leibniz's law:莱布尼茨律;
Lie algebra:李代数; Lie group:李群; limit:极限; limit point:极限点; line:线;
line segment:线段; linear:线性; linear algebra:线性代数; linear operator:线性算
子; linear space:线性空间; linear transformation:线性变换; linearity:线性性; list
of inequalities:不等式列表; list of linear algebra topics:线性代数相关条目; locally
compact space:局部紧致空间; logarithmic identities:对数恒等式; logic:逻辑学; logical
positivism:逻辑实证主义; law of cosines:余弦定理; L??wenheim-Skolem theorem:
L??wenheim-Skolem 定理; lower limit topology:下限拓扑;
magnitude:量; manifold:流形; map:映射; mathematical symbols:数学符号;
mathematical analysis:数学分析; mathematical proof:数学证明; mathematics:数学;
matrix:矩阵; matrix multiplication:矩阵乘法; meaning:语义; measure:测度; meet:
交运算; member:元素; metamathematics:元数学; metric:度量; metric space:
度量空间; model:模型; model theory:模型论; modular arithmetic:模运算; module:
模; monotonic function:单调函数; multilinear algebra:多重线性代数; multiplication:
乘法; multiset:多样集;
naive set theory:朴素集合论; natural logarithm:自然对数; natural number:自然数;
natural science:自然科学; negative number:负数; neighbourhood:邻域; New
Foundations:新基础理论; nine point circle:九点圆; non-Euclidean geometry:非欧几
里德几何; nonlinearity:非线性; non- singular matrix:非奇异矩阵; nonstandard model:
非标准模型; nonstandard analysis:非标准分析; norm:范数; normed vector space:
赋范向量空间; n-tuple:n 元组 或 多元组; nullary:空; nullary intersection:空交集;
number:数; number line:数轴;
object:对象; octonion:八元数; one-to-one correspondence:一一对应; open:开
集; open ball:开球; operation:运算; operator:算子; or:或; order topology:
序拓扑; ordered field:有序域; ordered pair:有序对; ordered set:偏序集; ordinal
number:序数; ordinary mathematics:一般数学; origin:原点; orthogonal matrix:
p-adic number:p进数; paracompact space:仿紧致空间; parallel postulate:平行公
理; parallelepiped:平行六面体; parallelogram:平行四边形; partial order:偏序关系;
partition:分割; Peano arithmetic:皮亚诺公理; Pedoe's inequality:佩多不等式;
perpendicular:垂直; philosopher:哲学家; philosophy:哲学; philosophy journals:
哲学类杂志; plane:平面; plural quantification:复数量化; point:点; Point-Line-Plane
postulate:点线面假设; polar coordinates:极坐标系; polynomial:多项式; polynomial
sequence:多项式列; positive-definite matrix:正定矩阵; positive- semidefinite matrix:
半正定矩阵; power set:幂集; predicate:谓词; predicate logic:谓词逻辑; preorder:
预序关系; prime number:素数; product:积; proof:证明; proper class:纯类; proper
subset:真子集; property:性质; proposition:命题; pseudovector:伪向量; Pythagorean
Q.E.D.:Q.E.D.; quaternion:四元数; quaternions and spatial rotation:四元数与空间
旋转; question:疑问句; quotient field:商域; quotient set:商集;
radius:半径; ratio:比; rational number:有理数; real analysis:实分析; real closed
field:实闭域; real line:实数轴; real number:实数; real number line:实数线; reflexive
relation:自反关系; reflexivity:自反性; reification:具体化; relation:关系; relative
complement:相对补集; relatively complemented lattice:相对补格; right angle:直角;
right-handed rule:右手定则; ring:环;
scalar:标量; second-countable space:第二可数空间; self-adjoint operator:自伴随算
子; sentence:判断; separable space:可分空间; sequence:数列 或 序列; sequence
space:序列空间; series:级数; sesquilinear function:半双线性函数; set:集合;
set-theoretic definition of natural numbers:自然数的集合论定义; set theory:集合论;
several complex variables:一些复变量; shape:几何形状; sign function:符号函数;
singleton:单元素集合; social science:社会科学; solid geometry:立体几何; space:
空间; spherical coordinates:球坐标系; square matrix:方块矩阵; square root:平方
根; strict:严格; structural recursion:结构递归; subset:子集; subsequence:子
序列; subspace:子空间; subspace topology:子空间拓扑; subtraction:减法; sum:
和; summation:求和; supremum:上确界; surreal number:超实数; symmetric
difference:对称差; symmetric relation:对称关系; system of linear equations:线性
tensor:张量; terminal object:终结对象; the algebra of sets:集合代数; theorem:
定理; top element:最大元; topological field:拓扑域; topological manifold:拓扑流
形; topological space:拓扑空间; topology:拓扑 或 拓扑学; total order:全序关系;
totally disconnected:完全不连贯; totally ordered set:全序集; transcendental number:
超越数; transfinite recursion:超限归纳法; transitivity:传递性; transitive relation:
传递关系; transpose:转置; triangle inequality:三角不等式; trigonometric identities:
三角恒等式; triple product:三重积; trivial topology:密着拓扑; true:真; truth value:
unary operation:一元运算; uncountable:不可数; uniform space:一致空间; union:
并集; unique:唯一; unit interval:单位区间; unit step function:单位阶跃函数; unit
vector:单位向量; universal quantification:全称量词; universal set:全集; upper bound:
vacuously true:??; Vandermonde's identity:Vandermonde 恒等式; variable:变量;
vector:向量; vector calculus:向量分析; vector space:向量空间; Venn diagram:
文氏图; volume:体积; von Neumann ordinal:冯·诺伊曼序数; von Neumann universe:
冯·诺伊曼全集; vulgar fraction:分数;
Zermelo set theory:策梅罗集合论; Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory:策梅罗-弗兰克尔集合
论; ZF set theory:ZF 系统; zero:零; zero object:零对象;









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